Sunday prep day | Week 21 2024
What I eat in a day | Week 20 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 20 2024
14 күн бұрын
Sunday prep day | Week 19 2024
21 күн бұрын
Sunday prep day | Week 18 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 17 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 16 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 15 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 14 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 13 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 12 2024
Sunday prep day | Week 11 2024
@nathanyellll 3 күн бұрын
love paul’s videos. clean and understandable. thanks for the videos and work that goes into them. I look forward to my immigration journey to Maastricht. Every day I’ve been doing more and more to get closer to my goal. Thank you again paul ❤️
@PaulvanGulik 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much. Maastricht is a beautiful city, very old. You'll have a great time there!
@shushuyu 5 күн бұрын
All I can say about food is..when you're eating in an establishment near the sightseeing areas, be sure to check the prices. For instance, a glass of wine you'd expect to be 6-8 can end up being 14-17. They up-charge the crap out of tourists. But I guess we're paying for the atmosphere and the the price worth? Who knows, another man's trash is another man's treasure. Enjoy your trip.🤣
@PaulvanGulik 4 күн бұрын
I don't drink, so wine prices are not something I need to be concerned about. But I get what you mean. Some areas (Champs Elysees for example) are notorious for stupidly high prices.
@brian5154 6 күн бұрын
Nederland officialy has the biggest choice of food in the world. This may help to illustrate this......
@PaulvanGulik 6 күн бұрын
The US might have us beat in the selection of junk food. But being a big trade hub for the world, we do have options from all over the world.
@wyldlibrarian3549 12 күн бұрын
All your ideas sound delicious as always. I particularly love your Meatless Mondays! I am not a meat eater but no judging here. Awesome to see you again and that you seem well.
@PaulvanGulik 11 күн бұрын
I'm very much a meat eater, a meal doesn't quite feel complete to me without it. But I do try reducing my meat consumption, with Meatless Mondays and smaller portions on other days. I find it hard at times, though, to find options that are not super high in carbs, not heavily processed AND still taste good. So I often go back to the staples of curries and falafel. I'm always looking for suggestions, if you have some meat-free options!
@wyldlibrarian3549 17 күн бұрын
Thanks Paul. Great to see all the beautiful produce. Diabetes must suck and it seems hard to believe with the awesome diet you have - all the colours of the rainbow! i dont use instagram so I miss out on your videos and recipes unfortunately - sad
@PaulvanGulik 17 күн бұрын
I will have another What I eat in a week video out on Friday (I'm still recording it), though a shorter one this time where I only show what I'm eating, not the cooking part like in the last one. So you'll get to see all the food I made, without having to go to Instagram. I've been diabetic for about a decade and a half, so I'm used to it by now. It runs in the family, and my size doesn't help reduce the risk either. It's managed well through diet, though, so I have avoided having to use insulin. That makes things a lot easier.
@Starsamongtheforest 18 күн бұрын
great haul
@PaulvanGulik 18 күн бұрын
Thank you
@Stepheroussnape 20 күн бұрын
What knives do you use? They cut like a dream
@PaulvanGulik 20 күн бұрын
Global. They are expensive, but if you use them a lot, they're worth it. They keep their edge for absolute ages.
@wyldlibrarian3549 23 күн бұрын
oh yes Can we see the ginger beer process next time ... back at uni i had a ginger beer plant ... plant is a funny word for it ... big jar... ginger... sultanas.. water ... sugar ... used to feed it weekly i think... really dont remember too much but the process and dynamics in the jar were fascinating. Warmer climate too. Never actually made ginger beer with it... just lived with a zoologist at the time :D
@PaulvanGulik 22 күн бұрын
By feeding it weekly, I assume that means it was alcoholic? The one I make isn't alcoholic, it's just ginger, sugar, optional lemon and some sparkling water. We didn't end up making it this week, because we didn't have the time. And since I haven't made it in years, and I'm using sweetener instead of sugar now, I'll have to experiment a bit before doing it in a video.
