Announcing The Feast of Trumpets
14 сағат бұрын
Biblical Geography and Abraham's Journeys
The Feast of Trumpets
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Where is Goshen??
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Where is Ai?
28 күн бұрын
Another "Split" in Israel??
As the Husband is, so is Yahawah!!!!
Jacob's Trouble in Prophecy
3 ай бұрын
@spideyleem3 Сағат бұрын
Shalom brother judah I recently came across your channel and I agree with your points on the fact that Israel is not in Africa rather what we know as the Middle East but sadly some of Israel deny this clear fact, for instance I had recently got into this very discussion with another brother because he believes this nonsense and I asked him what you asked teotw brother about showing a document where king herod reigned in that land and he didn’t give clear answer, he just told me that “what makes you think they didn’t hide that information” aka he had no answer brother I asked multiple times no answer biblically or historically so this view is going upset Israel when they find out that the Middle East is our land and not in Africa so keep exposing these lies brother much love.🙏🏽🕎
@calltoremnant. 11 сағат бұрын
Shalom Brother, I hope all is well. I am commenting to inform about a miscalculation that you have for the month of September: during the Feast of Trumpets...I am one who follows the Enoch Calendar as well (364 days, 4 seasons, 30, 30, 31 etc. the whole nine) Our Spring dates for the most part lined up synonymously with the exception of Rosh Kodesh for Nissan being Wednesday evening the 6 of March : as you marked yours for Thursday the 7th- but that is reconciled according to Genesis, that a day begins in the evening...However this comment is more geared towards Feast of Trumpets that you began yours a week late.... if you count 30, 30, 31 and so on from Shavuot (Sunday, May 12)to Trumpets , Trumpets should land you on Wed Sep 4, Yom Kippur beginning Friday evening the 13th till Sat evening the 14th and Sukkot Opening on Wed 18. Please revisit and recheck your counts- I hope this can help bring some edification. Also, look at my video about the name of our creator ( I believe this too can be revisited and reconciled)... Thanks and Enjoy your feast.
@JudahTheHebrew 7 сағат бұрын
@calltoremnant. Thank you, brother, for the constructive remarks. Brother, I think the difference is where we start Abib 1st. For me Abib 1st is opening at even (Wednesday March 13 to Thursday March 14) While you stated your reckoning from opening (evening Wednesday March 6 to Thursday). I perceive you may have adjusted your equinox one year too soon. This may account for the one-week difference in our count. Please feel free to let me know what you think about this observation. Shalom brother.
@Staciyahu 14 сағат бұрын
Shalom brother! How can I get a calendar. I'm trying to keep up with and learn all the holy days.
@TabithaYah 13 сағат бұрын
You can send a request to [email protected]
@JudahTheHebrew 7 сағат бұрын
@Staciyahu Please send me an email requesting the calendar to [email protected] and I will email you a copy. Thanks for the request.
@lindaharp4473 22 сағат бұрын
This is how we will be known,, through our actions in keeping the law status and ordernace . This also happened in an earlier captivity, the priest was told there were true believers among the people.
@thembelasokhanyile9439 Күн бұрын
Your teaching is clear as the sky, I’m comfortable with all your lesson❤❤❤
@ancientspirit1304 Күн бұрын
Shalawam Elder, as usual, edifying lesson. In my training for the priesthood, i have listen to all your lessons posted. Some, more than once. I subscribe to 3 apostles of GMS and most major GMS elders worldwide. Therefore, I AM ABLE TO SAY, I FIND NO FAULT WITH YOUR TEACHINGS.
@TabithaYah Күн бұрын
All praises to The Most High Yahawah in the name of His son Yahawashi!!!! All praises my brother!
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe Күн бұрын
@JudahTheHebrew Күн бұрын
@ancientspirit1304 ........ Shalawam ancientspirit1304 thanks for the affirmations, it is very uplifting to my spirit and humbling to the soul. All Praises to Yahawah!!!!
@rhondahg5865 Күн бұрын
I can’t listen to you any more. Your answer to that sister is incorrect!! 😢
@JudahTheHebrew Күн бұрын
@rhondahg5865 ..... Instead of saying this, why don't you show us the scripture which proves otherwise?? I am waiting......
@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE Күн бұрын
Most of you people who attacked the teacher never teach. Y’all love to accuse people of teaching incorrect. So since you think my brother Judah The Hebrew is wrong, where is your channel edifying the people?
@JudahTheHebrew Күн бұрын
@@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE .... Thank you my brother Kjudah, these people never bring any edification or scriptural proofs, but they scoff and ridicule the men of the YAH to their own destruction.
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe Күн бұрын
Keep teaching my bredda Judah. You always bring the scripts no refuting with it. PRAISE YAHUAH
@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE Күн бұрын
@@JudahTheHebrewAbsolutely 💯💯💯💯
@rhondahg5865 Күн бұрын
Yeshua DID sprinkle His Blood 🩸 on the Mercy Seat! Romans 3:25 Jesus crucified fulfills once and for all God’s instructions to Israel concerning an atoning sacrifice for sin. ANALYSIS In the Old Testament, God prescribes various laws concerning sacrifice. Among them are laws for the Day of Atonement. Moses is instructed to build a “mercy seat” as a covering over the ark of the covenant containing the Ten Commandments (Exodus 25:17-22). On the Day of Atonement the high priest is to make atonement for the people of Israel, using a prescribed sacrificial rite within the holy of holies of the tabernacle or (later) the temple (Leviticus 16:11-17). In Greek, the term for the “mercy seat” is hilastērion, and that is precisely the term that Paul uses at Romans 3:25 (translated in the NRSV as “a sacrifice of atonement”) concerning the crucified Christ. Consequently, the crucifixion of Jesus is portrayed as fulfilling the commandments concerning the Day of Atonement. By means of the crucifixion of Jesus, God has provided the “mercy seat” once and for all, and opened it to all. One can trust (have faith) that atonement has been made.
@dhenderson2248 Күн бұрын
All this stuff is rediculous. Why cant you just agree to disagree. TEOTW gives out good info. You give out good info. TEOTW ( Yakoba ) sometimes has the big head and can be boastful and a little braggadocius. How about just moving on with your individual ministries.
@TomiAdewoleAdetom Күн бұрын
Thawadah Yahawah wa Yahawashi - first Feast of Trumpets!
@jimchappelle6902 2 күн бұрын
It is well known that our savior and king"s name was not JC, but I still don't understand how his name is pronounced Ya-ha-wa-shi. from the original Paleo Hebrew. How did you come up with the pronunciation. I have heard other teachers pronounce his name as Ya-ha--shu-wa or Ya-ha-sha-wa. How can we be absolutely correct in the pronunciation of our savior and creator"s name?
