@samlam072 6 сағат бұрын
@samlam072 6 сағат бұрын
@samlam072 20 сағат бұрын
@samlam072 20 сағат бұрын
@ranathungak.g9710 2 күн бұрын
Sadu Sadu Sadu.......
@samlam072 3 күн бұрын
@samlam072 3 күн бұрын
@kanyasuwanasem4776 4 күн бұрын
@kanyasuwanasem4776 4 күн бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
@samlam072 4 күн бұрын
@samlam072 4 күн бұрын
@samlam072 4 күн бұрын
@chuchatchuchat9194 9 күн бұрын
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
@chuchatchuchat9194 9 күн бұрын
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
@chuchatchuchat9194 9 күн бұрын
ขออนุโมทนาบุญด้วยครับ sadhu sadhu sadhu
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@samlam072 11 күн бұрын
@OhMGeeLOL 9 күн бұрын
Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏 🌟🌟🌟💎💎💎🌟🌟🌟
@samlam072 12 күн бұрын
🌟不可缺席法身寺 #荟供法会🌟 荟供法会很难得,也是会跟随我们到来世的莫大功德。这是一个很大的功德,因为能够直接供养给涅槃诸佛和阿罗汉的真身,通过伟大导师们精通的法身深修法门的威德力。 一般修功德就得到很多功德了,比如我们供养用品给修行的比丘和沙弥,就得到非常多功德了。但是比不上荟供法会。 打个比喻,如果以平常的方式修功德,得到的功德数量就像是一滴水或一杯水,但荟供法会直接供养给阿僧祇无量诸佛真身的功德数量,就像下雨充满了整个宇宙无数次,是阿僧祇无量的功德。 这样的功德力量,才足以将我们之前无数辈子曾造的恶业化解,让许多恶业由重变轻,轻业消失,然后制定新的适合我们未来每一次转世人间修波罗蜜的生命蓝图,让我们得到人间财、天界财、涅槃财、关闭地狱之道、打开天堂之门、乐在当下等。 Luang Por希望所有弟子们都得到很多功德,因此不想弟子们缺席每个月第一个星期日的荟供法会。普通星期日,如果大家有真的非常重要的任务或距离寺院很远,那不来也没关系。但是荟供法会必须出席,不想让大家错过功德,一年只有12次而已,不应该错过。 我们修的每一个功德都非常重要,修一次可以使用很多次。就像车子一样,一次生产成轿车了,我们可以用那辆车很多年。功德也是如此。我们修一次,可以使用很多次、很多年、很多辈子。 如果我们研究过佛教三藏经,我们会知道佛陀在预言那些修功德的人时,他会说功德的果报,会生为转轮圣王多少世,然后成为强大的国王多少世,成为普通的国王多少世。有时候我们听了以后无法想象,呃,为什么做一次,能得到那么不合理多的利润呢?这不是利润的事情,这是功德果报,它会那样传递下去,就像Luang Por比喻的车子例子。 当功德成熟回报时,将会有初期果报、中期果报和后期果报。若初期果报,将成为转轮圣王。中期果报是成为强大的国王,后期果报是成为一般国王。明白吗? 往生离世刚到天界时,功德回报让我们有很多天界财富。到了中期,功德就开始减少。到了后期,功德就剩下最少。当功德耗尽时,就会砰砰地掉下来,这就是我们听说的天人从天堂掉下来。明白吗? 如果我们修了一次功德后,就不再修,功德就会渐渐耗尽。除了功德耗尽外,恶业也会得到机会回报。因为如果不做好事,就会去做坏事。不会闲着什么都不做的。 有三种念头会进入我们的内心。 如果功德占据心,将使我们存好心、说好话、做好事。 如果恶业占据心,将使我们存坏心、说坏话、做坏事。 还有另一种类型,不是功德,也不是恶业,是得过且过。认为做这么一点好事就足够了,因为我们也没有去伤害任何人,却忘记了,不累积功德就是正在伤害自己。 就是这三种念头会进入我们的内心。 如果我们不积累功德,让不善不恶的念头进入内心,那还没太大后果,最多是有点倒退。 但如果是恶业进来,我们就会后退很远,有些从人间退入了地狱。 因此,如果我们用了旧功德而不造新功德,当旧功德回报时不是问题,但如果与此同时去造恶业,恶业就设定了生命蓝图,寻找机会回报。当功德的力量不足以抵抗,就算还有中期功德和后期功德,但是如果恶业是初期恶业,比功德的力量更强大,恶业就会先回报。 因此我们必须经常修功德,一遍又一遍地修功德,以使功德密集,直到恶业没有空间介入。因为恶业每分每秒都在寻找介入的机会。因此,我们必须不断地累积新功德。 因此,请大家一起来修荟供法会的功德。即使在外国也必须修这个功德。因为它是关于我们的事情,不是远或近的事情。 若比赛,要以功德和波罗蜜来比赛。他们说功德不能比赛。其实可以的,但不是竞争。以一起持续行善累积功德来比赛,但我们应该作为一个团队来修,因为我们生生世世一直都是这样做。 所有弟子们都有很大福报。如果功德少,就不会来到这里。我们是从70亿人中被筛选出来的。佛教徒很多,但是了解荟供法会的,只有一点点。了解后来参加法会的,更少。持续来参加法会的,就更少了。所以大家能够来到这里,真的很不一般,有很多功德波罗蜜。因为我们紧紧跟随降魔祖师修波罗蜜很长时间了。 法胜师父 2009 年 1 月 4 日
@samlam072 13 күн бұрын
@samlam072 13 күн бұрын
@ethical82000 7 жыл бұрын
