@MrDK0010 19 күн бұрын
This only seems achievable with conscription across Europe & a wholehearted commitment by the US. Or... if Ukraine becomes a NATO member. But that won't happen. And even if it did, the capability requirements might grow.
@nikitasmekhov2420 19 күн бұрын
Good channel
@shtyrkel Ай бұрын
Amazing channel, hope typing this comment helps the algorithm!
@securityanddefence Ай бұрын
Thank you
@AdurianJ Ай бұрын
Sweden had 29 brigades in the 1980's in the late 90's it still had 16 brigades, today it has just increased the number to 4. Don't be surprised if Sweden answers the call for more brigades, the problem so far is a lack of younger officers and NCO's to man and train these units. A fifth brigade was struck from the most recent defence white paper because of that very problem. I think Sweden will want three divisions in the long term if possible and if trump manages to push for 3,5% GDP spending on defence that's enough. Traditionally Sweden has been divided in three areas north central and south and a division in each of those areas would make a lot of sense, though the northern division might be struck as Swedish brigades are slated to join under a Finnish division. As of today 1-2 Brigades are promised to Finland for that purpose.
@securityanddefence Ай бұрын
Interesting, thank you.
@kai7778. Ай бұрын
I am a Finn and I must say that this presentation is quite well done. I do not agree with the Finnish naval forces information; truth is Finnish naval forces are crappy. Russia knows the weakness of Finnish naval forces and that's why bad things happen / will happen in nearby future in the Baltic Sea. Finland has tremendeous expertise on landwarfare but in marine engagement we rely on seamines and bunch of missile boats
@petritast3784 4 күн бұрын
Not true. RBS15SF i.e.MTO85 and MTO85M, SAAB TP47, Gabriel and last but not least Bofors 40mm & 57mm. Also SAAB Sea Giraffe, SAAB Double-Eagle ROVs, and so on. 🇫🇮🇸🇪💪
@HiReeZin 2 ай бұрын
How is 350 Stingers + "some extra equipment" 380 million dollars?
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
Jeffrey Sachs kertoo askel askeleelta kuinka Nato/EU laajeni itään Venäjän toiveista, pyynnöistä ja vastustuksesta piittaamatta! Tämä oli suunniteltu jo ennen v. 1992 Brezinskyn kaudella alkaen mm. Latvian, Liettuan, Eestin, Tsekin, Romanian liittämisellä Natoon ja lopulta myös Ukrainan. Kaikki siis huolimatta lupauksistaan Gorbatsoville, Jeltsinille sekä Putinille olla laajentumatta! Tarina on todella karmiva ja osoittaa USAn holtitonta piittaamattomuutta ja uskoa omaan ylivoimaansa ja oikeuteensa mm. järjestää ja rahoittaa mm. Maidanin vallankaappaus ja siten Ukrainan sisällissota v. 2014 ja edelleen venäläisten alueiden pommittaminen. Vasta sitten Venäjä toimi ja alkoi turvata länsirajaansa ja estää Naton ydinaseet rajoillaan sekä mm. Naton laivastotukikohdan tulon Krimille. Tässä on hyvin selkeä ja yksinkertainen tekstitys englanniksi, joten yksinkertaiset ja sivistymättömät lapsiministerimme sekä myös idiootit ja sotahullut kenraalimme sen saattavat ymmärtää, heille kaikille tämän tulisi olla pakollinen oppitunti! kzbin.info/www/bejne/hJCxmGabfpJ1n7csi=NVBbq5NFFYP8582O
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