@JudahTheHebrew 2 күн бұрын
Because if the "Shin" when placed before the "Ayin" the pronunciation is "shi". With that said I will not dispute with any man over the difference in pronouncing because none of us has ever HEARD the ancients speak the Paleo. Thanks for the constructive comment here beloved.
@rickyrosst 2 күн бұрын
Why does the Old Testament use the term yam suph, which undoubtedly means “Sea of Reeds”, to describe the Gulf of Aqaba [which is one arm of the Red Sea, the other arm being the Gulf of Suez], which, because of its saltiness, is inherently reed free? I believe the answer to the above question lies in the unusual geography of the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. The Czech explorer Alois Musil, in The Northern Hegaz, written in 1926, describes an extremely unusual feature of the northern seashore at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba: it contains fresh water. He writes: “At low tide the rocky shore was laid bare for a distance of about two hundred yards, uncovering numerous springs which gushed forth with great strength.” Musil then emphasises the excellent quality of this fresh water: “The animals [camels] did not wish to drink from the fresh water from the well, preferring to go to the sea shore where they very readily drank from the many springs which flowed there.” What is the origin of the water in these freshwater springs at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba? It comes from rain water falling on the mountains bordering the Arabah. The water is then funnelled along and under the sand of the Arabah down towards the Gulf of Aqaba, where it breaks out on the seashore as freshwater springs. The head of the Gulf of Aqaba thus has an extremely unusual physical geography. The seashore is a boundary between the salt waters of the gulf to the south and the freshwater coming down to the seashore from the north. In addition, Edward Robinson (Biblical Researches in Palestine, 1841) describes a marsh at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba when he visited it in 1838, which would have been a fresh water marsh fed by freshwater funnelled down the Arabah. This marsh still exists today, and reeds grow in it today, as they do in other places around the head of the Gulf of Aqaba (Humphreys, The Miracles of Exodus, 2003). Excerpt from: In My View the Biblical Sea of Reeds is the Red Sea-Colin Humphreys Professor and Director of Research Selwyn College, Cambridge August 2011
@Saintmosthigh 3 күн бұрын
​@Tsaraph-ub7tp MY DEAR BRETHREN, TMH, DIVORCING EPHRAIM is NOT Happening. No matter how long you expect it. THE MOST HIGH GOD, Will indeed ASSEMBLE EPHRAIM/NOTHERN KINGDOM/10 TRIBES/ OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL the time that He stretches His Hand a SECOND TIME to RECOVER the remnant of His people. And after this ASSEMBLING of EPHRAIM & GATHERING of You (JUDAH) FROM THE GOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH; You, will eventually stop HARASSING US (EPHRAIM) because in the Modern days We EPHRAIM, already stopped ENVYING YOU (JUDAH). 👇🏿👇🏿 ISAIAH 11:11-13 11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. 12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall ASSEMBLE the outcasts of Israel (EPHRAIM/NOTHERN KINGDOM), and GATHER together the dispersed of JUDAH (JEWS/SOUTHERN KINGDOM) from the four corners of the earth. 13 The ENVY also of EPHRAIM shall DEPART, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: EPHRAIM shall not ENVY JUDAH, and JUDAH shall not HARASS Ephraim. ☝🏿 Take Note.
@TabithaYah 3 күн бұрын
Where is Ephraim TODAY?
@elijah-c7l 3 күн бұрын
Why is the key in cyprus
@sandindamae.iwantmetowin5652 5 күн бұрын
Thanks brother Judah for reminding us about the 1st day of Trumpet feast. We are ready for it!
@Saintmosthigh 5 күн бұрын
Please note that Mount Ararat is in South Africa. The FAKE Mount Ararat, falsely portrayed in tbe Desert area of the Middle East is 100% FALSE. Whether they claim that there are evidences of an Ark in the Middle-East are all lies & Deception. All the Animals that Noah boarded with to the Ark and disembarked after the Floods are all in the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa and they have never left that point or areas surrounding the points they disembarked from. They have never dwelt in the Sahara Desert or the Desert in the Middle East. Neither have they ever dwelt in the European or Asian Nations because they can never Survive therein. ALL the Indigenous Wildlife animals like the Lions and the Big Five that Noah went with to in the Ark then disembarked at MOUNT ARARAT, are all in the Sub-Sahara Africa and Not in the Middle-East??? Where are the Giraffes in the Middle-East?? Where are the Indigenous Elephants in the Middle-East??. Where are the Rhinocerous, Buffaloes, the Leopards?? Wildbeastes, Cheetahs among many others??? Jesus Christ of Nazareth was known as the LION OF JUDAH because He dwelt in a Land Surrounded by LIONS. David & Samson both killed Lions in Sub-Sahara Africa. Let's for once imagine that the Middle-East is the Promised Land. Then Samson and David rush to the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa through the Sahara desert. They Kill Lions in the Sub-Saharan areas and rush back to the Middle-East via the Sahara Desert again. There is no way that Samson & David would go to Sub-Sahara to kill this Indigenous Great Animal and come back to the Middle-East, where it is purported they dwelt. In true sense, these two individuals always dwelt in the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa. That afforementioned, when we keenly peruse through the World state of Climates, we discover that not much has changed. The Climates are constant, earth is still flat, the earth has never moved even an inch, hence the Climates rotate at one point. That is why here in the Tropics we have never experienced a serious Winter Climate. Save for few changes here and there, Just as the Lord created the Four Corners of the Earth with their Main specific Climates, that is the how it has remained steadfast. Tropical Climates around the equator will always remain constant, same to the rest. All these animals can never survive in a Desert Climate like the one in the Middle East or Sahara Desert areas..NO TRACE IN ANY OF THESE AREAS. That is why they are only located in the Land next to the Sahara Desert, which is...SUB-SAHARA AFRICA. Which is actually above and Not below. The Middle East has never been the Promised Land.
