@gustavbarrows3948 3 күн бұрын
What Addons are you using for Unitframes?
@zetrovv 3 күн бұрын
Elv UI and it’s Quazzi’s Profile.
@gustavbarrows3948 Күн бұрын
Could u share profile?
@zetrovv 8 сағат бұрын
Yes this should be my profile! Just note i am playing on a widescreen. drive.google.com/file/d/17YM6TSmU9wARs5Dx0nuizxXlwQIhup-T/view?usp=sharing Let me know if you have any issues, I'll be more then happy to fix!
@tpstamer 6 күн бұрын
Loss of all credibility when he claimed tanking now is harder than it was in Burning Crusade.
@zetrovv 6 күн бұрын
What was hard about BC? I just remember marking for CC’s pulling one group at a time, aggro management and side stepping mechanics? Did I miss anything?
@crimsonram6106 5 күн бұрын
@@zetrovvthe hardest part was to grind that specific elemental resistance 😊 I believe holding aggro was harder then but maybe just my fading memory.
@zetrovv 5 күн бұрын
@@crimsonram6106 Yeah getting Resist gear was the hardest part. Once I learned how to use Omen, I never had a issue with threat but back then managing threat was a game mechanic. Other then that everything in BC was hard cause it was just overtuned.
@leecarter5837 5 күн бұрын
How are you going to compare anything classic to high keys in retail? 😂😂😂
@crimsonram6106 4 күн бұрын
@@leecarter5837 I’m curious about the reasoning behind as well
@sleedypeedy3521 11 күн бұрын
Titel misleading
@TheNightmareTroll 14 күн бұрын
sham/priest or Pala/Lock
@zetrovv 14 күн бұрын
What’s the deciding factor?
@matthewqp 15 күн бұрын
ill go mage and pala
@zetrovv 15 күн бұрын
Good choices! Paladins is always fun and mage always top tier DPS
@Alsax1985 17 күн бұрын
I'll choose whatever the fuck class I like best and I don't give a fuck if it's meta or not. I'm 40 years old. Can you do the math and tell me how old I was when WoW was released? it's not overwhelming. I know what I like because I'm old enough to know better. WoW is best played without the pressure of KZbinrs giving their self-serving advice without a care in the fucking world. Hope you get ratio'd.
@rokir_ Ай бұрын
This is a sick video! Might boot up the BDK for War Within, so this is a great video!
@zetrovv Ай бұрын
Thanks man!
@TylerJBrown192 Ай бұрын
Great advice for beginners, solid job! The term I came up with while teaching new players to tank is "Pull and Plant" - basically, you're allowed to pull however many mobs you think you and the group can handle, but after that, completely freeze and stay put as long as you can! Obviously once you get to +10ish keys with mobs that are Bolstered and/or mobs like the snake mobs between 2nd and 3rd boss in Uldaman, this advice becomes much more conditional, but getting a solid pull cadence and positioning down thus servicing your group as a tank IMO should be the main priority for learning the basics. Then look at death logs, see what killed you, and adjust from there.
@zetrovv Ай бұрын
I love your pull and plant term! It’s something I will be using for future videos! 😂 Yeah after 10+ pull and plant isn’t the best thing but it’s still good general advice for most situations unless there’s a pull like the first pull in AA
@Gadgitztv 2 ай бұрын
Nice vid us Resto Shams gotta stick together. Hopefully I will make your next stream.
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
Haha always nice to meet another Resto shaman in the wild! Definitely drop by the stream! Would love to talk shop about Shaman’s and even give me some pointers!
@kalasmournrex1470 2 ай бұрын
Mages can actually interrupt while casting
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
Yeah it was brought to my attention with a talent it’s doable
@ryanparry2386 2 ай бұрын
One critical grammar mistake.
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
Yeah noticed it afterwards.. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for pointing it out
@Teknifye 2 ай бұрын
Melee have advantages for kicks and quick stuns, but when tanks only care about themselves and don't move and you have no where to go because things that kill you don't kill the tank. It's annoying. I've got all 3 to about 2700 it's pain being melee in some of these keys :C
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s one issue with melee your more at the mercy of your tank being aware then anything else. I use to be that tank, now I try to think with melee in mind 😂😂
@JustAnotherGuy1991 2 ай бұрын
Melee is easier cus ur in melee???? Dps in general is the easiest role but saying melee is the easiest cus they are in melee? Cus they have shorter interrupts? By that logic melee healers are easier than range healers 😂
@Spibi 2 ай бұрын
when a swirlie or ground effect targets you or where you are, you move around and keep on doing what you doing as melee, when a swirlie targets a ranged they interrupt their casts, move to a safe place, start castin again, range always has to play with placement on their mind to minimize the extra movement during the fight and maximise uptime regardless of how you look at it, its an extra work load its not nececarly harder but you need to think one more thing each pull. In interrupts case, you dont need to interrupt your casts incase an important ability is going off again another disruptive thing during your cd's. and for the healers bit you mentioned is gibberish no need to be taken seriously.
@JustAnotherGuy1991 2 ай бұрын
@@Spibi Mage blinks cast isnt interrupted, hunter moves life is fine, warlock tanks a hit to finish the cast wothout dying, Sp is the most severe case for this and they still can work around it. I can be specific with each class and even spec, being ranged has always been about positioning, and when it comes to which is hardest melee or range it depends on the mechanics of the dungeons not ohh im melee my life is easier, and the fact the only argument you have is "its disruptive" works for me as well. Melee stop dps completely when a boss forces them out of melee range and by your logic melee is harder now cus they can't dps. And the part about being a melee healer or a range healer is applying his logic to the same comparison melee healers have both interrupt and are in melee therefore they should be easier by his logic.