@wyldlibrarian3549 22 күн бұрын
We didn’t make anything with it. Just enjoyed the “show”
@wyldlibrarian3549 23 күн бұрын
Hi Paul - thanks for the bike ride ! love coming with you ... (so to speak ) - i am retired now and live in a FAR too hilly area to bike but used to bike a fair bit in flatter areas when younger. love to know what kind of trees (the bigger ones ) are natives to your area. How did your bike get knocked over ? Car ? Do you have big supermarket chains there ? I think you mentioned Lidl. We have Coles and Woolworths but the produce is not as fresh as yours seems from the market ( I mean its not bad either but ... farmers markets are always good). Did you have to fight over which packet of chips with your nephew (always makes me chuckle !) I dont know what you spend each week on groceries - seems they just get more and more expensive. My 2 grown sons live with me and we pay quite a bit. cheers and thanks
@PaulvanGulik 22 күн бұрын
Technically, none of the trees are native, they have all been planted. Because where I live quite literally didn't exist until the 50's/60's. I live in Flevoland, the island right in the center of The Netherlands when you look at a map, and it's the largest artificial island in the world, by quite a margin. First, they dammed off the bay, seperating it from the sea and turning it into a freshwater lake. And then they built a series of dikes and levees to drain part of that lake and create new land. But yeah, there are no trees here older than about 60 years. And no, my bike wasn't knocked over by a car. It was leaning against one of the bike racks. Someone must've bumped into it when trying to put their own bike away. Since I had the basket with all the things from the market still on the front, it was quite front-heavy, so easy to topple over. Pretty much all supermarkets are part of a chain here. The biggest by far is Albert Heijn, which I hardly ever go to because it's the most expensive one in my area. Number two is Jumbo, which I also don't go to very often, just because they don't have a lot of sales. In third place we have Plus, which is the supermarket you see me go to every week, at the end. Then come Lidle (probably the store I go to most after Plus), Aldi, and some smaller chains like Dekamarkt, Vomar, Boni, Dirk. I'm definitely noticing the prices going up, especially produce. I don't know if it's general price increases, or (hopefully) just because we are in between seasons, but I've noticed that my spending on produce has almost doubled lately.
@rafewheadon1963 24 күн бұрын
Paul you are killing yourself eating all these trash anti nutrient containing pesticide poisons. Go and buy some beef and Research the carnivore diet. Do actual research on it.
@PaulvanGulik 24 күн бұрын
I hate to break it to you, but I live in Europe. Where we actually have standards where it comes to the use of pesticides. Apples and peppers, the only produce in my haul that appear on the dirty dozen list because of pesticide use in the States, are grown without pesticides here. Like a lot of produce is grown without pesticides here. Or if it's imported, it has to be tested for pesticide residue before it can enter the EU. So you are the one that should do research. Also, carnivore has it's own range of issues, ranging from cost, to the fact that you need to include a lot of organ meat like liver to get certain nutrients. And I'm just not a fan of organ meats, even if they didn't come with their own health risks. And in the US, you also need to worry about the fact that beef is pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormone there, also not particularly healthy. Unless you buy exclusively organic, which is even more expensive. The best diet is a varied diet, low in processed foods.
@Dwynfal 25 күн бұрын
Looks like NL is cheaper than BE for groceries! Nice variety of versatile and healthy ingredients 👍
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
It's been a few years (or rather decades) since I've been to BE, so I don't know how the prices compare. You do have some good food down there, though.
@Dwynfal 25 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik some great food and even greater beers! Although I envy you northerners for the great Indian and Thai food you have. It's almost unheard of here. 😕 I'd guess you'd need another 10-12€ more here for the same groceries in Flanders, and that's at a low cost supermarket too.
@PaulvanGulik 24 күн бұрын
I think the supermarket prices are similar then, because I save about that much by getting my produce at the street market.
@Dwynfal 24 күн бұрын
Interesting! I haven't been to the street market in decades and when I did it was mainly for meat/fish/cheese. Prices were about the same or a little higher than the supermarket for those but the selection and quality were always vastly superior! Looks like I'll have to get up early on a Saturday to go investigate!
@PaulvanGulik 24 күн бұрын
It's always worth a try! Plus street markets are always fun anyway :).
