Battletech Narrative: AI?
14 сағат бұрын
Battletech Mech Review: Griffin
Battletech Mech Tactics: Scorpion
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Dungeons & Dragons: Loot Chests
21 күн бұрын
Dungeons & Dragons: How To Level Up
@cyanidecologne9018 19 сағат бұрын
These days I wanna say the Timberwolf and the Urbanmech
@piotrskodowski7544 20 сағат бұрын
Poits for quad alone. I love quads for some reason. Tarantula for the win XD
@piotrskodowski7544 20 сағат бұрын
Oh I love Paranoia. When I GM it and i RP The Computer I always try to go for funnier HAL9000 vibe :)
@quentonphilips4560 21 сағат бұрын
The only reason I'm hesitating getting into warhammer is because I want to play the game but have no desire to build or paint.
@SpiritWolf1966 2 күн бұрын
I enjoy all of Wargamer Fritz videos 😊
@cyanidecologne9018 2 күн бұрын
We have a rather... eccentric guy in our play group and one of his favorite things to do is play the "bustin' makes me feel good" Ghostbusters parody while fielding a rather large number of these
@cyanidecologne9018 2 күн бұрын
So a wolverine, a shadowhawk and a griffin walk into a bar...
@robin6469 3 күн бұрын
a single LRM 5 is eh, multiple might be worth it for crit seeking, since you'll get more clusters on average with 3 LRM 5s than 1 LRM 15, since if you hit with all three you're guranteed 3 clusters. You also save some tonnage. Of course, then you're dealing with multiple hit rolls, which can be a blessing or a curse. Now, it can be worth it on a light mech, since a couple LRM 5s are often the only way to get that kind of range on a 20-25 ton mech without XL engine and Ferro/Endo to fit a PPC or ER Lasers. A locust with a pair of LRM 5s is an alright way to harass from a distance for a very low BV in my opinion.
@andrewszigeti2174 3 күн бұрын
Giants are more a challenge if your party DPR is low. Giants do a LOT of damage per hit, and get very good hit bonuses, so their DPR is very high for their encounter level. So a party has to find ways to out-DPR them. Missile fire and magic go a long way in that regard, two things giants generally do not do well even with their ability to throw boulders.
@kdolo1887 3 күн бұрын
Fritz, youre playing the game like a skirmish game and WotC is moving the game away from a skirmish game. If you want a challenge for yourself or your players, play a more skirmishy game. Play a game that knows what it is, not one that is trying to be something else.
@iSilvernail 3 күн бұрын
Played 5th for the first time a couple of days ago. After 3 hours of play, i was the only one in the inner region and after 4 attempts on the crypt and the mine I gave up. The rest of the party gave up as well, so much for the faster gameplay...
@Whitewing89 3 күн бұрын
Isn't that Lrm10 rear mounted? Got two of these from the vehicle salvage boxes. Should pair well with the Manticores i got from my force pack.
@MrClawt 3 күн бұрын
I just really like filling in the dots. But will give Alpha Strike a chance.
@SolNacht 4 күн бұрын
Woo! Go Stalker!
@jankarieben1071 4 күн бұрын
I’ve never liked Battle tech mech designs, as you can see here, these mechs are just ugly and clumsy looking.
@andrewszigeti2174 4 күн бұрын
As I understand it, AI technology was never developed in BT. Even computer technology lagged behind the real-world.
@funguy398 4 күн бұрын
I think it's a good advice, if you have a new player at the table reduce the amount of possible actions is a great thing to start things moving. It's hard to say "i don't know what to do" when an ork is broken through the window and grab the bartender's wife.
@mathewfitzpatrick5645 4 күн бұрын
My understanding of AI in BT is that it requires MASSIVE amounts of computing power it to work. Thoigh on the other hand they were and are autonomous drone, and not just remote controlled, mechs later in the timeline.
@haazz6979 5 күн бұрын
Just started playing last summer. Love it. Great fun solo.
@anja2792 5 күн бұрын
I have very much been feeling the difference between 3 gunnery and 4 for long range shots. My comstar Archer I'm loving so much with 3 gunnery, consistently landing 30+ missiles on target per turn out of 60 the majority of turns is an amazing feeling.
