@bartman156. 10 күн бұрын
I think the game is supposed to go into open test today, would you happen to know what time it will go into open test. If not, do you know what time it went into open test last time so I know when it could possibly happen?
@SyIvanix 9 күн бұрын
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. For open tests, there usually aren't specific times given and the time the previous test went live doesn't predict much; they go live when ready! But, in case you hadn't already noticed, it's open now!
@Cloveyyyy 21 күн бұрын
great video! do you mind sharing your graphics settings? I always have a hard time playing due to my game lagging out when i boot it up and i’m unsure of what graphic settings to have for the best performance. :/
@SyIvanix 20 күн бұрын
Hi, thank you! I believe I recorded this video with most settings on high and a few on beawesome. This was recorded on a version of the future 1.0.1 update, which will have (for most people) a much improved performance compared to 1.0.0! So that may already help you with your performance issues. Other than that, view distance is VERY heavy, followed by lighting quality, foliage settings, shadow quality and anti aliasing. So if you're looking to balance performance, I'd start with lowering those in that order :)
@godwhy7738 21 күн бұрын
For a 500k kick-starter those animations are really amature
@rustybooper270 21 күн бұрын
and you have to buy them separate haha
@Clickz_0 21 күн бұрын
Don't bro only one dragons free
@SyIvanix 20 күн бұрын
Shadow Scale, Inferno Ravager and Flame Stalker are all free, with more starter and in-game unlockable dragons planned in the future too :)
@SukunaMatata-d8n 21 күн бұрын
I wonder if the crystal depends on ur element like red for flamestalkers purples for blitz and ect
@Snow.bee. 22 күн бұрын
Your flying skills are amazing! Also I love how they added muddy water and clean water based on the area
@SyIvanix 22 күн бұрын
Thank you! It's a truly enjoyable game to to practice flying. And yes, I love the attention to detail there with the different water.
@madgamester 23 күн бұрын
Hi..am new to dod..may i knw ur server? and the name of the dragon😊
@SyIvanix 22 күн бұрын
Hi, welcome! This video was recorded on a version of the test server that wasn't publicly available, as part of the preparations for upcoming update 1.0.1. This dragon is called the Blitz Striker. It'll join the game in update 1.0.1 which is estimated for a release at the end of september! Shortly before then, there will also be an open test which is publicly available where you can try it out 😄
@madgamester 22 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix i tried and I got 2.. or 3 dragons as free and i couldn't find this one😑
@SyIvanix 22 күн бұрын
@@madgamester That's correct, the Blitz isn't in game yet! It will be once the 1.0.1 update comes out in likely about a month. Blitz isn't a starter dragon unfortunately, it is a DLC dragon, but you don't need the DLC to play it - you can still be nested in by others and play it completely for free :)
@madgamester 22 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix i would love to make a series of this game. I play isle and ark. Can u suggest me a good server of dod? Thanku
@SyIvanix 22 күн бұрын
@@madgamester It depends on how you prefer to play and where you're located, honestly! I personally only play PvE but will play DvE once Elementals come out (a playable faction that's natural enemies of the dragons - DvE doesn't allow dragons to fight other dragons but it does allow dragons vs elementals). There's also PvP, of course. Then pick a server that's in/near your region :) Official servers don't have many rules whereas private servers can set their own rules, it's really personal preference which one you want to pick. I recommend trying some and seeing what you like :) Have fun! And look forward to update 1.0.1 - it's gonna be great
@frynn1978 23 күн бұрын
How have they managed to make this more tedious than flying around fighting over rare mushrooms… I wish it were a challenge of your skills, like flying through rings or a cave and doing it without crashing / in a certain amount of time rewards you with a tick. It could utilize your dragons skills like setting targets on fire, or locating a certain amount of cloaked ai SS as the FS. Obviously it would need a cooldown, but at least it improves your skill at the game and rewards you for it. Both iterations have been so mindless, convoluted, and easily camped.
@bartman156. 21 күн бұрын
Well, first you have to find a good crystal and then have to be able to defend yourself from other players in order to use it, I'd say that requires skill. Plus this is probably only the first step and there's probably more things you'll need to do.
@jele38 24 күн бұрын
scam game no extremely bad at their jobs 100%
@Random_Chiroptera 24 күн бұрын
Here's hoping US1 isn't listening, or my favorite hunting ground will have too much competition soon.
