@crystalheart9 20 сағат бұрын
I'm praying this mantra for my kitty Annikah who was my best friend for 21 years, she passed last month and I still want to cry every day I miss her so much. Thank you for this mantra.🙏
@WindTreeStudios 8 сағат бұрын
You're welcome. May Annikah be reborn in Sukhavati and may you know peace. 🙏🐱🙏
@crystalheart9 6 сағат бұрын
@@WindTreeStudios Thank you for your very kind words, I appreciate them so much. Bless.🙏
@tiptop7327 3 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
@WindTreeStudios 8 сағат бұрын
You're most welcome.
@hatredempress3435 7 күн бұрын
I dedicate this to reita of the gazette who i highly suspect taken his own life. I hope his spirit is finally at peace and he can see the holy light after all
@punkaroos123 12 күн бұрын
Sweet Dreams Fluffa Fluff. You are out Hero and we will never forget you.
@WindTreeStudios 12 күн бұрын
@punkaroos123 12 күн бұрын
@WindTreeStudios 12 күн бұрын
You're welcome 🙏
@punkaroos123 12 күн бұрын
For Baby G. We always loved you and we always will. Say Hi to Shmoo, Suki, Jinx and Wilbur. We will be together again one day. Sweet Dreams.
@WindTreeStudios 12 күн бұрын
Prayers and Blessings For All 🙏🙏🙏
@spaceghost8995 13 күн бұрын
SO which is better? New River Trail or Greenbrier Trail ?
@WindTreeStudios 13 күн бұрын
I haven't ridden Greenbrier yet but it looks beautiful. We ride several Rail-trails over the course of each year and enjoy them all for different reasons.
@jenniferadams6098 15 күн бұрын
I have been listening to this for the whole time. I’ve been driving to school.
@WindTreeStudios 15 күн бұрын
Glad you like it Jennifer. Thank you!
@mir6182 15 күн бұрын
Ом ваджрапани хум пе ❤😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 уничтожить коррумпированных бизнесменов чиновников России
@LMlane48 17 күн бұрын
Second Samuel 16-22 and King David danced before the Lord!❤❤❤
@lorisharpe 21 күн бұрын
@WindTreeStudios 21 күн бұрын
Thank you Lori.
@victoriafreeman978 23 күн бұрын
Beautifully crafted to carry story. Loved the shots of children.
@WindTreeStudios 23 күн бұрын
Thank you Victoria!
@unklraynutter8928 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this gathering! I have been to a pow-wow and had a good ceremony since I left WV!
@WindTreeStudios 24 күн бұрын
You are very welcome! Capturing and sharing these images and sounds in a comprehensive and respectful way is a joy.
@emotionwave 27 күн бұрын
Forgive my ignorance, but with the affirmations 'I am a mountain', 'I am a flower' etc - aren't these just creating new beliefs, things to ultimately let go of? I've not practised in this way before so was wondering how they work in quieting the mind.
@srivallisingam14 Ай бұрын
Praying this for my furbaby mimi who passed away 2 days ago. Iove you mini maa.
@srivallisingam14 Ай бұрын
Dedicated this to my mimi she passed 2 days ago. May soul rest in peace. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MIMI MAA.
