Disco Elysium and Tabletop RPGs
Nimona and the Art of Adaptation
Neopronouns in Sci-Fi
7 ай бұрын
@beelzebubshoney Күн бұрын
I remember reading this in the library as a kid. It took me a bit to realize this was based off those books.
@grrjhrjhgfgjdjfi9978 Күн бұрын
I only saw the movie not knowing there was a book, and it does explain many of the big problems i had with the movie Sci-fi, magic and knights all in the same story isn’t just difficult to sell, it’s difficult to pull off. A book has an advantage with this because it gets more world-building time and a lot of the story is up to the readers own interpretation, as they only get descriptions of what’s happening. It also explains why the relation between Nimona and Ballister feels forced, since they didn’t have the time to grow it organically. Same goes for the subplot of Ballister being a ‘villain’ feeling rushed.
@lyrichardeman5779 5 күн бұрын
In Glitch Techs, the plixel technology has combined with philosophical alchemy systems that allow half glitches to be detected, shapeshifts, and solved with the techs to against it, that’s my fan-imagination!!
@mildew_cereal 5 күн бұрын
i really love how articulate this video is, you're a fantastic author!
@linforcer 18 күн бұрын
That's cute, I like it.
@alisonponce8337 19 күн бұрын
Angels and demons don't really worry about genders and their story will be different than ours. They aren't ruled by human mores. It's a love story about every kind love. I'm 69 and this is the greatest love story I've ever seen on the screen, even if they never kiss again or touch again or can be together again. Both the actors have said they are playing as in love. David Tennant plays Crowley as gender fluid. Crowley was female as the nanny and was female at the crucifixion. The nightingale song was playing on the piano at the Ritz. And even if humans didn't hear the nightingale, it doesn't mean that Crowley and Aziraphale couldn't.
@anxiousdog538 19 күн бұрын
Way to leave us crying thank you
@Concreteowl 21 күн бұрын
Doctor who has never been rebooted. It wasn’t even official cancelled.
@catfancier270 21 күн бұрын
I just want to say the kiss doesn’t make them gay. Crowley got the idea (of kissing) probably from movies. It was his last ditch effort to communicate that he wanted to be with Aziraphale. That doesn’t mean they want to kiss (or more) regularly or at all. I do think Aziraphale would enjoy a hug from Crowley, and Crowley might enjoy taking a nap with Aziraphale, but that might be all the physical contact they want. My impression watching Season One (particularly Episode 3) was that they should move through life as a pair, live together, and be together always. I thought they adored each other and were soulmates of some kind. But not necessarily in a gay way. More like an asexual domestic partnership maybe?A Kirk/Spock type of friendship was definitely not the impression I had.
@bevinbondad2577 22 күн бұрын
Your 'second-hand embarrassment' comment is so spot on!
@kwowka 22 күн бұрын
It’s really interesting how in the movie, ballister and nimona both occupy the role ballister had in the comics… nimona is sharing knowledge about her experience with gloreth to a recently scarred ballister, ballister is being nurturing, nimona is encouraging, cooking, giving him energy, ballister is defending her. It’s a weird dynamic where they are both the older and wiser one
@zuzek9925 23 күн бұрын
@Toriberryx6 24 күн бұрын
Great video on a delightful queer story. I love the examination of how different stories are presented and consumed across different mediums. I was a bit unclear of your thesis, and I think this could be strengthened by having a clearer through-line to guide the audience on the journey with you. Curious if you'd thought about *why* the narratives changed- why was the graphic novel able to be more ambiguous and rely on subtext, and why could the film expand to feature a more diverse cast? There's a lot of meat there to examine! Looking forward to a part two!
@The1313cool1313 27 күн бұрын
I came here to learn a little about the background of the wonderful peace of art the movie is to me. Not to cry Y_Y
@Kitotekika Ай бұрын
Your analysis was very interesting, but I am saddened by the fact that you didn't browse Neil Gaiman's tumblr where he answers lots of questions about the book, the show, the characters and their relationship. You had some good points and to see this series from the angle of the post queer-baiting era was a really good idea. But I do encourage you to do more research about what the authors said and shared about their work. You'll soon see they are not disingenuous because what they say make sense. Thank you for your work nonetheless :) EDIT: I was talking about all this with my partner and I thought maybe sharing why I felt uncomfortable with the kiss (because i felt uncomfortable too) might be useful. It didn't feel great watching it because there was no consent from Aziraphale. The kiss was an extremely intimate act, the most intimate act we've seen coming from both of them. They never held hands, or hugged for that matter, and then Crowley was kissing Aziraphale. It felt odd, because it wasn't a romantic kiss, but we cannot help ourselves but see it as such. Yet it made sense in the narrative, and it was a necessary step for the rest of the story in my opinion. Thank you for reading me.
