@Qualia. Сағат бұрын
Another great episode... I really appreciate all this great info. 💞
@Gratfuulk Күн бұрын
First time hearing you guys and it was so goodddd .. can't wait more episodes on skin topics
@Laura-b3m Күн бұрын
Thanks for the video!! Does this also apply to SIFO or Candida overgrowth?
@trishaann777 24 күн бұрын
Do you ever have patients that also have internal tremors/vibrations? My sister has been suffering with these internal tremors for 9 months now. She also suffers with Methane SIBO. Is there possibly a connection? Do you have a video where you talk about this issue? She needs help. 🙏 This has debilitated her. Thank you for any and all help. 💕🙏
@raylenerusthoven9604 25 күн бұрын
It so crazy wants to you start eating normal again, SIBO comes back!
@raylenerusthoven9604 25 күн бұрын
I think this very interesting!
@Dr.DavidVang 25 күн бұрын
I work with Dr. Robinson! woohoo! I love the results we get with my Acupuncture/TCM treatments alongside Dr. R's protocols.
@LordZordon1 28 күн бұрын
I still can't identify a FODMAP without a list.
@Qualia. 28 күн бұрын
I'm a walking FODMAP encyclopedia. Lol
@TheOverBrothers 29 күн бұрын
I really would love to join FODMAP Freedom but I can't afford it. :( Is there any other way I can get your help Nicole? :)
@Ruktiet 29 күн бұрын
Is there anyone who can relate to my story and who is feeling better now?: Around 2015, at age 17, I was put on a PPI indefinitely for GERD. I was lean, but I ate bad foods, soda and lots of sauces with my food. Around a half year later I had a very stressful social event and developed a duodenal ulcer Then I went to university and had extreme stress Then I went to Thailand in 2017 and had serious food poisoning (because no stomach acid microbial barrier due to the PPI) Then I had food poisoning with unwashed lettuce not long after, very severely Around this time my scalp started to itch in the evening and around waking up and I developed severe brain fog, lethargy and, most strikingly, a HORRENDOUS skin condition called cholinergic pruritus, where every time I would start to sweat, I couldn’t, and instead my skin would burn and itch. Multiple times a day, even though it wasn’t very severe at this point (yet), only highly uncomfortable. Then I developed a lot of heart palpitations and only years later realized it was due to bloating and pressure on my heart or innervation of the autonomic nervous system to the heart (happened after eating, laying down, squatting, etc; when exerting pressure on my thorax and abdomen) The heart palpitations led to health anxiety and I went to a cardiologist. Everything clear except for unexplained ecg “artifact”, which had to be tested for further. This couldn’t be explained despite serious testing and this caused very extreme existential dread deeply believing I would die from a heart attack any minute I also took ritalin on and off for studying because I struggled very hard during university. This caused anxiety and paranoia and dread on top of all the anxiety I already had. Withdrawal was also horrible. This led to a severe panic disorder and agoraphobia. When I relearned to come outside without too much anxiety again, around december 2020, I suddenly developed EXTREME gastric pain/burning/glowing with very very frequent amounts of burping. No ulcer this time, no H. pylori, only “mild gastritis”, no explanation despite visiting 5 different GIs including highly regarded professors in gastroenterology in Belgium, a very developed country. All this, despite being more painful than ulcers, 24/7, su!c!d.e inducing chronic pain with no solutions except for bandaids which didn’t do anything Due to growing distrust in conventional medicine, I turned to “holistic”/functional medicine approaches and tried every diet, supplement and lifestyle change under the sun. Then, I got ANOTHER bout of food poisoning, this time I got a parasite (toxoplasmosis) and Campylobacter. After this, as terrible as my life already was, I developed the most horrifying, weird symptoms that I wouldn’t have believed to be possible. After researching I discovered “histamine intolerance”, whatever it really is, matched my symptoms best; severe dizziness, nausea, hot/warm feeling, itch, extreme insomnia, urgency with mucus on my stools 15mins after eating foods like meat, tomato sauce, kefir, some cheeses. Thought it was acute due to infection, but even after infection was gone, I still had these horrible symptoms I had enough so I just quit my PPI. My extreme stomach pain was gone 3 months later… thanks modern medicine, for making me suffer to the point of almost self elimination because of your poisonous pills Even though my stomach pain was 95% gone, my “histamine intolerance” was still 100% there and absolutely terrible. I tried strict low histamine but it was impossible to live on. Then stumbled upon SIBO, with E. Coli, Klebsiella aeroges and Klebsiella pneumoniae as potential culprits for producing biogenic amines hogging the intestinal amine oxidases. However, after 4 rounds of 600 x3/day for 2 weeks rifaxim treatments, and months of prucalopride, it didn’t get better, although severe bloating after food got better only after the 4th round. I