@Saintmosthigh 5 күн бұрын
@Sanyu-d8c 5 күн бұрын
SUB-SAHARA AFRICA, specifically the Southern parts of Africa is the genuine promised Land or the Land of Canaan. Infact, Canaan is English but the actual Name is Kanna. Please Note that all the facts are derived from the Bible vi's a vi's actual evidential findings. We, the Bantus, mainly from the NORTHERN KINGDOM/EPHRAIM/OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL AKA 10 TRIBES, who still dwell in the actual NORTHERN sides or UP or UPPER, which the Heathen FALSLEY call the SOUTH, we know ourselves. We know that Our Great Ancestor & forefather Abraham, together with other Forefathers...(Isaac & Jacob), were all buried in SOUTH AFRICA. Some of us still dwell here and we know the actual place of their Burial Site; Which was changed from the Name.. CAVES OF MACHPELAH to the fake Name referred to as BAILEY'S HAPPY VALLEY CAVE. As we are speaking, we feel so sad that our Forefathers' Burial site was converted to a RESTAURANT & RESORT. Please do a research right now. The information is all over. This BAILEY'S HAPPY VALLEY CAVE RESORT, upto now is located on the EASTERN SIDE of the Town of MAMRE in South Africa. MAMRE is a small rural town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It is situated on the northernmost border of the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality. This Name aka the actual CAVE OF MACHPELAH FIELDS in the Bible was changed to BAILEY'S HAPPY VALLEY CAVE by the BOERS. The BOERS are White Settlers whose ancestry is traced to DUTCH, GERMAN and FRENCH HUGUENOT settlers who arrived in the Cape of Good Hope from 1652. They as well changed the Name KAPERNAUM to the fake Name...CAPETOWN. Infact, when you conduct a search, you will discover that the other Name for CAPETOWN is KAPERNAUM in South African languages. CAPERNAUM in the Bible is an English word. That said, In the book of GENESIS 49, Jacob also instructs his Sons to Bury him together with his Father (Isaac), Grandfather (Abraham), plus his other relatives in this CAVE of MACHPELAH which is genuinely located in South Africa....👇🏿👇🏿 GENESIS 49:30-32 30 in the CAVE that is in the FIELD AT MACHPELAH, TO THE EAST OF MAMRE, in the LAND OF CANAAN, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place. 31 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. There they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah, 32 the field and the cave that is in it were bought from the Hittites.” ☝🏿 This CAVE whose name was changed from MACHPELAH to BAILEY'S HAPPY VALLEY CAVE, upto now is still located on the EAST OF MAMRE TOWN IN SOUTH AFRICA. It's all over the Internet and in all data bases. If this is Not malicious, then why Erase many names in the Ancient Maps of Africa that were there before 1948, then transfer those names to the MIDDLE EAST after 1948???. Before 1947-1948...these names that we can see existed in Sub-Sahara Africa then erased, never existed in the Middle-East. Another question here is....🤔??? How comes that it is only in South Africa that we find people being called or referred to as MACHPELAH???. If you conduct a research right now in the World's Historic Data base, you'll discover that the Name MACHPELAH is a surname more commonly found in SOUTH AFRICA than any other country/territory in the World. MACHPELAH is a South African Name. Yes, I agree that they managed to fool the whole World by transferring names of places to the Middle-East. They even uprooted trees with their roots from Congo Forest and other regions of Sub-Sahara Africa and transported them to the Middle-East in the early 1900s. These are facts in the historic data base. Here in the country of Kenya as well as Uganda, during the Reign of their first Presidents ( Presidents Jomo Kenyatta & Milton Obote), the 1948 formed Nation of Israel, kept borrowing millions of tonnes of soils and Baobab trees, to go install or plant them in the Middle-East??? Why??? In the areas of South Africa, they also took soils & Various Natutal Indigenous trees like Fig trees from their Natural Forests???? Why?? These Presidents especially, that of Uganda didn't see any harm in this??? They allowed them to take as much as they needed, so long as they are atleast Independent from Colonial Rule. As a matter of fact, there was No Independence, because up to now, all this Sub-Saharan area is still under the Control of these European Nations. A part from recent uproar in Niger, Mali & Burkina Faso, who are trying to stand firm, the rest of Sub-Sahara is still Under Bondage. The Bondage notwithstanding, the time of the Gentiles is almost Up and that is why there is a Great Awakening 💪🏾. Thanks
@Daughterzion-o6z 5 күн бұрын
Very very True. The answers are on our faces, but we just chose to ignore and choose to blindly focus on the False Middle East area. Thank you for these findings 👍🏽
@dyahawadah 5 күн бұрын
@TabithaYah 5 күн бұрын
@johnniejefferson3817 6 күн бұрын
This date is wrong people read your Bible the 7 Month on the first day on the new moon cycle . Noted. The is texts that say it is on the visible moon the full moon has been changed. It is a deception of the leaders of Ashkenazi " Jewish" people they don't want us to have the real truth. Look also at their calendar on pentecost it was on a Wednesday after the 7 Sabbaths 49 days . Sabbaths not a Wednesday. Look at a Jewish calendar people this fall you will see that they will receive Yeshua's work of the Ruach ha Kodesh" holy Spirit". You want more Let's talk.
@johnniejefferson3817 6 күн бұрын
Brother where did you get your information on the feast of Yom Teruah " feast of Trumpets" as I understand it is the 7 Month 1st day of the Moedims/ appointed times on the beginning of a New Moon cycle. And there is a problem with that too, the moon phase is wrong also. If you want more ... let's talk! Be careful not to put false info on your content. SHALOM
@TomiAdewoleAdetom Күн бұрын
Make a video on it. Feed the sheep
@revam360 6 күн бұрын
I understand your teachings, but previously when I was a Christian. I would not have. There is a lot of false teaching, false assurance of salvation, false peace with The Mist High, false instruction in righteousness, etc. Onevifvthe many false teachings was that to be “IN Christ was a sort of spiritual hiding place where your faith gives you an eternal standing if acceptance. It is somewhat arbitrary, meaning you can’t really put your finger on it. And, if you were to question your status of “IN” Christ, you are in jeopardy of falling from grace, a grace that you cannot lose (?). So, a lot of confusion and circular man made doctrine. What might be helpful to understand is the Greek word commonly used for “IN.” 1722 en (a preposition) - properly, in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within). Since we cannot physically be in Christ, we can ignore the first definition, a literal definition and consider the second definition which is figurative. Do a good understanding of what it means to be IN Christ, would be to be operating in a realm, condition or state or in like manner as Christ operated or operates. This gives clarity and removes the fluffy feel-good, undefined ,self-imagined label of being “IN” Christ as used in many places in the NT. Do you opera like Ha Meschiach? If yes, then you are matching the status of being in Messiah. .if following, modeling, thinking and striving to be like Meschiach is foreign to you, then you are likely not in Meschiach. It would have been nice if I had been taught this in Christianity, but I wasn’t. Also, Thank you for your deep teaching in atonement unsay.
@ADE-of-LAGOS 6 күн бұрын
You really do not yet understand the extent of the deception. Neither do you know the kind of people you are dealing with.
@TabithaYah 6 күн бұрын
This sounds 'ominous'.....
@Saintmosthigh 5 күн бұрын
@revam360 Күн бұрын
Whoever is currently occupying the true promised land right now, is in big trouble. They are about to be toasted and tossed out. Only a tenth will survive this coming eviction.
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe 6 күн бұрын
I work during the days of Wednesday and Thursday.
@TabithaYah 6 күн бұрын
You only need Thursday, as it starts Wednesday evening after work.
