Fuji GX680 - what a BEAST!!
8 ай бұрын
@michaelhall859 Күн бұрын
Hey mate oretty sure I have the same camera after lots of research and reddit posts etc but my version has a little slider that covers the red windows but all else looks the same... Do you know if they made different versions of the 520?
@the120ist 10 сағат бұрын
Interesting, no I don't know. But it sounds like they did! Mine definitely doesn't have a slider to cover the red windows, and there's no suggestion that anything is missing, no holes where a slider might go or anything. Does yours say 520 imprinted on the back left hadn't side? Just 520, nothing else? no 520/xx?
@FrankTitzeArtShorts Күн бұрын
Being not a 6x4.5 fan (for me to near to 135 film 24x36). I have a 1939 521/16 (==6x6) with 7.5cm 3.5 Tessar and a 1939 521/2 (==6x9) with a 10.5cm 3.5 Novar. Got them also cheap with only little repair needs. BTW: The 521/16 (or a 520/16) are roughly the same size/weight as the 520 (6x4.5), but the 521/2 (or 520/2) are much bigger/heavier. While I am not 6x4.5, I'm still interested to find a good deal for 520/15 (6.5x11cm using 116/616) to mod them for 120 film. But they but they are more rare/expensive especially with f4.5 lens.
@the120ist 10 сағат бұрын
I'm not usually a fan of 645 for the same reasons - it's not a major step up from 35mm as you say. But I enjoyed this one, and for the age and size and convenience I was pretty impressed with the results! How easy is it to mod a 116 for 120? I haven't tried that yet!
@FrankTitzeArtShorts 5 сағат бұрын
​@@the120ist Mod a 116/616 for 120 For the film spool there are 3D printed adapters on the market. The key topic is that the film rails of the 116/616 camera are to wide, so the film gate height has to be reduced. What I found in the web that some glue new rails into, but I have also seen that complete new frame insert out of metal, plastic,... got inserted *). Sure, without changing the image plane. Having not yet a 520/15 in hands, I am not sure which way I would go. *) Some 6x9 Ikontas had such an insert and viewfinder frame lines from factory to do 6x9 or 6x6. BTW: At moment I "convert" a very small bellows 9x12 from ~1926 with a new back (without changing the base camera at all) that can then take a modern 9x12/4x5 film holder and a new focusing screen in modded film holder. So to say is this a an adapter only. The base idea of this adapter build (in aluminum) was sold in US some when in past. The image plane changes, but with anyhow required ground glass focusing is this no issue. Why I did this? Simple answer: Originally needed metal film holders are hard to get / expensive and often in bad state.
@johnwalters96 3 күн бұрын
thanks for this. I haven't used a film camera in some time and as you suggested I used 35 mil for most of 50+ years. I just inherited a Graflex Xl and so I am reacquainting myself with roll film. I had forgotten completely about reusing the spool at the take up end. You don't speak about 220 film here. I take it that is a longer roll meant to be used for longer formats or for more shots per roll. Is that right? I look forward to watching more of your videos to refresh my memory.
@the120ist 7 сағат бұрын
Ooh that Graflex should be a lovely camera. I haven't tried one of those! Right - 220 is a double length version of 120. No one makes it any more, and to use it accurately your camera usually needs a setting for 220. This is not just to allow the frame counter to go up to 24, but also because in order to get the film length on the same size spool, they did away with the backing paper for most of the roll. So the start and the end of the roll has backing paper, but no backing paper covering the bulk of the film and therefore you can't use it in cameras with red windows in the back. So, overall, not something you're likely to encounter much these days, until someone starts making it again!
@jeta1383 3 күн бұрын
Hi, can you please explain/demonstrate how to remove the neck strap from the Bronica S2? I've tried and cannot lift the clips away from the wingnut/butterfly clip attachments - maybe my clips have seized up?
@claudio-nature-photography7669 4 күн бұрын
I've just started experimenting with wet collodion, but what kind of flash did you use?
