I'm the Lore Keeper...ASK ME ANYTHING
12 сағат бұрын
Science made my fantasy world BETTER
A Brief History of Mermaids...
@e1123581321345589144 10 сағат бұрын
One thing I wanted to note regarding your day/night cycle and I was hoping you would address it here: have you thought about wind? On any planet Wind is caused by the uneven heating between day and night combined with the rotation of the planet. Now given that your world rotates really slowly the main driving factor for winds on this moon would be the uneven heating, and boy would there be uneven heating! Unless your world has a very thick layer of CO2, then the night would loose so much heat, that every morning would be freezing, even in summer, and each day would be scorching hot. There would also be terrible storms during twilight due to the huge mass of air moving from the daylight and the night side. I think you could get around these issues with a CO2 rich atmosphere, but then the planet needs to be further away from the sun. And There would rarely be a true night. If you replace our moon with a gas Giant, that would be insanely bright in the night sky. Not only would it be bigger, but it would be much brighter: albeto a number between 0 and 1 is measuring of how much light an object reflects. Our moon has an albeto of 0.14. this means it only reflects back 14% of the sunlight that hits it. Jupiter and Saturn have an albeto of 0.54 and 0.50 respectively, which means they reflect half of the sunlight that hits them. Your host gas giant would not only be bigger in the sky, but also 3.5 times brighter than our moon, so depending on the phase of the gas giant, most of your night would be really bright. Think maybe 12-20 times brighter than a night with full moon on the Earth. And the geometry works out so that the brightest part of night would be around midnight, when the night side of your moon is opposite to the day side of the gas giant; while the hours just before dawn and just after dusk would be the darkest. An interesting aspect to think about is how this would effect the calendar. Our calendar measures a week as a quarter of a lunar orbit and a year as a full Earth orbit. You should consider how your moon's motion around the planet and the planet's motion around it's host star would affect the calendar on your world, and how the host planet and the other moons are integrated into your world's mythology. p.s. just finished The Pale Lands. It's such an amazing story. Can't wait to listen to the rest of it😊
@TheFantasyForge 9 сағат бұрын
I have thought about winds and about weather! I mean I don't know NEARLY as much as you clearly do haha, but I did lots of research and asked friends and asled AI and stuff. So the crazy weather is part of the story, hot atmosphere from CO2 like you said, and the planet is farther away than what I originally wanted but that's fiiiine I guess haha. The radiation the planet gives off keeps the planet relatively warm, but the nights get cold at certain times of the year, And honestly at some point I have to just say "it's fantasy" because there's some things I noticed that just don't make sense but I wanted to think about it as deeply as possible before saying "f it" Big thank you for the comment and for listening to the story, I really appreciate the love
@TTYCHZ 16 сағат бұрын
I would love to watch this and pay attention, but I just look at the youtuber avatar and think of the dead cells protagonist
@TheFantasyForge 9 сағат бұрын
Never played it actually haha, but you're not the first person to say that. Oh well! Haha
@Jim_Cricket86 17 сағат бұрын
Great videos, many thanks for sharing your experience! I'm actually running a feodal Japan campaign based on "the Legend of the Five Rings". Might interest you :) There is a huge lore to take from, perfect for immersion, homebrewed story and character development. And I use dScryb now for this campaign thank to you!
@janflorentmedellin2738 Күн бұрын
earned my sub amigo... brilliant guide for new DMs
@TheFantasyForge Күн бұрын
Aw shucks, happy to have you! Thanks for the love
@cvltofcrows Күн бұрын
I think my favorite revelation recently when thinking about my underground setting is that the people that evolved there would have no concept of day/night cycles, so they'd literally create their own cycle of life that works for *them* and not the sun/moon/etc!
@TheFantasyForge Күн бұрын
I love thinking about that stuff. How other cultures would develop when you remove them from the things that WE know? Super cool thought
@supperslash1376 Күн бұрын
First, I love your videos, so keep it up looking forward to act3? any how fast question, what software did/do you use for your animations, like the time line and things. Is there a software you like the best.
@TheFantasyForge Күн бұрын
I literally did it by hand in Adobe Premiere! But you can do it in Blender too if you really want to learn something cool, otherwise any basic editing program is fine for simple stuff! Appreciate the love!
@SoggyBeans232 Күн бұрын
Been a subscriber for a short time but I’ve really enjoyed this series. I’m excited for the next episode!
@TheFantasyForge Күн бұрын
Thanks for the love! It means a lot to me that you listen to this :D can't wait to put up the next half
@geekytenikidndfan Күн бұрын
I love how you lay it out but also leave plenty of room for creativity and spontaneity. This was just what I needed for where my campaign is. 😊
@assassincharizard Күн бұрын
2:05 Tobias always just looks prepared.