Saksa sekaisin ja pahan laman partaalla, EU tulee romahtamaan, syy venäjäpakotteet ja siinä nimenomaan energian järkyttävä hinta! Siemens ja Volkswagen vaativat Saksan hallitukselta vahingonkorvauksia "compensation" miljardeja € teollisuuden ahdingosta "de-industrialization". Tälläinen on laki Saksassa! Saksaa vahingoittavat venäjäpakotteet valtavasti mutta ei juurikaan USAta. Myös Saksan ammattiliitot vaativat "kompensaatioita" vastaavasta valtiolta, tai itseasiassa hallitukselta... Voitte vaan kuvitella mikä on sitten Suomen tilanne, sehän jo nähdäänkin karusti ja yhä syvemmälle suohon mennään kun on vihdoinkin saatu tärkein naapurimme, mikä nyt sattuu olemaan myös suurvalta, viholliseksemme... Kiitos idioottimaiset puoluejohdot sekä muu ylimielinen ja typerä muukalaiseliittimme, tak. 🤬 Lännen johtajat ovat hyvin epäsuosittuja toisin kuin mm. Venäjän ja Kiinan johtajat, sekä kotimaissaan että myös maailmalla. Siksi myös Brics jyllää maailmalla! Tosin, Suomessa, valtava korruptio ja massiivinen propaganda pitää idioottijohtomme suosion sadassa prosentissa, kuten myös YLEn itsensä tekaisemat luotettavuustutkimukset itsestään... Näin latasi Saksan ja EUn tilanteesta Richard Wolf Danny Haiphongin (Democracyatwork.info) kanavalla, "Richard Wolf on How Russia Destroyed NATO's Economic War..." Hän vertasi nyky Venäjää II-mailmansodan USAhan ja sen talouden hyötyyn presidentti Trumanin aikana. Mitäpä luulette, kuka joutuu Suomesta anomaan tapaamista Venäjän johdolta ja nöyrästi hattu kourassa menemään pyytämään anteeksi vahingontekoaan ja yritystämme vahingoittaa Venäjää, ja milloinkahan tuo tulee tapahtumaan?
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
Pitää olla kyllä idiootti, jos lähtee puolustamaan jenkkien etua yhtään minnekään! Siihen nuorukaisten pakottaminen on maanpetos josta on seurattava syyllisille ankara rangaistus! Jos maan lakeja yritetään muuttaa tuon sallimiseksi saati velvoittamiseksi on sekin maanpetos! Suomalaisille valehdellaan röyhkeästi ja häpeämättömästi aivan kaikesta tähän nato-fiaskoon liittyvästä! Demokratiassa ja oikeusvaltiossa olisivat mm. puolue-eliitit, presidentti, korkeimmat oikeusviranomaiset, nato-mediat sekä koko SFP tyrmässä odottamassa tuomiotaan!
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
Jeffrey Sachs kertoo askel askeleelta kuinka Nato/EU laajeni itään Venäjän toiveista, pyynnöistä ja vastustuksesta piittaamatta! Tämä oli suunniteltu jo ennen v. 1992 Brezinskyn kaudella alkaen mm. Latvian, Liettuan, Eestin, Tsekin, Romanian liittämisellä Natoon ja lopulta myös Ukrainan. Kaikki siis huolimatta lupauksistaan Gorbatsoville, Jeltsinille sekä Putinille olla laajentumatta! Tarina on todella karmiva ja osoittaa USAn holtitonta piittaamattomuutta ja uskoa omaan ylivoimaansa ja oikeuteensa mm. järjestää ja rahoittaa mm. Maidanin vallankaappaus ja siten Ukrainan sisällissota v. 2014 ja edelleen venäläisten alueiden pommittaminen. Vasta sitten Venäjä toimi ja alkoi turvata länsirajaansa ja estää Naton ydinaseet rajoillaan sekä mm. Naton laivastotukikohdan tulon Krimille. Tässä on hyvin selkeä ja yksinkertainen tekstitys englanniksi, joten yksinkertaiset ja sivistymättömät lapsiministerimme sekä myös idiootit ja sotahullut kenraalimme sen saattavat ymmärtää, heille kaikille tämän tulisi olla pakollinen oppitunti! kzbin.info/www/bejne/hJCxmGabfpJ1n7csi=NVBbq5NFFYP8582O
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
Voi helevetin perkele tuota röyhkeyttä! Nythän Viinistön, Styppin, Urpon, Häkäsen, Valtasen, Pyrrin, Ätlekröitsin ja muutaman muun urhean sotakiihkoilijan olisi ollut mahdollisuus todeta mitä näiden kiihkeästi haluama sota on! Tosin, Venäjän Spetznazit pyyhkäisivät muutaman kymmenen urhean jenkin, kanadalaisen ja puolalaisen huippuyksikön päiviltä. Urheita ukroja ei ollut edes vänkäreinä! kzbin.info/www/bejne/hmrLnmeCZdqDfNUsi=P3-I_gSvtQXzNKEB
@paavoturunen2363 2 ай бұрын