@hopeaajavaloa 6 күн бұрын
Nice idea, but not what wetplate colloodion plates looks like, well I can see idea, but still no. Wetplate collodion is much more richer. You should come to Warwick where wetplaters gather every August. :)
@MattSchulze 6 күн бұрын
I think that if you went to a place where wildlife appearances are more predictable, like a watering hole, you might have more success. Animals don't move too much while they are drinking. Just a thought.
@williamberger2178 6 күн бұрын
I knew exactly what the issue with the "thin" negative was because you never mentioned "bellow extension factor". Use the "yard stick" you used for focus and measure the distance from the center of the lens to the film plane. Then using the lens focal length find a chart that determines bellows extension factor for that focal length and format (4 x 5) and you can determine the bellow extension factor and make the appropriate exposure adjustment. In landscape situations this rarely comes into play unless you are doing close up work as you did here. There are may books that are out of print these days that can help you with the challenges of large format shooting, without wasting too much film and processing. Good luck.
@joseerazevedo 7 күн бұрын
For my use, I'm very happy with my Rolleiflex 3.5F. Hasselblad and Leica are excellent cameras but I can't justify the price difference between them and a Rolleiflex or a Nikon. Or even my beloved Rollei 35 (both Tessar and Sonnar). To me, Rolleiflex's biggest advantage is you travel light and shoot quick. It's system is also a joy, with solutions for every need. Lenses are excellent, and when you add the Rolleinars you don't lose quality! I was impressed by this! After all they're Zeiss lenses, just as the Hassel. If I were enlarging 1m frequently, I'd probably see the difference. but on 20x30 or 24x24, my option is to save money for more film, paper, chemicals, and fun. And yes, even on bigger enlargements, the Rolleiflex AND Rollei are amazing. I was shocked comparing the Rollei 35 lenses to shots with Nikon and Canon lenses. They simply show no lateral color (checked on color negative and slides) and the resolution is so good it makes you wonde how is that possible. Amazing! Thanks for the video!
@joseerazevedo 7 күн бұрын
VERY interesting for those basic prints to give friends! And also a "go anywhere" darkroom printing. Sure has its limitations but if you adapt your negative developing to show lower contrast (due to lack of dodge & burn), I believe you can com e with nice results anywhere in the world. Hope the price is reasonable. I'm sure it'll never show here in Brazil, which a shame, though :( I'd go for the 5x7 version. A 120 version would be a dream :) Thanks for the video!
@DoctorMikeReddy 7 күн бұрын
It was cancelled a month ago, with no explanation
@davidspidell4270 8 күн бұрын
I picked up Busch Pressman 4x5 to play with. Found a 6x7 filmback on Ebay to enable me to try some old folding camera lenses. A voigtlander 105 Skopar to start with. Saving money is starting to get expensive.
@stellarcreek 8 күн бұрын
Labeling Kiev as russian is the same as telling that Burberry London is a French product. Quiete stupid.
@liveinaweorg 10 күн бұрын
I picked up a 127mm F/3.5 K/L lens which had haze and fungus but NOT separation. It has cleaned up lovely with Hydrogen Peroxide and lighter fluid. I now have an RZ Pro II body on the way that has a couple of minor issues which I can fix myself. Sounds like you just got unlucky, Nick.
@cipriandragoi9166 11 күн бұрын
So as of today what is your recommended recipe for someone to start BW reversal. can you sum up a complete short list , something to have a start point. like Start with paper rating ISO X, develop bath 1 Xbranddeveloper 1+9 2 min , bath 2 ... and so on . Thanks ! super excited about your upcoming build and the developing back tank video!
@peterlemonjello1626 12 күн бұрын
I had 6MM and stupidly sold it a decade ago. Also has the super cool 40mm. It was a great camera on the tripod. My only criticism was the big mirror flip. It's not an issue on tripod though. Lenses are quality.
@AdamJamroz 12 күн бұрын
What is ISO rate for your papers?