@e1123581321345589144 Күн бұрын
your rivers are backwards :))) Rivers usually merge into bigger and bigger waterways. They seldom split apart. Just like tectonic plates, you have to figure out what makes rivers flow, and that's gravity. That means that to make a river split you either have to have very flat land and something that obstructs the river, like the coast of a sea which would create a delta, either have a big enough obstacle in the lowest point of a local area, to deviate a portion of the water into a separate valley. But even then, the system is unstable; gradual silt deposits will cause the river to favor and eventually shift entirely to one of the two valleys. Also, a river bend, such as the one you have in the south-east, are caused by the river meandering through or around highlands. And coming back to this, all human settlements need fresh water, so you'll find your biggest cities on the rivers. Rivers also help with trade; a navigable river is the cheapest way to ship goods. This is conductive to the development of huge cities.
@TheFantasyForge Күн бұрын
This is SOLID advice, appreciate how you weren't rude about it too :D Already updating my map so a 2.0 of this video will be coming out soon haha
@wildheaven1827 2 күн бұрын
This is the biggest issue in dnd, when combat ends before it even gets to your second turn. But the ridiculous number of encounters is terrible. It guarantees it will take months to go through one day and none of the encounters will be difficult enough to be interesting. Whats important is to gauge your boss for the resources they should have left to face it.
@TheFantasyForge 2 күн бұрын
yeah sometimes its okay to just say "yeah f*ck it you killed them all, let's move on" lmao
@MegaGuitarist15 2 күн бұрын
I’m a writer as well but I never “write” outcomes for my campaign. I have a general sense of where I’m going to lead the players. (We’re more of a linear storytelling campaign than an open sandbox). I create the settings, encounters, and NPCs but that’s it. It’s up to them how the story unfolds.
@TheFantasyForge 2 күн бұрын
I like having a vague idea of how things end, but I always plan like 10 different scenarios and it usually NEVER ends up being any of those haha. But I need to write my ideas down so I can tweak and pick and choose later. But yeah, the players always do something that surprises me and completely changes my outline
@sleepinggiant4062 2 күн бұрын
Use average damage. Make use of the random generators at Donjon. Use Google Docs so you can access your notes from anywhere. Prep enough to be familiar with your planned encounters. When taking notes, makes sure to track time. With lots of monsters, don't track individual HP. Place a small d6 next to them and estimate.
@drewhalcro6082 2 күн бұрын
A gig helpful hint: Simplify. It's really easy to get way too involved and obsess over the details but you don't need a lineage going back six generations for the village blacksmith on a continent that campaign doesn't even take place on. A few lines to convey the important information and expand it as necessary.
@jma3974 2 күн бұрын
At the end of a session, if there is a break in the action/story, I asked my players "What's next?". What course of action will they take in the next session? And I hold them to that. It could be three or four things. As long as I know what to prepare for. i run my game almost exclusively online, so one of my other tricks is to record the session on OBS. It's not good enough quality to show, but I have a full record of what was said that I can go back to that is unambiguous. Even if I was running an in person game, I'd probably try and figure out an option for that as well.
@The-Swift-Kobold 3 күн бұрын
Thank you great video
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
thanks for the love!
@Dachusttin 3 күн бұрын
Referencias pics Plan secundario Goal for session Random names Descripciones Descanso Anotar importante Ataque y daño a la vez Mob tactics aprender Pregintar q onda personajss 1x1 y pensamientos Notas
@kharijordan6426 3 күн бұрын
Have you ever played panic at the dojo?
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
No I haven't but it looks fun!
@leonelegender 3 күн бұрын
God i hate narrative gamers, go back to the theater classes
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Nobody is making you play with them lmao. Sorry the video isn't for you! Have fun at your own type of games though. Thanks for the engagement!
@aell.e 3 күн бұрын
I like this format, I feel like we all have our tips and tricks to cope with the amount of mental energy required to GM! Thank you for sharing 😊
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
thanks for the kind words!
@FredwardTortellini 3 күн бұрын
I was literally watching this thinking I wasn't going to get a shout out. Which is fine, but it was funny that I got it as I thought that. Love your stuff man!
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Lol normally I can go through the shoutouts and be fine, your profile pic just broke me for a moment haha. thanks for the love!
@corkscrewfork 3 күн бұрын
Gonna be keeping this video in a playlist while I prep for my first campaign! My game is going to be digital, but I feel like a lot of these are just as if not more important if you're not in-person. Only thing I'm going to tweak is I plan on asking my group if they don't mind mind me recording the audio so I can go back and take notes afterwards; I'm already going to be pushing it with DMing, I don't think I could multitask enough to add in taking notes at the same time. Looking forward to the next video!
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
recording it is super smart! Good luck on the game, let me know how it goes!
@drewhalcro6082 2 күн бұрын
Good luck !