@VenomQuill 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video; it's very thorough and informative! Does the weather or time of day affect the crystals? Do they have a cool-down timer? Maybe someone used that green crystal you were talking about, and it needed time to warm up again. Do they respond to different calls or a mix of calls, maybe? Does charge shooting them activate them (unlikely since only 2 dragons can charge)? My thoughts: bad idea. Large Clans will camp them, especially in caves, and kill off solo players or players from smaller Clans. Although the passive tick is annoying and the mushrooms were grindy, at least solo players could get elders from them. Here, you need to sit for a full minute screaming at a rock, giving your adult who has some progress a chance at being charge-shot by an SS or bitten to death by an IR or FS. This is especially true of ASDs, which can be one-hit by elder SSs you wouldn't have seen. Even if you get away, by the time you come back, it's changed color and locked you out. Remember even a 99% elder dragon has all the defenses/weaknesses of an adult. Not to spamming mention loud calls is annoying. People can also use their elders or throw away adults to grief servers by finding these statues and activating them then abandoning them, artificially locking them so no one can elder their dragon. A better solution would be to make eldering time-based like growing. 5 hours of game time = 5 hours of elder progress. This forces players to use their dragons and encourages them to play the game. It rewards people for putting their dragons in danger in PvP and it works on PvE. While my SS that has been through hell and back might only have 3.8% elder, someone else's elder SS could have done absolutely nothing but sit in a cave since it was nested in and then log in once every 12 hours.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! I can address some of your questions / concerns: So far I've not paid close enough attention to time of day or weather to know for certain whether or not this plays a role. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for it. Most of the time when I was playing I was alone on the server, which is helpful because I know no one else touched the crystals. When a crystal does explode, it will turn off, so someone else coming by would simply be able to see that the crystal won't work. So far no emotes other than one-calls have worked for me though I'll admit I don't always try all of them on each crystal. For the update, the crystals will be more spread out over the map and there should be more of them too. That will at least make it hard for clans to camp all of them. I don't think it will be easy to prevent the entire server from eldering - though they can certainly make it harder (but maybe that's part of the pvp game). So far I haven't found a way to deactivate a crystal - just change the color, and multiple crystals can be active at the same time. I honestly don't understand the system enough yet to say if it can be easily camped or not. There may be layers to it I'm still unaware of that make camping harder than it seems right now. There do seem to be some risks, but I know the devs are aware of the camping issue with mushrooms so for now I'm holding out hope that they have improved on this with the crystal method. We'll have to see!
@VenomQuill 25 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix Thank you for answering my question! That seems odd only the 1-call would work. I really like the fs 3-call; it sounds like laughter. The blitz 5-call is pretty goofy. Just mate-calling the crystal for a minute would be funny and break up the monotony of it! I hope having them that spread out will help. My main concern about camping isn't that one Clan will always be on all crystals at all times (that's impossible), but that they may be on a few and will elder all of their dragons easily, and then just find the others and patrol them, preventing others from eldering their dragons. Even if other Clans could defend against said Clan, a solo player wouldn't be able to defend against multiple people. I don't think they had PvP/solo people in mind while coming up with this idea. However, it doesn't *hurt* to be optimistic, right? The meta will change, and so I guess we'll need to change with it. Maybe the devs will shorten the roar-time or add different calls or recall it altogether soon. Maybe they'll add a debuff to camping the crystals. For example, if you sit by a crystal for too long you'll lose HP and/or get a hit to your speed/damage output/stamina regen/bile regen/some other stat, and on top of all that you start glowing that crystal's color so people can see you. Really only time will tell.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
@@VenomQuill What I do know is that the devs are great at listening to the community. Once we fully understand the system and it still creates unintended problems with clans, camping, not being possible solos on pvp etc. I trust that they'll listen and make adjustments as needed!
@devonefoster105 25 күн бұрын
I like the old elder method when all u had to do was log in every 12 hours and get an elder tick. 5:19
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Good news, because that method is still in the game! Receiving a tick every 12 hours is called passive eldering and will remain in the game on top of this active eldering method.