@kdolo1887 5 күн бұрын
Calls to action and constant inciting events force players to be reactive to everything you have set up. If all of this is in service to leading them directly to your module or whatever story you want to present them, then you're railroading them as well. This tip is why so many players want to try an evil campaign. Good characters always have to answer the call to save the whatever. Evil characters can choose not to, or to join the evil, or whatever. They have agency.
@juliodiaz1097 5 күн бұрын
After the Ameris civil war, where total AI controlled defense was used, the stigma of total use of it stopped. Ameris being able to subvert it's programming and the difficulty of prevention and recovery of the AI, leading to the deaths of many troops during the war, led to a dislike of total AI controlled units.
@imadethistopostponi 5 күн бұрын
Play the Necromo Nightmare adventure module and find out why we don't see AI commanders There is also one in the HBS Battletech where it tries to follow the path the Exodus Fleet took
@sharlin648 5 күн бұрын
AI's always been a weird one, and as its never fully been described or written down or shown in the books, you kind of have to interpret it yourself. For me, the CASPAR drones of the SLDF were more akin to how HAL from 2001/2010 was. Basically hyper advanced if/then machines, not true AI's, just able to calculate and react far faster than we ever could and also if questioned etc, react like a human. But not true AI's. The setting does not have AI like HALO does, nothing even close, instead its got very dumb and restricted AI's that are still waaaaaay ahead of what we can do, but not sentient thinking stuff.
@MrInbetween969 5 күн бұрын
Wish they would have done away with the cones. Should have done what Relic did with the dials on the character boards.
@mikefenton5961 6 күн бұрын
From a narrative point of view I prefer battletech to stick with "Expert Systems" rather than full blown sentient General AI. It feels more thematically appropriate to the setting where we focus on dramatically flawed people who fight to control the fate of whole star systems. AI of a limited nature has been part of BT since early on, and while it is rare (and should stay rare), it's always been part of the game world.
@jamesc.7216 6 күн бұрын
Star league had AI controlled planetary defense systems, drone fighters, and warships. These were all for heavily defended and established planets though and not very common. Some of the home world clans have access to this tech as well. AI wasn't used for offensive fronts probably because those were 'out of network' zones. On a side note, the star league Stalker 3Fb is probably a perfect lost tech level mech. It has case, double heat sinks, and can reach out and touch you for 46 damage at very long range. Also doesn't rely on too much lost tech beyond an ECM, DHS, ER lasers, and Artemis so it's easy to downgrade.
@patchpatch4008 6 күн бұрын
There's The Broken AI system that originates from a campaign book that, you guessed it, was a botched project from a bunch of Cappalen scientists! It's certainly a really interesting.
@MOrab46019 6 күн бұрын
I think it was in one of Word of Blake books covered this. I also know BATTLETECH: INTERSTELLAR OPERATIONS: ALTERNATE ERAS has it.
@edwardclay7551 6 күн бұрын
The Word of Blake had drone ships that controlled whole flotillas of drone fighters. They also developed drone mechs. Which they fielded during the seige of terra extensively.
@nurgle333 6 күн бұрын
I like Dune's approach to it, where they realized it would only allow people in control of the a.i. to dominate everyone else (40k ripped this off)
@Finnssssss 6 күн бұрын
Purple Dragon Knight anyone?
@WargamerFritz 6 күн бұрын
@Finnssssss 6 күн бұрын
I knew the second you said AD&D...absolutley no contest Bard was the rarest and you barely scratched the surface as to how hard it truely was to achieve this class. It required dual classing which was only possible as a straight Human. For those that remember dual classing you know how hard it was. For those that don't, you temporarily abandoned everything your previous class could do, wield or wear only carrying your HP total over until you went a level higher in your new class. No Druid levels required though, they just got Druid spells once they were a Bard. It wasn't even in the player's book, it was in the appendix of the DMG. It was the stat requirements that really held you back though... STR 15 INT 12 WIS 15 DEX 15 CON 10 CHA 15 ...and you thought qualifying for Ranger or Paladin was hard eh lol Speaking of Ranger, it reminded me of one of my more powerful characters i ever had in 1E, a dual class human 7 Ranger/15 Wizard. Little known quirk was that Ranger's used to cast Arcane spells in 1E and ignored arcane spell failure from wearing armor or using a shield 😉 You also ended up with 12 hit dice due to the Ranger starting with 2d8 and the Wizard getting hit dice to level 11. Your Con mod was per hit dice in 1E.