@Omega_XX 3 күн бұрын
@SomeGuyNamedRoy 3 күн бұрын
Stereotypes are actually rare anymore. Every custom world, or even OG settings all include societies that are completely fine with orcs and goblins being adventurers. Monster races having repercussions and suspicion makes a MUCH more believable world.
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Yeah Orcs and Goblins in my world are very different from D&D. I can't imagine they would be in a party of adventurers, much less be friends with someone not like them
@affarinoxa 3 күн бұрын
Taking notes mid session is key to having the world feeling real and connected to the players. It will help you for when you start your next session. Not necessary but I kee track of how many in game days its been since the start with my notes. Every session I ask myself how many days has it been since the last then I add the numbers and write it down. Then I just rinse repeat.
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
I'm so bad at tracking days haha
@affarinoxa 3 күн бұрын
@TheFantasyForge this is my 3rd campaign and it's only this one where I do it. First two didn't have it but it really isn't needed. I just like to have it to help keep track for festivals and scale for how long these characters have really known each other.
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
@@affarinoxa Its just an additional level of immersion, my current DM does it and I love it
@GregMcNeish 3 күн бұрын
Yay, I got shouted out! And yes, one of the three attempts at my name was correct, haha. (McNeish is "mik-NEESH") Great tips here. Mine is simply RELAX! Deep breath, people. Remember that nothing in the world exists until it comes out of your mouth at the table, and loads of things in our very real world make absolutely no sense, so it's totally okay for your world to include logical inconsistencies, names that you only realize are funny once it's too late, and whatever else you're worried about. It's fine. You're doing great. Embrace the silliness of life.
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
LOVE this. Relaxing and remembering it's a game is BIG
@mirrikybird 3 күн бұрын
I highly recommend the NPC generator card deck from Paizo, it's quick, gives a goal, activity, secret, visual, and a selection of names. And it's completely random every time you draw the cards to build the NPC
@cvltofcrows 3 күн бұрын
My first Tobias sighting on a new video, 2:05! Great tips thank you! Do you have any recommendations for play-by-post games? I'm working on a prequal series right now that will be pbp in Discord. ✨️
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Oh good question! Play by post is hard, I've been in a few of those! I would say make sure to step in every bit to guide the story, otherwise it becomes pretty chaotic.
@cvltofcrows 3 күн бұрын
@@TheFantasyForge haha just like normal dnd, thank you! XD
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
@@cvltofcrows LMAO yeah I guess so. I think it's just easier for the DM's message to get lost in the text messages so maybe adding a rule like 1 post per person before I jump in or something like that
@cvltofcrows 3 күн бұрын
@TheFantasyForge yeah I was thinking about that too! Definitely working on putting together a system of organization and play where nothing gets lost ✨️
@abrarakarim6663 3 күн бұрын
Displacer Kitty in the Vox Machina scene
@abrarakarim6663 3 күн бұрын
@RIVERSRPGChannel 3 күн бұрын
Yes names I have a ton of NPCs named Bob And notes are critical
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Ah yes, good ol Bob haha
@Edhelill 3 күн бұрын
Next video idea; mob tactics explained? 😇
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
Oh boy that's hard but I will try haha
@Merlinstergandaldore 3 күн бұрын
Using MATH?!?!? In a Role Playing Game? Heresy! 🤪
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
@Jim_Cricket86 3 күн бұрын
Yes! New tips and trick I love that! I wish I could run my campaign as smoothly as your voice :)
@TheFantasyForge 3 күн бұрын
aw shucks I appreciate that haha. Still hate my voice tho
@skulllocks 3 күн бұрын
Oh no! Keyleth threw up on the displacer kitty!
@ethanallred2543 3 күн бұрын
This actually really helps. I’ve been running a campaign for awhile and been struggling to plan out when things should happen, even though I’ve pretty much had the whole story written from the start. Thinking of it in acts has greatly simplified it and given me a great many ideas. Like seriously I think you’ve fixed just about every problem I’ve had with pacing. Edit: just a few more notes, it helps with when I should deliver information, which I was kind of just sprinkling in wherever I could fit it, but now I know when precisely to deliver the information as they slowly uncover the mystery!
@alexanderbalmforth4059 4 күн бұрын
You are by far my favorite content creator for DND. Every time I watch your videos, I start to feel that spark of creativity again. Thank you!!
@TheFantasyForge 4 күн бұрын
aw shucks appreciate the kind words, thank YOU
@The-Swift-Kobold 4 күн бұрын
Thank you this really will help me create my Lord Soth encounter truly epic
@someonewithsomename 4 күн бұрын
The best way to use Nat20s is not just as auto-success at the task they are doing, but as a best possible outcome in the situation. Barbarian rolling a nat20 on lock picking can still mean that they fail to pick a lock and break the lockpick. But then they get angry, kick a door and it opens, because it was unlocked the whole time (or something else, depending on your campaign tone and characters involved). No common sense broken, pretty in character for most of the barbarians out there. Fail your players forward.