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Dear Jane 到此為止
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#Wilday Clifting!
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試唱 Demo 垃圾
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Wedding Live series
3 жыл бұрын
垃圾 盧巧音 Cover
3 жыл бұрын
王菲 郵差
3 жыл бұрын
@TheNivKo 3 ай бұрын
I recognized Lesser's voice, he's perfect! Love this production, thanks for posting
@pepspeziale9724 5 ай бұрын
These are the better ones. 不需要完美得可怕(太快樂如 何招架)盧巧音 垃圾 cover
@pepspeziale9724 5 ай бұрын
Easter medley有心人。我們: 的三部曲。
@pepspeziale9724 5 ай бұрын
Is this your inspiration for your tattoo?
@pepspeziale9724 5 ай бұрын
I miss the other demo's you did. They were lovely
@feywildgamingyt 6 ай бұрын
@blueraventv 7 ай бұрын
I grew up on these
@bonib_bonchichi 8 ай бұрын
( 大概也是為什麼 有那麼一刻會覺得,倒願盛放綻開在最美好季節裡,伴隨著尋死的必要,其實並沒什麼悲哀難過的。我更嚮慕,那一份有如藝術般唯美 不曾破碎 不曾錯失 䜛能在記憶中 依然圓滿 我並不害怕死亡,祗是更怕,沒有真正活過。
@DanielSchmidt-mu1bp 11 ай бұрын
What a solace! Brilliant!
@剛-y4s Жыл бұрын
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
這是我的復仇。 我再也不會用眼淚來面對苦痛。 你不讓我得到的,你自己也別想。 你折騰了我應有的幸福,我也不會讓你好過。 我會乾睜眼看到你付出代價 - 精神上、時間 金錢 各方面 原本可以不用這樣,既不讓步,我倒不怕無啥可輸。
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
很高兴给大家带来2023年4月的小鱼说“我的职场之路”系列分享的音频。又是一期让人回味无穷的分享! 04:45 22:28 23:45 本期分享,我们focus的话题是visibility和energy. 两位嘉宾Bonnie和Susan的分享都给小鱼和现场参加活动的小伙伴们留下了深刻的印象。Bonnie在职业发展中勇于探索和跳出思维禁锢的思考方式不仅让她收获了工作机会,也让她在自己职业发展的过程中走出了属于自己的一条路。而Susan在寻求职业发展和引导自己的人生旅途中展现出的强大能量也是让小鱼隔着屏幕都能感受得到。特别欣赏和佩服两位嘉宾在自己的职业经历中所一直坚持秉承的价值观和热情。这种对于成为一个更好的自己的热情为她们的职业发展带来了持续的动力。 Bonnie在昨天的分享中也提到了Agile mindset里很重要的一个对于提升自己visibility很有用的理念,那就是TOFU - Take Ownership and Follow Up. 两位嘉宾也都谈到了mentor/coach对自己职业发展的重要性和积极影响。还没有career coach的小伙伴们快行动起来,尽快找到适合你的career coach,开启一段不一样的职业发展之路吧! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
两位嘉宾在昨晚活动中富有亲和力、充满热情、毫无保留地分享让大家收获颇丰。Bonnie分享了一些帮助大家提升英文、了解西方文化的电视节目,比如:“Shark Tank”, “Lego Master”和“Master Chef”. Susan也为大家推荐了几本好书,小鱼帮忙汇总起来,分享给大家。 Tuesdays with Morrie , For One More Day by Mitch Albom Trillion Dollar Coach The Art of Learning Undefeated - the book co-author by Sally from last month The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive Paperback March 2012 by Brian Christian - Motivational & to give back: Michelle Obama: Becoming (her podcast is also highly recommended if you're keen to improve public speaking - Leadership, team building: Amplifiers by Matt Church (there is another one with the same name of the book by Tom Finegan - Amplifiers: How Great Leaders Magnify the Power of Teams, Increase the Impact of Organizations, and Turn Up the Volume on Positive Change) - Facing bottleneck (or retirement?) - Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia 昨晚的提问和互动环节相信对收听的小伙伴也是收获颇丰。也特别感谢小伙伴们积极踊跃地提问发言,相信你们也在两位嘉宾真诚的分享中获益良多! 我们通过《我的职场之路》的系列分享就是为了告诉小伙伴们,身为华人我们同样有很好的机会可以在海外的职场或创业的道路上崭露头角、独当一面。职业发展之路并不平坦,但是有这么多积极的例子摆在大家眼前,小鱼真心地希望Bonnie和Susan以及其他嘉宾的故事能够给到大家更多的力量。我们要相信:努力+技巧+选择+一点点运气,你也可以! 小鱼特地把音频发布给大家,强烈推荐错过的小伙伴收听哦!希望两位嘉宾的分享能影响一些人、帮助一些人、改变一些人! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