@Sanyu-d8c 6 күн бұрын
UPTO NOW, the people residing in the fake land of Israel Import fruits like GRAPES & POMEGRANATES from SOUTH AFRICA. These are fruits mentioned in the Bible that are found in the Promised Land or Land of Canaan. 👇🏽 A Publication done on Monday 22 January 2024 by Fresh plaza News and many other News channel sources, revealed that the FAKE land of Israel in the Middle-East was threatening to SUSPEND IMPORTATION OF GRAPES 🍇 FROM SOUTH AFRICA (TRUE land of Israel). Two major companies in Israel, Shufersal and Rami Levi, stopped ordering grapes from South Africa. This decision was driven by concerns about a consumer boycott related to South Africa's lawsuit against Israel early this year 2024. This was after South Africa moved to ICC, filing a Lawsuit against Israel for the mass Murders in Gaza Strip. 👆🏽 That said...the strange question here is...🤔?? Why should a land of Milk and Honey be importing GRAPES 🍇 from South Africa. If you peruse the book of Numbers,'ll gather that as the children of Israel were heading to the Promised Land (Land of Canaan), Moses send 12 Spies to investigate this precious Land & return with evidence. Among this evidence was a Bunch of GRAPES 🍇 brought by the Spies. 👇🏽👇🏽 NUMBERS 13:17-23 17 And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain: 18 And see the land, what it is, and the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many; 19 And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; 20 And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the FIRSTRIPE GRAPES. 21 So they went up, and searched the land from the wilderness of Zin unto Rehob, as men come to Hamath. 22 And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) 23 And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with ONE CLUSTER OF GRAPES, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the POMEGRANATES, and of the FIGS. 👆🏽 All these Fruits including GRAPES, still Largely grow in South Africa. This has never changed. The only unfortunate thing is that, South Africa including other Sub-Saharan Countries are still Under the Gentile (Colonial Master) Rule. That is why, the Gentiles are thriving by oppressing them indirectly through their puppet Leaders. Another case also emerged three weeks ago in Botswana. THE SECOND LARGEST DIAMOND IN THE WORLD EVER UNEARTHED WAS FOUND IN BOTSWANA WITH 2492 CARATS. REMEMBER IT IS THE BIGGEST DIAMOND FINDS SINCE THE CULLINAN DIAMOND FOUND IN SOUTH AFRICA IN 1905, WHICH WAS 3,106-CARATS. In the whole World, the First & biggest diamond was found in South Africa in 1905, followed recently by Botswana who borders South Africa. 👆🏽 NOW DO PEOPLE WANT TO STILL INSIST THAT THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE PROMISED LAND 🤔??? HOW NOW??? There's nothing about Middle East being desolate here, and being related to Ancient Israel. The only place desolate in Sub-Saharan area is JERUSALEM area which is still in ruins with Jackals etc etc, as per the book of JEREMIAH 33:10-11. It lies in the NAMIB/KALAHARI deserts.
@deloresmcneil8005 6 күн бұрын
All Praises to the Most High, in the name of His Son, Yahawashi!
@pologeff 6 күн бұрын
I'm 50 % igbo from Nigeria and 25%bantu from Kenya. Now I understand what you're saying
@danablac7438 7 күн бұрын
So Namibia and the cape not mentioned in old testament but there's artifacts found in these places that date around the time of sub Saharan arrival of Israel. Question who are those people in sub Sahara
@TabithaYah 7 күн бұрын
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh, @tabs-b1b, @imaninyakonyu-m4z, @MarvellousManali, @WaModimo How about one of you scholars answer this question?
@Daughterzion-o6z 5 күн бұрын
​@@TabithaYahThings were twisted and some translated into English. Please note that Namibia is a New name given after the Sub-Sahara Precious & Rich Lands were Scrambled for and later parted or partitioned or divided up in according to colonies, during the CONGO CONFERENCE/ BERLIN CONFERENCE among the Wolves/Heathen in the late 1800s. Consequently, that is why the actual Name of Namibia is not mentioned in the bible. That area currently called Namibia was anciently inhabited by the GEBEONITES, who feared Israel and joined their forces after hearing of the incident in JERICHO. GEBEONITES were allies of the ANCIENT ISRAELITES. One thing to Note is that, the people of Sub_Sahara Africa upto the tip of South Africa, the majority are the Northern Kingdom. They still dwell in the actual Northern Parts of Africa which the world falsely calls SOUTH. The name CAPERNAUM which is English, in the bible was changed to CAPE TOWN. Just conduct your own research and you will gather that CAPE TOWN means KAPERNAUM in South African languages. All the letters Ks from South African Languages have been translated to letters Cs in English. Same to CANAAN in English which is actually KANNA in South African Syllables. The letter Ys in Southern African Syllables have been translated to the letters Js in English etc etc. Thanks
@Saintmosthigh 3 күн бұрын
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh 7 күн бұрын
Apply some logic in your teaching not just reading the scripture Job 3:2 the promise land is divided among the nation is esrael divided among the nations??.dautronamy 28:42 the fruits of the land of the esraelites the resources will be taken by other nation who is takin the resources in esrael if they have any at all. If Africa is the land of ham is cannan not hamite the brother of kush?? Unanswerable questions.
@TabithaYah 7 күн бұрын
Who is Kain in the Bible?
@TabithaYah 7 күн бұрын
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh I am waiting for your response....
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh ..... This a very easy question to answer. The scriptures said "All Nations came to take of our spoils and to buy the children of Israel" 1 Macc. 2:10 What nation hath not had a part in her kingdom and gotten of her spoils? I also think you are forgetting that the Ismaelites, came and took Palestine, Rome took, Beirut and Lebanon is gone to the Edomites and also Amalek/Jewwsh took Jerusalem, and they gave Jordon to the so-called Jordanians, Ethiopia has purchased large amounts of the land by Ras Mekel Makennon who is Selassie's father. Do I need to go on? Fulfilling Job 3:2 And remember that you are looking at the land after the curses have been upon the land. Deu 28:23 "And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. Deu 28:24 "The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. AND keep in mind that the 'land will keep her Sabbaths while she lays desolate" Lev 26:34. Finally, who is Kain that you talking about? If you mean Canaan then you are also forgetting that he didn't take his Land in Ham, but he took Shems Land which is NOT in Africa.
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh 6 күн бұрын
@JudahTheHebrew when European biblical scholars went to esrael they were sock that it did not fit any biblical description 1 samuel 14:25:26 when soul set out to meet golayan they pass through forest and honey was following but no body touched it because they don't want to broke the oats.they found no forest in esrael except few imported trees also 2samuel 18:6:8. Also biblical Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains esrael sit on top of hills. exodus 13:17 said the phalestine of the Bible is not in the same location with esrael also they are kusite not cannanites they are not leaving together with esraelites as it is today in mordan day esrael. Golayan is phalestine??????. and many more. How can you explain this scriptures that laugh at the modern thay esrael.