No way Jose! Pitää olla kyllä idiootti, jos lähtee puolustamaan jenkkien etua yhtään minnekään! Siihen nuorukaisten pakottaminen on maanpetos josta on seurattava syyllisille ankara rangaistus! Jos maan lakeja yritetään muuttaa tuon sallimiseksi saati velvoittamiseksi on sekin maanpetos! Suomalaisille valehdellaan röyhkeästi ja häpeämättömästi aivan kaikesta tähän nato-fiaskoon liittyvästä! Demokratiassa ja oikeusvaltiossa olisivat mm. puolue-eliitit, presidentti, korkeimmat oikeusviranomaiset, nato-mediat sekä koko SFP tyrmässä odottamassa tuomiotaan!
@LegaliseFinland 2 ай бұрын
Finland's defence is based
@Vulcaani 2 ай бұрын
Border guards also have a sizable reserve for war-time use. Good video man!
@securityanddefence 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ;)
@EggwardEgghands 2 ай бұрын
Note: The 7 brigades & regiments (actually 8) listed only apply to the peacetime structure. They are training units. You cannot cram the full 280 000 wartime military (total trained reserve 900 000) into 8 Army +4 Airforce +4 Navy brigades. The wartime structure and composition is not open source, but just for a thought experiment: using the NATO definition of 2000-5000 men per brigade would mean 56-140 brigades. If we assume that 2/3 of the force is logistics and support, then just the fighting brigades would still be 18-46. Add to this also some 12 000 Border Guards.
@Osterbaum 2 ай бұрын
Looking at number of equipment most of those fighting brigades are motorised/light infantry in wheeled APC's or just trucks with only light AT capability and possibly no AA of their own (unless manpads are distributed to them which ofc they might be and yeah they might have access to some guns that could shoot low flying drones).
@herptek 2 ай бұрын
The air force and navy (including the coastal forces) personnel are separate from the army. It barely makes sense to just divide the wartime strength of the defence forces, 280 000, arbitrarily by three and come up with some estimate of number of brigades of the army.
@herptek 2 ай бұрын
​@@OsterbaumHeavy AT capabilities and organic indirect fire are there for all normal infantry troops. There are storages of infantry weapons and equipment for hundreds of thousands. The air defence doctrine has been changing more into focus on influcting casualties from guarding specific points. Finland still does have well over a thousand AAA pieces, but MANPADS and other shorad systems have become more priorized for short range air defence.
@Osterbaum 2 ай бұрын
@@herptek Yes mortars and heavier shoulder launched AT-weapons probably exist in large enough quantities and ofc artillery brigades must be a large portion of the total.
@herptek 2 ай бұрын
@@Osterbaum We don't have artillery brigades separately, but all infantry and jaeger brigades as well as battlegroups include artillery regiments under their organization, which include heavy and light artillery battalions. All infantry and jaeger battalions have organic heavy mortar companies and jaeger companies are themselves equipped with light mortar teams. In older force organization charts battalions were supported by anti-tank platoons equipped with wire guided ATGMs for long to medium range anti-tank defence and heavy recoilless rifles as well as heavy disposable AT weapons for medium to short range effect. Additionally jaeger companies are themselves equipped with loads of disposable AT weapons for self defence. There have been changes to the force organization and armament and in training use wire guided and unguided weapons have since given way to more advanced ATGMs such as the Spike family of missiles as well as NLAW for short range defence. Additionally artillery is used for anti-tank effect by using specialized BONUS submunitions. We don't exactly lack weaponry when it comes to these categories.