很高兴给大家带来2023年4月的小鱼说“我的职场之路”系列分享的音频。又是一期让人回味无穷的分享! 本期分享,我们focus的话题是visibility和energy. 两位嘉宾Bonnie和Susan的分享都给小鱼和现场参加活动的小伙伴们留下了深刻的印象。Bonnie在职业发展中勇于探索和跳出思维禁锢的思考方式不仅让她收获了工作机会,也让她在自己职业发展的过程中走出了属于自己的一条路。而Susan在寻求职业发展和引导自己的人生旅途中展现出的强大能量也是让小鱼隔着屏幕都能感受得到。特别欣赏和佩服两位嘉宾在自己的职业经历中所一直坚持秉承的价值观和热情。这种对于成为一个更好的自己的热情为她们的职业发展带来了持续的动力。 Bonnie在昨天的分享中也提到了Agile mindset里很重要的一个对于提升自己visibility很有用的理念,那就是TOFU - Take Ownership and Follow Up. 两位嘉宾也都谈到了mentor/coach对自己职业发展的重要性和积极影响。还没有career coach的小伙伴们快行动起来,尽快找到适合你的career coach,开启一段不一样的职业发展之路吧! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
两位嘉宾在昨晚活动中富有亲和力、充满热情、毫无保留地分享让大家收获颇丰。Bonnie分享了一些帮助大家提升英文、了解西方文化的电视节目,比如:“Shark Tank”, “Lego Master”和“Master Chef”. Susan也为大家推荐了几本好书,小鱼帮忙汇总起来,分享给大家。 Tuesdays with Morrie , For One More Day by Mitch Albom Trillion Dollar Coach The Art of Learning Undefeated - the book co-author by Sally from last month The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive Paperback March 2012 by Brian Christian - Motivational & to give back: Michelle Obama: Becoming (her podcast is also highly recommended if you're keen to improve public speaking - Leadership, team building: Amplifiers by Matt Church (there is another one with the same name of the book by Tom Finegan - Amplifiers: How Great Leaders Magnify the Power of Teams, Increase the Impact of Organizations, and Turn Up the Volume on Positive Change) - Facing bottleneck (or retirement?) - Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia 昨晚的提问和互动环节相信对收听的小伙伴也是收获颇丰。也特别感谢小伙伴们积极踊跃地提问发言,相信你们也在两位嘉宾真诚的分享中获益良多! 我们通过《我的职场之路》的系列分享就是为了告诉小伙伴们,身为华人我们同样有很好的机会可以在海外的职场或创业的道路上崭露头角、独当一面。职业发展之路并不平坦,但是有这么多积极的例子摆在大家眼前,小鱼真心地希望Bonnie和Susan以及其他嘉宾的故事能够给到大家更多的力量。我们要相信:努力+技巧+选择+一点点运气,你也可以! 小鱼特地把音频发布给大家,强烈推荐错过的小伙伴收听哦!希望两位嘉宾的分享能影响一些人、帮助一些人、改变一些人! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
很高兴给大家带来2023年4月的小鱼说“我的职场之路”系列分享的音频。又是一期让人回味无穷的分享! 本期分享,我们focus的话题是visibility和energy. 两位嘉宾Bonnie和Susan的分享都给小鱼和现场参加活动的小伙伴们留下了深刻的印象。Bonnie在职业发展中勇于探索和跳出思维禁锢的思考方式不仅让她收获了工作机会,也让她在自己职业发展的过程中走出了属于自己的一条路。而Susan在寻求职业发展和引导自己的人生旅途中展现出的强大能量也是让小鱼隔着屏幕都能感受得到。特别欣赏和佩服两位嘉宾在自己的职业经历中所一直坚持秉承的价值观和热情。这种对于成为一个更好的自己的热情为她们的职业发展带来了持续的动力。 Bonnie在昨天的分享中也提到了Agile mindset里很重要的一个对于提升自己visibility很有用的理念,那就是TOFU - Take Ownership and Follow Up. 两位嘉宾也都谈到了mentor/coach对自己职业发展的重要性和积极影响。还没有career coach的小伙伴们快行动起来,尽快找到适合你的career coach,开启一段不一样的职业发展之路吧! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
两位嘉宾在昨晚活动中富有亲和力、充满热情、毫无保留地分享让大家收获颇丰。Bonnie分享了一些帮助大家提升英文、了解西方文化的电视节目,比如:“Shark Tank”, “Lego Master”和“Master Chef”. Susan也为大家推荐了几本好书,小鱼帮忙汇总起来,分享给大家。 Tuesdays with Morrie , For One More Day by Mitch Albom Trillion Dollar Coach The Art of Learning Undefeated - the book co-author by Sally from last month The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive Paperback March 2012 by Brian Christian - Motivational & to give back: Michelle Obama: Becoming (her podcast is also highly recommended if you're keen to improve public speaking - Leadership, team building: Amplifiers by Matt Church (there is another one with the same name of the book by Tom Finegan - Amplifiers: How Great Leaders Magnify the Power of Teams, Increase the Impact of Organizations, and Turn Up the Volume on Positive Change) - Facing bottleneck (or retirement?) - Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia 昨晚的提问和互动环节相信对收听的小伙伴也是收获颇丰。