Ace Analyst: Camp Bighoof
2 ай бұрын
Ace Analyst: Of Skyros & Alicorns
Lethal Company #4 | Bric-A-Bracken
Ace Analyst: The Unicorn of Odd
MLP G5 Chapter 5 In a Nutshell
@user-vt6dd4kz5t 4 сағат бұрын
Sigh... Generation 5 shouldve be it's own thing!
@joemullen727 20 сағат бұрын
0:19 0:20
@TheyAdoreMe._.Official 21 сағат бұрын
I think atleast 900-2000 years ago, as spike previously stated in g5 that he was the dragon leader for centuries, dragons live for centuries I think he was atleast 1000 years old twilight did not outlive her friends as Lauren Faust confirmed, she maybe died at 100 years old so that’s why I think it’s maybe 1000 years or more, tell me if I said anything wrong
@BlackburnBigdragon Күн бұрын
It's one sign among MANY signs that we got through the whole series that the writers never watched the G4 series, and were probably just handed a booklet that had a list of characters and short descriptions, but not the full lore of Equestria. And then they were probably given a few days to write something quick to get into production. There's SO MANY things in the writing of G5 that points to this being the case. Everything associated with G4 is completely messed up. Characters are depicted as being way out of character. It seems like no one even was aware beyond a very superficial level who the characters were and what happened in the series they were supposed to be making a sequel to.
@D2jess Күн бұрын
No offense, but I mainly think that they should’ve made her the main protagonist of the show because she’s the only one that takes things seriously and she investigates stuff. I think she was the one that supposed to be an à la and also she may not be into those woolly duties, but at least she’s passionate Not to be rude but sunny she barely studies about magic. She can’t even research about her ailcorn magic
@berengerdietiker22 3 күн бұрын
Quadrupedalism is my go-to anatomy for dragons, but I like Ember's character design.
@AceFurryTrash 3 күн бұрын
I can’t believe they made the abusive parents canon
@RainbowDash-TheDefender24 4 күн бұрын
This series doesn't have Wasted Potential!! This series deserves better!! You need to give this series an another chance!! You need to respect all generations too!! But you don't care about anyone but your Precious 4G and your 4G toxic Anaylsis fans! Have some heart to other generations and have more respect with 5G fans and the series too!! I hate you into a burning Passion and Star_Strike too!!!! Screw you Mastercode!!! I am done with 5G hate!!! Heck!! Hawk Nightwing has heart and Respect to others than you and I have more respect and heart than you too!! And your worthless and You don't understand 5G at all!! Screw you Mastercode!!!! I am done with your channel!!!!
@AbilityToBeAwesome 4 күн бұрын
This feels unreal… thanks for covering cause I would have never seen this otherwise
@KTKomedy2813 6 күн бұрын
Opaline as Dr. Weird is somehow fittingly strangely amazing.
@otaku-sempai2197 9 күн бұрын
Did somepony misremember the climax of the play? Neither Romeo nor Juliette die from poison. Rather, Juliette fakes her own death by poison and both end up killing themselves with Romeo's dagger. I have to agree that maybe Jenna Ayoub just shouldn't be drawing pony. Her non-pony characters look fine but the equines are just...consistently off-model, and not in a good way.
@dragoncross42 9 күн бұрын
It is awesome seeing these reimaged stories the the characters of MLP. It is always good to see Pinkie and Cheese together in a story and now we see them take the role of Romeo and Juliet, I got to say Spike and Discord were truly a fun addition to the story with their roles. Awesome video :)
@williamcrowe2576 9 күн бұрын
A funny peace this morning with it brings, go forth and have talk of these zany things. For never was there a story of more whoa than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
@user-ck5ri2tf2z 9 күн бұрын
Very nice vid to sleep to
@DirtHutCaver 10 күн бұрын
Interesting. 🤔
@somerandomdude7785 10 күн бұрын
Well, Pinkie & Cheese here lived happily ever after, unlike their inspirations.
@renamon5658 10 күн бұрын
The last mlp g4 comic.... Until the g4 g5 crossover comic
@0hvist 11 күн бұрын
I'm able to understand the cultural relevance and traditions of Yeshmiyek and how different it is from Christmas in a single song number in just less than two minutes of screentime than I can hope to understand these three Wishday Holidays. If a 20-year old show like _Ed, Edd, n' Eddy_ is able to beat you in holiday World Building: you know you are in serious trouble. A part of me thinks that this episode was originally meant to be a Roadtrip Episode: one designed around the characters tooling around the local coastal region in the Marestream as part of a shakedown cruise for it that would demonstrate the capabilities of the groups new mobile base. It's just that the execs wanted a Christmas Special and the team decided to shoehorn in a holiday theme for what should have been a Roadtrip Special.
@renamon5658 13 күн бұрын
Season 2 if tyt and the g5 idw comics are improving
@renamon5658 18 күн бұрын
Happy 4th of july
@baharrebel4686 20 күн бұрын
I missed g4 💔 , but one thing , is the comics of g5 canon? Well I haven't read them for a while , but they were not bad !
@renamon5658 21 күн бұрын
Spike dose return peewee in thw comics
@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 22 күн бұрын
At least we'll always have g4 and the ludicrous amount of fan art
I don’t take the cannon of the show too seriously, there’s things in the main serious I cannot forgive but I still love mlp, I just kinda make up my own cannon and enjoy the show for what it is
@danielrhouck 26 күн бұрын
3:57: Also speed and in the MLP universe at least probably athletics, because Rainbow Dash. This seems perfectly fine actually.
