Ladies Learn To Leave Quietly
19 сағат бұрын
Storytime+ Thoughts About Misandry
Who Got The Worse Baby Daddy Challenge
@Esme26433 5 минут бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Why is the cost of us living our best lives doing some horrible things for the men? This is making me think that there’s other parts of this conversation I need to unpack.
@LLove-fi9xp 9 минут бұрын
He talking like men don't cheat no matter their income or lack there of. They really need to husb
@shaolinqueen3684 14 минут бұрын
Men can post a woman on social media still treats her like garbage. All them posting pics of their women is all fake and performative. He dogs her out in private.
@princezzfabulouze3734 25 минут бұрын
Unpopular opinion: It’s at this point I realize I fvck’d my whole ghetto ssa life up and I decide to walk away from it all…. Child goes up for adoption and I move away and start my life over
@biblethumper8088 58 минут бұрын
Even if a woman is o.k with going 50/50, I'm still going to look down on her. I already know she's being foolish.
@biblethumper8088 Сағат бұрын
If a man doesn't have to provide money, then a woman doesn't have to provide Seggs. If he should provide If he has a family , then don't provide Sueggs until you are married and he provides you a dowry first. Men say they don't want to risk losing money but a woman shouldn't risk her life by having children and becoming a single mother. Women have more to lose from being with a man, that's why they have to be providers. I agree with the woman @ 18:00
@shylapollard5165 Сағат бұрын
They can't fully provide but expect to be the king of the household and tell women what to do? Oh no, that's not how this works. Those men making 64k a year either needs to try harder or don't procreate and marry.
@nubiankhaleesi2945 Сағат бұрын
Exactly why I dont keep best friends. NEVER. Seen this story happen too many times. That dude is TRASH-- u see how these males think?? They wanna talk about loyalty? THEY ARE THEEEE MOST DISLOYAL. Notice he said said SHE came on to him--👀 SO HE COULDNT SAY NO? Weak basta*ds. This was a sick story. Wish it wasnt too late to go to the ChopShop. Sighh. Glad this lady didn't take no BS from either of them.
@cocoace7587 Сағат бұрын
That's more than , regular , smagular cheating . Even if she paid all of his bills , breaking down a door to keep your secret 🙊 😭
@cocoace7587 Сағат бұрын
There has to be a video on his phone . He was probably bent over HER couch in her home . 😅
@Prismatic9008 Сағат бұрын
These dudes are clowns. They want a woman to go 50/50 but then will have the woman working like a maid at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. Then bring nothing else to the table. Can't fix a car. Can't fix pipe. Can't build a treehouse. Can't even take the trash out. Can't memorize the children's sizes or what they are allergic to. That's not 50/50. That's 150/50 with the woman doing the 150. Then they don't show up emotionally available, expressive or mature in the relationship, leaving the woman to also carry the emotional load on her own. I'll pass on these types. As soon as I hear a dude utter, even whisper, "50/50," it's up, and I'm out ✌🏾
@skarac3224 Сағат бұрын
I am so tired of BM on podcasts
@yashiaprisco4589 Сағат бұрын
Why is she so upset with the girl and not the trash dude (boyfriend)? Didn’t he know he was in a relationship with her 😳🥴🙄? Drop your so called friend and that garbage boyfriend.
@nedzed3663 Сағат бұрын
Well then, stop looking, hell, demanding traditional relationships, fellas. Because being a provider is part of that arrangement. My hot take is, it's NOT a man's role to be protector and provider, that is a construct and a suckers game, especially in this economy where the cost of living keeps increasing while wages remain stagnant. If you aren't interested in taking care of another grown person financially, then shut the f**k up about traditional relationships
@nhvkuy4675 Сағат бұрын
@SailorOrbiter Сағат бұрын
I genuinely believe that people don't talk about the negative parts of parenthood on purpose.
@AramintaRossPistol Сағат бұрын
Guaranteed, it's either men, children, or a family member on his phone.