@owbvbsteve 2 ай бұрын
Good job
@securityanddefence 2 ай бұрын
Thx ;)
@BorderGuardJaegerFinlandia 2 ай бұрын
Do not forget me, from the Finnish Border Guards Jaegers Sissi Unit, living abroad right now I will also be there to defend my mother/fatherland 🇫🇮❤️🙏
@teme82 2 ай бұрын
Sea Hornets? they are just hornets ..
@BFVsnypEz 2 ай бұрын
Highly modified hornets😁
@teme82 2 ай бұрын
@@BFVsnypEz Oi that's supposed to be secret 😆
@ukkomies100 2 ай бұрын
They have the sea catch hook modified into them and folding wings if i dont remember wrong. That is for bunker storage and highway landings
@teme82 2 ай бұрын
@@ukkomies100 those things are standard for the F/A-18 from the factory.
@securityanddefence 2 ай бұрын
C Hornets
@gofgoffi2209 2 ай бұрын
Must say that this is the best presentation of Finnish army in KZbin, I ever seen. Usually these kind of videos are a joke. The numbers are pretty correct/public info. This KZbinr has done his homeworks. I will subscribe. It's first time I subscribe this kind of channel.
@ukrainevictory-j4u 2 ай бұрын
i was hoping for ground launched tomahawk incase the air is contested.
@Finnishguy777 2 ай бұрын
The amount of artillery is more today the information on the video is two years old, the total amount of artillery at the moment is 1698 howitzers/heavy grenade launchers, otherwise very great video
@amadeuz819 2 ай бұрын
Are you sure, like since when have they given out numbers?
@Finnishguy777 2 ай бұрын
@@amadeuz819 Yes, I'm sure, and I don't remember where I read the new statistic, but besides reading it somewhere, I also heard the current number of artillery weapons directly from one of my relatives who is an artillery colonel active service, so yes, I'm sure about
@amadeuz819 2 ай бұрын
@@Finnishguy777 Still, since when have we started to give out numbers? When we joined NATO?
@Finnishguy777 2 ай бұрын
@@amadeuz819 In fact, those numbers have been shared at least at the EU level ever since Finland joined the EU, and in fact the Finnish Defense Forces had originally announced the size of the artillery to be half smaller than it was, the defense forces were caught by the EU sometime around 2009, as I recall, from that "lie" and the actual number of readings of the materials has been reported by the defense forces, today they are reported at certain intervals both to EU allies and now to NATO allies, other countries do the same, the things are not really "military secrets" and knowing them does not cause a national threat, but rather it causes deterrence and the credibility of the defense both to allies and potential adversaries. The underestimation of the size of the artillery and being caught was once a big newspaper story.
@amadeuz819 2 ай бұрын
@@Finnishguy777 A number here and there, a location here and there and then someone combines it all... There was the recent talk about recruits and their phones so that's why I am asking. Don't know about our current generations but we have never had the need to compare dcks with others, just show enough to keep the Muscovians away. So is it just a change in mentality among our new generations or is it a change in our policy. At least they have said nothing about the stuff sent to Ukraine so I would assume we still live by the old ways. So my point was more to make a point than to question your number. Like wiki says 1500, then 1500 is fine because that's more than the others have. Maybe you trust the others, I don't because its only a signed paper and when it comes down to it they will run while making up excuses to save their own skins. Like Muscovians haven't changed for 500 years so why would the others?
@pauligrisan4865 2 ай бұрын
@Pyhantaakka 2 ай бұрын
The Air Force has in fact 62 F-18 hornets. 55 C and 7 D variants. D variant is often just marked down as trainer as it's 2-seater and used for training, while they are perfectly capable fighters also. EDIT: I forgot: great video otherwise! Thanks for spending time on this.