@dreamforabetterworld Ай бұрын
@user-mr7nj8hp6m Ай бұрын
コメントが2つは残っているようだから続けてしゃべる1982年19日家の山を落ちた落ちずに死んだ方も現れたねぇだら菩薩の裏パパさんもわざわざ私お出迎えに来てニコニコして笑って出迎えてそのまま私は街へ行ってしまった申し訳なかったあの方は本物の03者だたら菩薩も嬉しいだろうそれで上9982年当時2 60ドル8 600,000円から800,000円で作られたビルがあのメインストリート9日下のほうのあそこにあるようなホテル並びにコンパに行くほうにあそこの1階に大きな飯沼仰向けで寝ているがあそこに確かアジアプレスだっけ名前忘れたあったよなねオレガノチベット医療ではなくて下のほうのあるリハビリとか何かがある所へ行ったんだよあそこにチベットとリハビリでもイギリス人の狼女の人は俺の首はもう旅触らない無理だ手をしちゃったよそれでいいんだよ別に直弼なかったから俺別な方2本あって言ったんだよ。お嬢さんはなんとチベットじゃなくてニューデリーで静養描くのドクターになってた笑えたそれで俺節約かがんで来た道をおかけはあの武道って言う山道を登るなきゃいけないんだな俺はお前らの信じらんない位のほとんどない金でイラクに行ったりインドに行ったりしてるわけお前お前らには想像がつかないよくそんな金で戦場に行ったりインドに行ったりしてるんですね轟金額だぞ俺が金がなくて契約してわかったんだよその味アプレッソだからその記載は黙ってオープンカーのオープンカー見たいなぁ鈴木のタクシーがあるんだよアンバサダーとは違うんだぜやないかなないっていうかその続きのに黙って俺乗ってよ乗りなさいって合図してくれたんで遠慮なくご馳走になってアッパーダラムサラのさらに上まで行ったことがあるもちろん彼は恩着せがましさ言う事は言わない彼は中国がらさとかいろんなところで良い日に女性をレイプして殺してお坊さんを殺して適当にその辺に梅田に投稿しているかたくさん証拠を持っているんだよ私はその近くで色名死体を写真を見た日本のCIA読売はNHKも絶対にこういうことを報道しないできたんだ悪魔は中国なんだよだから悪魔偽物天皇家側のCIA読売もNHKもあくまでありやってる事は矢場町競馬インサイダー行盛長米FMをNHK FM J-WAVEももちろんamを3箱朝もみんなそうだやってる事は八百長分間ネーゼ大変作ってるヤクザなんだよNHKも山口組なさだまさしもとんでもねぇ奴だよまぁ正直に生きているのはチベット亡命政府のあたりにいる方だと言うわけですべてを俺は今からダラムサラまでは行けないので昔は五反田にみるにあまり良くない奴がいたんだよ大志みたいなの新TBSに出た馬鹿だよ彼は叱られてたよで新宿には週6人とかも多いエリアに2回にチベット文化センターがあったんだが今はどこに何があるか知らないいずれにせよどっち日本語堪能な人用意しといてくれ世界中の矢場町競馬何年何月何日のどれかの協定でも何でも全部出てるんだよハリウッドCIAのスタートイスラエルイランの仲間なんだよインドと中国も仲間なんだよすごいだろうもちろんロシアも同じだすべてを教えるからそうすれば神はいくらでも作れるそれよりも世界の諜報機関世界の声を落とすことができる日本の偽物天皇家創価学会こいつらもテロリストだみんな八百長で金を作っている奴らだ交流を出すことができるそういう武器を渡したいまぁ情報と言うべきだけどねで俺は別に金が入ら伝え終わったら俺は死ぬからまぁ死んだら死体はどうでもいいしあぁ子適当に処分してくださいじゃあねあぁあぁどっちあぁは元気かなぁまだ生きてるかなぁとリンポチェ様から日本人では本物のから近くの最初に日本人で受けるのは君にしよう必ず南インドにも来なさいと言われたんだよそれが坂本九ちゃんが殺された頃だったんだよ俺は向こうに戻るためにアルバイトしたしたんだよそこが芸能界で麻薬の場所だったんだよラーながら俺は監督プロデューサーシナリオライターミュージシャン俳優その他原子力委員会よく知ってるんだよまぁ誰が麻薬やってたのか歌舞伎もなあぁんん結いつでもかかるぞじゃなナイスな真面目な方の中国にまだ心を売っていないチベット人立ち絵じゃあね
@user-mr7nj8hp6m Ай бұрын
コメント3つのうち1つはもう家されたようだ多分もう里天安門64テロリスト習近平人民解放軍JRA八百長工作員偽物天皇家テロリスト公務員量が削除したんだろうこれからはしゃべるのは4つ目になるな記憶に残っているのは3つ目だ阿南だっけあぁCIAに助けられてダライ・ラマ14世がインドに亡命した時大きな白いゴリラも来たよな彼は私にわざわざ会いに来ているそれから少年層の特殊なあの子も目の上な青目の上のピンクになって私からあぁ受け取ってくださった私のことをウンパッパって呼んでたようんガッパ俺かっぱじゃないんだけどベランダから来た巡礼者に俺がけっこうな体験を誰もいないと思って布施したらちゃんとその少年は見ててさぁその少年と言うのはダライ・ラマやその周辺の皆さん一般人も知っている鳥清らかな構想の生まれ変わりない小さな少年だよそれからなった後はインド国27年勤務したわけではなくてもともとあのゲリラをもちろん悪魔の中国たえ中京ゲリラをやっていた通称雨カタカナ2文字であげチベット人なら意味わかるよな彼が生きていれば私のことを知っている1982年だったでしょう了解してくれたあるでしょうがいるその昭和南インドにいるはずだが私の布施によりダラムサラに家を買って持