也特别感谢小伙伴们积极踊跃地提问发言,相信你们也在两位嘉宾真诚的分享中获益良多! 我们通过《我的职场之路》的系列分享就是为了告诉小伙伴们,身为华人我们同样有很好的机会可以在海外的职场或创业的道路上崭露头角、独当一面。职业发展之路并不平坦,但是有这么多积极的例子摆在大家眼前,小鱼真心地希望Bonnie和Susan以及其他嘉宾的故事能够给到大家更多的力量。我们要相信:努力+技巧+选择+一点点运气,你也可以! 小鱼特地把音频发布给大家,强烈推荐错过的小伙伴收听哦!希望两位嘉宾的分享能影响一些人、帮助一些人、改变一些人! mp.weixin.qq.com/s/srRijpY1pIQef2-9UQcX-w
@bonib_bonchichi Жыл бұрын
500 Days of Summer 3:19
@LouiseAttaque888 Жыл бұрын
Could anybody please help me find the title of a stop-motion short film from the 90s? It was about a man who had to undergo eye surgery. During his recovery, his vision was not very good. There was a nurse who helped him complete his recovery, but due to his still weak vision, he perceived her as a fairy. Once he fully recovered, he could not recognize the nurse who had helped him before, but he missed the fairy he believed had helped him. At the end of the short, the man realizes that the fairy was actually the nurse, and they fall in love. There is a scene where the man walks by the park and sees a couple of lovers kissing, which makes him feel sad an lonely.
@PaulvonOberstein Жыл бұрын
Such a weird ending for a Shakespeare play.
2 жыл бұрын
I’ve never heard of this but I love Shakespeare’s tragedies. Especially Macbeth, Hamlet, and Othello. But I wonder how do these kings suspects that their wives is cheating on them out of no where?
@sammyvictors2603 Жыл бұрын
My best guess, is that these kings suffer from insecurity. Just like with Henry VIII, they would be jealous of their queens having male friendships. And perhaps for medieval/renaissance people, they believed in the literal demon of jealousy. Jealousy/Envy is one of the seven deadly sins.
@쀍부계 2 жыл бұрын
@findJLF 2 жыл бұрын
Super impressive!
@findJLF 2 жыл бұрын
Playing rock piano .. along with your classical chops - great stuff. Very impressive Boni
@verkaforever 2 жыл бұрын
4:27 I wanted to hear the rest of the story!
@lybia0.o 3 жыл бұрын
I am ihms student:)))
@yourdad5399 3 жыл бұрын
Ya madame haw dislike
@허진하-w5h 3 жыл бұрын
wow! I love this video!
@MrACSRC 3 жыл бұрын
@rirakuma899 3 жыл бұрын
老師很有心哪~是哪一位呢? 同學們又是哪個社團?
@bonib_bonchichi 3 жыл бұрын
@dewlay2 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! you have to be classically trained to read and that good. Well done Boni :)
@bonib_bonchichi 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jimmy! haha it's not perfect tho :P Let us know when will you have Live performance again!
@JF8886 3 жыл бұрын
Well done Bonnie
@bagelthebeagle0405 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Julie! Surprise you've found my channel haha :D
@sujatayogi3400 3 жыл бұрын
I love watching cartoon movies. Specially Shakespeare's drama 🎭 beautiful 😍
@samchung4459 4 жыл бұрын
@bagelthebeagle0405 4 жыл бұрын
第一首係《願榮光歸香港》Glory to Hong Kong 啊~🇭🇰 其實我唱歌同彈琴都係麻麻地~ 都係業餘咋,最重要支持香港!