@AbubacarrSaho-vm6uh 6 күн бұрын
​@@TabithaYahl mean cannan not kain the son of Adam
@Sanyu-d8c 7 күн бұрын
There is no confusion at all. Many genuine servants of the Lord have received Revelations from the Most High of the True Biblical location of Israel to be South Africa. These genuine locations of Israel were cleverly hidden by Lucifer & his seed. Time will tell as everything is being unravelled. Infact there are lots and lots of evidences proofing that the Middle East was never the genuine Land of Canaan of Land, aka land of Israel.👇🏿 Another example or Another incident is when JESUS WALKED ON WATER. According to the narrative in the Bible, the Disciples took approximately more than 10 hours to cross this water Body. Mark refers to this Water Body as the sea of Galilee while Luke refers to it as Lake Gennesaret. Whether it's a Sea or Lake, this Water Body's size in the Bible is no where near the False Sea of Galilee or Lake Gennesaret/Tiberias in the Middle-East. Predominantly, the so called Sea of Galilee or Lake Gennesaret/Tiberias is the Largest Water Body in the Middle East. The actual Surface area of this water body in the Middle East is 166.7KM2. The Length of it is 21KM while the Width of it is 13KM. Realistically, the normal speed of rowing a boat manually on water is 13KM per HOUR, (13KM/HR). Consequently, If one is rowing a boat on the waters of Middle East, so called Sea of Galilee or Lake Gennesaret/Tiberias, he/she will take ONE HOUR (1HR) if crossing from one end to the other on the path of its WIDTH. If one chooses to cross from one end to the other using its LENGTH, he/she will take like approximately ONE HOUR & FOURTY MINUTES ( 1 HR 45 MINS). In sincerity, and inaccordance to the Biblical actual narration, the Disciples took MORE THAN 10 HOURS to cross this Water Body. Jesus Christ of Nazareth asked them to commence this journey of rowing the boat or ship during the day as He went to the Mountain to pray. It is written that by EVENING which is normally between 6PM to 9M, while praying on the Mountain, He could still see them on their journey and that the Disciples had reached at the Middle of this Water body. The question here is 🤔...if by EVENING (6PM/9PM), they had reached at the Middle of the Waters,....What time did they commence the journey. That afforementioned, bearing in mind that by the FOURTH WATCH OF THE (which is between 3AM to 6AM), they saw the Lord walking on water, coming towards them. And Mark you, the bible clearly states that by this 4th watch of the night, they were still in the process of rowing their boat or ship; meaning they hadn't even reached the other side of the show. Can someone please explain to Us, how many hours the Disciples took to cross this Sea of Galilee or Lake Gennesaret. In reality, the crossing of the genuine biblical water body by the Lord & His disciples was no where near the 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES or 1 HOUR time taken to cross the fake Sea of Galilee or Lake Gennesaret of Middle East that never existed before. This name was given in 1947. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 MARK 14:22-26 Jesus Walks on the Sea 22 Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go BEFORE HIM to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. 23 And when He had sent the multitudes away, He WENT UP ON THE MOUNTAIN BY HIMSELF TO PRAY. Now when EVENING came, He was alone there. 24 But the boat was now in the MIDDLE OF THE SEA, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. 25 Now in the FOURTH WATCH OF THE NIGHT Jesus went to them, WALKING ON THE SEA. 26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear." 👆🏽 This is more than even 12 hours.
@markandrews249 7 күн бұрын
Please go back and read this feast is the only time that we are supposed to start in the evening besides Passover. Which says 14th day at evening. Which means evening is part of the day. You need to read this feast in context 9 at evening to 10th at evening is specific to this feast
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
@markandrews249 ...... You still did not answer my question. This is your last chance or you will get the boot 🥾!!! 👇🏽👇🏽 Please explain on which day and at what time of day did this happen. Neh. 13:19 "And it came to pass, 👉🏽that when the gates of Jerusalem began to be DARK BEFORE the sabbath,👈🏽 I commanded that the gates should be shut and charged that they should not be opened till after the sabbath: and some of my servants set I at the gates, that there should no burden be brought in on the sabbath day.
@WaModimo 7 күн бұрын
This teaching is wrong and unbiblical. In grade 4 in public school we were taught that upper Egypt and lower Egypt were south and north respectively because the further north in Egypt you are lower in elevation from sea level than highter in the southern regions of Africa. That topographic information was known. (North)Lower Egypt Upper Egypt Lower Nubia Upper Nubia (South)Abyssinia howcanibefree on youtube is a white man who even is using historical accounts from Josephus, Herodotus, Ptolemy and the book of Jubilees to show with the secular citations and scriptural that the shemites resided south of the hamites - just like the Bible says! You have believed the lie and Yeshuah warned you to no be deceived! Northern worship and association with the holy land is idolatry! It is a tenant of white supremacy! Even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew civilization began and was most weighty in the continent and were educated in Elephantine and Alexandria and Timbuktu. Babylon is in the continent in Sudan (northeast region - nimrod was a cushite - son of Ham). His kingdom spanned the whole Sahel! The Medes and the Persians who are relatives are a mix of Hamitic and Semetic as Elam gave land to and Medai and they intermarried. On ancient maps you can see ‘Medes’ & ‘Paras’ in the region of Uganda, Chad & South Soudan. Look at maps Harvard has of Africa from the 1500’s- 1700’s - the evidence is there. And it corroborates the accounts of the Torah, Jubilees,. You using google maps to get satellite images of European borders and modern locations completely nullifies your claim as the claim is rooted in an ancient civilization and must apply to ancient maps, accounts and understandings. It’s about context. York in America is not the York of the England. And if you look in the York in America and say “the Romans established the fortress of York in the United States” you will not only be wrong but also immature in logical thinking. While there is a York in Pennsylvania the fort York built by the Romans is in England and was in the first century AD not the one established from descendant colonizers establishing a settlement in the name of their ancestor in the 18th century…. Context is everything - particularly when examining ancient documents… which the scriptures are.
@khosbyshezi6274 7 күн бұрын
Mmmmm! My brother, please do your study again. Once you find Kanana land you will be free from deception. All those nations with straight hair are not pure humans. But the start for access to knowledge is calling your Creator with His right name YAHUAH Masha aka Moses never entered the promise land. So the burning mountain can not be in Ethiopia as well as the promise land. 😂 Come on now!!!!
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
@khosbyshezi6274 ......Mmmmmm! My brother do your listening again. Once you find that neither the Scriptures nor I ever said that the burning mountain is in the promised land then you will be free from deception. I NEVER said Moses entered the promised land. So the burning mountain was NOT in Ethiopia nor the promised land. The scriptures say the burning mountain is in Arabia, NOT Ethiopia, NOR the Promised Land.
@Sanyu-d8c 5 күн бұрын
@@khosbyshezi6274 I agree with You. Everything which comprises of the Promised Land is tactifullly hidden in Sub-Sahara Africa. Moreso, in the current so called Southern parts of Africa.