@Dwynfal 25 күн бұрын
Hi Paul! Stumbled onto your grocery haul and was intrigued by the thumbnail. It's not often I see Benelux brands on YT food channels. I'm in Belgium 😊. I would love to see some recipes, some of your meals sound so tasty. Great knife skills and kitchen habits, do you cook professionally? Also, stupendous beard! 😁
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
Well hello southern neighbour! I did post a What I eat in a day video recently where I do some cooking, but since I'm just cooking for myself, the dishes are quick and simple. I do not cook professionally, I just cook often. And my beard is definitely due for a trim, it's getting a bit out of control!
@Dwynfal 25 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I'll have to binge watch a bit of your channel then! Re professional chef, I was asking because it's rare to see someone use a bench scraper so naturally outside of a restaurant kitchen! Such a tidy and organised cook too. Keeping my workspace tidy as I cook is a bit of a challenge for me. 😳
@PaulvanGulik 24 күн бұрын
bench scraper is something I picked up from some cooking show(s) many moons ago. It just makes things quicker and tidier. One of the things I like about prepping once a week, is you only make a mess once. And planning everything reduces waste. Since I'm cooking for one most of the time, things like cabbages, squashes, , or even packs of tortillas,I just can't use up in one meal. By planning ahead, I can prevent leftovers to go to waste.
@Dwynfal 24 күн бұрын
Singleton here too and you're absolutely right, food waste can be horrible in our situation. I do some meal prep on the weekends, things such as cooking bacon, hardboiled eggs, chicken, making bolognaise, soup or chili (to eat or to freeze) but I haven't gotten into the habit of meal planning yet. Invariably I'll have a "fridge rescue" day once a week to use up what's starting to look sad in there! 😊
@PaulvanGulik 24 күн бұрын
I will often plan Friday as a "whatever vegetables I have left" kind of day. And I always have things like green beans or peas in the freezer, or something like brocolli or cauliflower in the fridge, for when I have used up everything I have prepped already. I do prepare soup, chili, sauces on the weekend, but meat and veg I prefer fresh, not reheated.
@teresacrowley4076 25 күн бұрын
The weather looks good there 🌞
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
A bit chilly, but quite nice. A nice break after all the rain we've had
@teresacrowley4076 25 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik unfortunately we have had loads of rain here too. The last few days have been nice and sunny but temperatures are not great. 🇮🇪
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
What part of the world are you from? Winters are quite mild here. We get way more rain than we do snow.
@teresacrowley4076 25 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I am from Eire☘️☘️ (Ireland) . This winter was very mild. Little or no snow. Usually if we get a colder winter then we will get drier and higher temperatures this time of year.
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
Not that far away then, in the grand scheme of thing. I hear it's beautiful there.
@lulububs 25 күн бұрын
Ginger beer?! I used to make that as a kid but I forgot how. I need to relearn and to find out if I could do it sugar free
@PaulvanGulik 25 күн бұрын
It's been a while since I made it, too. So I'll just experiment a bit, with different sweeteners.
@teresacrowley4076 26 күн бұрын
Hi Paul where did you get your stacking boxes?
@PaulvanGulik 26 күн бұрын
They are from the Modula range by Mepal. I've had these for years, but I'm pretty sure they still make them.
@teresacrowley4076 26 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik ok thanks. They are very neat looking, stack nicely and seem to hold quite a bit of food. 👍
@PaulvanGulik 26 күн бұрын
They do stack very well, perfect for prepping because I don't need to put a lid on every single container. The ones you see me use most come in 3 different heights, with the same footprint so they all stack and use the same lids. They also have a smaller size in different heights, which I use in my pantry.
@teresacrowley4076 26 күн бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I'll check out their website thanks. It's cool that so many containers take up so little space in the fridge!!
@MM-ih4rj 27 күн бұрын
Its hard to believe this was recorded recently given the weather we had 😂
@PaulvanGulik 27 күн бұрын
As we say here, we're not made of sugar. So even when the weather is bad, you still ride your bike.