旁門左道 - This Thai Temple Leader is on he Run from LAW. As a Fugitive, Wanted by he Thai Police. He is Sacked by the Current Thai King of Bangkok. The Monks looks Blissful and Calm, but their Real intention is your Donation. They perform as Monks by Day and perform Black Magic by Night - casting Spells, Curses, "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits. They Claimed their Meditation Technique are a Lost Technique Re-discovered by their Grand Master are "Lies". With the Temple building, the Thai Monks may bring-in More "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits around the Residents area. They will let you watch very touching video to persuade you to agree with their views and by Night, their "Kumanthong" will seal your Wealth, Luck and Brightness from you. They use the Brightness so that people feel Blissful, Calm, Serene whenever they stepped into the temple ground. So Protect your Home and Family from them - Usually it start by Insufficient Sleep. If you have "Kumanthong" yourself, ask your "Kumanthong", Basic spells can also be found from the internet. Dhammakaya temple quoted versus from Buddha script e.g."Middle Way" or "Dhammakaya" in order to disguise itself as Buddhist Temple. Doing alot of Marketing and Widely Publicised charity events which was Never practice since the beginning of Buddhism around the World. Buddha had specifically recorded more than 20 Meditation Techniques and had Never Mention anything about Dhammakaya Technique - with a Crystal Ball. HE talks about our Mind reaching Budhhahood, Not your Torso. So you have been Warned. May the True Dhamma Protect us from FALSE Dhamma Temples and Preachers.
@ethical82000 7 жыл бұрын
旁門左道 - This Thai Temple Leader is on he Run from LAW. As a Fugitive, Wanted by he Thai Police. He is Sacked by the Current Thai King of Bangkok. The Monks looks Blissful and Calm, but their Real intention is your Donation. They perform as Monks by Day and perform Black Magic by Night - casting Spells, Curses, "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits. They Claimed their Meditation Technique are a Lost Technique Re-discoevered by their Grand Master are "Lies". With the Temple building, the Thai Monks may bring-in More "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits around the Residents area. They will let you watch very touching video to persuade you to agree with their views and by Night, their "Kumanthong" will seal your Wealth, Luck and Brightness from you. They use the Brightness so that people feel Blissful, Calm, Serene whenever they stepped into the temple ground. So Protect your Home and Family from them - Usually it start by Insufficient Sleep. If you have "Kumanthong" yourself, ask your "Kumanthong", Basic spells can also be found from the internet. Dhammakaya temple quoted versus from Buddha script e.g."Middle Way" or "Dhammakaya" in order to disguise itself as Buddhist Temple. Doing alot of Marketing and Widely Publicised charity events which was Never practice since the beginning of Buddhism around the World. Buddha had specifically recorded more than 20 Meditation Techniques and had Never Mention anything about Dhammakaya Technique - with a Crystal Ball. HE talks about our Mind reaching Budhhahood, Not your Torso. So you have been Warned. May the True Dhamma Protect us from FALSE Dhamma Temples and Preachers.