was a big Mark Pimentel fan and really believed it was the reason for all of my problems. I tried antihistamines, cromolyn, ketotifen, but they didn’t help. Had a genetic mastocytosis test done (KIT-gene mutation); negative. Had tryptase test before and after a reactions; negative. After following this podcast and other influencers (The Histamine Deception and Angela Hepp), I stopped believing in it because it didn’t work. Now I am believing it was my severe anxiety, hypervigilance, hyperarousal syndrome on top of food poisoning as triggers that led to most of my problems. However, after getting a psychologist for cognitive behavior therapy, I am still reactive, although a lot less, despite not caring about histamine in food whatsoever anymore; I eat lots of red meat, hard cheeses, tomato sauce, cured Iberico hams, chocolate, etc. without being anxious of this food. But even if I go on a 0 histamine diet or even fast, I am still feeling quite histamine-y with my horrible cholinergic pruritus leading to feeling like I’m being fried alive multiple times a day, especially before sleep and around waking up. I tried eating liver, cod liver oil for actual retinol (vitamin A), seafood and meat for selenium and copper, lots of citrus and kiwi for vitamin C, but without any change in symptoms. What am I to do? I am trying so hard to get better, I even tried completely letting go of all of this, but I am still in a too uncomfortable place to be able to enjoy life let alone be functional and go to work and have people rely on me. It completely debilitated me despite people telling me I look good. In fact most people tell me I look better than I used to before all of this. It’s completely ikvisible. I go hike in nature daily and try to be as appreciative of the small things in life as much as I can, but I’m not improving any more… I am never going to give up, but I sure would chop off 2 of my own fingers without hesitation to get cured from this curse of a disease. Thanks for reading. Would appreciate anyone’s input and thoughts.
@leatkuzniar3549 Ай бұрын
I’d love to know whether you’ve ever tested split samples of Labcorp/ Quest PCR stool tests.
@cynthiathurman3108 Ай бұрын
Can one get a 16-S test on their own without a functional medicine doctor? If so, where is a source? Thank you.
@ChrisMillikan-im6rh Ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on services like Viome and Zoe?
@jennybadl7840 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this great video! Please make another one on OAT.
@MrBrianDuga Ай бұрын
Tippin over sacred cows. Lol
@Qualia. Ай бұрын
It's so hard to come to terms with the fact that the mind can play such a big part in our gut health. I know it has been for me. l have a lot of work to do. 😮‍💨
@wild000ne Ай бұрын
As a woman who is homozygous for the C677T mutation, I have faced significant challenges with depression and anxiety during perimenopause. The onset of these conditions was profoundly affected by my genetic profile, leading to elevated homocysteine levels of 1400. The introduction of methylated folate into my regimen was instrumental in alleviating my symptoms, as it facilitated the normalization of my homocysteine levels. Despite adhering to a meticulously clean diet since the age of 18, my health has been further complicated by the presence of multiple autoimmune disorders, including Hashimoto's thyroiditis and celiac disease. These conditions exacerbate the difficulties associated with nutrient absorption and hormonal balance, resulting in a compounded and complex health situation. It is imperative to acknowledge that the intersectionality of these health issues-genetic predispositions, autoimmune disorders, and hormonal fluctuations-creates a multifaceted challenge that is often not adequately addressed by current medical science. The systemic marginalization of women's health issues in medical research and practice underscores the need for more focused advocacy and comprehensive support for women's health. As such, I advocate for a more nuanced understanding and representation of the complex realities faced by women in medical research and treatment.
@rebeccaturner1854 Ай бұрын
Interesting looking at our mind and its relationship to food. Have you heard of rewiring your limbic system /brain retraining, and if so, what is your opinion of it?
@user-dn7bg8dt4n Ай бұрын
I absolutely loved DrB’s book because it got me outta my own head and relaxed enough to give up my food fear. I took his challenge and it was actually kinda fun to challenge myself to see how many different veggies i could get into my salad in one meal. Even after my enthusiasm waned a bit, i still i realized he gave me my hope back, and i feel encouraged again to keep trying to beat IMO. Amy, i will be calling you to help me sort this out.
@user-dn7bg8dt4n Ай бұрын
You girls are awesome! I always learn so much from you, thank you!
@Qualia. Ай бұрын
I can say for myself, I had an eating disorder as a teenager. Shortly after I was diagnosed with IBS. It's been a struggle for about 25 years now with my digestive health. I truly believe that I wouldn't have been in this position if I hadn't developed the eating disorder.
