2024 World Refugee Day
14 күн бұрын
World Day against Child Labour 2024
World Environment Day 2024
International Labour Day 2024
World Health Day 2024
3 ай бұрын
World Water Day 2024
3 ай бұрын
International Women's Day 2024
Zero Discrimination Day 2024
World Day of Social Justice 2024
@rodneyridgeway2220 23 күн бұрын
go Dr Sue you are an advocate for so many of the worlds people, including my first nation people of Australia. thank you so much for your intelligence and voice. I wish you all the best n your life. THANK YOU
@rodneyridgeway2220 23 күн бұрын
i love this
@shantimirpeace 28 күн бұрын
Quran 2:223: "Your wives are a tillage for you. Go on your tillage as often as you wish..." Sahih Bukhari 2658: The Prophet said: "Is not the testimony of a woman half the worth of that of a man?" The women said: "Yes." He said: "This is due to the deficiency in the woman's intellect." Sahih Bukhari 29: The Prophet said: "I was shown the Hellfire and the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful." (Same in Sahih Bukhari 204) Quran 4:11: Women inherit half as much as men do. Sahih Bukhari 7099: "No nation will succeed that makes a woman its leader." Quran 4:34: Men are superior to women because of what Allah has given one over the other. Quran 65:4: Women can be married before puberty. Sahih Bukhari 5134: Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6 years old and had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9. Quran 4:24, Sahih Muslim 1456a : "Also [forbidden to you are] married women, except those your right hands possess [slaves]." Quran 4:34: "And if you perceive bad behavior from your wives, advise them first. If they persist, do not share their beds, and if they still persist, then strike them." Quran 38:44 - "And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it." Mishkat al-Masabih 3260: "...and don't beat your wife as you beat your slave." Sahih Bukhari 3237, Sunan Ibn Majah 1853: A woman should not deny her husband's desire for intimacy, even if she is on a camel saddle. Quran 23:5-6, 70:22-30, 4:3: A man can make his sex slaves his wives. Quran 4:3: A woman should not criticize her husband's desire for polygamy. Bayhaqi 14490: A woman cannot leave the house without her husband's permission. Sahih Muslim 8:3425: A woman should breastfeed a non-relative man, so he becomes unmarriageable to her, if they are ever alone together. Quran 2:221: Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslim men, Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women. In Paradise, male Muslims will have 80,000 servants and 72 virgins (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2562) with large, beautiful eyes (Koran 37:48, 44:54, 52:20), full-bosomed (Koran 78:33) untouched by any man (Koran 55:56), lying on green cushions and beautiful carpets (55:74), but somehow no mention of the multiple fields (from Koran 2:223). Women are a minority in Paradise (Sahih Muslim 2738a) (including the 72 virgins per man??) Sahih Bukhari 7142: "Allah's Messenger said: "You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he was an black slave, whose head looks like a raisin"" Sahih Muslim 10.3901: "A slave came and swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah... not knowing that he was a slave. Then his master came and demanded him back, so the Messenger of Allah said: 'Sell him to me,' and he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not take anyone's oath of allegiance after that until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)." Quran 3:54, Qur'an 8:30: "Allah is the best of deceivers." Quran 9:29: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful..." - Regarding the Last Day - Sahih Muslim 2953b: When will the last hour come? The Messenger of Allah remained silent for a while. Then he looked at a small boy in his presence... and he said: If this boy lives, he would not grow very old until the last hour would come to you. ( 1,350 years ago ) - About the credibility of Muhammad: Qur'an 69.44-46: "If he (Muhammad) had made up about Us (Allah) any sayings, We would certainly have seized him by the right hand, and then certainly We would have cut off his aorta." - compared to Sahih Bukhari 4428: "The Prophet used to say in his illness from which he died. 'O 'Aisha!... At this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison.'" Quran 22:65: Allah is holding up the sky and prevents it from falling down on us. Quran 13:2: Allah put the sky on invisible pillars. Quran 16:79, and 67:19: Have you not seen the birds in the sky flying? No one except Allah holds them in the air. In this are truly signs for the believers. Quran 20:53: Allah spread out the earth like a carpet. Quran 18:86: ... he reached the setting of the sun and saw it setting in a murky spring... Sahih Bukhari 3199: "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e., travels) till it prostrates itself underneath the Throne (of Allah), and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself, but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course, but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come, and so it will rise in the west." Quran 21:33: And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all travelling along in their celestial spheres. Sahih Muslim 758c: Allah descends to the nearest (first) heaven at night. Quran 67:5: "And We (Allah) have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils." Adab al Mufrad 1187, Ibn Majah 3723: Don't sleep on your belly, or Allah will be angry! Sahih Bikhari 3320: If a fly falls into your drink, dip it and take it out. One of its wings has a disease, the other a cure. Sahih Muslim 2220: Infections are not real. Sahih al-Bukhari 5686: The Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd and his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as medicine). So they followed the camels and drank their milk and urine (as medicine)...