@catchingfeelings2691 28 күн бұрын
Hello! How do I prevent my bike from being stolen? And how do you film while cycling? Very steady camera work
@PaulvanGulik 28 күн бұрын
How to prevent your bike from getting stolen, depends on where you are. Here, just a standard frame lock is fine in higher traffic areas, and I have a chain lock for extra security if I feel like I need it. For filming, I use a DJI Action 4. That takes care of the stabilisation. I have it either mounted to my handle bars ( when I talk to camera), or on a backpack mount (forward-facing shots when cycling or walking). I use the same backpack clip to mount the camera to the shopping cart. And I have a small tripod for when I go handheld or want to set it down somewhere, like when I'm at the market. I quite like the DJI, The quality is good enough for what I need, and the magnetic mounting system makes life so much easier when switching from bike, to walking, to shopping cart. And it's nice and compact.
@AMacProOwner 28 күн бұрын
Such a fun system in Lidl by pushing the bread to minimize unnecessary touching.
@PaulvanGulik 28 күн бұрын
I prefer the tongs they use at other shops, personally. It can be hard to push out items near the front of the bins at Lidl.
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
Hope you had a great King’s Day! Thanks for the share! Would love to see you cooking some dishes - from start to finish of a few dishes!
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Did you see my What I eat in a day video? I cook quite a few dishes in that!
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik ooooh. Ok. Going to see! Thanks again
@dougjones2065 Ай бұрын
I never knew that you could chop so many stuff for so long in a video without making any recipes. I’m going to chop my food too
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I prefer to have everything prepared for the week, but to cook fresh. I'm just not a fan of reheated food, plus I like being able to switch things around still. Like noodles instead of rice. Or lasagna instead of spaghetti. The ingredients will still be the same, but it's a different meal. With full meal prepping, it's quick to eat, but you're completely locked in. So my approach is somehere in the middle. Have everything chopped, and make sauces, stews, soups, whatever takes a while to cook. Then when it's time to cook, it still only takes minutes. Watch my last What I eat in a day video for example, so you can see how quick things can come together.
@bassjace Ай бұрын
a typical diet that leads to chronic illness and cancer. Nightshades, carbs, oxalates, sugar and chocolate. Then lean meats with little fat. have you not learnt anything on the internet?
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
You really can't win, can you. If you eat lean meat, you should be eating fat. If you're eating a fatty piece of meat, the comments will get flooded with people saying you're going to have a stroke. If you're eating vegetables, you're eating the wrong vegetables. Just because people read something on the internet. Also, none of the foods in my haul are extremely high in oxalates? Nor is there a lot of meat, and it's not even particularly lean? And nightshades have not been found to cause inflammation or chronic illness, only that they *might* trigger symptoms in people that already have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation? So I assume you're just trolling.
@bassjace Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik Truly, NOBODY but your mum cares what you bought at the shops. Grow up and do some research on really what happens metabolically when you eat some of the wretched food items you have on display. FYI, its not trolling when YOU come to MY feed. Chin up, sounds like you got some growing in the brain department to do.
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
thanks Paul Great to see you and the weeks food looks YUMMY. Are you a chef cos you seem a natural at it !
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I'm not a chef, I just cook a lot. Thank you :)
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I am not brave like you to open up your world to us all but I am so grateful that you do. I feel like I have travelled overseas. I love it so much. I am a retired librarian. I used to read about the world. Now I can see it!
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
In that case, keep an eye out for the summer! I have some trips planned, and will be doing some videos. Paris for sure, maybe London again. And I'll do a video about Amsterdam. I've been to Amsterdam many times, it's only about 45 minutes away. But my audience might not have seen Amsterdam yet, so it might be nice to make a video about it. And possibly a video about my hometown?
@dog2819 Ай бұрын
Great content as always. I've only been to the airport in the Netherlands I hope to visit someday.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
You absolutely should!
@clarencedunn4155 Ай бұрын
You put the sausage in water while it's still in it's package
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
As instructed. It's already cooked, it just requires warming. You remove the outer packaging, but leave the inner packaging, just like you would do sousvide.
@clarencedunn4155 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik ah ok. Not familiar with that method
@happycamper4ever873 Ай бұрын
Nice video! You have some delicious meals planned. Beautifully organized and practical kitchen space too- I like your use of wall space.😀
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
Do you ever use quinoa?
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I do, yes. I'm waiting for a sale so I can stock back up, I used up the last of my quinoa not long ago.