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
WHat are you even saying? Mages HAVE to stop casting to use Blink(unless there is a talent that doesn't require it) Mages HAVE to stop casting to spell steal Mages HAVE to stop casting to counter spell. Hunters are the easiest range cast to play cause all of their abilities are insta cast outside of maybe 2? If a warlock is tanking a mob in anything above a 15 they have maybe 2/3 hits before dead maybe 4/5 if they are demo but otherwise a tank should not be holding a mob and most mechanics in a 15 will one shot you anyway so you should be moving. Shadow preist, just doesn't die right now which is why they are one of the most sought after classes in keys higher then 15. Idk what the hell your saying about healers. it makes no sense. Melee IS easier for Mythics cause you have 15 second CD which doesn't disrupt your rotation, and you can just move around easily and keep high uptime on the mobs, easier then range. Range requires you to know, where you need to stand before you cast, if a swirling goes off you have to decide do I have a extra second to get this cast off? No, okay side step start casting, boom another bad thing on the ground.. this is if your not careful about postion and you can easily range the healer. So your whole argument is pretty weak here.
@Spibi 2 ай бұрын
@@JustAnotherGuy1991 mage blinks are limited to 2, most of the raid fights you assign them to specific spots, you pretty much dont have extra's to trow in somewhere else, in m+ you'll run out of them its your only movement ability as mage, BM is the only ranged not effected by range like wise paladin doesnt get effected by melee mechanics, as i said obviously you find a way to work it but it is bigggger offender in ranged's case as you can only list 2 that has a way to deal, and warlocks case you are doing keys that not have consequences of standing in shit sooo go up you'll nootice locks die aswell. anyways you kinda prove my point, the mere going side for a melee is a thought process for ranged that is enough a good comparison. there hasnt been a mechanic since CN that forces melee out of range completely and that was one boss sludgefist, other than that get gud and dance around the swirlies while having %100 uptime. mistweaver is substantially easy healer compared to disc there you go, a stupid take proven to be true.
@JustAnotherGuy1991 2 ай бұрын
@@zetrovv Ice flows/Shimmer you keep casting while moving or when you blink, the fact you think you stop casting to interrupt is amazing YOU FINISH the cast and then interrupt, there is a reason the mob has a cast bar. The point about warlock is that you can easily tank a hit without moving to avoid any ground effect so you end up finishing your cast, and your interrupt is on the pet so you never stop casting. Melee healers have the same interrupt as melee dps, and your comparison on dps was around that guess what Holy paladin and MW monks both have melee interrupts while priest in both specs don't does that make one better than the others? no ofc it doesn't. Now lets discuss the fact you think melee is easier cus they have shorter interrupts, those have ZERO effect on dungeon difficulty when you have a VDH, but lets say you don't most dungeons use stops to handle aoe interrupts does that make aoe stops better than interrupts now? does this make a difference in your comparison? Now for my argument, did you ever play range in dungeons? like I explained earlier mage loses 0 casts in dungeons with ice flows or shimmer talents, warlocks can easily stand still finish the cast and move after the ground effect hits cus they're that tanky, Ele shamans are almost like hunters so they don't bother with movement and they can cast while they move as well, Boomkins time their movement with their spenders or refreshing dots so they lose nothing as well, Dev/Aug can cast while moving as well, Finally SP is the worst when it comes to this but they have solutions with the worst one being a shield and at best shadow crash or void bolt or SWD. Legit the whole game was designed with movement in mind for casters and they have solutions to still dps while moving, and the fact we had 3 seasons in SL with 3 casters as META dps shows you have no clue what your talking about.
@linaori 2 ай бұрын
Playing both range and melee, range is so much more chill than melee... 9/10 times as melee you're doing nothing but dancing around overlapping swirlies and aoes, being unable to properly see what's even going on. I'd say ranged is most certainly easier.
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
yeah whenver I play a range it feels like everything moves in slow motion for me but I find dancing around Swirles and AOE harder cause I can't really cast which gave me low uptime in a dungeon. Where with melee, I just found my uptime to be way higher even with all the "down time" and easier for me to adjust. Maybe it's a personal perference cause I started as a melee/tank and just found it easier to be in the action.
@user-lh7ri6gw2h 2 ай бұрын
This a nice content 🤩
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed the stream!
@Doobielock 3 ай бұрын
Dude bind that extra action button 😊
@zetrovv 2 ай бұрын
😂😂 Yeah I been trying to find a Kb for it but I’m all out of keyboard space at this point..
@WydraTV 3 ай бұрын
What is your M+ timer called? Looks really cool and useful to see old breakdowns
@zetrovv 3 ай бұрын
Is this the one your talking about? Here’s the Weakaura link. wago.io/M+Timer
@WydraTV 3 ай бұрын
No, I meant the one above it ​@@zetrovv
@JaayPy 4 ай бұрын
Nice video!! But i not find the plater profile
@zetrovv 3 ай бұрын
I must’ve forgot it! Here it is! quazii.com/dragonflight-plater-nameplates-profile/
@updatetv-24 4 ай бұрын
Hello sir
@zetrovv 3 ай бұрын
@pallfairsound 4 ай бұрын
Nice video champ, straight to the point with some good information for newer players. 💪
@zetrovv 4 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Really glad you enjoyed the video! Comments like these give me motivation to make more videos!