@sawsee8482 3 ай бұрын
Observant Christians, Jews and Muslims have very much in common, in that they share very many values and beliefs. The people of modern day 'Western' secular democratic Nations have broken away from their religious foundational values, beliefs and traditions, and are therefore much further removed from Christianity than Christianity is to Judaism and Islam.
@StagvanHeuten 3 ай бұрын
How can anyone believe this absurd and immoral nonsense?
@pheonixxt221 4 ай бұрын
Without lies Islam dies 😂
@lydiaakande1014 4 ай бұрын
When is the next conference coming up? I am a faculty member in the Department of Religions and Peace Studies, LAGOS STATE UNIVERSITY, OJO, NIGERIA. One of my areas of interest is INTERFAITH RELATIONS. I will like to lend my voice to this contemporary issue. The time now is 11:31pm in Nigeria.
@user-mf5tw5jy5h 4 ай бұрын
The fact is that islam is a barbaric pernicious imperialist colonizing theocratic fascist misogynistic homophobic intolerant death cult FACT. It's never islams fault not nigeria not somalia not sudan not burma not India not West Papua not Thailand not syria not Armenia no it's never Islam's fault. This woman is an apologist for a death cult. islam can't beat us intellectually or militarily so their only recourse is to white - ant Western civilization with the help of traitorous leftists.
@xtnese 4 ай бұрын
On sescism, which religion today says that its ok to rhaype captive women as chattel slves ala the Yazidi Christians, as was practiced by islam for 14 centuries, but Carlin just tries to tar all religions with the same whataboutism brush. She is either ignorant of the quran and hadiths, or deliberately practicing taqqiya deception. She is an evil entity. And what quranic ayat is Carlin inspired by to fight secsism? 😂😂😂 The quran says to beeet your wife even if the husband even so much as has a hint that the woman is going to rebel against him. Is that why you wear a full covering, to hide the bruises? Stoopid potato. #christianprince
@xtnese 4 ай бұрын
Without lies Islam dies, debate Christian prince so I can laugh at how he would humiliate you, Dr Carlin with your stupidity. go to Iran where Modesty Police beat and lock you up, same in the UAE where they wear a full Black Plastic Burka with the face mesh in 45 Celcius heat, or Indonesia where the humidity is 100%. Read the Hadith of Aisha where she said that she has not seen women suffer more than those of the "believers" in lah. Read how it is ok to beat your wife, another Hadith where the prophet says it was ok for a husband to stb to death one of his slaves for blaspheming mhmd. Honour kllngs are now a thing in the West. Look at how repressed carlin is adopting 7th century garb in the21st Century, Im surprised she hasnt adopted a 7th century name too.
