@gxrvish 5 сағат бұрын
make it simple dude, you are making it more and more complicated...
@abhishekkesharwani7453 5 сағат бұрын
for ascending order if we just create a new row with lead() return the min(abs diff between them) it will work right
@varunas9784 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing! here's my little bit on SQL server: ===================================== with compiled as (select *, 'Succeed' as [Status] from Succeeded union select *, 'Failed' as [Status] from Failed), flagged_for_grp as (select *, case when DATEDIFF(DAY, LAG(success_date, 1, success_date) over(order by success_date), success_date) <= 1 and [status] = LAG(status, 1, status) over (order by success_date) then 0 else 1 end [flag] from compiled where success_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31') select Min(success_date) [Start date], MAX(success_date) [End date], [Status], COUNT([Status]) [Status count] from (select *, SUM([flag]) over(order by success_date) [group] from flagged_for_grp) s1 group by [group], [Status] order by 1 =====================================
@janaSdj 2 күн бұрын
@janaSdj 2 күн бұрын
my solution: with cte as ( select t.team_id,t.team_name,home_team_id ,away_team_id , home_team_goals,away_team_goals, case when t.team_id = m.home_team_id and home_team_goals > away_team_goals then 3 when t.team_id = m.away_team_id and home_team_goals < away_team_goals then 3 when t.team_id = m.home_team_id and home_team_goals = away_team_goals then 1 when t.team_id = m.away_team_id and home_team_goals = away_team_goals then 1 else 0 end as points from Teams t left join Matches m on t.team_id = m.home_team_id OR t.team_id = m.away_team_id ), cte2 as ( select team_id, team_name, points, case when team_id = home_team_id then home_team_goals else away_team_goals end as goal_for, case when team_id = home_team_id then away_team_goals else home_team_goals end as goal_against from cte ) select team_name,count(team_name) as matches_played, sum(points) as points, sum(goal_for) as goal_for, sum(goal_against) as goal_against, sum(goal_for) - sum(goal_against) as goal_diff from cte2 group by team_name order by sum(points) desc ,sum(goal_for) - sum(goal_against) desc,team_name
@prajju8114 3 күн бұрын
with cte_1 as ( select p.project_id,p.employee_id,e.name,e.experience_years from Project p join Employee e on p.employee_id=e.employee_id ), cte_2 as ( select *,dense_rank() over(partition by project_id order by experience_years desc) as rn from cte_1 ) select project_id,employee_id from cte_2 where rn=1
@SanthoshaK-px8rq 3 күн бұрын
@ 9:30 I'll see you guys in the next video.
@SanthoshaK-px8rq 3 күн бұрын
SELECT sell_date, COUNT(DISTINCT product) AS num_sold, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT product) AS products -- by defalt group_concat is consider ascending order and comma as a separator FROM Activities GROUP BY sell_date;
@rohithande9750 4 күн бұрын
good video , please stop saying 'hare' instead of here , learn how to say the word.
@pankajchandel1000 4 күн бұрын
select user_id,max(time_stamp) as last_stamp from Logins where year(time_stamp) = '2020' group by user_id
@jayakumar6349 4 күн бұрын
you made me make a leap out of my zone ,,, thank you so much.. appreciate your hard work... dear :)
@divyanshusinghchauhan500 4 күн бұрын
WITH cte1 AS ( SELECT *, from_id + to_id AS checkValue, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY from_id + to_id) AS call_count, SUM(duration) OVER (PARTITION BY from_id + to_id) AS total_duration FROM call_data ), cte2 AS ( SELECT MIN(from_id) OVER (PARTITION BY checkValue) AS min_from_id, MAX(to_id) OVER (PARTITION BY checkValue) AS max_from_id, call_count, total_duration FROM cte1 ) SELECT min_from_id, max_from_id, call_count, total_duration FROM cte2 group BY min_from_id, max_from_id, call_count, total_duration
@arpitakar3384 5 күн бұрын
Ahhhh. tired control the brain
@divyanshusinghchauhan500 6 күн бұрын
select *, sum(score_points) over(partition by gender order by day) as totalPoint from competition_scores;
@Karthikmahi007 6 күн бұрын
with cte as (select power, case when factor>=0 then concat('+',factor) else factor end as factor from terms), cte2 as (select 1 as nill,power,factor, case when power=0 then factor when power =1 then concat(factor,'x') else concat(factor,'x^',power) end as eqn from cte order by power desc) select concat(group_concat(eqn order by power desc separator ''),'=0' ) as equation from cte2 group by nill;