@Finnishguy777 2 ай бұрын
How did I get the idea that there are 64 of them? Am I misremembering or have I just misunderstood something or has someone already been disabled
@Pyhantaakka 2 ай бұрын
@@Finnishguy777 Yes, originally. Two were lost in accidents (in 2001 and 2010). The 2001 was a curious case, because it led to frankenhornet project where one of the collided C models was modified to D model with a frame procured from Canada. This then ended up falling from the sky in tests in 2010. So the same plane went out of commission twice.
@tomeyboo 2 ай бұрын
61* 1 of them was already retired and disassembled
@Pyhantaakka 2 ай бұрын
@@tomeyboo Interesting, FDF should update their site. :)
@UserDefaultEurope 2 ай бұрын
Have you actually seen the HN-401 taken apart? Maybe she’s lurking in a cave with two underslung B-61 problem removers and three fuel tanks.
@macjonte 3 ай бұрын
En svensk tiger.
@T1hitsTheHighestNote 3 ай бұрын
What happened to Germany's pledge from 2022 to increase defence spending?
@morgansjodin4859 3 ай бұрын
Sweden is a country with alot of history.. even in war.
@qwertyuio266 3 ай бұрын
Sweden needs its airforce when all its Nordic neighboors are getting the stealth turkey.
@sakariyemahamud1707 3 ай бұрын
The gripen was bulit around a advanced conflict zone
@AdurianJ 3 ай бұрын
The 250 AIM-120 C8 have already been delivered Sweden has also ordered an unknown number of Meteor missiles so the air force is building up its stocks of air to air missiles. The targeting pod is the latest Litening 5 from Israel, this pod has allready been ordered and i think delivered for the Gripen E, this new order was for the Gripen C/D which is getting an unplanned MLU because of the deteriorating security situation. Sweden has 96 Gripen C/D in service and when the Gripen E is being delivered Gripen D will be released for use as the advanced trainer so that is a new Gripen squadron being activated that could be used in case of war. Also the F16 wing in Uppsala which lack squadrons is expected to get 1-2 squadrons of gripens as the Gripen E deliveries increases the number of fighters in the air force. No decision is taken on that but it's mentioned in the future planning expected in the next defence decision. The Supreme commander has also mentioned that he wants rocket artillery for at least a battalion, the current frontrunner is the Israeli Puls system, this battalion would be on the division level. We are going to four brigades now but it's expected the new regiments in northern Sweden will be getting more units today they train five infantry battalions in arctic warfare, don't be surprised if these get tasked with forming 1-2 Arctic brigades in the coming years, the discussions have been about 1 Arctic brigade to support the 19th mechanized Arctic brigade in Finland. As it currently stands the 19th mechanized is expected to operate in Finland under Finnish command in case of war because Finland for reasons that are all to obvious concentrates it's defence in the populated south. i must commend you though you have very few errors in the video you just missed a few things but that's easy to do.
@Alex-oc2vi 3 ай бұрын
The Homeguard like the rest of the Armed Forces will be getting new firearms, from SAKO, so thats probably the biggest investment for now, the most recent addition as far as equipment goes is the Parrot ANAFI USA GOV quadcopter/UAV. A vehicle like the SISU GTP(will be called TGB24 in Sweden) would be nice for them, but might get a bit expensive if one wants it as the standard vehicle for the whole organisation, with that being said, 260 of these have been ordered by Sweden and Finland for various purposes, e.g Air defense(in Sweden probably Saabs RBS 70 NG, but thats just a guess, could be another system as well, RBS 70 NG will be mounted on BV410 to btw), so it would make sense in some ways.
3 ай бұрын
IRIS-T SLS or SLM or whatever that one is called? Someone else mentioned MSHORAD (on other vehicles.)
@Alex-oc2vi 3 ай бұрын
My guess is it might be to big for TGB24, Saabs new MSHORAD is already mounted on similiar vehicles, e.g Lithuania ordered it and it will be on american JLTV. Iris-T SLM would be a nice system to have though.
3 ай бұрын
@@Alex-oc2vi I see now the SAAB MSHORAD use the RBS 70 NG. US one using Stinger, Hellfire 30 and 7.62 mm.
@KristerWarmenius 3 ай бұрын
Germany can do MUCH better?