@56rosewood Ай бұрын
Amy and Nicole, please check out Helmut Koeckritz. You may want to interview him. He had IBS to the extent of only tolerating 2 or 3 foods and years of bloody diarrhea. He is healed and eating totally normally now with body/mind work. One of the things he followed was Michelle Cavanaugh's DARE program.
@LisaJohnson-g7b Ай бұрын
I am a newbie to SIBO. So glad I found you both, your podcast, and KZbin channel. I have gleaned so much information from you both. I was prescribed an antibiotic by my gastroenterologist, but chose to look at other interventions. So glad I saw this video! Thank you for what you do to help others who are in this SIBO or SIMD world! 😉
@bobdylan9117 Ай бұрын
@johnapple784 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for highlighting this area. There are few doctors that really understand the impact of EPI (or PEI). Dr. Freedman is another good one to check for those suffering. He has an in depth article on Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency written with Dr. Struyvenberg that anyone with EPI should read. Another really helpful resource was the book Primal Pancreas.
@Lily-hd9cg 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great episode! I used to roll my eyes at the unsexy basics and think “I’m special and that would never work for me” but I was wrong. Thanks to y’all I’ve been feeling a little better each week.
@BT_life2 2 ай бұрын
Gee you women are fantastic! Keep up the great work😊
@lowflyer145 2 ай бұрын
You all are awesome!
@CynthiaSchoenbauer 2 ай бұрын
Dr. DiNezza, I like your stuff alone.
@ryanbrafman6315 2 ай бұрын
Where can I look for information on blood sugar management? I have hypoglycemia and get heavy brain fog when hungry
@56rosewood 2 ай бұрын
I have had hypoglycemia for 38 years. It's fairly simple. Make sure every meal has an equal proportion of carbs, protein and vegies. I will have some fruit (berries) about half an hour before eating breakfast. Don't wait for more than 3-4 hours to eat something. Don't hold off eating to the point that you have heavy brain fog. That means you've waited too long and it's hard on your body to do that. If you snack make sure your snack includes a good amount of protein. Watch the amount of carbs you eat because they turn into sugar. Don't eat sugar or sugary things. Make or buy your own treats using stevia or xylitol or monk fruit for sweetening. Never just eat carbs alone and never drink fruit juice. Always always always make sure you have food with you wherever you go in case your blood sugar unexpectedly dips very low. I have kept protein bars or canned chicken and rice cakes on me just in case and I can't tell you how many times I've been stuck by a very long train, or had an accident, or an appointment took much longer than I thought, etc. and it would have been very bad if I didn't have food with me.
@sebastiana6034 2 ай бұрын
Great advice. I will benefit from it as well. Thank you. Are you diabetic or pre type 2?
@56rosewood 2 ай бұрын
@@sebastiana6034 Neither, I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar).
@mscraig5147 2 ай бұрын
You both are so much THE SHIT. ❤💕
@mscraig5147 2 ай бұрын
This is for sure one of the best convos on all of this stuff. EXCELLENT ladies!! ❤
@botanicalbird93 2 ай бұрын
Pee mental 🤣 Great content here! I wish all GI doctors as well as other practitioners had info on the extreme importance of having diversity in the diet and getting proper nutrition and also not remaining on a restricted diet for an extended period of time! I was on a restricted diet for about 1.5 years, such a harmful thing to do for one's gut microflora. I am now eating a big variety of foods again and finally getting better.
@botanicalbird93 2 ай бұрын
This may be the most important as well as super helpful podcast episode out there on IBS and the gut. Makes so much sense. I've been on my gut healing journey for 2.5 years. I spent the first 1.5 years not knowing what was going on and spending a long time on restrictive diets and thereby diminishing my gut flora even more. it's just been the past 12 months that I've been starting to turn things around. It took a ton of research and trial and error to get where I am. I'm glad this podcast and your info exists! thank you
@jmc8076 2 ай бұрын
Interesting. Thx. Pos methane lactulose sibo test @11 ppm prob not worth repeating w/glucose. A new (chronic) gastritis video esp from drugs incl prednisone would be good. The book Whole is very good for food vs pills. Edit: 29:37 maybe sums up last 2-3 centuries. Indigenous were ahead in many ways with health and knowing nature. They used adrenal cortex of hunted animals to avoid scurvy before science knew it was a rich source of vit C.
@kellythom747 2 ай бұрын
Great info on this!!!