@YmustTh3w0rldG0r0und Сағат бұрын
Then they're not taking into account that energy and that kinda of love that a woman brings. Married men live longer than single men. We literally add to their lives. So much so, that same statistics say married women live shorter than single women. Not to mention, the high rates of homicide for women, it's usually the husband that does it. Also when it comes to dating guys don't have to worry about being date raped or murdered if they reject the person asking them out on a date. We are literally paying with our lives the least they could do is pay with their wallet. To truly be 50/50 the guy would have to also be emotionally intelligent, which is something men severely lack in, making it not 50/50. Its more like 80/20.. I know that lady said that you don't need them for emotional support, but I think that is a huge factor in that they need to be a romantic partner. Also take into account that when we say we want someone who provides and we want security, it doesn't just mean financially. It's great to have a man that's willing to do the house chores, cook, and help you clean, but absolutely heartbreaking when they have little to no control over their anger issues. A woman should always have her own money, but she should make sure that her man has his own money too and would be able to provide for her should he ever get her pregnant. Pregnancy kills..
@peachesandpoets Сағат бұрын
@turquesa_8056 2 сағат бұрын
This isn't about a war, it is about women choosing themselves over the roles that society forced on us for centuries. You literally have men going on social media crying around about the society that men built. They are mad about having to financially support their families, having to work, having responsibilities, etc. and it is crazy.
@flutatious_music4 2 сағат бұрын
Can these men make up their minds or leave us the f**k alone, please? 😂 The reason why these men won’t EVER have a lasting chance with a woman is because they lack conviction. They’re consistently inconsistent. Most also lack the capacity and maturity to handle a woman. Unless men have their sh*t together, and can function like a grown up, a REAL man, they need to away from us.
@marellamay899 2 сағат бұрын
Who tf are these ppl anyway
@MkayyMackenzie-op1nd 2 сағат бұрын
Absolutely not. I am 31 and have chosen to remain single for five years.I wasn’t that impressed with men during my 20’s but it is even worse at 30/31. As a woman who makes my own money/has my own savings….I would NEVER take a 50/50 man seriously and I never have.I would never even consider starting a family with that man at all. I encourage y’all ladies to just remain single UNLESS you find a provider man.We can get companionship from our girlfriends and family.No need to complicate our lives.
@SailorOrbiter 2 сағат бұрын
The first video. I knew when the abortion ban came it was partly about forcing us to replenish the work force even though we couldn't afford to have kids. And I also know that the "great replacement theory" was the same situation, and that the GOP was counting on their bigot drones to take the bait.
@AramintaRossPistol 2 сағат бұрын
BW, just sit back and watch! This has nothing to do with us. Since BM have shouted to the world that they do not date, marry, nor desire BW. How dare these dusties get upset with their preferences who expect the same traditional treatment that they witnessed their fathers providing for theirs families. These are the same clowns that lead with their money but call women gold diggers. Just date and marry Ms. Pearl and women who don't mind taking care of men.
@SailorOrbiter 2 сағат бұрын
The third video. The part that pisses me off is that the government does NOT want to help us even though they keep taking taxes from our pay checks, but they still want us to replenish their work force.
@peanutboxes4076 2 сағат бұрын
I love kids. I just don’t want one.
@Facts_Only- 3 сағат бұрын
Fellas, this is not a modern way of thinking. Men have always been the provider. It used to be the only way to get a woman. If you could not provide for her every need, no men were gonna let you walk off with their daughters.
