@michaelprick Күн бұрын
He is op in GR4. Him and healer can solo top side of the map
@karlajensen3708 10 күн бұрын
Just got him. If he can help me in GR1 it will be awesome. And as I'm 4 days in to my account, my gear is bottom of the sewer
@user-xn2oe3pt1p 14 күн бұрын
I have an A0 Hex and no Fersi but really need to save for potential Lust coming back. Banners have been harsh of late so just not paying into it anymore. Ancient heroes are too broken for me to really care these days.
@BaronDestro 14 күн бұрын
Best in GB2.. reduced AOE damage taken etc.
@Nero_Player001 21 күн бұрын
It's sad this game is blocked in some countries
@MrChristrevino 22 күн бұрын
I pulled 204 shards and got Magmus. I have a a2 elowyn hunting for a3.
@MrChristrevino 22 күн бұрын
Glad to see you back
@Binzob 24 күн бұрын
Morrigan can make an extremely effective bait team in GvG. One of my guild mates has it setup this round, currently has 17 holds lmao. And that's at A0 in unimpressive gear.
@spurs2k10 24 күн бұрын
My first leggo was Setram and he was a godsend. He carried me through so much content. Now that I'm basically endgame and Setram is only A1 I'm a little sad I bench my boy so much now.
@spurs2k10 24 күн бұрын
My biggest skilling up regret was for Zelus because I *thought* he could help me progress in Gear Raid I. Thank goodness we got the reset token (cuz of Boreas) and I used it on him to get back those precious legendary skill crystals back.
@WynTheGrey 24 күн бұрын
I think you hit it on the head at about 9:24... "After you have a solid roster of heroes, things get a lot more casual". I've been in that position for a very long time. A lot of people obsess about trying to beat the most amount of content with the smallest stable of heroes, and that's a fine mindset for when you're starting. Eventually, you just play for the joy of playing, and you stop caring about whether a hero is best-of-the-best or just "interesting". There's also a snowball effect, eventually, because getting more and more depth into your roster allows you to start experimenting with hero combos, like Solcadens and Annai linked by Burning. As you play with that type of theory craft, you do find more and more uses for heroes, and things have stayed interesting for me. Shamir, like Gwendolyn and Brokkir, only takes 6 legendary skill crystals to fully-skill... and that makes me believe that the Devs wanted all three of those to be development cornerstones. I am a big fan of Shamir, and I am using him as one of my magic DPS in GD2-10 autorun. His base HP is enough higher than Nocturne's that I don't need to regear to run with POD. I use Shamir a lot in VRNM, and he's on my GR2 team. I also use him daily in basic trial, although you could certainly run many of those areas without him. I do have a solid set of Whirlwind/SA set on him. I could probably increase his speed or crit damage slightly, but I'm pretty happy with where he's at. Gwendolyn... I use her a lot with King Harz, because so much of his kit (DEF increase, damage reduction, freeze, etc) kicks in when he is shielded. The pairing of those two heroes is a solid combo. Their passives even increase each other's shield size. She also enables a lot of other Northern hero abilities (like Valkyra's ultimate, Harpun's ignore 30% of DEF, Eldrr's damage boost, etc) and so she should be viewed as an enabler/unlocker as much as she is a shielder. I really hope her summon event comes back around, because I really want to get her to A5.
@gajsenju4483 24 күн бұрын
Maxing skills not difficult. As a f2p more that 20 legos skills max, in a year of playing. Which f2p in raid shadow legends can have 20 legos with max skills in a year?