ってるよ今生きてるのかなあ夢に出てこないから生きてんのかなどっち使ってた健二は日本のニューナンブと言うの警察官が使っているあのリボルバーはすごく性能が良いと褒めてたよがその辺で調べれば私の事は1982年からのがわかるだろ注目の的ではあるがチベットの味方であるようだったら汚い日本の将来は大っ嫌いだわチベットには本物の整理も少なからずいる神通力が豊かな送料も少なからずいるそれは知ってるよ体験済みだからえーおー良頭に犬何カ所かはいらないが受けている上紹介してくれたのはその大中国ゲリラの揚げと若い青年そうだその形は後でわかったら中チベットにおいては国宝級の人だったんだびっくり市佐原お金置いとくなかったんだよあと他の部署の中田さん中田って言葉言ってないかも知れんからパパさんもしてるよ2006年にはあのあたり汚い顔になっちゃったけどなじゃなとりあえず亡命政府にすべてを伝えたいお金はいらないまだ猛暑が習近平の仲間が邪魔してるよ777-2 1004年エムアイシックスエムワイロフトエムワイ19ここにすべての答えが何年後の何月何日でも着順が出るんだよそれを私は去年の4月ごろ箱の下がチェンジされてしまったタイムもエムアイシックスかどうかも今は言わないがあったら全部を教える笑っちゃうよ何年何月のどのレースでも全部答えがすぐ出るんだよどの映画使ってもだよどの国の映画も同じイスラエルもいらんもお友達中国もインドもお友達ちょっとインドに悪かったかな
@user-mr7nj8hp6m Ай бұрын
@user-mr7nj8hp6m Ай бұрын
中国の映画ユースに毎週の日本の八百長JRAの着順が出ている事はもう昔から暴露しているが今度は506の選手ではなくて203の洗車だったが潰したベトナム分か19日204重戦車あったかなぁマイ充電せよ1976年て言うアレ3人が死んだよあの歳だよあれは76でもこれも私は潰した注目の映画はアメリカと同じでインドと同じでイスラエルやいらんと同じで北朝鮮南町1008日本と同じでフランスイギリスとも同じで試合ハリウッドの八百長映画タイム工作を使っている間沢同じ着順が出るSMAPの香取慎吾と草薙も雲56の五個荘のサインを出していたその前のやはり同じベイFMで5時6分ピーエム58分ピーエムにかけて悪魔間に高悪魔オバタリアンDJがサインをベラベラベラベラ喋ってたまぁこれからは全部収録し直しになるラジオ局だろうがチベットの皆さんに教えておく映画にはみんな同じタイム工作があり特に日本のJRエアフランスの凱旋門賞イギリスの旅もサウジアラビアの八百長リヤドダートスプリント香港カップもみんな同じ計算式で着順がわかるんだよ何年も前からわかっている何年もわかっているからそれに合わせて弥生町さんよりいろんな番組を作ってるんだよBBCも同じ八百長工作員であるエムアイシックスのタイム計算式は去年暴露したもちろん無料でねアメーバブログに暴露しただが今の少しチェンジされているかといってエムアイ5になったかどうかが答えようがないネットではもう教えないことにしたじゃあね頑張ってねチベット人のみんな行チベット人の皆後子量台湾モサドCIA悪魔偽物天皇家テロリスト創価学会の人殺し工作員量公務員なんだは私がよく書きこむところdeep Maxやカナダ人ニュースやまあしょうがねぇ工作員である影響3.0チャンネルやだトゥーホームは全く出てこないんだよだから今ここに初めてしゃべくり柿もカキコさせてもらった俺の師匠様ロブションちょっぴり様だった1982年だ2006年の河原チャクラでは2日目つまり最終日はダライ・ラマ14世は私を指定した印度屋チベットのセキュリティーがみんな見てるから私の事知ってるよそれじゃあねあの年はワールドカップは1着2着がイタリアフランスだと言うことも直前の夜に雲出しておいた
@nik978 Ай бұрын
My friend is dying in her hometown, I was informed only today.. She's Buddhist and always listen to prayers and she kindly use headphones if I visited her during resting time. I've planned see her next week for a belated birthday as since 9 Feb I had several issue can't let me see her and her birthday 23rd march.... I'm not Buddhist and I don't want to be disrespectful, but tonight back my room I'll play this, wishing her a peaceful passage and taking our favorite drinks etc same as she's here. (as she's in center Thailand and is impossible to me to reach her physically..) She explained several key information about Buddhism and I really appreciate how she reply to some of my, sure, bit silly questions.