@sam_mirza 4 ай бұрын
KHIMAR just means COVERING (in the Quran) Why do they need history and explanations to add to a simple straightforward word? - NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. - (The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but NOT for ladies.) Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found) In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBABs over themselves…” in Quran 24.31 - “… KHIMARs over the JAYBs..” The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31 - Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING, it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc. There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran, They have SHIFTED the IMPORTANCE away from the JAYB Check the transliteration in Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna” [Plurals : khumur, juyoob] // *..put-forth COVERINGs OVER THE JAYBs…*// KHIMAR = COVERING and JAYB just means OPENING - like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb To verify JAYB from the Quran check this example in //Quran 28.32 (part) “…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. // “… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress) (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is. Look at where the importance is in the verse: “COVERING over the Jayb” - but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB - by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb - giving importance away from the Jayb seems like DISTRACTION from the main EMPHASIS. AND also - these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings - please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from? We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran - in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran - see where the word is used again. QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings). They should know when the same root word is used for khumur/intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER” - - any KHUMUR /- intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - - Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head. How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands? They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert. IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran AND they should not add words in translations. JILBAB: Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED” So the condition is to be recognised : how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully? - So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran. Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed. Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY. “… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “ (Plural-is JALABIB) //Quran 33.59 O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBABs over themselves . In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED and not be HARASSED. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful// -- Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also. - Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word. And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
@sam_mirza 4 ай бұрын
KHIMAR just means COVERING (in the Quran) Why do they need history and explanations to add to a simple straightforward word? - NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. - (The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but NOT for ladies.) Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found) In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBABs over themselves…” in Quran 24.31 - “… KHIMARs over the JAYBs..” The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31 - Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING, it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc. There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran, They have SHIFTED the IMPORTANCE away from the JAYB Check the transliteration in Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna” [Plurals : khumur, juyoob] // *..put-forth COVERINGs OVER THE JAYBs…*// KHIMAR = COVERING and JAYB just means OPENING - like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb To verify JAYB from the Quran check this example in //Quran 28.32 (part) “…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. // “… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress) (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is. Look at where the importance is in the verse: “COVERING over the Jayb” - but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB - by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb - giving importance away from the Jayb seems like DISTRACTION from the main EMPHASIS. AND also - these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings - please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from? We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran - in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran - see where the word is used again. QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings). They should know when the same root word is used for khumur/intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER” - - any KHUMUR /- intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - - Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head. How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands? They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert. IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran AND they should not add words in translations. JILBAB: Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED” So the condition is to be recognised : how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully? - So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran. Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed. Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY. “… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “ (Plural-is JALABIB) //Quran 33.59 O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBABs over themselves . In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED and not be HARASSED. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful// -- Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also. - Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word. And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
@sam_mirza 4 ай бұрын