@cia5649 3 ай бұрын
army or rather the goverment is considering to make Territorial Defense Forces made up of older soldier and supposed to be made up of soldiers over 30. nothing offical tho
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
In what country?
@pailey1464 3 ай бұрын
one good thing that could be mentioned is the fact that the homeguards are getting recon drones on a squad level
@AdurianJ 3 ай бұрын
As a member of the home guard we are getting a massive modernisation of basically all equipment. We got new kitchens this year and last year everyone got upgraded Ak4C rifles, in a few years we'll get the AK24. The Ccarl Gustav M4 will be introduced as well as recon drones and smart sensor systems for detecting intruders. Thats just from the top of my head.
@T1hitsTheHighestNote 3 ай бұрын
Sensors, sensors, sensors... entirely new capabilities. The drones will be a game-changer.
@SonsOfLorgar 3 ай бұрын
Also, new positions for integrated indirect support controllers, the old semi detatched CBRN platoons integrated into the daily functions of the battalions, more of the newly added 120mm mortar platoons, integrated manpad sections, more integrated field medics, pioneers and marksmen in each platoon, new radios all the way from regional Army command level down to individual home guard soldiers, a completely new Uniform system, from underwear and socks to thermo smocks, helmets, hearing protectors (that plugs into the new individual squad radios), and rain coats and plate carriers/webbing... A home guard veteran that retired in the 1980ies won't be able to recognise anything of the 2027 home guard as home guard other than the lapel insignia.
@AdurianJ 3 ай бұрын
You are confusing the BvS10 and Bv410. They are the same vehicles. Sweden has just laid two major orders for it one directly to hhägglunds and one via a multinational cooperation of countries
3 ай бұрын
But they are renovating BV 206 with new engines?
@AdurianJ 3 ай бұрын
Yes but they are different vehicles for different needs. The Bv206 is liked for it's lower ground pressure and it's distributed to secondary units like home guard and infantry battalions
@SonsOfLorgar 3 ай бұрын
The Bv 206 is an unprotected logistics/utility vehicle for support units in uncontested areas with limited infrastructure integrity, the Bv410/BvS10 is armored utility vehicles for operation in the same role but by the line units and their close support formations in contested areas where loitering drones, airstrike and artillery threat is a factor.
@IrenESorius 3 ай бұрын
@Major_Duck 3 ай бұрын
I really like you started doing them in English as well as KZbin auto translate is mehh 👍
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
Thanks ;)
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
I prefer them in German as our beloved Sabertoothed Seagull is more exact in the expressions there.
@TheLusus 3 ай бұрын
1:09 The branches are as follows Army, Air force & Marine. The Marine branch has the Navy and Marine Corps equivalent. The Home Guard is deployed within all three branches.
@Spampe 3 ай бұрын
Just FYI Sweden does not operate the Cn 235 and successor to the C-130H will be either the C-130J or KC-390.
@WilliamMagnusson-cb5qv 3 ай бұрын
lots of things wrong in this video
@valverdeout2972 3 ай бұрын
What is wrong then?
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
For example?
@valtereideholm1551 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic channel man, keep it up
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
Thanks ;)
@AXXeYY 3 ай бұрын
Thats the good thing with swedish gripen you get soo mutch for the money! Nearly as many fighter jets as uk and germany!
@hakanl2585 3 ай бұрын
At 8:28 the presenter says that Sweden currently operate 50 UH-60M helicopter. But in the attached text it says Sweden have 15 UH-60M in it's inventory.
@paecmaker 3 ай бұрын
I'm just going to assume it's the accent, fifty and fifteen sounds quite similar.
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
That should be 15
@RoniiNN 3 ай бұрын
The German comparison with Sweden is crazy. But yeah Swedes are much more militaristic than Germany also so is harder to push for rational budget for Germany. Germany has a lot of American soldiers deployed for the moment but that won’t last long in a era of declining American dominance.
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
What is crazy is that Germany spends about the same amount as France and UK, but get so little for the money that Sweden can compete. A deep dive into German military procurement and budget allocation would be appreciated.
