Jingle Jam 2019:Day 11
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Jingle Jam 2019:Day 5
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Jingle Jam 2019:day 31
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Best of Jingle Jam 2018
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 31
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 30
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 28
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Jingle Jam 2018: Day 24
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Jingle Jam 2018:day 27
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 23
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 22
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 21
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 20
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Jingle Jam 2018:day 16
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 17
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Jingle Jam 2018:day 14
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 13
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 11
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 12
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 10
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 9
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Jingle Jam 2018:day 8
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 7
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 6
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Jingle Jam 2018: Day 5
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Jingle Jam 2018:Day 4
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Jingle Jam 2018: Day 3
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@capslockcapable1719 19 сағат бұрын
TRAINS DIDN'T DO 9/11, DID THEY? I wish I knew why this pops into my head so often.
@aurolineblack3692 5 күн бұрын
Good god Zylus acts like an actual cop on a power trip
@wboumans 8 күн бұрын
What truck game is that? Can't find it
@daniilthewise7 10 күн бұрын
"got liquid coming out from every orifice" - Papa Nurgle caught Tom lacking and decided to give him a small taste of Nurgle gifts
@cald1421 14 күн бұрын
“Not in a world where there’s dishes to do as well” was fucking hilarious 😂
@Shawn_Boyce 15 күн бұрын
👏👏 Great fun with best friends 👏👏
@bredmon 17 күн бұрын
african american blocks - lewis lmaooo
@Werrf1 Ай бұрын
Wait till you guys hear about Archmagos Pau R. Armour
@nelsondisalvatore9812 Ай бұрын
A meme was born that day.
@crystaldragon2566 Ай бұрын
Favorite moments - HatFilms get shocked 9:25 - 10:57 Bonus 10:29 The moment I heard that part of the song in the background my brain immediately switched into FNAF mode. 14:19 Immediate karma 19:15 - 22:33 HatFilms+ Turps(?) getting shocked 23:42 - 24:37 Trott's C@$# Shot
@dodoxasaurus6904 Ай бұрын
22:09 Love how Lewis says "If you're a fat-fucker"
@William_Reader Ай бұрын
What sources are these clips from?
@jessicagill1299 Ай бұрын
Bless youuuuuuuuuuuu
@Acklon Ай бұрын
I checked the wiki and 2017 was the most money raised by over 1 million dollars compared to all other Jingle Jams. Lewis was the drunkest he's every been on Jingle Jam 2017. COINCIDENCE!? I THINK NOT!
@hmmurdockofids Ай бұрын
1:36 true
@alexxx4434 Ай бұрын
The clips picked with great taste!
@alexxx4434 Ай бұрын
Sips is a Canadian treasure!
@sweetlolitaChii Ай бұрын
33:00 This is THE most drunk I've ever seen Duncan
@nahuel3433 Ай бұрын
I mean they made a joke about the Lazgun and such... But IRL the word "Gun" comes from the name Gunnhildr
@nelsondisalvatore9812 Ай бұрын
Wait really?!
@nahuel3433 Ай бұрын
@@nelsondisalvatore9812 Yes, though I skipped a bit of a step in there. A balista/canon was named after Gunnhildr and the word gun is in reference to that. It's the etymological theory at least.
@nelsondisalvatore9812 Ай бұрын
@@nahuel3433 I see.
@OldIronJohnson 15 күн бұрын
Same goes for the word "pants".
@CountryMusicMann Ай бұрын
That Land thing could be really great if it was just an in-universe joke among the soldiery. Pull a Miyazaki and leave the actual truth vague and mysterious, and this is one of the joke explanations for where the name comes from.
@Dostwyn Ай бұрын
Like how Ultramarines aren't called Ultramarines because they're Marines but Ultra. It's because they come from a region of space called Ultramar. They aren't Ultra-Marines, they're Ultramar-ines.
@kamielheeres8687 Ай бұрын
Whirlwind: discovered by Willy Whirlwind Dreadnought: discovered by Dimitry Dread Vindicator: discovered by Vin the Cator Rhino: discovered by an actual Rhinocerous Predator: discovered by a registered sex offender.