@devonefoster105 25 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix Ok good. Cause it’s gonna take me some time to figure out those Crystals
@Scott-u1y 25 күн бұрын
Is it possible that the crystal's colour indicates what weather it needs to be used in? That way yellow could be sunny, blue, rain, purple maybe a thunderstorm, red possibly a sand storm and white fog and so on. I don't know if there are enough different weather types for that to work tho, so maybe the time of day matters too? E.g. yellow for sunny day, green for clear sky with the aurora at night and light and dark blue for rain at day and night.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Coincidentally I just tried a green crystal at night with auroras! When I saw the world turn green I had to fly back and try again, lol. Sadly no response :( Still might be weather and/or time of day related, I haven't focused much on that so far (so much to keep track of). There are a lot of possibilities there for sure.
@Jeremy-ff7gv 25 күн бұрын
This would be good if the game had actual players...game is utterly dead and boring.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Many are waiting for fixes and more content! Once 1.0.1 releases I bet you many will return to try and elder their dragons. There'll also be a new dragon to try out, a new AI, much improved performance (allowing more people to play), combat fixes and more.
@Jeremy-ff7gv 22 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix myea basicly what was promised earlier this year,i dont got any hope devs can actually pull it off since they are known to blatantly lie with impunity...the fact devs lied for months trying to fool people there was a way to elder but the community hasnth figured it out yet.it was a lie to get people to play this mess,even superrhino himself was spreading this lie.how u can defend blatant liars i dont get tbh.
@Sir_Yangchuanosaurus 25 күн бұрын
I thought it said Eldenring😭
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Woops, sorry 😂 Unfortunately I don't know much about elden ring
@ottoes8098 25 күн бұрын
What im concerned about is how competitive it is going to be. If someone explodes a crystal can another dragon explode it immediattely or do they need to wait? Because if the crystals need time to recharge and cannot be shared then it will be no better than the mushroom method. Solo players will struggle with eldering because clans will kill anyone who comes close to the crystals.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
The specifics are still not really clear to me, but I know that camping was a concern for the developers as well so I expect an improvement over mushrooms. What I do know is that after a crystal explodes, it deactivates - can't be used until it turns on again which they seem to just do when they feel like it. There's also a theory/assumption that everyone in the area will get a tick when a crystal explodes. Though I currently don't know what the range for this is. But that could greatly help prevent camping. Multiple crystals can be active at one time and in the live game, there will be more crystals and they'll be more spread out over the map. So clans will likely have a hard time defending all of them
@astbryce 25 күн бұрын
Where r the dragon leggs?
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Non-existent! :D This dragon is called the Blitz striker and it's an ampithere - a dragon with 1 pair of wings and no legs. On the ground he slithers, kinda like a snake.
@Fnaffanatic9 25 күн бұрын
When is the update?
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
No release date is set, but during the developer livestream last Friday, Jao said he was hoping for September! Before the update, there'll still be closed combat testing for the blitz and I believe an open test as well.
@chaoticevei8342 25 күн бұрын
Maybe the different crystals need more calls to work?
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Maybe! We have tried one-calling multiple times at a crystal but sadly no response, any time it did glow it did so right away. Though I still try a few extra calls occasionally, just to be thorough!
@Vohasiiv 25 күн бұрын
have you noticed how much percentage each color gives? maybe the color is just the quality, with certain colors giving more growth than others. It would make sense if this correlates with its spawn rarity
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Good question! I double checked my recordings but it seems all the ticks I got were 2.7%, same as the passive ticks (once 2.6% but that's likely due to rounding). Also note that the exact percentage may differ from the live game when the update comes out ^^ But it does seem to all be the same so far.
@dubmcz 25 күн бұрын
possibly bugged. The only ticks that you received in the video were purple. maybe the bug has to do with the changing of colors after the crystal fails or the timer runs out, maybe and if you received a tick from a different color crystal, it "was" purple before it changed color on the outside.
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
A fair point! But if you watch from 06:25, you'll see I received ticks from a white and green crystal as well. As well as a white and green crystal that I made glow but not explode and (many) purple & magenta crystals that didn't respond to me. If there were bugs, I wouldn't know of course - so it's possible. But considering how early this still is I think it's much more likely for now that we simply don't fully understand the system yet, rather than having run into a ton of bugged crystals already ;)
@cfowler7936 25 күн бұрын
This is for one tick. Meaning for each dragon you have to spam 1 call in front of a rock at least 90 times or more. Its going to get old and grindy real fast.