@samchung4459 4 жыл бұрын
@sangeethaselvaraj4032 4 жыл бұрын
Its wonderful....
@Kyra_Agrawal 4 жыл бұрын
I can define this story , animation, sound quality with unlimited words ....... awesome breathtaking amazing stunning astounding astonishing awe-inspiring stupendous staggering extraordinary incredible attractive pretty handsome good-looking pleasing alluring prepossessing lovely charming...........
@-.-.-Noscaira-.-.- 4 жыл бұрын
alguien que hable español y que haya encontrado esta misma animación en español??? que pase el link fas
@nisaalvarez1505 3 жыл бұрын
Yo llevo años buscándolo 😥 soy de México y recuerdo que cuando era navidad, el fin de semana (en la mañana, al termino de once niños) pasaban este cuento. En una ocación yo hasta lo grabe 📼 😅😅😅.
@honor_love_dra.ferrer2222 2 ай бұрын
Joya de nuestra época. Exactamente estas animaciones siempre las transmitían en invierno me recuerdan mis tiempos de secundaria, yo también las tenía grabadas, el paso del tiempo deteriora los videos en VHS. Alguien también llegó a ver las animaciones italianas que pasan los domingos terminando ventana de colores? Esas aún no las encuentro. "Mantequilla para el Rey" entre otras...
@alexmin7691 4 жыл бұрын
@PeterPanandClaire 4 жыл бұрын
超愛烏克莉莉的音色的 很美 很喜歡你的影片,真希望自己的vlog拍的和你一樣好
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
Peter Pan and Claire の 小旅行 嗨Peter & Claire~謝謝你的留言哦🤗我練習時隨便拍的啦,在社團隨便學學而已,沒有彈得很好☺️看了一下你們的影片才漂亮呢!很美很用心,我都不太會剪接後製
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
嗨Peter & Claire~謝謝你的留言哦🤗我練習時隨便拍的啦,在社團隨便學學而已,沒有彈得很好☺️看了一下你們的影片才漂亮呢!很美很用心,我都不太會剪接後製
@cazellc. 4 жыл бұрын
🙏Thanks for sharing... 💖
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
You were there too Cazell? So lucky that I still have it on my hard disc! To keep a trace of sound memories of those stunning youth days!
@cazellc. 4 жыл бұрын
@@bonib_bonchichi No... I 'm not there, but I hope so... 😉 Yeah, you so lucky... wish that your "Good Luck" always by your side... 🙏
@francescodistefano7269 4 жыл бұрын
I'm Sicilian... i don't think Shakespeare knew Sicily really well...
@adiyatzzz8740 4 жыл бұрын
He didnt say Sicily is bad. The king was just misunderstood...
@stephenspry7997 4 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this is what you mean, but: In the old myths, Ceres (or Demeter - Goddess of Vegetation) blighted Sicily with Winter when her lost daughter Proserpina (or Persephone) could not be found, stolen away by the God of the Underworld (Pluto, or Hades). Perdita ('the lost one') represents Proserpina. Winter prevails when she's lost. Spring returns when she's found.
@hollingsworth_hound 5 ай бұрын
How about the coast of Bohemia? 😅
@TheNivKo 3 ай бұрын
It's not meant to be a realistic representation of Sicilia - it is a tale, meant to be unbelievable
@MrACSRC 4 жыл бұрын
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
ROC 😘💘🌺😍🤩💝💟
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
狂濤怒海 湧進 鬧市街角 活埋 獨有別幟 的思索 蟠泥陷沙 總會喚退 知覺 暴雷強風 怎去反撲 誰被抹走 人那些切實輪廓 誰自縛自守 別挺身要維持冷漠 你 勢弱言輕 怕得 虛作無聲 退縮於扣查嚴令 要暫停 你路程 去求榮 有逃兵 白與黑顛倒了良知  讓抗爭的戰場平靜 要繁榮 要盛名 要奉承 條文默寫得太利索干脆 難道有絕對的根據? :「庸人自擾,不要在意瑣碎,我們將推翻這歪理!」 若未怕死 舉起手一起反抗 任這時代搖盪 我也不怕未畏懼 我 勢弱言輕 決不 虛作無聲 哪管他扣查嚴令 會暫停 我路程 也盡情 喊出 一句完整 喊出 一句提醒 我偏不怕你壓迫 我未忘 那自由 未滅亡 你在牢籠被引渡 渡往了啞巴的國度 / 未畏懼強權在背後 我的聲音都不會停 我用殘餘力氣留守衝口說真話的領土 無窮志氣未折耗 不要噤聲 / 不怕壓迫 結果不應拖進小眾大門釐定 要暫停 我路程 也盡情 喊出 我心聲 永遠謹守我們奇蹟 全然讓駐足的傾聽 有罪名 有極刑 會把你 叫醒? 永未忘 那(約)誓言/信念 別顫抖 #願榮光歸香港 #香港加油 #虛作無聲 #Speechless #未畏懼
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
When there’s light, darkness exist. My friends, As a human, you know what is loyal and justice. But you have to choose. Duty isn't always honor, our greatest challenge isn’t speaking up against our enemies, but defying those whose approval we seek the most. For some regime, you know, is not worthy of your admiration, nor your sacrifice. Some people seek glory for themselves , and they would win it off the backs of my people! Today, my friend , Will you stand silent while that dictatorship destroys our beloved kingdom , or will you do what is right! And stand with our people!