@ethical82000 7 жыл бұрын
旁門左道 - This Thai Temple Leader is on he Run from LAW. As a Fugitive, Wanted by he Thai Police. He is Sacked by the Current Thai King of Bangkok. The Monks looks Blissful and Calm, but their Real intention is your Donation. They perform as Monks by Day and perform Black Magic by Night - casting Spells, Curses, "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits. They Claimed their Meditation Technique are a Lost Technique Re-discoevered by their Grand Master are "Lies". With the Temple building, the Thai Monks may bring-in More "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits around the Residents area. They will let you watch very touching video to persuade you to agree with their views and by Night, their "Kumanthong" will seal your Wealth, Luck and Brightness from you. They use the Brightness so that people feel Blissful, Calm, Serene whenever they stepped into the temple ground. So Protect your Home and Family from them - Usually it start by Insufficient Sleep. If you have "Kumanthong" yourself, ask your "Kumanthong", Basic spells can also be found from the internet. Dhammakaya temple quoted versus from Buddha script e.g."Middle Way" or "Dhammakaya" in order to disguise itself as Buddhist Temple. Doing alot of Marketing and Widely Publicised charity events which was Never practice since the beginning of Buddhism around the World. Buddha had specifically recorded more than 20 Meditation Techniques and had Never Mention anything about Dhammakaya Technique - with a Crystal Ball. HE talks about our Mind reaching Budhhahood, Not your Torso. So you have been Warned. May the True Dhamma Protect us from FALSE Dhamma Temples and Preachers.
@ethical82000 7 жыл бұрын
旁門左道 - This Thai Temple Leader is on he Run from LAW. As a Fugitive, Wanted by he Thai Police. He is Sacked by the Current Thai King of Bangkok. The Monks looks Blissful and Calm, but their Real intention is your Donation. They perform as Monks by Day and perform Black Magic by Night - casting Spells, Curses, "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits. They Claimed their Meditation Technique are a Lost Technique Re-discoevered by their Grand Master are "Lies". With the Temple building, the Thai Monks may bring-in More "Kumanthong" - Baby ghost or Spirits around the Residents area. They will let you watch very touching video to persude you to agree with their views and by Night, their "Kumanthong" will seal your Wealth, Luck and Brigthness from you. They use the Brigthness so that people feel Blissfull, Calim, Serene whenever they steped into the temple ground. So Protect your Home and Family from them - Usually it start by Insufficient Sleep. If you have "Kumanthong" yourself, ask your "Kumanthong", Basic spells can also be found from the intenet. Dhammakaya temple quoted versus from Buddha script e.g."Middle Way" or "Dhamakaya" in order to disguise itself as Buddhist Temple. Doing alot of Marketing and Widely Publicised charity events which was Never practise since the begining of Buddhism around the World. Buddha had specifically recorded more than 20 Meditation Techniques and had Never Mention anything about Dhammakaya Technique - with a Crytsal Ball. HE talks about our Mind reaching Budhhahood, Not your Torso. So you have been Warned. May the True Dhamma Protect us from FALSE Dhamma Temples and Preachers.
@fixitgoh 10 жыл бұрын
Brother Sam is this the new place or same place but renovated ?
@samlam072 10 жыл бұрын
新加坡 法身寺 第26屆星期二中文初级靜坐班 20-05-2014 隨喜功德,阿奴摩塔那文 萨度,萨度,萨度。。。。。。
@samlam072 10 жыл бұрын
新加坡 法身寺 供养僧團 (供养斋僧) 隨喜功德,阿奴摩塔那文 萨度,萨度,萨度。。。。。。(08-05-2014)
@samlam072 10 жыл бұрын
新加坡 法身寺 供养僧團 (供养斋僧) 隨喜功德,阿奴摩塔那文 萨度,萨度,萨度。。。。。。(08-05-2014)
@samlam072 10 жыл бұрын
@samlam072 10 жыл бұрын