@marcelacandelariacontreras9384 7 күн бұрын
Tengo miedo ami me lo ban a cer el viernes me metí a ver los comentarios y a hora estoy traumada
@sarahburggraf861 26 күн бұрын
Lets face it, doctors have to lie. If they told you how much it really hurts, you'd be like ✌️ peace out homie😂❤
@salomiseun2626 Ай бұрын
I'm about to go through this scared already lord help me 🙏🙏🙏
@belapedramon6897 2 ай бұрын
Me van a realizar este estudio la siguiente semana y tengo mucho miedo. 😢
@texaswildflower7715 2 ай бұрын
It took me 3 days to recover!!! I’m so thankful for my parents that came over and took care of me. This “minor procedure “ was FAR from minor!! I didn’t even cry giving birth. I wanted to kick my gyno in the face!! I will NEVER do that again. Bring on Menopause!!
@ValerieHumphreys 3 ай бұрын
It’s barbaric. In the 21st century, they’re performing 19th century gynaecology on unsuspecting women. We have safe analgesics and anaesthetics but because it’s “only women”, we are traumatised, gaslighted by people who know better but choose to lie to us instead. Bargain-basement, substandard women’s healthcare
@gracielajimenez9458 4 ай бұрын
Porqué en la muestra no me sale flujo sino sangre 🩸
@susy3651 4 ай бұрын
A mi me dijo el ginecologo del seseq vas a sentir un piquetito y molestias. . Siendo que me dolio horrible cuando me levante hasta mis piernas me temblaban
@primaveraserranosolis5600 4 ай бұрын
Yo estoy preocupada, la biopsia me la hicieron hace 4 días y el primer día y parte del segundo no sangre mucho Pero después empecé a sangrar mucho , tipo menstruación Pero mucho, y hoy en el 4 día me duele mucho pararme incluso a hacer la comida y subir o bajar escaleras , nisiquiera los primeros dias tuve ese dolor :( también tengo gripe y por tanto toso mucho , no sé si eso ha afectado que me duela más Pero porfavor alguien dígame si es normal, solo me ando preocupando en si debo ir a urgencias o solo debo esperar, me han hecho la biopsia porque tengo sagrados abundantes y por varios días durante la regla, de casi un mes y el endometrio engrosado con ovario extremadamente poliquistico
@clara13luz Ай бұрын
Hola cómo estás? Te pregunto porque estoy bastante asustada, me pasó igual, los primeros tres días casi no sangré y ahora hace 4 días que tengo sangrado bastante abundante😢
@primaveraserranosolis5600 Ай бұрын
@clara13luz hola! Estoy mejor... Mi sangrado resultó ser parte de mi problema hormonal... Me inyectaron progesterona en urgencias y paró inmediatamente y así estuve como mes y medio Pero volvió y ahora ya estoy con el ginecólogo, recibiendo tratamiento, debería ir a urgencias o con su ginecólogo porque no sé si sea lo mismo.
@clara13luz Ай бұрын
@@primaveraserranosolis5600 Gracias!!! Mañana iré, mil gracias
@victoriamedina7084 4 ай бұрын
Cuanto deve medir la muestra en los videos aparece muy poquito y me tomaron un pedazo como de 3 cm y mi regla meduro casi 3 semanas
@teresadeleon8015 5 ай бұрын
A mi me hicieron una biopsia en el utero hace 1 semana y pregunté si era doloroso y me dijeron que no, que solo sentiría unos calambres . En el acto tuve mucho dolor ya que no me anestesiaron, me sentí tan mal conmigo misma pensando que yo estaba exagerando pero e estado preguntando y mirando más videos de esto y no entiendo por qué nos someten a dolor sin anestesia 🥺
@Girlyoucraxy 6 ай бұрын
Hurt so bad 😢
@adal8590 6 ай бұрын
It would feel good lol
@4everIcegurl 7 ай бұрын
I had it done yesterday but my doc gave me a Valium and ibuprofen which helped it was very uncomfortable but I wouldn’t say painful I felt fine after the procedure. But they did have to do it three times which was the most annoying thing on earth.
@ms_paradiseonearth 8 ай бұрын
It's very painful....
@pilarferrando9860 8 ай бұрын
Ami hoy me han echo una y que dolor madre mía y ahora estoy manchando sangre una angustia uff porfavor que mal
@jaimeg1385 2 ай бұрын
Hola cuantos dias se fue el manchado asi estoy yo 😢
@8706angel 8 ай бұрын
I had this done 2 years ago and it was the worst test I’ve ever done. I never cry about pain and I cried even after the procedure was completed. There has to be a better way to do this.
@Rocio81991 8 ай бұрын
Se puede hacer pgs del óvulo propio para congelar?
@BlueSeedLove 9 ай бұрын
A mí durante el embarazo me mejoró muchísimo mi asma crónica. La neumóloga me hizo las pruebas y conforme avanzaba el embarazo iba mejorando más y más. En el tercer trimestre las pruebas de la espirometría me salieron mejor que nunca y eso que físicamente me sentía pesada como una ballena varada, con 10 kilos de más (porque tuve que hacer reposo por riesgo de aborto hasta el sexto mes del embarazo). La naturaleza es increíble.