@maghambor 3 ай бұрын
Great video even though I liked the German version better ;) Granatkastarpansarbandvagn ist ein wort! One thing I missed in both was the Army air defense where you'd find Patriot PAC 3 and other interesting AA items. More AA is also being procured for the amphibious forces; 10 KRR's, and some other MSHORAD for instance. Together with Finland, they're getting 260 4x4 GTP APC's. They also recently added a third Global Eye to the two previously ordered. The somewhat secretive orders for new CV9035s are estimated based on other orders to total 90-100 vehicles, of which half will be donated by Denmark and Sweden to Ukraine. A noteworthy mention might be the staggered roll out of a new rifle system with various variants and calibers for all uniformed personnel. This is outside of this video's scope, but they're also investing in tripling their 155 MM shell production with EU support. Finally, it should be noted that Sweden, in addition to its military defense also invests in its reactivated civilian defense and resilience systems, which in light of Russia's war of colonial conquest in Ukraine more nations should do. The sums are fairly modest so far and include everything from restoring bomb shelters to increasing the storage of essential goods in the private sector. The role-model here obviously being Finland.
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
That Finland unlike Sweden didn't demolish the civilian defence in the 1990s goes to show the different level of statemanship between the countries.
@maghambor 3 ай бұрын
@@johanmetreus1268 There's now way to sugarcoat it. Sweden made some terrible decisions in the 90's when the Social Democrats pretty much slaughtered the entire defense. It didn't help that that consequitive right-wing government was bloated by naive neo-liberals. It's only now, with a firmly conserative government, that Sweden finally is making some gains to recover its defense capabilites.
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
@@maghambor It is not me sugar-coating it, it is you oversimplifying the Swedish defence into a left-right issue. Both the Bildt (Moderate) and Persson (Socialdemocrat) cabinets reduced an already anaemic defence budget, but it was the Reinfeldt cabinet that brought out the big axe and not only turned the armed forces to little beyond an expeditionary participant in Farawayistan, but also completely terminated the civilian defence. The current cabinet for a change has some ministers actually meaning business with the restoration of military and civil defence alike, and unlike Mikael Odenberg they aren't sabotaged by the department of finance. Still, the actual shift came prior to that, under the Andersson cabinet who followed Finland into NATO. IN the end it is less about what party is ruling for the time being, and all about us voters not allowing the politrickans who'se only goal is gaining the position to win elections.
@SonsOfLorgar 3 ай бұрын
​@@maghambor it was the Bildt and Wibble government that initiated the total destruction of the civil defense, the military budget curts and the ideological ruination of the public sector, not S. Then G Persson and his govts were hogtied by lack of parliamentary support and were unable to reverse any of the Bildt govts sabotage legislation that really mattered, followed by Sahlins incompetence that allowed Reinfeldts corporatist alliance to almost finish the job, followed by a couple of even weaker and politically indecisive Social democrat coalitions that paved the way for JÅs putin sponsored scapegoat lies and misinformation that turned the remnants of Reinfeldts alliance into nothing more than the nazi trait0r JÅs personal puppet show...
@oddjonsson2815 3 ай бұрын
A caviate with the replacement of the CV90s in the 2030s is that it mainly concern the CV9040s which are the first operational generation of the platform and were primarily procured in the 1990s so they are getting a bit old.
@SonsOfLorgar 3 ай бұрын
Sweden doesn't operate any other version of the CV90, the initial grkpbv90120 Mjölner was built on the old hulls that were intended for the grkpbv90120AMOS so they are just as old as the Strf9040. The Lvkv9040, ev90, striledv90 and the bgbv90 also entered sevice alongside the strf9040. The ev90 and striledv90 having since been made obsolete by the Strf9040C upgrades to the gunners and commanders systems.
@oddjonsson2815 3 ай бұрын
@@SonsOfLorgar there are no plans as of right now to replace the newer support variants
@markusoswe 3 ай бұрын
@Avokado34 We are part of European Sky Shield Initiative since 2024. Furthermore we are not defending against bordering countries. Any long range ordinance is best intercepted with mobile air assets. We have a few patriot batteries to defend against ballistic missiles.