@Karthikmahi007 6 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select * from ( select *,ifnull(lag(result,1) over(partition by player_id order by match_day),result) as prev from matches)kk where result=prev),cte2 as ( select player_id,count(player_id) as cnt from cte where result='win' and prev='win' group by player_id) select distinct(m.player_id),ifnull(c.cnt,0) as longest_streak from matches m left join cte2 c on m.player_id=c.player_id; ;
@yuvakpatel1599 6 күн бұрын
Sir thankyou so much for explaining this. leetcode solutions are very confusing to understand and yours are just beautiful
@Karthikmahi007 6 күн бұрын
with kk as (select * from friendship union select user2_id,user1_id from friendship), cte as ( select l1.user_id as user1_id,l2.user_id as user2_id,l1.page_id as page1_id,l2.page_id as page2_id from likes l1 left join likes l2 on l1.user_id<>l2.user_id and l1.page_id<>l2.page_id), cte2 as ( select * from cte where (user1_id,user2_id) in (select * from kk) order by user1_id), cte3 as ( select user1_id,page2_id as page_id,count(*) as friends_likes from cte2 group by 1,2 order by 1,2 desc) select user1_id,page_id from cte3 where(user1_id,page_id) not in (select user_id,page_id from likes) order by user1_id,friends_likes desc; I solved it using self join
@Sravanti-o2b 6 күн бұрын
Glad to find this channel.... So nice way of explanation. Right pace, right depth of analysis and above all showing us right way of approach in writing a query !!! Thanks :)
@Karthikmahi007 7 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select l1.user_id as user1_id,l2.user_id as user2_id from listens l1 left join listens l2 on l1.song_id=l2.song_id and l1.day=l2.day and l1.user_id<>l2.user_id group by l1.user_id,l2.user_id,l1.day having count(distinct l1.song_id)>=3) select user1_id,user2_id from cte where (user1_id,user2_id) not in (select * from friendship) and (user1_id,user2_id) not in (select user2_id,user1_id from friendship) and user2_id is not null;
@divyanshusinghchauhan500 7 күн бұрын
with cte1 as ( select *, Lead(nextDayPrice, 1, 0) OVER(PARTITION BY t.stock_name ORDER BY t.operation) AS nextDayRate, nextDayPrice - Lead(nextDayPrice, 1, 0) OVER(PARTITION BY t.stock_name ORDER BY t.operation) AS capital_gain_loss from ( SELECT stock_name, operation, sum(price) OVER(PARTITION BY stock_name,operation) AS nextDayPrice FROM stocks )t group by t.stock_name, t.operation ) select stock_name, capital_gain_loss from cte1 where operation = 'Sell'
@Karthikmahi007 7 күн бұрын
Hi mate, What is the necessity to add user1_id<user2_id as the given table already has that condition that the friendship table always satisfies the condition user1_id<user2_id, thought of sharing this.
@LordSarcasticVlogger 8 күн бұрын
UPDATE Salary SET sex = IF(sex = 'm', 'f', 'm');
@Karthikmahi007 8 күн бұрын
with cte as (select employee_id,experience,salary from( select *,sum(salary) over (order by salary asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as cum_sum from candidates where experience='senior') kk where cum_sum<=70000 union select * from candidates where experience='junior' order by salary asc), cte2 as(select employee_id,experience,salary from( select *,sum(salary) over (order by experience desc,salary asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as cm_sum from cte)kk where cm_sum<=70000) select experience,count(*) as total_hired from cte2 group by 1;
@Karthikmahi007 8 күн бұрын
WITH RECURSIVE cte AS ( SELECT id, MIN(month) AS month, MAX(month)-1 AS mx FROM employee GROUP BY id UNION ALL SELECT id, month + 1,mx FROM cte WHERE month < mx ),cte2 as (select c.id,c.month,ifnull(e.salary,0) as sume from cte c left join employee e on c.month=e.month and c.id=e.id order by c.id,c.month desc) select id,month,cum_sum from( select *,sum(sume) over(partition by id order by month desc rows between current row and 2 following) as cum_sum from cte2) as kk where sume<>0; Solved it using recursive cte
@Karthikmahi007 8 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select t.*,u1.banned as kp ,u2.banned as tp from trips t left join users u1 on t.client_id=u1.users_id left join users u2 on t.driver_id=u2.users_id where u1.banned='no' and u2.banned='no'), cte2 as( select distinct request_at, sum(case when status='cancelled_by_client' then 1 when status='cancelled_by_driver' then 1 else 0 end ) over (partition by request_at) as pd , sum(case when client_id then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by request_at) as kd from cte) select request_at as Day, round((pd/kd),2) as `Cancellation Rate` from cte2 where request_at between "2013-10-01" and "2013-10-03";
@Karthikmahi007 8 күн бұрын