@Linnytic Ай бұрын
@TehAmelie Ай бұрын
An important part of Nimona's obscure past only shows up in Stevenson's blog notes: She doesn't remember because she has physically destroyed those memories. Her shapeshifting makes her become what she wants to be, recreating her body on an atomic level, so if she wants to forget, the neurons creating those memories are gone. So we don't just not get to know where she comes from, we get an excellent justification why it's impossible to ever find out.
@no-ev1om Ай бұрын
five-seven years ago i read a comic and then forgot its name. now, watching this video, i realize: oh shit, that was nimona! sick!
@Aceofspades2006 Ай бұрын
Plz Americans need to go to Europe. I get where u are trying get at but like this is really American pov.
@Aceofspades2006 Ай бұрын
Respectfully. Plz do some research about British and just European culture. I’m Icelandic we make fun of British people when we go Tenerife and they make fun of us. Europe makes fun of everyone especially British cus they are British 😂(no explanation needed) but like it’s not that serious. I love British people and culture they def didn’t steal. And about the queer shii yeah nah cus history is history and they don’t ignore history they learn from it. Neil is the greatest writer, yes he’s straight white man but like that doesn’t really make sense to say when he literally has done so much research into culture and history. And idk much about Terry so can’t say nothing. But they are respected cus they are respectful.
@crysthemist Ай бұрын
More adaptations should take this approach. I am bored with the predictable stories that try too hard to capture everything the book did and more. Nimona the movie covered things that the comic didn’t and had a very different story, but they’re the same in their core. You’re always gonna get disappointed fans when you try to emulate a certain media into a movie, but I think it would be a lot less polarizing if said movie was allowed the room to make its own interpretations of the source text, and its own story inspired from it. It’s harder to be mad at something when it’s not trying to be exactly like its source material, but its own unique thing
@TimNicholas Ай бұрын
Really fantastic video! I'm often frustrated by how video games criticism tends to toss off half-baked observations like "indebted to tabletop RPGs" without elaborating, or sticks to surface level descriptions of game mechanics without really digging into what makes them distinctive. I LOVED that you took the Disco/TTRPG comparison seriously and tried to unpack the *specific* ways they were comparable vs how they differed. I've watched a lot of video essays about DE's game system trying to help me articulate what I find so compelling and unique about it. This is so far the only one that's made me feel like I've come away with a new perspective on the game.
@Angieurmom Ай бұрын
How have I read the book without realizing the show is the same thing
@DonutCare564 Ай бұрын
I feel like you might have read the joke in the book about the party wrong; I feel like the joke was more Aziraphale's reaction instead of the slur itself, because right after the kid calls him an f-slur he immediately assumes that he's infernally tainted (maybe I'm reading it wrong tho, I did read the book after the show) (also sorry for the weird wording)
@artemisday Ай бұрын
Well-made and thoughtful! I don't normally enjoy video essays but this (along with all of this creator's other ones) is really fun to watch
@oldylad Ай бұрын
The novel is way better, the movie looked cringey
@artemisday Ай бұрын
This video is really informative, and it makes me, as a nonbinary they/them aspiring writer, reconsider a lot of cultural and personal presumptions that I have made
@mglouise97 Ай бұрын
I sobbed watching that final kiss scene because it was finally revealed that we hadn't been gaslit this whole time. It meant so much to me as a queer person that we were validated. I wasn't crazy for seeing things as they were. Even though looking back there were obvious romantic moments through S2, I brushed them off and told myself that I was reading too much into it. Because that's usually what happens. The line between queerbaiting and a slow burn is sooooo thin. At the same time, I also sobbed at the end of Netflix's new adaptation of dead boy detectives. Because that show is about a purely platonic relationship where both parties are the primary partner. They're not in love with each other, but they are they're number one forever.
@CommentBanana Ай бұрын
i love you
@KyrinNichols-ex6tm Ай бұрын
I wasn’t signed in when I watched this, but I had to sign in to like and subscribe for this man. I actually cried, this commentary was so beautifully written and spoken, it sounded so intelligent and I loved every second of it. Your voice is super comforting and I’m definitely coming back to this channel. 💛💛
@oatyotaku5279 Ай бұрын
What if i cried and i wept. What if this is everything
@annabelleowl9586 Ай бұрын
Beautiful analysis and excellent vibes all around! your analysis videos are so chill i got them saved under "before I sleep" uwu
@towzone Ай бұрын
I appreciate this video. I was unaware of the origins of the story, but the Netflix version is one of my favorite movies. I would like to point out that the movie “Nimona” is representative of the autistic experience. The isolation and othering, the masking to fit in, or just be safe. The absolute loneliness of a different perception, and the inability of typical people to accept what they don’t expect. The preconceptions and misunderstandings. The original “changeling” beliefs, in which a normal baby is swapped for a troll, or something, because the child’s behavior, at some point in early development, changes. Fearful of the “monster” in their midst, they leave the baby in the woods to die. This was the fate of countless autistic infants in the past. Autistic people are statistically more likely to be trans. I’m non-binary. “Nimona” the movie touched me SO deeply, from the animals rejecting Nimona’s attempts at friendship, to the final overwhelming wish to just not be here any more. And the POWER of just one person telling you they care and that you have value. Autism acceptance!