@yuliannysmendoza-px1qc 9 ай бұрын
Yo me la tengo que hacer pero viendo todo esto no creo k pueda yo tengo polipo😢
@rebecacampos8031 9 ай бұрын
Hoy me lo hicieron y fue como parir sin bb porque soy muy cerrada y hubo que dilatar. Grité y lloré demasiado es horrible
@Kweber82 9 ай бұрын
I had this done today. I was not prepared for how much it hurt. I have a pretty high threshold, but this was tough. I kept it together and then cried in the car. I felt very silly but seeing all these comments makes me feel a little better. I really hope I never have to do that again.
@elsaortiz8498 9 ай бұрын
Ay no pues me.van hacer una.biopcia de endometrio y al ver los comentarios que duele muchísimo ya me.asuste pero es si es.necesario nimodo no quiero tener cancer
@erisanchez7422 9 ай бұрын
Me hicieron una hace un mes con anestesia, y no sentí absolutamente nada. A la tarde estaba en casa haciendo vida normal como cualquier otro día.
@Sinn-wt3gt 10 ай бұрын
Me la hicieron hoy SIN ANESTESIA💀 El dolor más fuerte de mi perra vida. Los cólicos más fuertes, fui al baño y al limpiarme encontré pedazos de carne. Está horrible.
@rebecacampos8031 9 ай бұрын
Que terrible. Yo me lo hice hoy y es algo sumamente doloroso
@yaditsears5646 10 ай бұрын
Eso duele mucho
@RoniSch-rj5pj 11 ай бұрын
I was able to get pain numbing injections. I don’t think my insurance or most insurances cover it but you can request it at most facilities if you’re willing to pay. Always ask if they offer it. Nothing will be said unless you ask for it. I still had a bit of pain but it was fine. I can’t imagine the pain I would have without getting the numbing shots. The shot itself was excruciating. The doctor told me imagine what it would have felt like with the numbing. About 2 hours later it must of wore off. I felt cramping, bloating, and sickly for the first two days. By the third I was doing fine.
@treefrog101 11 ай бұрын
"just some cramping" they say. Fucking uterus contracts when she js trying to get things out of her. It aint no cramp. That looks like hell. Thank god my uterus ks gone so no one ever has to do this to me. My hats off to those who have endured this procedure. Hot damn, no thanks.
@janes7328 Жыл бұрын
I had it done a few weeks ago, because of my PCOS and before we began they told me it was just mild cramping. They made me sign a consent form explaining all the things that can happen, which did not help with my anxiety. I was expecting a normal pap with a little more cramping, it was not! I wouldn't say I'm weak to pain, because I have tattoos, been Brazilian waxed, and had a child. So my expectations were high that it would just be an easy in and out procedure. Absolutely NOT! A little pressure my butt, it hurt very badly. At one point I felt like I was going to pass out. I don't care what anyone else says, it felt like I was hole punched. When it was over and I sat up, it looked like a murder scene. They tossed me some Advil and told me I would be fine. I went to my car and cried for 20 mins straight. From pain and honestly, I felt a little betrayed (Almost violated in a sense). I was in pain for 3 days after and even now weeks later, if I lay on my stomach in bed for long periods of time I get a weird ache in my uterus. Like scar tissue being pushed down on. So if they ever want to do another one, its going to be a big NO from me. There has to be an easier way around such horror. I rather get waxed a 100x over then deal with that again and if other woman didn't think it was that bad, my hat is off to you ma'am! Never again!
@MyonlySecret 11 ай бұрын
I have PCOS and I’m trying to get pregnant and they want to do this biopsy on me because I don’t get periods. She didn’t even talk to me at all regarding how they’re going to help me get pregnant. And they want repeat ultrasound even though I did it 2 months ago! At this point I feel like they’re trying to get money from my insurance so I’m going to reject the biopsy. I don’t know if I’m even going to go back. Thank you for sharing your experience especially since you’re someone with high pain tolerance and I’m totally the opposite. I feel every little thing. So I’d probably die in there. It’s going to be a NO for me.
@marinacormon566 Жыл бұрын
I had this procedure done today, and I was so scared because of all the comments I read on this platform, and honestly I was so nervous, but what I did is, I took 2 pill 💊 of tylenol 650mg and I did not experience any pain at all, of course I felt it, but it was not ba, so do not freak out girls, this is not as bad as they say .. take tylenol.
@Robin-x3c Жыл бұрын
I had this done about 2 weeks ago. To be honest when she stuck the catheter through my cervix I was almost to the point of screaming. It was horrible sharp pains going up the sides of my pelvic area. Then she stuck biopsy thing thing the catheter and she did it in 10 seconds and to be honest it really didn't hurt. She was very quick on everything and it helped alot.
@welcometosusansmukbang9215 Жыл бұрын
You need ANESTHESIA‼️I agreed with everyone it hurts like crazy‼️
@Hanny-z1s Жыл бұрын
¿Si uno nunca ha tenido relaciones sexuales y le mandan hacer esa biopsia,se puede o que se sugiere?