WITH cte AS (SELECT *, Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY country ORDER BY points DESC) AS rn FROM wineries ) SELECT country, Min(CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN concat(winery,'(',points,')') END) AS top_winery, IFNULL(Min(CASE WHEN rn = 2 THEN concat(winery,'(',points,')') END),'No second winery') AS second_winery, ifnull(Min(CASE WHEN rn = 3 THEN concat(winery,'(',points,')') END),'No third winery') AS third_winery FROM cte GROUP BY country; I tried it from my end
@Karthikmahi007 8 күн бұрын
with recursive cte as (select customer_id,min(year(order_date)) as yr,max(year(order_date)) as mx_year from orders group by 1 union all select customer_id,yr+1,mx_year from cte where yr<mx_year) ,cte2 as (select customer_id,yr from cte order by customer_id,yr), cte3 as (select c.customer_id,c.yr as yeare,ifnull(sum(o.price),0) as total from cte2 c left join orders o on c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.yr=year(o.order_date) group by 1,2 order by c.customer_id,yr), cte4 as ( select *, ifnull(lag(total,1) over (partition by customer_id order by yeare),0) as lg from cte3), cte5 as ( select *,(total-lg) as ts from cte4) , cte6 as( SELECT customer_id, SUM(CASE WHEN ts>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS yes_count, COUNT(yeare) AS year_count, SUM(CASE WHEN ts<=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_count FROM cte5 GROUP BY customer_id) select customer_id from cte6 where year_count=yes_count; Man I tried to solve it in my way and it took this many lines to run it! But still this works
@leonvictorrichard3959 8 күн бұрын
fantastic video !
@leonvictorrichard3959 8 күн бұрын
best channel on SQL and datascience.
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select *,lag(spend,1)over(partition by product_id order by transaction_date) as lg from user_transactions) select year(transaction_date) as year,product_id,spend as curr_year_spend,lg as prev_year_spend,round(((spend-lg)*100)/lg,2) as yoy_rate from cte; One of the easist solution for this qn!
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as(select m.*,p.group_id as 1st_place_grp_id,p2.group_id as 2nd_place_grp_id from matches m left join players p on m.first_player=p.player_id left join players p2 on m.second_player=p2.player_id), cte2 as ( select first_player as pl_id,1st_place_grp_id as grp_id,sum(first_score) as sm from cte group by first_player,1st_place_grp_id union all select second_player as pl_id,2nd_place_grp_id as grp_id,sum(second_score) as sm from cte group by 1,2), cte3 as ( select pl_id,grp_id,sum(sm) as sam from cte2 group by 1,2 order by 2,sum(sm)desc) select grp_id,pl_id from ( select *,row_number()over(partition by grp_id order by sam desc) as rn from cte3) as kk where rn=1; Alternate solution for this!
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select * from (select order_date,item_id,seller_id,row_number() over (partition by seller_id order by order_date) as rn from orders) as kk where rn=2),cte2 as (select u.user_id as user_id,u.favorite_brand as fav_brand,i.item_brand as item_brand from users u left join cte c on u.user_id=c.seller_id left join items i on i.item_id=c.item_id) select user_id, case when fav_brand=item_brand then 'yes' else 'no ' end as 2nd_fav_item_brand from cte2; Hope this helps as well!
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select p.passenger_id,p.flight_id,f.capacity, count(p.flight_id) over (partition by p.flight_id order by p.booking_time rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as cap from passengers p join flights f on p.flight_id=f.flight_id) select passenger_id,case when cap<=capacity then 'Confirmed' else 'Waitlist' end as `status` from cte order by passenger_id; Thanks for the explanation mate, here's my solution!
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as (select p.*,e.name,e.team from project p join employees e on p.employee_id=e.employee_id) ,cte2 as (select project_id,employee_id,workload,name ,round(avg(workload)over (partition by team order by team asc),2) as avge from cte) select project_id,employee_id,workload,name from cte2 where workload>avge order by employee_id,project_id; I tried this from my end , hope this helps
@Karthikmahi007 9 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select pr.invoice_id as invoice_id,pr.quantity as quantity,p.price as price,pr.quantity * p.price as total_sum from purchases pr join products p on pr.product_id=p.product_id) select invoice_id,quantity,total_sum from cte where invoice_id=( select invoice_id from cte group by invoice_id order by sum(total_sum) desc,invoice_id asc limit 1); One efficient solution to solve this problem , hope you find it helpful.