@johngross5224 12 күн бұрын
You're not the only one obsessed with the sound of your cameras. My Kiev 60 came in disrepair. The mirror bumper was basically nonexistent. It was a very sharp ping that resonated for a couple seconds. But after fixing it (myself) it's a full almost wet sounding 'thwump' sound. Takes great pictures and I'm happy I could fix it. But, you know
@andyvan5692 12 күн бұрын
one point, there was mf film cameras in 2008, the Hasselblad 203cx and 205fcc as well as the 501 where still around then, and some where still made.
@CaptOlive 14 күн бұрын
Hi, i know you did repair a bronica s2 focus issue few years ago. Would you be able to tell me where to get the right foam for the job? You also mentioned could be thicker than 2.2mm. Thank you
@andyvan5692 16 күн бұрын
if the time is too short, try diluting the developer, as if its like Ilford's Ilfosol 3, ID11 and others, you have two dilutions, 1+9 and 1+14 (aka for 1L mix 100mL chemical with 900mL water); with this dilute solution its less strong, so takes more time to react, and similar to Reciprocity failure in film exp. if you use chemistry, etc. such that it takes 3-5 seconds or less, it affects the image, to my amateur understanding, so diluting gives enough time to think, and also if you used a long table, and arranged the steps in order, less time wasted moving around, and it gets done more efficiently. {perhaps use normal 1+9 dilution with the first DEV, and the more dilute one in the second step- you are developing the whole sheet in step 1, in the latter development, you only have ~ half the image to do, so at full power thats the reason it goes so fast, perhaps also using a less contrasty dev. in the latter step to make the process easier, and help with the contrast issue}.
@psynema 17 күн бұрын
Got one in August...the dial is now not working, you adjust CCT temp/intensity and it reverts to HSI mode. I hate Zhiyun.
@13SonoftheVoid13 18 күн бұрын
No Rolleiflex 6000 series or SL series?
@attainconsult 18 күн бұрын
great video bring back some of the suprise used to get in photography compared to the digital age
@IceBergs 19 күн бұрын
I don't normally comment on videos, however, what a special moment watching your daughter count down and push the cable release. What a wonderful image
@the120ist 18 күн бұрын
A special moment! I love that she has taken on my countdown. You could only barely hear it in the video, I tried to boost the sound, but from watching me and from me taking thousands of photos of her, she now starts every photo with "ok ready? 3, 2, 1... click"! Proud moment!
@CaptOlive 19 күн бұрын
Hi, would the 2mm foam be enough?
@amandas3804 19 күн бұрын
I have a darkroom, so this isn't for me. HOWEVER, am I understanding that it only does 4 by 6 size? In the US, that size of paper is incredibly hard to find. It's basically Ilford RC in a box of 500 sheets or the Portfolio paper in a box of 100 sheets. The smaller 3.5 by 5" size is equally difficult to find. Of course, someone could cut paper down, but that means more waste. Plus, they'd beed a safelight for it. I would strongly recommend making 5 by 7 the base size. That seems to be the standard "small" print now. Of course, the paper size situation could be much better elsewhere, but this is a huge limitation in my opinion.
@johngross5224 21 күн бұрын
I've got a Welta that's basically the same camera and same settings. It's incredible!
@the120ist 18 күн бұрын
I have a Welta here. Needs some attention, which I keep meaning to find time to do! I have so many cameras that are about 75%... All I need is about another five hours in every day. Is that too much to ask??
@jasongold6751 21 күн бұрын
Before Nikon took over, don't go near!
@thenutter2003 21 күн бұрын
cool video the portraits are really nice i picked up a agfa record 6x9 for £30 works well.
@tommimyllymaki 22 күн бұрын
Interesting stuff, thanks for showing this... I might try this out some day.
@coastalartistlivingonislan8395 23 күн бұрын
Funding was cancelled nov 24, 2024 on kickstarter page.
@coastalartistlivingonislan8395 23 күн бұрын
Similar idea as the pinsta system with the chemicals. Interesting
@jameswaters5888 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for your informative and humorous videos.