@AndreadelPilarB Жыл бұрын
Toca, por salud. Te deben anestesiar
@laurendeklerk1439 Жыл бұрын
I had this done today and it was a pain I have never experienced in my life. It was unbearable. I didn’t expect to be getting a biopsy when I went for my appointment so I had not taken any paid meds, but those wouldn’t have helped anyway. It was one of the most traumatizing things and if I ever need it again, I will be going under anesthesia. If you need this kind of biopsy and your doctor gives you the option to go under, do it!
@daniellerotolo549 3 ай бұрын
Ugh I'm scared I gotta get this done Monday what should I do 😢 I'ma baby lol
@djarias28 Ай бұрын
hope everything is okay !
@sarahburggraf861 26 күн бұрын
Are you ok? How was it? I gotta go in 2 weeks 😢​@@daniellerotolo549
@mariaochoa7366 Жыл бұрын
Es incomodo pero el dolor es soportable...y sin anestesia
@michelleplouffe5643 Жыл бұрын
They couldn't get a sample from me - it lifted me right off the table it hurt so bad...I yelled "ow" about 6 times like I was in labor LOL. No thanks. I'll stick with an ultrasound. They should knock us out for this test!
@sirin_ritage Жыл бұрын
لأي غرض يستعمل لأن طلبوه لأمي ولم نعرف الغرض منه يرجى ان تفيدوني ارجوكم
@homey123 11 ай бұрын
Mostly it is advised for women who went through IVF and embroy transfer is failing. With this test they check if endometrium lining is receptive or not. They adjust timing of embroy transfer on behalf of this test report. But it's advised to older women also who has yet not hot maneopaus despite crossing their max age. They check if anything became cancerous or if it's notmal
@aileenmorcozo1354 Жыл бұрын
I am watching this because I had to do it (biopsy) as prescribed .. the doctor never atleast warn be about the pain .. however.. as I watched this.. I will not do it without anesthesia..
@kelvincollado481 Жыл бұрын
Si existe un Doctor por excelencia gue cura todas enfermedades nuestro senor Jesucristo es la respuesta el sigue sanando fe en el y Busguelos de todo corazon para gue el no libres de todo mal
@BrittanyTaleno-z3q 9 ай бұрын
@michellewilbur7649 Жыл бұрын
I had this done this week. Yes it’s discomfort but it’s over in about two minutes. I was allowed to take aleve an hour before. It feels like a Pap smear to be honest. Mild cramp for about 10-30 seconds.
@Pammiilou Жыл бұрын
I had one 3 weeks ago and it freaking hurts! I didn't know I was having one so i didn't know what to expect but once laid down i expected something similar to a smear. I have a very high pain threshold but OMG! I lt hurt when it hit the top, then the clamp but when the gyno told the trainee to twist and pull 😮 I couldn't stop dithering. This procedure should be done with pain relief. If I'd have known when going to my appointment I would have taken some strong cocodamol beforehand at least. Also definitely should have been told what was going to happen.. "You may feel some discomfort" isn't enough lol
@AussieAdventures77 Жыл бұрын
Doubt it
@Pammiilou Жыл бұрын
Doubt what?
@AussieAdventures77 Жыл бұрын
@@Pammiilou it’s not painful. You’re a liar
@sumejeterstena261 Жыл бұрын
I did this test this month it wasn't difficult, don't be afraid just relax ,this test take just one minute ore 2 ,and be sure cuse isn't to painfull like someone says it's important to the doctor who will do it
@MarinaTurihuanocayara-yg2uo Жыл бұрын
Me van hacer eso pero tengo mucho miedo
@melylopez4477 Жыл бұрын
Yo me lo voy aser vine aver sus comentarios y estoy asustada
@RossyMartinez-mf1bb Жыл бұрын
A mi me lo van a realizar en la siguiente semana y tengo mucho miedo 😢
@RossyMartinez-mf1bb Жыл бұрын
A mi me lo van a realizar en la siguiente semana y tengo mucho miedo 😢
@RossyMartinez-mf1bb Жыл бұрын
A mi me lo van a realizar en la siguiente semana y tengo mucho miedo 😢
@nichollegarner5735 Жыл бұрын
I just got this done today and OMG it hurt!!! The gynecologist told me I'd be a little "uncomfortable" and would feel some "pressure"
@cpurple395 Жыл бұрын
I had this done to me this week. Its the most traumatizing experience of my life. A nurse performed it and I don't think she knew what she was doing. They wanted 3 passes. I gave them 1. They gave me a low dose of vallium that did nothing for me. I was screaming and swearing and begging them to stop. Now they want to threaten to delay my surgery that my insurance has already approved. They wouldn't even help me off the table or clean me. Every woman I know never had to get this biopsy prior to a hysterectomy. Its like let's call it woman's health but its really torture.
@oblongfan1 Жыл бұрын
I’m trans ftm and getting hysterectomy and this whole process has been draining fit me too. Luckily my dr is doing it with a spinal block tomorrow. Horrific barbaric procedure.
@eliz8294 Жыл бұрын
Its looks so simple but hurts like HELL.
@fv8882 Жыл бұрын
Horror todo lo q pasa la mujer 😮 y es normal que sangre?