@khosbyshezi6274 5 күн бұрын
@@JudahTheHebrew here is the hint. Isaiah 29:1 find that place .
@khosbyshezi6274 2 күн бұрын
@@trutharchaeologist that is a possibility 👍 However another place might be in NamiYah aka NamibYah
@khosbyshezi6274 2 күн бұрын
@@trutharchaeologist good point 👍
@markandrews249 7 күн бұрын
This day was different from all other days and sabbath. Because we are supposed to start fasting on the night of the 9 to the night of the 10 .he had to spell it out because it was different from the weekly sabbath
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
@markandrews249 ...... Please explain why he did not also spell it out for the Feast of Trumpets seeing that it is not on a weekly sabbath???
@markandrews249 7 күн бұрын
Thank you the feast days proves that the day starts at sunrise 🌅. Including the weekly sabbath. Praise yah❤
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
@markandrews249 ...... Please explain on which day and at what time of day did this happen. 👇🏾 Neh. 13:19 "And it came to pass, 👉🏾that when the gates of Jerusalem began to be DARK BEFORE the sabbath,👈🏾 I commanded that the gates should be shut, and charged that hey 👉🏾should not be opened till after the sabbath: 👈🏾 and some of my servants set I at the gates, that there should no burden be brought in on the sabbath day.
@decarlolopez5661 7 күн бұрын
Brotha, you are a blessing to your people! Thank you for your work and dedication.
@theophillips6193 7 күн бұрын
My dear Brother I want You to know, You Explain some Wonderful Things! and Unlock some Marvelous Mysteries in the Word of Our Elohim , I've been listening to You a couple of Weeks and I agree and Learn So Much!!! I also teach that We are Israelites for about 8yrs Now, I was an Assistant Pastor at the Church I attended and felt Yah pulling me and didn't know Why??? And low and Behold He was Calling Thousands of Us, but Anyway I Love what You are Doing and May Abba Yah Barruk(bless) Your Teachings Continually
@Daughterzion-o6z 7 күн бұрын
THE LAND OF CANAAN IS IN THE SUB-SAHARAN AREA OF AFRICA... Please explain to us how all the Indigenous Wildlife animals like the Lions and the Big Five that Noah went with to in the Ark are in the Sub-Sahara Africa and Not in the Middle-East??? Where are the Giraffes in the Middle-East?? Where are the Indigenous Elephants in the Middle-East??. Where are the Rhinocerous, Buffaloes, the Leopards?? Wildbeastes, Cheetahs among many others??? Jesus Christ of Nazareth was known as the LION OF JUDAH because He dwelt in a Land Surrounded by LIONS. David & Samson both killed Lions in Sub-Sahara Africa. All these animals can never survive in a Desert Climate like the one in the Middle East or Sahara Desert areas..NO TRACE IN ANY OF THESE AREAS. That is why they are only located in the Land Below the Sahara Desert, which is...SUB-SAHARA AFRICA. Which is actually above and Not below. The Middle East has never been the Promised Land. Explain to us why all other Nations of the world including the Middle-East, A part from Africa, have GOLD RESERVES; Yet they DO NOT have a single drop of any Precious Metals or Minerals in their Soils🤔? All the Precious Minerals and Resources that they have in their Reserves, have been Plundred ONLY from the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa. Kindly explain which soils of the Middle East can we find GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS, COPPER, URANUIM, PLATINUM among many other Precious Minerals??? All these and many others are mainly in Sub-Sahara Africa and that is why one Professor in Sweden was recorded, saying that Sub-Sahara Africa needs to remain poor, for the Americas and other European Nations to Thrive! He said, that Without this strategy, the Americas & other European Nations will Cramble. Explain to us Why they had to take Millions of Slaves (Southern Kingdom Israelites) from Africa mainly during the Trans-Atlantic & Indian-Ocean Slave Trade to the Americas and other European Nations, including that Middle East during the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade to build their economies if at all the Middle East is the Promised Land?? Why did they have to Colonize and PART, aka PARTITION or DIVIDE UP Sub-Sahara Africa in according to COLONIES and Plunder the Precious Resources therein???? The Book of JOEL reveals the Lord complaining that He is going to judge Nations that took from His Land (Promised Land), SILVER, GOLD plus other Treasures and later PARTED/PARTITIONED aka DIVIDED-UP this same Land that belongs to Him. In all History of this World, It is only the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa that was Parted/Partitioned/ Divided-Up according to Colonies and plundred of it's Resources up to now. 👇🏿 JOE 3:1-6 1 "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and PARTED/DIVIDED-UP MY LAND. 3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. 4 Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; 5 Because ye have taken MY SILVER and MY GOLD, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things: 6 The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them FAR FROM THEIR BORDER. ☝🏿 Consequently, how wass the Middle East Desert area Parted/Partitioned or Divided up among Wolves and plundered of it's resources like Silver and Gold that have even NEVER existed there before.????????? If the Middle East is the Promised Land and Land of Milk and honey, then Why did King Leopold the II of Belgium Massacre & Kill 15 Million Bantu Peoples because of the Precious Resources in Democratic Republic of Congo 🤔??? How comes Sub-Sahara Africa is the only place in whole continents of this World that is Climatically favoured. It's neither cold nor Hot. It has never experienced serious tornadoes, Serious Hurricanes, Serious Tsunamis, Serious Earthquakes, harsh Desert Climates etc etc ??? How comes Sub-Sahara Africa is the only land in the whole World that have the most Fertile soils to grow anything with adequate Rainfalls and Ample Sun throughout the Years. How comes that in this whole earth, it is only in the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa that we have the Largest Thick Natural Forests with Indigenous trees like fig trees, Baobabs mentioned in the Bible as Canaan's Land...🤔? Infact the ark of the covenant was lying on the City of Forests.👇🏽 1 SAMUEL 6:19-7:2 "THEREFORE, THE ARK WAS TAKEN TO THE HOUSE OF ABINADAB ON A HILL IN KIRIATH-JEARIM (THE CITY OF FORESTS), WHERE IT WAS WATCHED OVER BY ABINADAB SON, ELEAZER FOR 20 YEARS. 👆🏽 Please, explain, which Natural/Indigenous thick Forests do exist in the Desert Middle East area and from when? If you thoroughly investigate, through history, it's only from the early 1900s, that Trees were transported with their roots to the Middle-East from Sub-Sahara Africa. Soils were also were also taken from Sub-Sahara Africa. WHY??? In Sub-Sahara Africa, there are no Man made Forests like other Nations, which keep burning every other time as we see in the News.??? In the Book of Deuteronomy, when the Children of Israel were heading UP OUT OF EGYPT to the LAND OF MILK & HONEY on FOOT, Moses explains to them that in this land of Canaan, where they are heading to...COPPER CAN BE DUG FROM HILLS👇🏿👇🏿 DEUTERONOMY 8:7-9 7 For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills; 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; 9 a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and OUT OF WHOSE HILLS YOU CAN DIG COPPER. 👆🏾 A cluster of Hills is also known as MOUNTAIN RANGES. Kindly explain to us, which Cluster of Hills or Mountain Ranges are there in the Middle-East, out of whose Slopes COPPER can be extracted or dug from 🤔? But in reality Sub-Sahara Africa has Numerous Hills known as Mountain Ranges where copper can be dug from the Hills. For instance the Largest producer is the Democratic Republic of Congo, followed by Zambia, then South Africa, Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mauritania among many others. Upto now, various discoveries are being made in new areas. So, i don't understand how, the Middle-East is the Biblical Promised Land? The description of the promised land in the Bible is no where near the Desert area of the Middle-East. The only area that is Desolate is the area where Jerusalem lies. And let's remember that in the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa we also have very huge Hot Deserts of the World like Namibia & Kalahari where True Jerusalem is Located. Thanks.
