The videos posted by professional chefs holding Japanese national certification for cooking. Our mission is to make more fans of lovely Chinese cuisine. We do entertain you with our various cooking techniques. If you are professionals already, our videos must be helpful to improve your cooking skills and then make your customers more happy. Other hand, If you are amateur, you can learn our professional cooking skills and enjoy your cooking life more and more. Watching our videos, trying to make tasty Chinese cuisine, and entertaining your family or friends with your cooking. Thank you.
今、調理師を志す若者が急激に減少する中、中国料理は更に人気の無いカテゴリーに属しているようです。 そんな人気のないこの業界の活性化に少しでもお役に立てないかな。という思いでこのチャンネルを立ち上げました。
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