@Frugality 3 сағат бұрын
Light skin “pretty boy”? 🥴
@yujuy.1329 3 сағат бұрын
then stop asking for submission. stop telling us u dont care about my money and education bc clearly u need it
@Erintii 3 сағат бұрын
My option? Cat 🐈. Leave my table high value male/alpha/whatever name you like and date your 🌳
@BoujeeGrapes 3 сағат бұрын
Steups!!! 😂
@2okaycola 3 сағат бұрын
I am cracking the whip in my house & it appears to be working. If he don't like being the man then I can. Tell him as much & watch him start using those hands
@BourgeoisBran3114 4 сағат бұрын
🫠 I give up
@5Demona5 4 сағат бұрын
When I was about 7 or 8 I asked my mother "Why don't you get happy when I get A at school?" Short version of her reply "That's how you repay me everything I've given you." At that age I already knew better and said "I didn't ask you to birth me." Boy did I get beat hard with that "chancla" and I screamed and cried. But I know now she did that cause she couldn't admit I was right.
@5Demona5 4 сағат бұрын
I lived with a toxic aunt. During that time I felt like a pet or an accessory, never like her niece, like a person. I left, and now I'm very low contact. I am much much happier, and she often questions "Why don't you come baaaaack?" While living with her, I went to therapy and found the words needed to tell her how she made me feel. She just threw back everything she has given me. So, since she wouldn't listen, I left
@figginsdalip 5 сағат бұрын
So I guess we’re really gonna get to see the Handmaid’s Tale.
@kaylad1669 6 сағат бұрын
Lol it’s funny watching ppl tryna change what “provider” means just bc they can’t afford it 😂 like ‘providing’ emotional support and conversation is just being a decent human being lol that doesn’t make you a “provider” .. men actually think being kind to women is them providing something bc most men won’t even do that in the first place 😬 yikes!
@barefootedbougie 7 сағат бұрын
Some of these women who stitched this are a great reminder why I refuse to be friends with Pickme's. Girl provide for your man but leave me out of it. And some of them are a bit dense because being with a man who is a provider does NOT mean you are depending on him financially 🙄
@ezy78667 7 сағат бұрын
They actually think that men who provide are the worst human beings or something 😂😂😂 broke men are crazy, they're delusional, the gaslighting is hilarious 😂😂
@ezy78667 7 сағат бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 and guess what, they don't want women who can accept the bare minimum !!!! They all want what they can't have and that's why they're big mad!!!
@Silent.Presence 7 сағат бұрын
The girl that was speaking from 03:54 absolutely nailed it!!! 100% agree with her💎
@erobinson5942 8 сағат бұрын
It doesn’t seem like he likes women bye
@noonereally4798 8 сағат бұрын
Why would I give a kid to someone who hasn’t yet proven to me that they have the money for kids?
@quianaj27 8 сағат бұрын
Why these men won't get with mammies and pickmes. If you can't afford a woman leave us alone damn. Be a provider a provider. These males want women that is out of their range. Males need to stay in their pay range.
@sophieobiero-ro7uj 8 сағат бұрын
So tired of these click bait stories. They give me Jerry Springer vibes. The man is a skunk, a cheat, a dog & not worth a thought… Also the best friend is NOT your friend. End of story. These kind of things happen all the time. People should focus on building themselves & not base their happiness on other people’s actions. Be watchful of red flags.
@truettadevil 8 сағат бұрын
Men: Ladies, you're not gonna be the only option for high value men. Sir, homeless men have options. Broke men driving their girlfriend's car while she's at work cheat. Married men have options. That is why in order to spend time with ME, you gotta pay... because it had to be worth my while to deal with men who think they have options 💅🏾
@BABYDOLL87LOVELY 8 сағат бұрын
🐻 #4Bmovement 🍭 FREE!!!!
@potatoehoekari3 8 сағат бұрын
13itch how much shit are u gonna put on your freakin face !??
@Hopdog230 8 сағат бұрын
As long as I live in patriarchy I want the man to provide. But this is why I don’t want to be bothered with them.. they will make up every excuse and gaslight women so they can do the bare minimum. Everything men do is transactional. Imagine telling women men need money and then being mad that women want men with money. Did they set up this game? Do you. But why even be bothered with them at this point? They literally dont want to do anything! Any f-g thing. They don’t want to do chores, don’t want to help with the kids, don’t want to cook.. who is going to sign up for this scam?