KHIMAR just means COVERING (in the Quran) Why do they need history and explanations to add to a simple straightforward word? - NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. - (The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but NOT for ladies.) Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found) In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBABs over themselves…” in Quran 24.31 - “… KHIMARs over the JAYBs..” The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31 - Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING, it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc. There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran, They have SHIFTED the IMPORTANCE away from the JAYB Check the transliteration in Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna” [Plurals : khumur, juyoob] // *..put-forth COVERINGs OVER THE JAYBs…*// KHIMAR = COVERING and JAYB just means OPENING - like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb To verify JAYB from the Quran check this example in //Quran 28.32 (part) “…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. // “… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress) (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is. Look at where the importance is in the verse: “COVERING over the Jayb” - but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB - by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb - giving importance away from the Jayb seems like DISTRACTION from the main EMPHASIS. AND also - these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings - please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from? We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran - in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran - see where the word is used again. QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings). They should know when the same root word is used for khumur/intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER” - - any KHUMUR /- intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - - Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head. How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands? They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert. IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran AND they should not add words in translations. JILBAB: Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED” So the condition is to be recognised : how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully? - So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran. Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed. Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY. “… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “ (Plural-is JALABIB) //Quran 33.59 O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBABs over themselves . In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED and not be HARASSED. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful// -- Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also. - Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word. And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
@sam_mirza 4 ай бұрын
NO “ladies’HIJAB” found in the Quran. - (The word HIJAB is used in the Quran but NOT for ladies.) Check these Ayath/verses that they say have Hijab in them. (But not found) In Quran 33.59 - “ … JILBABs over themselves…” in Quran 24.31 - “… KHIMARs over the JAYBs..” The word is KHIMAR in the Quran.24.31 - Root Meaning of KHIMAR is just a COVERING, it can also be a neck scarf, any scarf, dupatta, chadar, etc. There is no head, hair, veil, niqab or any such importance in the Quran, They have SHIFTED the IMPORTANCE away from the JAYB Check the transliteration in Quran 24.31: “yadribna bi’Khumur’ihinna ala juyoob’ihinna” [Plurals : khumur, juyoob] // *..put-forth COVERINGs OVER THE JAYBs…*// KHIMAR = COVERING and JAYB just means OPENING - like an opening in a dress, deep-neck, like shirt pocket - is a jayb To verify JAYB from the Quran check this example in //Quran 28.32 (part) “…. yadaka fee jayb’ika …”. // “… put your hand in your Jayb..” (clearly a pocket or opening in the dress) (or) some people translate it as chest/ bosoms coz that’s where the Jayb is. Look at where the importance is in the verse: “COVERING over the Jayb” - but the EXPLANATIONS of ‘Sect’ /Firqa leaders promoted the concept of ladies’HIJAB - by adding it in books written much later after the Quran AND by adding words with brackets in translations and explanations - gradually shifting the importance of COVERING the Jayb - giving importance away from the Jayb seems like DISTRACTION from the main EMPHASIS. AND also - these Firqa leaders wrote the Dictionary centuries later to push their meanings - please ask them : when and who wrote the Dictionary that they show their meanings from? We should not accept new meanings to the words after the word is used in the Quran - in the present era the meanings can be understood by checking the same word usage within the Quran - see where the word is used again. QURAN is it’s own DICTIONARY within it - (by using the important words in other verses and locking the meanings). They should know when the same root word is used for khumur/intoxicants even then it’s used for “COVER” - - any KHUMUR /- intoxicant or alcohol COVERS the ability INSIDE THE MIND - - Please NOTE : khumur /intoxicants/ALCOHOL does NOT cover the HAIR or outer-head. How can a religion claiming to be for the whole world - promote desert clothing for far off freezing lands? They’re Spreading culture and calling it religion - They took the desert clothing that is needed in sand storms and called it religion OTHER religious groups were ALREADY wearing it in the desert. IF anyone wants TO FOLLOW WORDS OF ALLAH then they should verify with the Quran - coz every secondary source should match with the Quran AND they should not add words in translations. JILBAB: Means any decent OUTER CLOTHING worn above the under-garments - it’s plural is JALABIB The verse in the Quran 33.59 is about JILBAB - it’s about wearing outer clothing - where it also says that “they can be RECOGNISED and NOT HARASSED” So the condition is to be recognised : how will anyone RECOGNISE if you cover fully? - So avoid tight clothing - it’s really simple as per Quran. Wearing clothes that the security personnel and other people are scared of coz they cannot recognise the person inside - as a result you face difficulty and then that results in feeling harassed. Check the verse Q.33.59 below and remember that some translations or interpretations have added words in brackets - so look at Arabic /or word-to-word translation to VERIFY, yes VERIFY. “… alay’ihinna min jalabib’ihinna… “ (Plural-is JALABIB) //Quran 33.59 O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their JILBABs over themselves . In this way it is more likely that they will be RECOGNISED and not be HARASSED. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful// -- Notice it’s only talking about properly covering themselves - there is NO emphasis on head, hair, face covering in this verse also. - Some of them will not VERIFY what is in the Quran - word by word. And you may get to see how they will jump to start calling IGNORANT and names to the person showing them the research.
@middleeastdm2447 4 ай бұрын
@Sinner-fi4bw 6 ай бұрын
Yet u let a geocide go on n Gaza. Another usuless organization like the UN. You aew corrupted by power.