@bensnumber1fan708 Ай бұрын
i miss you ThatMadCat! you are my favourite pole
@ryanstucke7811 Ай бұрын
Jimmy Space and his Space Maines
@redflare545 Ай бұрын
sjin is just the best troll ever
@terrencemedders1867 Ай бұрын
I love the Arkhan Land bit. When you read how ADB added it in, you can tell that it's a joke.
@aurolineblack3692 Ай бұрын
Traitors should always hit tab when detonators are live to make sure they don't have their buddies detonator
@LucasCarter2 Ай бұрын
I’m probably like 20 kg heavier than Lewis but I wouldn’t be able to get to 5 before I couldn’t even function anymore.
@Forke13 Ай бұрын
Yeah I can really see the dying part
@Rosstafa Ай бұрын
I love the little jokes like this in the 40k universe. There are less of them these days as it's generally more serious, but back in the Rogue Trader era there were tonnes of these dumb jokes and references to other things.
@canaryinacoalmine1759 Ай бұрын
Its not a retcon, it dates back to Rogue Trader. You're all secondaries and fake fans.
@Vulgarth1 Ай бұрын
An old clip, but stupid retcons ring true as they ever did.
@homelessperson5455 Ай бұрын
Lion El'Jonson is not named this because he was born to an "El'Jonson." Jon is apparently the modern/high gothic version of the word forest, and El is just Spanish for the. So his name is literally "Lion, Son of the Forest" because he was found in a forest.
@The-jy3yq Ай бұрын
I mean yeah, what else would you call him? George of the Jungle?
@bensnumber1fan708 Ай бұрын
ah the rythian salt bits brings me back
@Gentleman_33 Ай бұрын
My favorite Warhammer 40k game, (Steam) Total War Warhammer.
@usernamedkjahstill5003 Ай бұрын
Probably to not be sued by Star Wars/ Disney
@TheGuyCalledX 2 ай бұрын
Twiddly whiddlies
@Unagodd 2 ай бұрын
I think the only Bouphe laughing clip I like more is maybe the one where she's spamming fart noises at Lydia.
@TheOnlyBloke 2 ай бұрын
Techpriest Bolt's ancestor was actually the one to invent heavy-duty steel separators, hence the name, Bolt cutters
@parkerpartain5529 2 ай бұрын
Wonder if it has any relation to the Polaroid land camera, which famously was used for land surveys, but the creator was actually named land. And that's the whole reason? Kinda funny
@23bcx 2 ай бұрын
When I was a teen and in collage I used to think that Lewis would be horrible to work for but after I entered the workforce I have had maybe one boss who was less of a dick then him
@bob_0146 2 ай бұрын
W Lewis
@forrestwatley6678 2 ай бұрын
A full snarf, nice.
@hyperionthundermain 2 ай бұрын
You know, at least when Ciaphas Cain namechecks truly stupid names like 'Miyamoto De Bergerac' it's SUPPOSED to be a joke.
@scarblaire 2 ай бұрын
what was this series called
@Goliath5541 Ай бұрын
Project ozone
@avotsm 22 күн бұрын
to the core
@Rodoet001 2 ай бұрын
As funny and often silly as Warhammer lore can get, to be fair, Arkhan land and Land Raiders being named after him has been around since the 90s and things being called after their inventor is actually quite common. The Gatling gun was invented by R.J. Gatling, the guillotine was originally called a louisette after its inventor Antoine Louis and then later was renamed after Joseph-Ignace Guillotin after he convinced the French revolutionaries to use it for their executions, arguing it was more humane. The BAR was named after John Browning, diesel engine and fuel is named after Rudolf Diesel, the word shrapnel comes from Henry Shrapnel after he invented the shrapnel shell artillery piece. Doesn't mean we can't laugh about it, but it's worth noting.
@gonzoblue1206 2 ай бұрын
There is a part of me that misses this era of quest mod packs as its a much more minecraft gui vs the modern version
@Staicmeister 2 ай бұрын
Peter Turbo is the funniest shit on this planet
@davidvasey5065 2 ай бұрын
This guy man
@kudosbudo 2 ай бұрын
that spacemarines belt sitting so low gives him short legs.