@ashishbhawkar Ай бұрын
Does this really work?
@3y3sign Ай бұрын
So beautiful, thank you so much, this is helping a lot!
@ValerieGriner Ай бұрын
I live in Valdosta, GA now, but I used to live in Waycross, Ga in the mid-1980's. I had 10 great-uncles who fought in WWII...two were in the CBI Theater...one was a B-25 pilot and the other was a flight engineer with the Flying Tigers(in China). I love to watch interviews with these wonderful veterans!
@WindTreeStudios Ай бұрын
Wow you're right in our backyard! Thank you for the great comment! I was very blessed to be able to spend so much time with my Uncle Joe when he was still alive. I spent over 350 hours of my personal time making these videos on his life and I don't regret one minute of it. Robins Air Force Base Museum near Warner Robins Georgia has an excellent CBI exhibit that is world class. I highly recommend you visit it sometime!
@ValerieGriner Ай бұрын
I would love to get to Robins AFB Museum...I have heard a lot about it. I really loved this interview with your Uncle Joe. It's wonderful that you made so many videos. I talked with my (late) great aunt whose husband was with the Flying Tigers. She gave me lots of family history and I wrote it all down. I have several good pictures, too. Good to hear from you!@@WindTreeStudios
@WindTreeStudios Ай бұрын
Making a video with a simple "voice over monologue" based on your written documentation combined with family pictures and other media elements could be a fun and meaningful way to capture and share your family history. My nephew and I were talking about Robbins Air Force Base Museum this week. I'm ready to go back for another visit!
@leftie79 Ай бұрын
I am in a dark part of my life, but this meditation and way of life is my new mission. Cant go on with the western way anymore its just poison in my body for me. What a wonderful place on the internet....
The originals gone
@cacampbell3654 2 ай бұрын
His voice is so soft and loving as he tells us about the mistakes we’re making in our ways of thinking that can cause dangerous stress and rob us of the experience of our lives!
@MagdalenaTheremin 2 ай бұрын
I have to help my neighbours cat tomorrow to come home. Im so afraid that she is (mentally) hurt now. Im away. This sweet cat loves to come to my home too often and have difficulties to come back to my neighbour because that he doesn't hear her meowing. I have already made a plan what to do. The best of all would be if my husband agree to take her. We both are hurting now because of her. We want to adopt her but we know how difficult could it be in the future with her. It is a big answear to take care of an animal. My heart cries. I hope that I will manage to help her. The neighbour isn't a bad person but he has his health issues. All would be so easy if I just don't care. But I can't not to care. I had found homes to 3 rejected cats and 1 dog. Its very little. Two of those cats I had to reject myself because of I had to move to the other country - but they both got warm homes. I always suffer a lot that I have to let them go. If it would be a little warmer ther I live I wouldn't be so afraid about this neighbours kitty but, no cat would survive the winter here without a owner and place to go. Im thinking sometimes what had " I "done so awfull in "my" ex-life that I have to suffer so much.
@madhu5895 Күн бұрын
I face the same problem like you,my heart cries for each and every animal specially the neglected ones.