@applepieofdeath 26 күн бұрын
Sorry I know this was a review from 4 years ago, but you missed a big part of Diomedes's plan, one that I am compelled to rant on anytime I hear it. You can look at the panel you showed at 7:50. He flat out says, "We will sweep in and cull the herds of the weak" and "All hail King Diomedes! King of Thrace!" Future king of all Equestria". He planned to show Eqeustria's friendship was weak AND launch a war of genocidal conquest. This is still stupid as hell for a variety of reasons. 1. The idea you even can break up Equestria's 1000+ years of not just tolerance but racial harmony entirely was stupid in S9 and G5 before Spike clarified things, it's dumb here. Breaking up Equestria's relations with foreign nations expecting that to spread domestically is also nonsensical. 2. Hypothetically let's say this plan worked, Equestria is now in broken chaos. Guess what, Manehatten is while probably filled with gang violence now, still an urban hellhole, Hayseed is a swamp with diseases they probably don't have a stockpile of cures for, Appleloosa is an unforgiving desert who's railways you have no access to unless you brought a whole train from you ancient Greek level boats, Clousdale was always exclusively one race and would see no difference and the only way to invade would be vulnerable hot air balloons assuming they still had the numbers by the time they get there. 3. They are a rocky stormy island which can't be good for agriculture and by extension population count and industry. What do you have to compensate for the sheer size of Equestria, the CE, and now pony unfriendly again Dragons and Yaks especially when you're not even going for slave labor but plain murder? Tirek could become a Kaiju, Discord was a reality bender, and Cozy was to steal the magic of the entire country. Chrysalis and even Sombra however, still needed armies, despite having powerful individual magic. "We Thracians have endured without friendship-Thrived" YOU'RE A SELF-SUFFICIENT AND INDEPENDENT PEOPLE? Ask the Japanese how their fearless warrior ethics could make up for their supply lines in a China that was divided by civil war and warlordism and reliance on US oil was the ONLY problem. I could write an alt history about how when the Yugoslav wars broke out, this was the perfect time for Malta to conquer the Balkans if they just had the will, that will be believable right? /s
@GutsAndGuns 27 күн бұрын
Even though this was posted a year ago, I have to say it. It is canon that celestia had pink hair when she was a foul, but in opalines story of the two, she already has her hair that she got after banishing luna. I kinda wanna watch gen5 just to point out all the things wrong about it TwT
@kariscolorjoyandhenrypower504 27 күн бұрын
Her true form and nature revealed
@danielrhouck 28 күн бұрын
6:35 This is cheating because you brought it up earlier, but Opalineʼs villain song, with the chorus that she is a villain. Other than that, there are ones that I could *recognize* because they are used a couple times, and I think one was used in Chapter 1 and Chapter 6 and nowhere in between and was still recognizable, probably? But I could not produce any of them.
@Afryan_06 28 күн бұрын
12:03 Why must Blissy? 12:56 Bruh, she forget to use her wings again-_-
@Afryan_06 28 күн бұрын
Okay this is funny to see you all dying in this game. Last time I play I be hit by a Shovel by Friend_-
@AudryVollemhoven 29 күн бұрын
How did Fluttershys eye's change from blue to red in scare master,she was just pretending to be flutterbat.her eyes also changed when she really was flutterbat.
@Sunny12735 Ай бұрын
Please respond to my comment
@Sunny12735 Ай бұрын
What is up with every mlp KZbinr swearing?
@prcervi Ай бұрын
i'm disappointed that the bighoof was just a big shaggy pony (cute design tbh), a moose would've been perfect
@Imdacudda Ай бұрын
The intro is like a anime show intro 🤯
@RoseQuartz-ic6tv Ай бұрын
I never really LOVED the young six as they didn't have a lot of character development but G5 makes it even worse by not even mentioning them once.
@RoseQuartz-ic6tv Ай бұрын
What happened to the young six??? We saw them defeating some dinosaur thingy but not more than that
@dragoncross42 Ай бұрын
I really want to play this game and try my hand at clowning around on the battlefield. I got to say now i want to rewatch the movie and learn how to be the best killer klown. I do hope you will do another live stream of this game it was fun to check out. Nice video it really gave some good details and info about the game and gameplay!
@AndyLopez-kr3wi Ай бұрын
they should have made all of g5 2d!!! tell your tale proves how good this couldve been
@Lill1xe Ай бұрын
is celestia back?
@jameswalton5733 Ай бұрын
10:50 congrats, its fridge logic, it's not meant to be thought about, its meant to be consumed and nothing more.
@jameswalton5733 Ай бұрын
Putting in effort? Actually investing in something? Curating and cultivating a fandom? Combine all three and you get the exact opposite of Hasbro
@ori2301 Ай бұрын
Imagine being thousands of years old and still being mad at how some kids treated you
@pokebreeder2517 Ай бұрын
wish this game was around when i was in highschool
@colour1253 Ай бұрын
Also the sisters don’t have the right hair??
@musicbrush9231 Ай бұрын
I thought I wasn't gonna like Zipp when I first saw images of her, but she ended up being my favorite character.I just wish she wasn't stuck with mid writing.
@krabbygood9165 Ай бұрын
These two ponies got too “adventurous” - literally and figuratively. What kind of parent would genuinely plan this? Did they really think “Oh let’s just have a child and leave her in Ponyville so we can keep on adventuring! 😍”? Yeah, she was clearly unplanned. I hate how this episode tried to portray them in a friendly light, while the bigger picture is just horrible. I’m kinda afraid that younger kids will think this parenting style is okay because of the “positive” portrayal.
@TrinityBui-zw6ti Ай бұрын
Ok…..I’m gonna go in my room and have a mental breakdown