@jameswaters5888 24 күн бұрын
What about 120, and 4x5 film? What is the price? Very crucial. Nice process.
@KK-no7be 24 күн бұрын
I love Nettars, I have three of them. I use one with adaptors for 135 film which gives panorama format with the sprocket holes included. Have to cover the red window for 135 film.
@paulasmith4017 25 күн бұрын
Very nice to see the folder getting some love! Esp for some family portraits, well done! Curious why you used a tripod shooting at those speeds outside in the bright sun? I've had good results with my Zeiss Ikonta 521 down to 1/25 with no camera shake... now I suppose if I want the horizon perfectly level then that's another matter... 😆
@vintagecameradigest 25 күн бұрын
I have a Super Ikonta 530/2 that I just haven’t fallen in love with. Completely overhauled and CLA’d, and I’ve been planning to put it up for sale. But now you’ve inspired me to give it another go. Thanks!
@the120ist 18 күн бұрын
I would say give it another chance! I confess I have a bit of a fear of using cameras like this for my "normal" photography - ie travel, family etc., because the complication of using it discourages me from putting it to use on stuff like that. I have previously taken folders like this out for banal and innocuous photo walks, taking photos of nothing, and I come back disappointed. But I used this one for a little while, got more comfortable with it, and I recently took it to a wedding and I was thrilled with the results! Only got maybe 9/16 good shots, the rest I messed up, but the good ones were soooo good! Definitely worth the extra effort.
@vintagecameradigest 16 күн бұрын
@ I admit I’ve used it only sparingly. I did think the images were good. I’m not thrilled with the framing up the shot using that simple frame viewfinder, but I could probably learn to appreciate it for what it is. It’s quite small when folded up, and that’s just crazy to think it’s possible for a 6x9 shooter. Will absolutely fit in a pocket. I’ll make a resolution to put it to more use in the new year.
@LegendyFotografii 25 күн бұрын
I have a question. What is this colony of fungi on this lens? Is there a Mycologist in the room? 🤔Greetings from Europe/Poland/Wrocław. 👍👍👍
@tedphillips2951 25 күн бұрын
I have the Zeiss Ikon Nettar f4.5 & I am amazed at some of the photos that it takes. Way above the price I paid for the camera in excellent shape.
@the120ist 18 күн бұрын
The hidden gems of the film photography world!
@jameswaters5888 26 күн бұрын
I'm in the U.S. Concerned about environment while creating my photography. I'm not familiar with Belini. Which chemicals can be reused, and when; also which chems need to be thrown out, and when? Also how do you test the chems to know when it is time to discard? How toxic are these chems, and how do you use them in relation to pouring down the drain or not? I love the video. A new option.
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
All good questions, and I'm afraid I don't know the full answer to some of them. Bellini are an Italian chemicals company, you can find their website here: www.bellinifoto.it There is an option to see it in English. Not sure how much env info they have on there. I can tell you that the developer is just a standard paper developer, so you could choose which one you use based on its required disposal method. Fixer is just standard fixer, and as you're developing to completion it's sort of an optional step. In theory there shouldn't be any chems left in the paper which need fixing. I have been using fixer, just out of safety and habit, but technically it shouldn't be a necessary step. The two chemicals unique to this process (actually not unique to this process, but different from standard paper developing) are the clarifier and the bleach. The clarifier is a simple sodium sulphite (sulfite) solution. Quick google suggests that this is not considered harmful to the environment, and in fact breaks down into sodium sulphate which is used as a nutrient by plants and bacteria. The bleach is a potassium permanganate based bleach. I haven't mixed my own, but other recipes suggest that it might be mixed with sulphuric acid. Both of these are considered toxic to aquatic life. I've been pouring this into a storage tank for now, but I'll need to figure out how to safely dispose of it soon. Do let me know if you find any more info! The sort of good news is that the potassium permanganate bleach is a modern addition to the process. Historically the bleaching was done with a potassium dichromate bleach, but that is seriously nasty stuff. Apparently you get better results with the dichromate bleach, but that's not a good enough reason for me to go there!