@rustyhero7671 25 күн бұрын
I think anyone in the AOE gets the tick
@pineapple_of_doom4646 25 күн бұрын
Perhaps the individual crystals have a cooldown? If another dragon came to a crystal, used it, then left shortly before you attempted the same crystal, the cooldown timer could have still been running when you got there- leading to the crystal temporarily not reacting to you, for a time. To be honest, I have no idea how busy your server was, so you'd have to decide for yourself if there was enough activity for this to be plausible xd (or, if the crystals have a long cooldown? Could they have something like a five minute cooldown, or is it closer to the hour it took elder mushrooms to respawn?) I also wonder if the entire system could be color-based, with each species being able to get a reaction out of only some colors- perhaps the colors that more powerful dragons, e.g. flame stalker and inferno ravager, can use to elder are rarer in an attempt to keep too many op elders from coming into existence? I remember flame stalkers needing more elder mushrooms than the other species to elder, perhaps with that intention in mind. It'd be fun if certain crystals only activated at certain times, or certain weathers- it'd definitely give the system an added layer of complexity xd
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Loads of great thoughts here! So regarding a cooldown; I didn't mention it specifically, but a crystal does turn 'off' (lose its color/rumbly noise) once it explodes. So it likely has some sort of cooldown until it can activate again, but others would be able to see that it's not active. A lot of the time when I was testing things out, I was also basically alone on the server - which is actually rather helpful in this case because I know someone else didn't do something with a crystal while I was away ;) You make a really good point that the colors a dragon has access to may have to do with the class of a dragon, like the mushrooms did - that hadn't crossed my mind yet but it would be a good way to make eldering larger/more powerful dragons a bit slower if they have less colors or rarer colors to choose from. Overall great ideas! I definitely need to keep my eyes open regarding time/weather as well with how some crystals sometimes activate and other times don't. And thanks for watching :D
@pineapple_of_doom4646 25 күн бұрын
Ooo, thanks for the info!
@Lusewing 26 күн бұрын
Brilliant video and findings. I can't wait to see the community tackling this
@firefox575 25 күн бұрын
Hello :>
@Lusewing 25 күн бұрын
@@firefox575 Hiya Fire Fox
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
Thanks Luse <3 We can sure use the community's help with these mysteries!
@geehammer1511 26 күн бұрын
OK one test I'd like to see is having numerous players around an active crystal all shouting & see if everyone gets a tick? This will test if it really is not campable.
@Acalanari 25 күн бұрын
Yes this! I was coming to the comment section to request the same thing XD
@SyIvanix 25 күн бұрын
That's a very good point! We'll see if we can get some people to try this with - it's easier said than done cuz so many crystals don't respond (and once they do, it's too late to ask other people to join the server) but it would be very good to find out how this works!
@firestormthelovewing2114 26 күн бұрын
Call me pancake needs to hear this!! 0-0
@dracodracarys2339 27 күн бұрын
this is just a Skrill that stepped on a land mine
@lachlanstanners7457 27 күн бұрын
Even though it was said to be a scam, you gotta admit this proves that wrong
@cfowler7936 27 күн бұрын
At least 2 people will have to pay for this dragon separately for it to function on a server. If they choose to share it that is. Not sure why Jao insisted it be a DLC. How lame.
@SyIvanix 27 күн бұрын
I'm glad! The devs have been working hard to prove to anyone who doubted them that Day of Dragons is a genuine game that they're putting their heart and soul into. And there's much, much more to come
@SyIvanix 27 күн бұрын
@@cfowler7936 Don't worry, many people have already bought the DLC and with DoD being a game that focuses on social gameplay, many of those are more than happy to share the Blitz. The game itself is cheap (with no price changes planned even as the game grows) so these DLCs are a nice additional way to generate income. Those who can afford it, will buy it (and don't have to pay much), those who can't, don't need to. Content creators also regularly give away Blitz DLCs so keep an eye out there!
@modestfurret 26 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix I wouldnt really consider $30 CAD cheap when half of the roster is DLC or kickstarter exclusive and then they even made some of the emotes dlc. Nah man. Plus the DLC is 6 months late now and you cant even get a refund for it which isnt fair for people who were told it would be out in 2 weeks in 1.0 dropped. I don't trust the devs or the game anymore.
@Dissosiativepleasure 26 күн бұрын
​​@@modestfurret ye...not fair for the people who waited and preordered it. If you can't follow your plans, don't give an exact date. This feels wrong.