@GI-JOEs 7 күн бұрын
I stopped playing when 2.0 came out. My friends started to play with 2.0 and i didn't want to pay for upgrade packs. I loved playing double VT-49 Decimators. I'm still a big fan of the game.
@umardoerr5523 7 күн бұрын
My top fav light mech from since I got into BT 30 years ago. Both in style, lore, and capability.
@robin6469 7 күн бұрын
Stalker, all day. Its got the weaponry, its got the armour, 90% of the time its going to hit harder and survive longer than anything it comes up against. It can outrange brawlers, and has the firepower to close in if needed. Its versatile, its tough, and its got everything you could want from a Battlemech except speed.
@BlUsKrEEm 8 күн бұрын
My wife is a big conventional aircraft booster. She'll run an all aircraft force whenever she's allowed to. Shes playing Crimsom Skies, Im playing Duck Hunt.
@salmanqaisar7377 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video, it's made my mind up for me... after a decade of avoiding Talisman, this edition seems to fix all my concerns from watching reviews of the older game. Especially 5th being rated highly by a 4th edition veteran such as yourself... sealed the deal!
@_knaff 8 күн бұрын
Oh, thats huge good changes. But I don't like 5th edition look and presentation.
@stephanepapineau1929 8 күн бұрын
I would like it to be simple like WOW the board game with many plugins.
@TheManyVoicesVA 9 күн бұрын
Problem with the Griffin is that losing the right torso makes it useless lol
@hideshisface1886 9 күн бұрын
King Crab still hals LRM-15 in its basic config. So Stalker's advantage at extreme ranges is not that huge, considering KC's better armour. Stalker would need to stack advantage with Large Lasers as well. In the end, it will boil down to pilot's discipline and RNG. KC wasting atuocannon shots too early, or a lucky hit spread on quad medium lasers of Stalker - this all can decide the outcome here. One thing is, however, very important to note. KC needs to get lucky with a headshot only once.
@Mandalor25 9 күн бұрын
So as it turned out a year l8er you were completly wrong. people take small units and battle shock is something nobody cares about
@adamglenen734 9 күн бұрын
If you have a fun DM, playing a villainous foil to your own party can be very fun and fulfilling. My longest running character has been an Oathbreaker Paladin/Hexblade multiclass (I know, so original) and it has been so much fun.
@JosephHeller-el8zo 9 күн бұрын
When I run a Griffin I try to use the Jump Jets to get behind enemies and fire the PPC into the rear arc. You can get up high and hunker down for 1 turn while everyone shoots. Lay down and get into some trees. Then stand up and fire the pic without the movement mod. The LRM10 can be used for support in the early game and later for finding holes in armor. Watch your heat!
@JosephHeller-el8zo 9 күн бұрын
AC20 to the head takes out the pilot. Max head armor is 9 pts and max internal structure is 3. That means a mech’s head CAN NOT withstand more than 12 damage total.
@milo8425 9 күн бұрын
I played a gypsy bard in 2e 😎 got squished in 1 hit 2 sessions in. 2e was obviously not that kinda hurdle though.
@Based_Lord_Humongous 10 күн бұрын
Investing the BV to have a good pilot is everything.
@bopaintsminis 10 күн бұрын
If you are honestly rolling the dice, no do-overs, no fudging, in AD&D: psionics, the bard, the illusionist, and the paladin. I never honestly rolled any of them. Ever.
@Dervraka 10 күн бұрын
Probably dating myself but way back in 2nd edition the "Psionic" class was introduced in its own class expansion book. It was so horribly unbalanced and OP that most DM's quickly banned them from their games. Basically, the class could do ANYTHING with Psionics that any other class could do and usually better than the base class and none of the downsides like memorizing spells, they did have a pool of Psionic points that replenished with rest, but it was so forgiving that a high level Psionic had darn near unlimited power.