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
Slide 10 suitability This is a conglomerate integration the 2 firms can benefit from synergistic profile diversification and functional strengths COH has a solid track record of long-term growth & sustaining reputation Both firms have strong marketing privilege to diversify their weakness (of relying on single product category. ) Slide 11 suitability (cont’ CSL’s could broaden its product pipeline without extra expenditure Human capital knowledge is transferable extended distribution network can strengthen CSL brand recognition This aligned with CSL’s vision in developing investigational technology Slide 12 Deal structure Normally, stock price of the target company will increase when CSL signals to acquire. BUT it SP usually stay below the acquisition price due to market uncertainty Shareholders can arbitrage and short COH shares when it is converted into the acquiring company’s stock Share price may bounce back given COH’s growth potential Slide 13 Deal structure (cont’ The table shows the rating and recommendations from Analysts A mixture of equity and debt offering would be: • less expensive • less time consuming • less effect in operation • capital liquidity allocate into investigational technology development • more beneficial to shareholders Slide 14 regulatory ACCC would need to authorise proposed acquisition As CSL and COH are listed on ASX, it would not be necessary to submit the proposed acquisition to the foreign investment review board • the 2 companies are not highly complementary • oligopoly pricing monopoly is not likely occur • therefore the deal should be Approved Slide 15 regulatory (cont’ As CSL operates in many countries, changes in Healthcare regulations framework such as clinical trials, product registration, manufacturing could have a negative impact on its operations • launching new devices, tech breakthrough, patent inductions  requires continuous regulatory approval & limit its profitability Slide 16 target reaction The deal would be received positively by shareholders Merger arbitrageurs would welcome the opportunity since COH is regarded as a high-growth stock friendly takeover would allow COH to run its product line with autonomy, & ( offer consumers access to better quality and diversity of products, ) as well as affordable healthcare services, thus help patients more effectively Slide 17 target reaction (cont’ if CSL prefers a deal with a larger proportion of cash because it believes COH’s stock is undervalued, COH can seek for a 'white knight' from other healthcare companies, to preserve the its core operation line or negotiate better takeover terms investors could receive better compensation for their shares Slide 18 mkt reaction The market should welcome the merger decision Australian healthcare M&A landscape has shown profound growing value Industrial leaders desiring additional growth, Chinese companies looking for skills technology, and private equity groups who enjoy healthcare’s predictable cashflows contribute to the increased value. The market sees healthcare M&A in Australia with excellent grow prospect and expect robust M&A activity in global healthcare. Slide 19 mkt reaction Investors would pursue growth opportunities by acquisition strategies Increasing demand from ageing population, regulation and compliance costs signals that healthcare sector “M&A deals” will continue to rise Health care sector has become an increasingly attractive, profitable targets
@netrendipine 5 жыл бұрын
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
yes ah, one yamaha and one roland kzbin.info/www/bejne/r6euo4GJgad4mLM
@netrendipine 5 жыл бұрын
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
Thankss Aaron! check out which version you like better (2 pianos) =]] kzbin.info/www/bejne/eGXCY4Vurd1jadE
@netrendipine 5 жыл бұрын
復活節快樂?🙀🤔定倸聖誕節快樂🎁?anyway , enjoy your singing
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Aaron! wishing you and your family a warm new year and a great year ahead too! have an awsome one :))
@netrendipine 5 жыл бұрын
Good song! Pass it on
@netrendipine 5 жыл бұрын
Good pianist
@bonib_bonchichi 4 жыл бұрын
Let's stand together and support Hong Kong! thx30000 kzbin.info/www/bejne/iGPCdYqFrtGoitU