@foo614 2 ай бұрын
One of my favorite lectures of all time
@sandilehxulu8557 2 ай бұрын
Whoever did these....did an excellent job however I see he titled the song as "Mababu Milele" of which I believe he meant "Mabaphumelele" meaning let them prosper or succeed in isiZulu langauge one of South African native language
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the compliment and insightful comment. I composed the lyrics of this song in simple phrases of Swahili. I see on the map that Swahili originated relatively close to South Africa but is significantly to the north in a region that is considered East Africa. Phonetic overlap between the two languages is not surprising considering their shared history and relatively close proximity. This is reminiscent of phonetic interrelatedness of many of the Romantic languages of Europe. I had fun composing and recorded the song in my home studio and I perform all of the drumming and vocal tracks you hear. May the ancestors Spirits speak to us at all times and bless us and guide us as we pass into the future!
@vancarter3736 2 ай бұрын
Good job
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@rocioguevaraobando9075 2 ай бұрын
Infinito Agradecimiento. 😊🙏🌸
@stephenroman5277 2 ай бұрын
Is there any way to edit this dumb shit on the left out so we don’t have to hear him or see him
@dr.kenmiller4227 2 ай бұрын
@user-mw1fj4ol3g 2 ай бұрын
Ом Ваджрапани хум🙏🙏🙏 Ом мани бадмэ хум🙏 Ом Базар гуру Бадма сидхи хум🙏❤ Эхэ зурган зуйл хамаг амитан амиды амгалан байха болтогой🙏🙏🙏
@user-mw1fj4ol3g 2 ай бұрын
@Sridevi.484 2 ай бұрын
I lost my son Krishna Chaitanya. 31 January 2024. Please pray for him.
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
May Krishna be reborn in Sukhavati, hear Sacred Mantra and be filled with peace, sublime realization and divine bliss. 🙏🙏🙏
@Sridevi.484 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
So sorry for your loss. You have my sincere condolences.
@Sridevi.484 2 ай бұрын
I lost my son 31 January 2024.please pray for him.
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
This is an unimaginable loss and you have my deepest sympathies Sri Devi. May your son be reborn in a Pure Land before enlightened beings and hear the Sacred Mantras. May his next incarnation be blessed with love, peace, security, contentment and joy. May you be comforted , heard and supported now and in all future lives.
@CarldeFigueiredo-lf2gc 2 ай бұрын
The beauty, simplicity and profound truth of beloved Thay's teaching will stay with me forever; as will my gratitude and love for him. Be at peace in the Pure Land, beloved!
@englishh100 2 ай бұрын
In eternal gratitude, Thay
@gabbythomas4168 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 😢
@WindTreeStudios 2 ай бұрын
🙏😔🙏 You're welcome Gabby
@43fak 3 ай бұрын
He is always alive to me. His teachings are full of life and I am forever grateful for coming to know his spirit.
@healyoursoul6868 3 ай бұрын
He brings me always back on the path. Always saying YES to life with every step I take. Im so grateful that his precious words will stay, even if he is gone. Love, peace and light from germany to all of you 🤍🤍🤍🤍
@WindTreeStudios 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the beautiful comment!
@Ami...33 3 ай бұрын
Such a great teacher I love and always appreciate his teachings may God give peace and tranquility to everyone who practices mindfulness and breaks the chain of suffering in us permanently.Thank you Teacher 🌹🌹🙏🙏
@DeFreeism 3 ай бұрын
@WindTreeStudios 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@cookingwithvicki9292 3 ай бұрын
beautiful. thank you
@WindTreeStudios 3 ай бұрын
Capturing this great performance in the middle of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge with the Cherokees that day was a blessing. Glad you like it!
@timothylee9437 3 ай бұрын
@JimGarver-tx8rj 3 ай бұрын
That was a lot of fun. Good job.
@WindTreeStudios 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@omiegon 3 ай бұрын
Very beautiful and calming. I am grateful for the light of your creativity.
@WindTreeStudios 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Omar!
@andreaschreck653 3 ай бұрын
He brings me always back on the path. Always saying YES to life with every step I take. Im so grateful that his precious words will stay, even if he is gone. Love, peace and light from germany to all of you 🤍🤍🤍🤍