@anthonybentley7615 2 ай бұрын
On two occasions, I have tested "weak positive" for Celiac Disease, and also carry the gene. I also was recently diagnosed with EPI (Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). Extensive testing and due diligence were done by my Functional Medicine Doctor, after testing positive for SIBO through my Gastroenterologist's office. Long story short, I believe I have malabsorption issues. I've been trying to supplement organic liquid vitamins in smoothies. I seem to feel better when I do. I still have unexplained side flank pain/discomfort which is more prevalent after I eat. No one can seem to tell me what's causing it after 2 years, I've nearly given up. Food restrictions, low fodmap, etc. make little difference.
@CynthiaSchoenbauer 2 ай бұрын
I might have had SIBO for many years when I was skinny and could not gain weight.
@AvatarMakusan 2 ай бұрын
What is your knowledge and experience with Long Covid G.I. issues that present like SIBO, IBS or IBD? Per Dr. Vanichkachorn (Mayo Clinic) “While we are not sure yet, there are several possible ways the COVID-19 infection could cause gastrointestinal problems,” Dr. Vanichkachorn says. “For example, the lining of the gut has a large amount of the receptors that the SARS-COV2 virus uses to invade cells. The general inflammation caused by the infection can also disrupt the normal bacteria that live in the gut and stimulate some of the gastrointestinal system’s nerves.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hms.harvard.edu/news/most-important-question-about-long-covid
@bobdylan9117 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the show. Really enjoy it.
@pattischultz4802 2 ай бұрын
I have no liver recipes, but what I told Amy in a consultation that liver can be added to soups, stews by pre-cooking it and cutting into tiny bites. Just one ounce of chicken or beef liver added to a soup or stew can improve zinc and b12 dietary contents and is easier to “learn” to love it in smaller quantities!
@sebastiana6034 2 ай бұрын
Omg! Me too! Focusing too much on trying to fix the gut and ignoring enjoyment!!!
@sebastiana6034 2 ай бұрын
I love what you guys do! Thank you!!
@kenzw777 2 ай бұрын
Could you do an episode on gut health and skin if you have any knowledge about it? Easily my new favorite podcast!!!
@atavagarciaswiecicki6486 2 ай бұрын
I have been waiting for the information in this episode for a LONG TIME. After going down the rabbit hole of gut issues, a functional medicine doc diagnosed me with candida with the Organic Acids Test. She put me on the strict candida diet: no fruit, no grains, no carbs, not even winter squash or sweet potatoes. I remember that I started to feel afraid of eating anything that would "feed" the candida, even a little bit of carrot that was in the salad I ordered. I felt hungry all the time and miserable on this diet, so I started to listen to my body and eat a little bit of grain every day, like a small portion of oatmeal or a whole grain rice cake. When I told the doc I was seeing this, she scolded me and told me "You will NEVER get better until you stop eating all grains & fruits for at least three months!" I wasn't getting better and couldn't follow this diet and kept beating myself up for not having the discipline I needed to stick with it. I lost weight, felt malnourished, depleted, sick and very anxious. Fast forward to several months later when I fired this doc and enrolled in Fod Map Freedom (worth every penny!). Dr D guided us in a deep dive into the gut-brain axis, the vagus nerve and all the ways that so many anti-candida & anti-sibo diets exacerbate people's dysregulated eating. All of this resonated with me so much and I started to pay less attention on avoiding foods and focused more on tending to my emotional state/vagus in general, and in particular, the state of mind in which I approached food. After following Stephanie's (Dr. D's co-pilot) suggestions about what to eat/not eat I started adding foods back into my diet: fruits, grains, fiber.... and even eventually SUGAR (in moderation, aka "treat a treat like a treat."). I can happily say that, along with all the other good recommendations I learned in Fod Map Freedom, my gut health has improved drastically. I am enjoying eating again and continue to introduce more new "forbidden on the candida diet" foods into my life. Tonight I am going to make my own ice cream and savor every spoonful! Finally, I must also give a shout out to pro-kinetics, which have been a game changer to my digestive health. Thanks for challenging the dominant paradigm Amy & Nikki!
@SaltieCat 2 ай бұрын
Tomato skins, rather than the flesh, bother me with itching. Citrus is a big baddie for me.
@56rosewood 3 ай бұрын
WOW! Amy! Congratulations! You really did wait a long time before announcing baby number two. So exciting!
@Qualia. 3 ай бұрын
During my candida treatment I used a bunch of different antimicrobial herbs and then a proprietary blend. The only foods I took out were fruit and the refined rice crackers I was eating. I still ate whole grain rice and popcorn (a lot of it lol). I have a limited diet as it is so I couldn't take out too much. I'm doing pretty well now.
@baynamboy4181 3 ай бұрын
So candida can survive off fat? I’ve been on a low carb diet with lots of fat.