@inunashi4795 28 күн бұрын
Blitz will be so fun!
@SyIvanix 28 күн бұрын
It 100% will be!
@Lusewing 28 күн бұрын
It was so much fun flying around with so many during the storm!
@geehammer1511 28 күн бұрын
Appeared the game ran well during the dev livestream, looking forward to seeing what 100 players flying around will do to the performance.
@cfowler7936 27 күн бұрын
Hypebaiting the content in smooth, low populated streams.
@geehammer1511 28 күн бұрын
Nice, now try it with full agility Bio lol. More people need to try this to help them improve their flying skills. I've attempted roof entry & exit a few times, as yet not pulled it off without crashing into something. Do you use K&M or a gamepad?
@SyIvanix 28 күн бұрын
I tried the roof entry too - getting in is easy enough, not crashing into the floor or wall afterwards is harder 🤣 It's definitely a lot of fun with all the different exits. I've only done it with blitz and SS so far, but Bio is a fun idea too. And I use keyboard + mouse :)
@geehammer1511 28 күн бұрын
@@SyIvanix Impressive doing it with K&M, I can barely fly anymore with that after using gamepad for so long. I've flown through the rock with most, FS is kinda tough because it's slower turning. Have yet to do all routes with IR. Bio is by far the easiest due to it's agility.
@SyIvanix 28 күн бұрын
@@geehammer1511 I really only use a controller for games like Hollow Knight and Ori, so for me it would've been much harder the other way around 😅
@SelfproclaimedLizardWizard Ай бұрын
Is it agile? I’m hoping the 2 year wait is worth it. I’m very negative about this game sometimes. Can you blame me though? When they deliver it is very good quality. Albeit the progress very slow.
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
The blitz is agile, yes! It's faster than a shadow scale though it turns more slowly (which to me does make SS feel a bit more agile). I love how Blitz looks and feels when flying though! Development is slow as there's been some big hurdles to get through and this is their first game (a complex one at that) made by a small team, but slow doesn't mean they're not working hard - they'll get there!
@inunashi4795 Ай бұрын
Blitz didn't turn like SS at all, it's interesting to see!
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
I love how they make each dragon's flight unique! If I recall correctly, blitz is a bit faster (when flying in a straight line) but SS turns quicker, so both have an advantage and disadvantage. Much more interesting than going "they're the same class, both fast dragons, let's just copy paste SS's flight and done".
@MochGee Ай бұрын
leum is beautiful
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
I was never that interested in it, but fully changed my mind now! Might actually be my favorite for blitz
@MochGee Ай бұрын
@@SyIvanix im a sucker for leuc but leum blitz i might cave in Dx
@Lusewing Ай бұрын
Really nice flying!
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
:D Thanks! Love a flight system that allows for stuff like this to be enjoyable
@inunashi4795 Ай бұрын
Sooo nice to see <3
@DAWELAHealthExpertin Ай бұрын
I want to play this server too😢❤❤❤❤
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
The test server is still open for today (sunday), so you can (assuming you own the game)! Right click on the game in your library, click properties, go to betas and select the open test branch from the dropdown menu :)
@Lusewing Ай бұрын
Love the storms so much
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
Will never get tired of them!
@kingkbt22 Ай бұрын
this is majestic
@Lusewing Ай бұрын
Looks so much more integrated into the map now, with a lot more hiding spots around it
@DAWELAHealthExpertin Ай бұрын
Yeah in der ar more Rocks then bevor😍😍😍😍 i wahnt play it too
@Nobodyasked2 Ай бұрын
@Lusewing Ай бұрын
Perfect timing
@catsatdusk6710 Ай бұрын
The island is my favorite part of the map, glad they're perfecting it even more <3
@catsatdusk6710 Ай бұрын
Now THAT's a forest, awesome upgrades to the map
@ModC. Ай бұрын
Finally, the forest has opportunities for babies to hide! I love the added foliage to trees and the ground 🤩
@AaronKnight-fe1vm Ай бұрын
First test and it very colourful
@echogaming1760 Ай бұрын
Wow thanks for the vid! Can see the difference with redwoods!
@SyIvanix Ай бұрын
You're very welcome Echo! :D
@Lusewing Ай бұрын
You can really see the extra love Echo has added to the map. Great Video
@inunashi4795 Ай бұрын
It looks soooo good, can't wait to see this update live! <3