@Conner-mx5jl Ай бұрын
This is weaponised Naivety. Like the Brahmins in charge of ancient India that watched they're cities invaded because having to interact with the cruel world would justify it instead of imagining paradise
@acetrigger1337 Ай бұрын
I am in love with the artstyle in this comic... i am definitely gonna binge read it!
@yggdrasil2 Ай бұрын
I have never read a "dark fantasy" book that revels in bigotry and hopelessness.
@rosecoloredessays Ай бұрын
I have a patreon now btw: patreon.com/rosecolored
@catfancier270 Ай бұрын
When I watched Season One I assumed the song about the nightingale was being played at the Ritz, while an actual nightingale sang outside in the city.
@chuzzbot Ай бұрын
A dragon is a fantastical animal, very much alive a creature of fantasy... zombies and vampires are the undead...the very fact that they are animated corpses is horror.
@boardtoonsguy Ай бұрын
A beautiful video abt a beautiful story. Whatever form that story shifts to.
@ainhoa4058 Ай бұрын
Neil Gaiman actually said he didn't write the kiss because people pressured him, he wrote the first episode and showed it to someone important I don't remember his name, and he said he needs to know how a story is going to end before going into it, so he wrote the last fifteen minutes on S2. And that was way before anyone had started complaining about queerbaiting yet, because the first season wasn't done airing yet or something. It on KZbin
@Kasamira Ай бұрын
I really think you’re missing the joke for a lot of these scenes. Eg. About the nuns at 1:30, the joke isn’t that “theyre fucking” the joke is that the nuns are Satanic, and working towards the apocalypse. But that the POV thinks they’re “a good sort”. The joke is on the guy making assumptions, not on the nuns. And more than that, if it’s just “lol nuns are gay” then it’s not a very good joke because it’s all but explicitly stated. But it’s a very normal example of typical British humor- taking the piss out of the “main character”. This is further highlighted by the circumstances of the larger scene - it’s a series of horrible misunderstandings leading to a baby swap. Edit: 2:25 “queerness exists only in the shadows on the cave wall” Girl, did you read the book?? I can’t figure out if you’re being willfully ignorant or honestly misinterpreting much of this book/viewing it in bad faith
@mugpie4820 Ай бұрын
I think the main issue with putting these *genres* against grimdark is the fact that, what i would consider grimdark isnt just misery corn with no light at the end of the tunnel, suffering for the sake of suffering, but it is that light, that even from the worst depths of hell, we can hold onto hope, that if you fight for what you believe in that darkness will one day pass. The contrast between the horrid reality and the hope for the future is what makes me love grimdark.
@MrAlsachti Ай бұрын
@4:40 categorisation + mention of race: I see you are american.
@BrandonBDN Ай бұрын
Hopepunk isnt the opposite of Grimdark, Grimdark takes place in a dark world, though the idea of an perfect world that falls to pessimistic realism and grimdark _characters_ is intriguing.
@daddydevito4405 Ай бұрын
Hopepunk does exist and it’s literally the game Disco Elysium (I am commenting this before watching the video I will update if this thought changes after watching)
@Blue_Line_Lore Ай бұрын
Watching this video has further convinced me that genres can't be effectively defined as mutually exclusive from one another, even if that's a useful protocol for your local bookstore. A Whodunnit short story can take place in a Solarpunk setting just as comfortably as it can in a Sword & Sorcery world (see Robert E. Howard's 'The God in the Bowl'). In either example, I assert that it's more useful to say that the story is both a murder mystery and whichever of those genre-aesthetics the author fancies, rather than having to pick just one.
@miguelthedrawtist Ай бұрын
You lost me at "originates from a Tumblr post" lol
@zombielizard218 Ай бұрын
I think the issue, fundamentally, is that people don't like the word Grimdark. Because the description of Hopepunk here, an endless struggle in the face of adversity... is that not Grimdark? Like hopepunk is not the triumphant overthrow of the evil regime, explicitly, it's not "the heroes have solved all the problems hurray" Like is the difference *just* that the rebels in the Grimdark story would typically try to kill all of their enemies, even with no real path to changing the world; while the Hopepunk rebels... spraypaint the dictator's house pink, still with no real path to changing the world?
@nonome8206 Ай бұрын
Noblebright sounds like Tolkein down to the strong christian undertones. And Sweetweird feels like Addams Family/Burtonesque. But this all reads like the South Park bit where the boys fight over the genre of their band but none of them ever bother to play music. Wanting Solarpunk to be a genre without bothering to create a work that reflects that really shows how hard these people put the cart before the horse.
@umamicashflow1809 13 күн бұрын
There’s obviously a connection here to the endless proliferation of countless gender “identities.”