@xspydazx 7 күн бұрын
i dont think you understand at all : IF : Moses : took them out of egypt ! the Joshua Took them to the land of "Milk and Honey ) .... Why would the old jerusalem be the New kingdom ! why would the people go back to the stolen lad of canan to create a kingdom when god drew them out of here ! << as NOah had given the real land of Canan to the descendandts of Ham but Canan wanted a peice of the land of SHem ! hece Jerusalem being in the land of SHem ( the phoneixains ) which is on the borders of Khem ( agypt ) ... SO the intention from god was to give the original land of canan to the decendants of abraham ! so why would the people return to the non promised land ie the fake on e( todays gaza ) ...Gaza is mention as a land in the bible ! and if god had waned to have it was not hidden ? The lands in the south of HAM !... SO we find that Kenya was indeed canan: hence ethiopia was very true for it to be the kingdom of david and the kingdom of soloman : as well as connecting to the biblical sheba in the south !: in fact when they say they rebuilt the temple they was talking about the southern temple ! and the southern Kingdom ! It just so happen that yeye et is from the same period of soloman ! as well as i have documentarys from the 19 40's ( british pathe ) thatg also mention this : in fact academia already knew this and the people used to visit this place and it was a high tourist spot before and just after the ww2 , today it is relatively forgotten ! when we discuss the new jerusalem we needto understand that there qas a cotingent who also returned to the old jerusalem ! hence there was Two citys ! very important to understand and the city in the north old jerusalem was a contention ! As you should know before the kingdom of soloman there was no language of arabic ! did did not exist and the persians had a different language : farci ! and shami ( shemi ) today these are dialects of arabic ! in fact different arabic tribes canot even understand each other, despite using the same script : the languge of the queran is forign to most arab people who do not speak this language , but it ewas thier original dialects : you may even note its closeness to the hebrew language which is also a dialect of the arabic language ! as you shoudl know the original khemetic language and the sabeaan / yemenite culture merged with the solomonic cultre and prodiuced the coptic language: Hence Amharic is the mother tongue of arabic ! , but the people drifted towards asia andn adopted many asian words after the kingdoms split ! also in the 700bce regions ! so the people abandoned thier longstanding khemetic tonguge ( bantu / tigrayin) for the new solomonic , Sabean Coptic ! amharic ! its important to understad that the torah also existed before the bible and its clones ! its called the Toor ! and it is the book they took the torah from ! despite faking you out and saying it came from t he bible ( it did not ) ... if you go to the church and the region you will note that the people ALSO call it Jerusalem !<< if you want to determine the place by its signs !!! you will note it is surrounded by mountains also ! WAKE UP!! todays people are relying on the internet Fraud ! GO TO THE PLACE ! <<< But they also say victoria falls as a Ghion Fountain ! << ( but this is also inside the actual land of eden ) ( which also proved to be in uganda !) .. ?? But also have you been to rwanda ! or brundi ? these lands are also called the lands of milk and honey ! locally ! the tribal people also used to live on ONLY MILK AND HONEY ! and pastoral people ( sudan today ), same the Hutu People also lived in the forest hunting for honey ! there is a fake understanding of the internet researchers ! going BLack2 Africa ! Yes he has many faults but on his journey he is also changing and seeing the real stuff ! do you think he is making things uo ? when he goes to places he is also amazed at his own preconceptions and when he speaks and learns from the locals he changes his mind ad wonders why it is not in books ! where i live lol ! Doctor Livingstone Came here ! -- the Story of Tarzan ! --- this fakery ! yes ! but at least he is REAL ! he came here ! so they always knew about Tanzania ! but you NEVER hear about it in the world forums ! It is a secret ! until you come here even you would not know that these people are the actual faces of the Statues of Egypt and many other world sites ! in fact you would also learn theat the people of Basotho are also connected to the ancient sumarians ! << But the internet does not even know this ! , there is even a Greece in africa ! << maybe not even on the map ! but it exists and the lo cal people have thier won record of these greeks who moved in to that part of africa ! <<< so a whole tribe of white people lived in south africa before !<< but also Romana also liveid in South africa ! ( Pre modern romans ! ( 500bce )) << also not in books But their ruins survive ! Why do you waiut for the white explorers to LABEL THINGS FOR YOU ! go there and DO IT YOURSELF ! Dont Be AFRAID >> The same time it took you tok research and make this video you could have even proved it was jerusaleam ! what was you actual target of research! where are your fake dates coming from ! actually anything over 2000 years is ancient !, forget the lalibellas of this world ! you have to look at the solomonic period to data that site ! << King kebra negast was even before him ! 500AD ! they had the bible at that time ! heroditus plagerises a section of genesis and joshua ! << he was 50 bc ! SO the bible existed at this time ! 39:17 / 1:25:52 this cannot even be true , as why 12 churches as this does NOT resemble the city of jerusalem which did not have 12 churches ! so the historian made a theological leap to this conclusion !
@JudahTheHebrew 7 күн бұрын
Where is your biblical geography with scriptures to prove that Kenya is Canaan? If you know so much then make a video on your channel and teach it there.
@hazeyb86 7 күн бұрын
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe 7 күн бұрын
Great lesson ahk 💯 facts. PRAISE YAHUAH
@andreataylor6140 7 күн бұрын
The covering the priests wore on their head the center of the head is not cover.
@Sanyu-d8c 8 күн бұрын
My Dear Brethren, 99% Biblical locations of the promised Land is in the Sub-Saharan areas of Africa. Definately, not in the Abyssinia, the current Ethiopia, but the so called Southern parts of Africa which is the actual NORTH or UP aka UPPER. A river can never flow from South and head to North or from the slop of a mountain to it's Peak. For instance, River Nile which is fed by other Rivers from the so called Southern areas which the actual NORTH. The main source of this River Nile is Lake Victoria in East Africa which flows to the Mouth at the Mediterranean Sea. Everything has been twisted up-side down. Yes, the Middle East area Tectonic plate is part of Africa, but the Middle East has never been the land of Canaan. Canaan's portion of Land is in the present day so called Southern parts of Africa.