@FXGreggan. 3 ай бұрын
I miss the cold war when we had the worlds 4'th largest airforce, 800'000 soldiers, and a massive navy... then the cold war took a paus and the socialist government scrapped almost all of it.. at that time we could stand our ground ourselves.. and thank you for such a deep dive into this - it was very good to have an update of procurements.
@kentnilsson465 3 ай бұрын
Just to be clear, it was the Moderate led government that sold off most of the equipment that was stored, the old bases were also sold, some of them to Russians, They decided to abandon conscription against the vote of the Socialdemocrats by a 3 margin vote and finally the priminister labeled the armed forces a separate interest and not a neucleus interest resulting in the Moderate defence minister to resign in protest to how the Armed forces was handled. Now the Socialdemocrats were also partly to blame for all of this but the main destruction of the Swedish armed forces lies at the feet of Reinfeldts 8 years in power. Before him it was downsizing with him it became destruction
@tuehojbjerg969 3 ай бұрын
Kanske läs på vilka det var som beslutandet om nedläggningarna, Moderaterna lägg bakom det mesta under deras regering 2006-2014
@Kekel4025 3 ай бұрын
för det första fanns det ingen anledning att ha en arme efter sovjet föll man hade inget hot mot oss plus att det var reinfeldt som skrota majoriteten av försvaret
@AXXeYY 3 ай бұрын
@@kentnilsson465 no it was not!! the closing down of the defense got its dagger thrust in the 1999 defense decision the shutdown policy which then continued in the 2004 defense decision. the Moderate led alliance took over in 2006 and continued on the liquidation policy. The social democrats thus had the entire period of 1999-2006 with a policy of dismantling the defense, that is 6 budgets with big cuts when they were in a completely social democrat government.
@lelleeriks8241 3 ай бұрын
During 1994 to 2006, the Social Democrats were a minority government, although they proposed disarmament, a majority of the Riksdag voted for it
@periculosumadversario 3 ай бұрын
Ooh, the NH-90 helicopter project...what a mess that became. Aquired after years of procurement, ordered in the beginning of 2000 and delivered 23 years later, developed in 21 different models depending on ordering countries etc, was of course a huge delay and disappointment, coupled with rampant costs, and the search for a replacement model began many years before delivery. The servicelife of it is therefore looking to be very short.
@AdurianJ 3 ай бұрын
Yeah that helicopter is ASS
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
Yes the NH90 is disaster.
@Avokado34 3 ай бұрын
It's a shame we don't have any air defense to speak of. Especially considering how important that have been shown to be in Ukraine. But maybe the plan is to use the air force and navy for intercepting missiles and drones?
@petter5721 3 ай бұрын
Well Sweden has a lot of RBS70 and RBS90. Sweden also have Patriot, IrisT, Bamse and a lot of 40mm Bofors guns.
@gurra5666 3 ай бұрын
The Air force can help however, the navy has no current anti air capability
@securityanddefence 3 ай бұрын
You guys have Patriot, IRIS-T SLS and RBS-70 plus fighter jets. That is quite good.
@johanmetreus1268 3 ай бұрын
@@securityanddefence Good, but no where numerous enough.
@espenbergen5171 3 ай бұрын
Takk for en svært god og informativ video! Ps: det hadde vert intressant å se en oppsummering av det hele det nordiske forsvaret totalt. Altså: Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finnland. Ville det samlet vert den største militærmakt i Europa?
@filipforza8133 3 ай бұрын
No, it would not be one of the largest. But one of the best, maybe ;)
@perdanielsorenby9368 3 ай бұрын
Fully agree with you here
@maghambor 3 ай бұрын
Agreed, now that all of the Nordics are under the same NATO JFC in Norfolk, there should be plenty of opportunity to combine the militaries of the 4 (5, with Iceland) nations. However, this is an ongoing process and the defense plans aren't made public.