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik i use to love eating it mixed with rice as a hot cereal in the winter time. I need to pick some up myself I used the last of mine as well.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I mainly have it as the base for a quinoa bowl, and top it with meat and veggies. I've been really into quinoa bowls, rice bowl, grain bowls, etc lately. Which colour do you like best? I don't think there's much of a difference in flavour, but I like the tricolour just for how it looks. When you say hot cereal, do you mean for breakfast?
@buddy1155 Ай бұрын
Imagine being an American watching this video on your 10 km drive to the grocery store stuck in traffic.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
You're never stuck in traffic on a bike. 10 km is about the max I'd cycle though
@buddy1155 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik Dat bedoel ik, een Amerikaan staat langer in het verkeer vast dan dat jij boodschappen doet inclusief reistijd.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Inderdaad. Zelfs met meerdere supermarkten, kost het me misschien een uur om alles te doen. Minder dan zij onderweg zijn.
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
Have a fantastic week
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Thank you. You too!
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
If you do not mind a link. You asked for suggestions on things you can make. There is one woman I watch that I think you could get a lot of fun inspiration from. She has videos talking about what to do with an ingredient for example eggs or cucumbers with multiple recipes they are from all around the world as well and she has videos about dishes like say five ways to make rice from around the world or chicken etc. She also does themed meals sometimes like breakfasts from around the world or Easter dinners or what have you.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I've seen some of her videos before, she's pretty good.
@Padraigp Ай бұрын
Very little veg and insane amount of meat for one weekly shop! Either its badly titled or this guy is gonna have a stroke! 😂
@redmonkey_1756 19 күн бұрын
Did you watch the video at all? Literally within 5 seconds of the video he says it's for 1 month. Either you didnt watch the video or you were having a stroke when you wrote your comments
@Padraigp 19 күн бұрын
@redmonkey_1756 no need to be a rude thundercunt is there?
@PaulvanGulik 17 күн бұрын
It's easy to miss something in the first 5 seconds. Or the half a dozen other times I mentioned it in this (short) video. I just wasn't clear enough, I guess.
@Padraigp Ай бұрын
Wow i buy less than that for 3 people! More veg though.
@antoninajucovscaia8439 Ай бұрын
Very solid haul and the meals you planned to make sound yummy.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@yardgrid Ай бұрын
Just get 10 pot noodles ffs
@Dax893 Ай бұрын
Paul got some chicken thighs. Man knows what he's doing.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I do like a good chicken thigh
@user-pj1nw2hb3x Ай бұрын
I couldn't eat that much in a week, but then I only eat once a day.....
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
This includes a huge freezer stock up, obviously I'm not going to eat all of this in a single week. And only one meal a day? I couldn't eat all the calories I burn in a day in one single meal, I'd feel sick! I assume you eat a lot of snacks and things the rest of the day? Or do you just not need that many calories?
@user-pj1nw2hb3x Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik Naw, I just don't eat much, but I'm not very good motivated. Plus I'm straight carnivore and only eat meat, eggs, butter and water. I drink some coffee but that's about it.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Is that fatty meat, like beef? Or lean meat like chicken? What is the (ballpark) amount of calories you're aiming for? For example, I would need over 2 kilograms or 4.5 lbs of chicken breast each day to reach my ~3500 kcal goal. And while I really enjoy eating meat, chicken in particular, that seems like a daunting amount of meat to get through, especially in a single sitting. Plus that would be prohibitively expensive.
@user-pj1nw2hb3x Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik Yes. I usually eat very fat rich meats. I eat until I am comfortably stuffed. I am rarely hungry and never crave anything with carbohydrates. My blood panels are very good and I maintain my weight at about where I was in high school. My skin and muscle tone is pretty good, especially given I'm over 50. Works well for me, maybe not so much for others ..
@mmbb8731 Ай бұрын
Looks like an alarming amount of food for one person, especially those huge boxes of meat. That is a recipe for obesity and other serious health problems.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
This is not an alarming amount at all, as that meat will last me well over a month, as I mentioned in the video. I buy meat in bulk, to save money and reduce waste, and portion out and freeze it. Also, almost all my meals are cooked at home and made from scratch. I don't snack a lot, so fruit, vegetables and clean, lean meat is where I get my calories from. It would be very, very hard to get obese from clean protein and fresh produce, especially when living an active lifestyle. I don't know about your lifestyle, or how often you eat outside of the home. Maybe you mostly eat processed junk that's high in calories, or eat out most days, or are completely sedentary. Obviously, you would need far fewer groceries. But I burn about 3500-4000 kcal on any given day, sometimes even (considerably) more. And like I said, I make almost all my meals at home. So taking that into account, this is a very realistic haul for one, active, person.