@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE 7 күн бұрын
Now where are the scriptures to prove this point? The Bible said Zion sit in the sides of the North. Psalms 48:2 “Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.” King James Version (KJV). North East Africa not South bruh.
@YAHsharal12 7 күн бұрын
The very definition of stiff necked! Show us mount Sinai where you think it is and not with talk and emotions. You can look for yourself and see Mt Sinai, the split rock, the 12 pillars and even the rocks where Yahshar'al inscribed the cows they worshipped while Masha was up the mountain. Google earth it or maybe organize a trip to gain a first hand account. The Lemba live in South Africa and say you're wrong🤦🏿‍♂️ And your assertion on the directions rivers flow is most certainly not based on reality
@Tsaraph-ub7tp 7 күн бұрын
The very definition of stiff necked. Please provide the coordinates to where Mt Sinai is as Judah has. Anyone can look it up and see more than just the burnt mountain top. The split rock, 12 pillars, the cow inscribed on the rocks all fenced off by one of the nations from Psalms 83. And the fact that you think all rivers flow in one direction just further shows purposeful dishonesty or lack of education🤦🏿‍♂️
@Sanyu-d8c 7 күн бұрын
@@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE Just to comment on the statement you've just mentioned that Zion sits on the NORTH. Please note, that the heathen turned everything Upside-down. For, instance in Africa, the places the world calls NORTH or NORTHEN parts of Africa, is the actual or genuine SOUTH, aka DOWN or LOWER. The places they purpot to be SOUTH or SOUTHERN parts of Africa is the actual NORTH, aka UP or UPPER. That is why we have UPPER EGYPT & LOWER EGYPT or UPPER ETHIOPIA/CUSH & LOWER ETHIOPIA/CUSH. Abraham always travelled DOWN or SOUTH going to EGYPT & UP or NORTH going to the land of Canaan. The land of Canaan was always UP or on the UPPER which the World has falsely taught in schools as SOUTHERN PARTS OF AFRICA. When one moves further to the Desert areas of the Middle-East, he/she moves further South and Not North. Please also note that current River Nile cannot flow from SOUTH going towards NORTH. Its just logic.
@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE 7 күн бұрын
@@Sanyu-d8cI knew you would say that, you can change names but you cannot pick up the Earth bruh. Moab, Edom, Ammonites boarders was around our land, find this in South Africa?
@AmericanAfrican17 8 күн бұрын
@KjudahsShowCUCFOPE 9 күн бұрын
A sister just asked me about head coverings, and the very next verse says we have no such customs. The coverings is her husband. Great 👍🏿 message Judah The Hebrew 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💥👏🏿💪🏿✌🏿🙏🏿👍🏿
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe 10 күн бұрын
Todah for doing this lesson and putting the books in there proper places in terms of the medes and Persia empires which is script came after Babylon you are 💯 facts. I tell people this all the time how do you go straight from malachi which is doing the medes and Persia the Grecian empire comes after the medo/Persia empire than the Roman empire. Them Greeks up wicked they change the images to there likeness they white washed everything.
@abiymelekyahudah4thtribe 10 күн бұрын
@revam360 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your teaching. I listen to several teachers and I can see there is still confusion and conspiring coming from the enemy to cause damage to the Truth. Brother Judah, I believe you are correct and thank you for warning your people. I am a stranger but have attached myself to the True people and I am seeking after all Truth. If the true Jerusalem is in Ethiopia or Kenya or South Africa, then it is being trodden by Gentiles now and is soon to be besieged. That’s according to prophecy. Can these other teachers acknowledge that? There are plenty of prophecies that indicate the LAND of Jerusalem is going to be gravely attacked by a plethora of surrounding nations and that only a few of its inhabitants are actually a part of the children of The Most High. The rest of the inhabitants of end times true Jerusalem have apportioned the LAND for themselves, with pride and joy and will be punished for it. Does anyone acknowledge this will happen to the “African” Jerusalem if it be the true land?
@JudahTheHebrew 9 күн бұрын
Great point my beloved sister, your heart is in the right place to receive the truth and to cleave to the True people. Thank you.
@succatash 10 күн бұрын
I challenge you in thr bible to show me any nation in North America, the Pacific, Islands, Far East
@JudahTheHebrew 9 күн бұрын
@succatash ..... Maybe you never seen this scripture before. 👉Gen.11:8 "So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face 👉of all the earth: 👈 and they left off to build the city. But the scriptures say they were living in North Africa, but no one had gone south of the Sahara before the Northern Kingdom got there. This is why it is called "the place where never mankind dwell"
@succatash 9 күн бұрын
@JudahTheHebrew I see you decided to change the Hebrew verse to fit your n narrative. Typical person using 1 liners to fit their narrative instead of the whole book and calling God a liar. "ALL" " So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city." Shinar wannt in North Africa it was in Mesopotamia.
@JudahTheHebrew 9 күн бұрын
@@succatash Still waiting for your point. Are you saying that God did not "scatter them from thence upon the face of all the earth?" as the scripture said???
@succatash 9 күн бұрын
@JudahTheHebrew He did, all of Earth including South and Central Africa
@JudahTheHebrew 9 күн бұрын
@@succatash Ok, but since that scattering there is zero evidence of anyone living in Sub-Saharan especially given the fact that ALL the Biblical events occurred in the three parts, namely: Asia, Africa and Europe. And again, there is no Biblical evidence of any nations living there before the Northern Kingdom went there from Assyrian captivity.
@revam360 11 күн бұрын
Ezra 3:7 They gave money to the masons and carpenters, and food and drink and oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre to float cedar logs from Lebanon to Joppa by sea, as authorized by Cyrus king of Persia.look at a map and see where Lebanon is. It is north of Israel, on the coast of the Mediterranean. The cities of Tyre and Sidon, in Lebanon, were paid in food and wine, to float their world renown cedar logs down to Joppa. From Joppa they would be transported by land into the interior to Jerusalem. These were used in the building of the second temple. The cedars of Lebanon are still world renown for their quality and beauty. This particular variety of cedar, the toros sudiri, also know as Lebanon cedar, is only found in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. Of the 500,000 estimated original Lebanon cedars in Lebanon, only 1,700 remain. There are still good populations of Lebanon cedar in Turkey. If Jerusalem is somewhere in Africa, how did they get these very specific variety of Lebanon cedar, which only grow north of Israel, to the temple building site? I can see how the logs could be floated from Tyre to Joppa. But not to sub Saharan Africa.