@Te-rt7bq 27 күн бұрын
I’ve been buying decrepit folders and have taken a fancy to stripping them down, subconsciously putting them back together again n loving the intricacies of the lenses n bringing them back to life. Beautiful cameras and artistically crafted back then.
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
They are absolutely wonderful aren't they? And to think, this one i was using here was made in the 1930s! And it is a beautifully crafted camera with an incredibly intricate mechanism... and which with just a quick clean it is still fully functional 90 years later! Insane.
@SirRobinDeSway 27 күн бұрын
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
@rossmansell5877 27 күн бұрын
Electronics eh?😊😊
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
In't technology 'mazin. More amazing than me...
@anta40 27 күн бұрын
I still have a love/hate relationship with those folding cameras: yes I know they are very compact, but then again they are typically zone-focusing only. Fine for street or landscape shooters, but can be challenging for shooting really close up (macro-ish). Anyway, I think most people will avoid those because the bellow often deteroriates with age...
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
I agree, they're not for high precision work. But you can still make some very nice images with them. The focusing on this one was very accurate, not zone focusing but distance based. I was using a laser range finder to get my distances and I got some super sharp focus on most images. This one is no good for macro, closest focus it will allow is 1m. You might be able to get some sort of push on lens adapter for it, not sure. But you also have the problem of framing. Even at 1m I was battling with the parallax. I thought I had compensated enough but all of those close portraits ended up much lower in the frame than i was expecting. I'm not pushing folders for every situation, far from it. My big message is that they're a lot better than people think! And the prices that some of these cameras sell for is just criminal!
@anta40 25 күн бұрын
@@the120ist Yes overall folding cameras are fun... as long as you can work within its limitation. And still unbeatable compactness-wise. I can easily put a 6x9 Ikonta in my pocket, can't do the same with those Fuji 6x9 RFs :D
@spa1ktc 27 күн бұрын
Inspiring work! Those portraits does not come easy, I know from my own daughters. Well done, all three of you! Another great folder is the Voigtländer Perkeo II, super nice 6x6 for the trails. Great IQ and very small.
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
I think I have a Perkeo... maybe not the II version though. I shall have to take a look in my boxes of cameras! Yeah taking photos of the kids is a nightmare! But we must keep trying, right? They're definitely getting better at putting up with me! So that's something!
@petercooper9054 27 күн бұрын
I have a lot of different Zeiss models and all have been stripped down and shutters have been serviced even the aperture blades have been pulled out and cleaned. A task not for everyone. I recently bought the 534/16 Zeiss ikon super and it was not cheap at £90 completely frozen up and dirty. Light meter is toast but everything else I serviced and the results were amazing. Because it's the top of the range model they go for £500+ It's my travel camera at the moment here in Morocco and the problem you have with your camera is a light leak a pin hole in the bellows probably. If the Zeiss is worth a lot it's worth getting a new bellows made at camera bellows in Birmingham. If it's a cheap Zeiss just buy another one. Most of the time the bellows are ok. I could not believe your sky with all the trails. Here in Marrakech it's blue sky!
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
I'm learning with the strip downs. I've done some simpler shutters with great results, including aperture blades. The older I get the more patience I seem to have for such things! You're right, it is a tiny hole in the bellows. Took my a long time to find it because it's actually not on one of the folds, which is where I was looking. The material has thinned around the lens retaining ring, just where the bellows joins the front plate. I actually think it's in a place where it will cope well with some paint, it doesn't need to flex there. I'll take a closer look at it and see what I can do. Sadly, despite the enjoyment I got from it and plans I have for it, I'm not sure it warrants the cost of a new bellows. hmmm... maybe. Paint first. Then we'll see! Yeah I totally didn't notice the trails in the sky, but lots of people have pointed it out. We're on the main London - North America flight path out of Heathrow. Planes are so high you don't her them really, so I forget all about it. But it's a busy airway up there.