@srijitbhattacharya6770 9 күн бұрын
Select employee_id, case when employee_id%2<>0 and name not like 'M%' then salary else 0 end as bonus from employeesx
@IITian-k4o 10 күн бұрын
This video helped me a lot ,i hope u will continue this playlist
@arpitakar3384 10 күн бұрын
How are you getting auto complete code in there has you previously coded
@arpitakar3384 10 күн бұрын
Make a function initially and strip column names to Avoid white spaces Strata scratch official channel step.. Brother 🧉
@EverydayDataScience 10 күн бұрын
Google has integrated Gemini in Colab which is suggesting those autocompletes.
@EverydayDataScience 10 күн бұрын
Great idea.
@arpitakar3384 9 күн бұрын
@@EverydayDataScience yeah thanks 🙏 . Please make one video on Model Deployment giving it shape for End to End...
@bumblexd7921 10 күн бұрын
SELECT count(*) as payment_count FROM transactions t1 Join transactions t2 On t1.transaction_id <> t2.transaction_id AND t1.merchant_id = t2.merchant_id and t1.credit_card_id = t2.credit_card_id and t1.amount = t2.amount Where cast(t2.transaction_timestamp as time) between cast(t1.transaction_timestamp as time) AND cast(t1.transaction_timestamp as time) + '00:10:00';
@Karthikmahi007 10 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select *,max(score)over(partition by exam_id ) as maximum,min(score) over (partition by exam_id ) as minimum from exam), cte2 as ( select *, case when score=maximum then 'Highest' when score = minimum then 'lowest' else 'quiet' end as catg from cte ), cte3 as ( select student_id,group_concat(distinct catg) as grp,count(distinct catg) as cnt from cte2 group by student_id) select c.student_id,s.student_name from cte3 c join student s on c.student_id=s.student_id where cnt=1 and grp='quiet' ; Create table If Not Exists Candidates (employee_id int, experience ENUM('Senior', 'Junior'), salary int); I have tried this query on my own , pretty simple logic, hope it works for you as well.
@hassambitw 10 күн бұрын
Great idea!
@devrajpatidar5927 10 күн бұрын
hey sir nice video here is my approach :- with cte as ( select customer_id, sum(case when product_name in ('A','B') then 1 else 0 end) as flag, sum(case when product_name = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as flag1 from Ords group by customer_id ) select cte.customer_id,cust.customer_name from cte inner join cust on cust.customer_id = cte.customer_id where flag = 2 and flag1 = 0;
@sencxx6368 11 күн бұрын
please keep doing for other questions too
@radhadeshmukh2265 11 күн бұрын
This is very helpful. and easy to understand
@arpitakar3384 11 күн бұрын
Model Deployment End to End one please make for one cloud server also .. Well hat's off bro for efforts ❤
@arpitakar3384 11 күн бұрын
Simply add in last for this the model Deployment 😊 I can add it then to my Resume
@arpitakar3384 10 күн бұрын
Render is free for hosting sites...❤❤❤😊😊😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊😊❤❤😊
@Cherupakstmt 11 күн бұрын
Great video ❤
@Karthikmahi007 11 күн бұрын
WITH cte AS ( SELECT o.quantity AS quantity, i.item_category AS item_category, DAYNAME(order_date) AS order_day FROM orders o JOIN items i ON o.item_id = i.item_id ), cte2 AS ( SELECT item_category, order_day, SUM(quantity) AS total_sold FROM cte GROUP BY item_category, order_day ) SELECT item_category, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Monday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Monday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Tuesday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Tuesday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Wednesday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Wednesday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Thursday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Thursday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Friday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Friday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Saturday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Saturday, SUM(CASE WHEN order_day = 'Sunday' THEN total_sold ELSE 0 END) AS Sunday FROM cte2 GROUP BY item_category; I have tried it on my own , hope this helps:)
@Karthikmahi007 11 күн бұрын
with cte as ( select *,row_number() over (partition by company order by salary desc) as pk, count(company) over (partition by company) as rk from employee), cte2 as ( select *, case when (rk%2=0) then round(rk/2)+1 else round(rk/2) end as factor, case when (rk%2=0) then round(rk/2) else round(rk/2) end as factor1 from cte) I have tried it on my own, hope this helps :)
@Karthikmahi007 11 күн бұрын
with cte as( select e.department_id,s.amount,date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') as monthe from employee e join salary s on e.employee_id=s.employee_id), cte2 as( select *,round(avg(amount) over (partition by monthe)) as avg_salary from cte) select department_id,monthe, (case when sum(amount)=avg_salary then 'Same' when sum(amount)>avg_salary then 'higher' else 'Lower' end) as comparison from cte2 group by department_id,monthe; I have tried this on my own, hope it helps :)