@mmbb8731 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik Those are many, many kilograms of meat. You are promoting it as healthy, and it is not. Check with a good nutritionist. Try to incorporate more legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, pulses. You are increasing your risk of cancer, cvd and many more. I checked your channel and don't want to sound mean, just think that you are living in an illusion, that this diet is good for you and that you need that many calories - you looked very obese a year ago and a whole year on your "healthy" diet didn't change that. Your body doesn't need that many calories.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Based on your reaction, I assume you are vegan? There is absolutely nothing wrong with meat in one's diet, as long as it's not too much red meat. It's the best way to get protein, while keeping the carbs down. Legumes and pulses are still mostly carb bombs, so they should be eaten in moderation, when you're carb restricted. And I have checked with nutritionists. I'm diabetic, have been for many years. Runs in the family. And I've been working with nutritionists for many, many years. I've also been eating healthy for many, many years. Not just the past year. With tons of fresh veggies. Low in fat, low in carbs. Very little processed foods. The fact that I eat meat does not make my diet unhealthy. And don't let my size fool you. I've always been big. But my resting heart rate is around 60, my VO2Max well above average for my age range, and my blood panels all within spec. And I get far, far more exercise than the average person. I am actually fit. But I guess it's much easier to assume that someone is fat or unhealthy because their diet doesn't match yours.
@Joleeene92 Ай бұрын
The fact that you assume this person has bought all of this for one week is honestly hilarious! 😂 clearly he’s stocked up for a while because it’s cheaper to buy larger packs of meat etc and then to distribute and freeze like most of us in the world have to do now.
@mmbb8731 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I'm not vegan, I do eat and like meat, not in such amounts though. As for carbs - you are eating 2 whole 6.35oz bars of chocolate every week and say that chickpeas are bad because of carbs. That is almost 1,5 kg of chocolate every month. Even healthy people without diabetes shouldn't eat that much. This chocolate is mostly pure, refined sugar and you are saying it is better for you than pulses? Come on. And there is so much saturated fats, processed oil, unhealthy processed meats, fat cheeses, crisps, croissants that you eat every week. And I can't see those tons of veggies, just a few of them for the whole week. Sorry for assuming that you're not healthy, but your belly looks huge, mate. It seriously doesn't look healthy to me and I can't understand why you see it as ok. I don't mean to offend you, sorry again. I just feel that it is unfair to promote this diet as healthy and I don't believe that it is healthy for you. I'm not sure why youtube suggested your video to me, but maybe it wanted someone new to speak up on your channel or something lol But I'll be quiet from now on, don't worry.
@teresacrowley4076 Ай бұрын
Do you make all or most of your meals from scratch?
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Yes, most of my meals are made from scratch, so I know exactly what goes into it.
@teresacrowley4076 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I have to make my meals from scratch as i react to a lot of ingredients in premade food.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I'm diabetic, trying to keep carbs down. There is so much sugar and other carbs hidden in processed food. Making things from scratch is the best/only way of really knowing what you're putting in your mouth.
@teresacrowley4076 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik that is so true
@Joleeene92 Ай бұрын
I always find these videos sooo interesting. It’s great to have a snippet into your life.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I love showing yyou!
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
I enjoy these videos. You are very good at minimizing waste and it is appreciated. Have you ever thought of worm composting?