@petercooper9054 26 күн бұрын
@the120ist I watched a documentary on trails and it's not some conspiracy theories spraying it out from planes they say they use a different aviation fuel now and this is what's causing the problem with lots of carbon in it. it sure is getting colder and this is why I have left France for winter and I'm in Marrakesh at the moment and then we'll travel down to dahkla later where it's 28° plus. yeah the only way you should be buying one of those bellows which cost me £45 each is if the camera is worth hundreds I replaced lots of mamiya 6 cameras and need to sell a lot of them now and the cameras have to be the top end models you don't want a cheap nettar with a bellows being replaced because it's worth a lot less. I have a Pontiac block metal 45 which is a beautiful camera made out of a block of metal it's amazing do search for it. when you open the camera the shutter button comes up out of the body it's beautifully machined but I only bought it for £16 years ago and so I'm not going to spend £45 to replace the bellows because the lens is not the best lens on it?
@nvrumi 27 күн бұрын
You reminded me that I have a little Frankl (?) 6x6 in my inventory. I don't recall the model number, but the camera will easily fit in the pocket of my field jacket. I've been so busy that last month with paying work that I have not done much of anything else. I need to get my cameras out and move the film processing kit forward. (I'm trying to find a source for HC-110 and Rodinal. Getting the chemistry shipped is a problem.) Those are some lovely places you visited. The kids are a hoot!
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
Possibly a Franka Solida? There were a few versions of that, 6x6 folders and good quality too. I have at least one... another one I shall have to dig out! Damn that paying work. It just doesn't go away does it?? I find it a major hindrance to my photography. Mixed info on HC-110... I'm told that someone has bought the Kodak IP (again) and is now producing again. I've switched over the Bellini Euro HC and am happy with the results. Whereabouts in the world are you? How com shipping is an issue?
@nvrumi 26 күн бұрын
@@the120ist That's it, a Franka Solida in 6x6 format. I didn't really understand the camera when I bought it and it needs some love (taken to the field). The seller also restores the cameras (solid rep), so I have a nice instance with a working rangefinder. I'm not complaining about the paying work -- it more than pays the bills. But I'm a little burned out from a long haul without a break. I'm in western Nevada in the States. B&H won't ship either developer because of hazardous materials regulations. The camera shop in Reno kinda said "Huh, you want a developer?" Sacramento, California is a couple hours away and they might have a store that carries developers. Thanks for the tip on the Bellini HC. I'll see if I can get that from B&H and get it shipped. Thanks for the great work, Nick.
@malcolmmeddings8502 27 күн бұрын
Thanks for your video - most encouraging. I have recently bought a 1938 532/16 Super Ikonta and have just received the scans from the first film. I took nothing special, just checking to see if the camera worked okay - Magic! The results have blown me away. I missed the first two frames when winding on - glad I'm not alone in doing this, but all the images are fine, except one when I forgot to focus!!1 Snap! The first film was black and white, so I shall see how colour works next.
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
Great stuff, glad you're getting good results from it! I miss the first frame ALL the time. How long have I been doing this now?? And I still do it. Useless. I also manage to get myself the odd blank frame from the same thing, where I merrily wind straight past the numbers! I think if we get into a bit more of a rhythm with these cameras, we'd get used to the workflow! But all it takes is a single distraction (like putting the foot of the tripod in dog s**t) and I'm toast. Rhythm blown!
@Kokoro-ss5iv 27 күн бұрын
I'm courious if using color film, is the red film counter windows will it cause any light leak in the sunlight?
@the120ist 26 күн бұрын
It should, in theory, have the same exposure effect on either colour or the film I was using, as the T-Max 100 is panchromatic. An orthochromatic film should have no effect. The only big difference between colour and BW film is that on a panchromatic BW film you'll get just brighter areas, whereas on a colour film you would expect brighter and redder areas, because of the windows. But I wouldn't instantly expect huge differences in strength of the effect. I was doing my best not to leave those red windows in direct sunlight too much, and I didn't get too much impact from it. They were not to blame for the light leaks, I've found the culprit of that, it's the bellows.