@jaimebruno7595 6 ай бұрын
VIVA ESPAÑA 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦!!!!
@rananayeem6920 7 ай бұрын
What she's following is not the main-stream Islam; follows Shiism, not good at all!
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
@zaskiazaskia_azzahra4784 8 ай бұрын
Orang kerten/Nasrani masuk islam kerna kebenar dan Cerdas, berpikir. Orang islam masuk Nasrani kerna perut dan kemaluan.
@biancat888 8 ай бұрын
Love her Hijab style 😊
@rizali1314 8 ай бұрын
Brother, please delete the background photos and video parts on all your KZbin channels that contain women with exposed genitalia, arms, neck, hair or other things, if they exist, because they are prohibited from viewing.Especially by non-mahram people
@nurulidalaila128 8 ай бұрын
I hope you are Istiqomah my brother, and can convert all your family too 🤲🤲
@asihbudi1675 8 ай бұрын
Semoga semakin bertambah ilmunya semakin bertambah syar'i bajunya, sehat selalu dan berbahagia dalam lindungan Allah SWT aamiin.
@sarmisarmiyati4738 8 ай бұрын
@hasikin8616 8 ай бұрын
@bahrumjaelani2268 8 ай бұрын
@MusLimin-pb6wk 8 ай бұрын
Islam itu inda selamat dunia aherat
@user-sr7kr6xl4l 8 ай бұрын
Udah cuuuantik pinter LG massa allah
@shakib7468 8 ай бұрын
Assalamualaikum.masallah.may allmighty allah bless you.
@shakib7468 8 ай бұрын
Hello,assalamualaikum friend.may allah bless you.
@halimuci8706 8 ай бұрын
She is absolutely right. So many people talk and discuss about Islam just base on their assumption and media. They have not READ and Study the main source of Islam the Holy book " AL QURAN" and Hadist.
@johansyahzainy3003 8 ай бұрын
She's best for all life in Islam
@iburodiyah5215 8 ай бұрын
Alhamdulillah wasyukurillh
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Mama cantik asallMualaikum
@sajjadkhan4179 8 ай бұрын
disccovery of 1500 years old bible in origenal form.says islam is true reliegion kzbin.info/www/bejne/oX21go2egMSYars
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Namaku Muis ali taufik hidayat
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Mudah mudah dia jodohkucantikbaikbager
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Iloveyou cantik mudah mudahan dia jodohku habis cantik baik bager manis moal di hamili karunya. Aku Muis ali taufik hidayat mudah mudahan dia cinta aku menerima aku dengan baik apalagi dia dokter
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Dia jodohku moal di hamili kasihan habis bager
@mohamadAsri-mu6cc 8 ай бұрын
Iloveyou dari mana masih sendiri aku cinta baget habiscantik. Mudah mudahan belum punya pacar. Namaku Muis. Ali. Taufik. Hidayat. Mudah. Mudahan jodohku aku pengen baget punya istri seperti dia tapi gimana ketemuan moal di hamili kasihan habis bager
@BAPERJASE 8 ай бұрын
Semoga istiqomah
@saithalavisaitalavi5217 8 ай бұрын
@user-kn5sg1mu9i 9 ай бұрын
Alhamdulillah Islam sdh byk di terima di dunia Semoga Alloh swt .memberi kekuatan kepada hambanya yang beriman kepada Allah swt amiin
@azfarsyed7082 9 ай бұрын
We believe that Women. Respect Modest .
@bayzidmunshibayzidmohammed3754 9 ай бұрын
There is Islam settled this matter
@rustamtahir9382 9 ай бұрын
@sriwija8755 9 ай бұрын
@sriwija8755 9 ай бұрын
Alhamdulillah... ❤❤
@mohamedmartin6914 9 ай бұрын
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد عدد ما ذكره الذاكرون وعدد ما غفل عن ذكره الغافلون ... 💕💕💕