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I always dream about growing some of my own fruits and vegetables in my back yard, but in reality, I'm really, really bad at keeping plants alive. Tried several times, and failed. So I don't have a need for compost, as I gave up on growing anything. I do seperate all my compostables for recycling though, so it doesn't go to waste
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik I get that I use to joke that I had a black thumb instead of a green one. I did get better and can grow some things though I still lose some plants sometimes. You could always do composting just to do it and use more kitchen waste then give it to family or friends or sale it at a farmers' market good safe compost is like gold to farmers and growers. Only of course if it is something you are interested in. I would also recommend picking one thing maybe an herb you use and just learn about that one plant and maybe try to grow it for your kitchen like some rosemary or thyme or basil etc. Focusing on one type of plant helped me learn in an overwhelming often contradictory plethora of information.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Kitchen and yard waste get collected bi-weekly here and used for biogas and compost. That's just so much more effiecient than I could do on a tiny scale. What kind of things do you grow? It would be nice to have things like tomatoes, chillies, cucumbers on hand at all times to pick fresh. Oh, and to give an example of my (very not) green thumb: I managed to kill cactii. I think that sums up just how bad I am at gardening!
@gabriellekili2977 Ай бұрын
@@PaulvanGulik That is cool they collect that stuff around here everything goes to the dump recycling trash yard waste America is an out of site out of mind people and it shows in how fast we are failing atm. I like to grow cat nip lavender mint and tomatoes they are the easiest for me to keep alive I tried peppers last year as well I live in an apartment so it's all in little pots cacti are harder to keep alive then one would assume a lot of them are secret divas.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
By law, compostables and paper each gets picked up for recycling, and depending on the municipality, plastic and cans are either picked up, or there is a drop off point in every neighbourhood. It gets collected seperately, so it's not mixed in with other waste which would make recycling hard. Every neighbourhood has a drop off point for glass, and all drinks bottles and cans have a 15-25 cent deposit on them, which you get back when you return it at any supermarket or other collection point. So there is very little actual waste. I can go up to a year before my bin of non-recyclables is actually full. Oh, and single use plastics like disposable plates and cutlery are banned from sale since last year I think? They have to be able to last more than one use, or made of wood for example. And if single use plastic is required for take out for example, a small fee has to be charged by the restaurant.
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
Thanks so much. I love seeing a little slice of your lovely country. Is the weather always so good? Enjoy your content so much
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
This was the first week this year that it was warm. Our winters aren't bad though, around freezing. But quite wet. I'm glad you enjoy the content :) .
@hockeygrrl75 Ай бұрын
This was fun to watch. Thx!
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
You're very welcome!
@teresacrowley4076 Ай бұрын
Enjoyed your video. ☘️💚. I love your shopping videos too. Would love a video of you cycling in your town.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I'll have to do a video soon. I was thinking you probably enjoyed the latest grocery shopping by bicycle video then, where I cycled past where my old primary school used to be. But then I realised you can't have seen that yet, because that isn't out yet until tonight
@teresacrowley4076 Ай бұрын
Great value for money!! Enjoy 😊
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
Hi from Australia ❤. Thanks for sharing!I enjoy all your videos and especially the cycling when I get to see a slice of life in your beautiful land. Do you work?
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
Yes, I have an office job, where I basically sit behind a computer all day. Maybe I could do a video sometime of cycling through town.
@shanefarabee769 Ай бұрын
keep up the good work friend
@wyldlibrarian3549 Ай бұрын
Thanks ! I am enjoying your videos a lot. I especially like seeing your outside trips. I won’t travel so it fascinates me to see other people’s environments. The markets you visit are amazing! Food prepping is fun. So efficient. I would love to see you cooking too - remember it is all new for us and doesn’t get tiring! Anyway. Thanks again.
@PaulvanGulik Ай бұрын
I've done a few cooking videos, making ravioli for example. I should do more. As for outdoors, I might do another day in the life soon where I take you guys with me on a walk. I'll also do some more videos in London and Paris this summer, so be on the look out for those. I'll see if I can find some markets there to explore.
@lulububs 2 ай бұрын
We are eating pears together this week. I got some in my wonky box (not so cheap , cheap fruit and veg subscription box that sends out produce that's low quality for shops but good to eat)
@PaulvanGulik 2 ай бұрын
Are those boxes worth it? I've thought about doing something like that, but I fear it will lead to more waste as I don't know what I'll be getting, so it's harder to plan ahead.
@wyldlibrarian3549 2 ай бұрын
Thanks. Glad to see you well!
@PaulvanGulik 2 ай бұрын
Hope you're well, too :)