@93xDmario 24 күн бұрын
You can do faction trial without maxed shamir, skill dust is enough. I also used Glacius when I completed it so maybe it wasn't out when you did, but I didn't use him for topside mobs, so I don't think it matters as much. Morrigan was my first lord early on and I have her maxed out also. She needs high atk speed to do damage, but indeed, she's not Khamet,Vierna,etc. Tho no regrets, she helped me complete GD1-Stage 10 ( by helping vierna clear 1 wave without ulting which in my team comp was kinda needed ) and I also use her in my cultist arena team which is doing fairly decent ( plat 3 ). Got overlord with this team also 3-4 weeks ago, but now with all the ingrid/praetus/valderon comps it's not possible anymore. For Nyx you can use her in AOE/Anti-Air arena, her ult just doesn't run out since you got her A4, definetely not a bad investment. For GD, for sure you meant 2 and she can be used to clear topside mobs, but only up to a point. Maybe with your awakenings she can replace Hatssut in the later stages (8-10), but probably not. For me the only hero I regret investing into is Kai, got him really really early, I thought he was a god xD Tho helped me a lot at that time, so I guess no regrets. I think one of most important things is to actually not max-out some heroes. For example, Khamet, I have him maxed but if you think about what makes Khamet broken, it's not the basic, it's not the first passive ( obliteration ), it's just the ult and the 2nd passive kinda. So, if it happens that those 2 are last and they're like at 4/5, maybe save those 2 crystals, etc.
@charlesa3505 24 күн бұрын
I recently 100% maxed my regulus. Hes unstoppable in GvG. I am very satisfied with him. Currently 27 wins and 4 losses in defense.
@jk35260 24 күн бұрын
Alaura helped me get past gear raid 3 stage 20. I don't have any strong DPS archers like Arrogance or Silas. Her skill still need 4 more to max out. At least she helped me complete campaign, void nightmare and gear raid 3 stage 20. She is getting a lot of hate but she works for me until I get Silas.
@tbdavidh 25 күн бұрын
Nyx is awesome. All the other piercers are single target and she has AOE. She's great in codex.
@caesarskiba9008 25 күн бұрын
Cerberus + Volka is extremely useful! His 2 20% damage upgrades are game changing. I don't know what your talking about bro. Cerb is a monster when geared up a d lvld up properly. Plus he is double faction, so you can pair with a faction lord for more damage
@caesarskiba9008 25 күн бұрын
A1 Shamir with 600 ATK SPD is amazing dude! A1 has imobolized state for 1 second. His regular attack rotation is 2.6 seconds. With 600+ speed you van get it down to 1 sec. You can freeze a single enemy while your mages go to work! Extremely useful if you know how to use him! Just like his talent description says, Shamir is for CONTROL!
@jocelreloncillo8093 25 күн бұрын
thats true. shamir a3 is nuts with that aspd basically mobs go almost standstill with immobilize debuff
@charlesa3505 24 күн бұрын
Shamir with elder and ardea is very annoying to deal with
@Binzob 24 күн бұрын
Just use Marri she's so much better
@willwan1753 26 күн бұрын
Does arrogant worth it?
@CBWOR Ай бұрын
Thank you to Warcraft Rumble for sponsoring this video, you can download Warcraft Rumble here: warcraftrumble.onelink.me/7POk/xp5bc1yv Join us in the guild GRTRumble! #Warcraft_Rumble_Partner Contact: [email protected]
@danieltomiwa1238 Ай бұрын
They do ridiculous amount of dmg 😢
@danieltomiwa1238 Ай бұрын
That Silas and greed combo and the end was perfect 😅
@Brathwate_YT Ай бұрын
nice brooooooooooooooo
@RonaldFields-et2xb Ай бұрын
Love ur content
@Soullinc Ай бұрын
Ξεκολωθηκες, ωραίος.
@jenseljesa1346 Ай бұрын
Top 👍🏻😁
@sayinince Ай бұрын
why none chat in game? i cant see
@WoWFtw8 Ай бұрын
english channel 1 is pretty filled
@timosarkkinen6610 Ай бұрын
The 10k points is starting to be too much. I just settle for the 1 crystal. I'm also at the point where i just don't have anything to level. I'll be getting a copy of all epics to 40 max promo just in case there is another fusion in the future, but that's maybe one event maxxed to 10k. Grinding insane amounts of xp for a single extra skill crystal? I'll rather use that stamina on gear and artifacts and settle for the 1 skill crystal
@ModernMyths Ай бұрын
I honestly used everything I have during this summon event. Mostly cause I wanted the new Ajex skin. But I'm 10k away from it, so I have no chance now. BUT! I did get 3 legos. Aylin, Ezryn, and Thallen. But I do have to ask a quick question on Ancient Summons and the Pit timer. It only resets if you get a Legendary Lord? Or any Legendary? Cause I'm 206 Ancients since my last Legendary Lord (which i've only pulled one so far)
@Keough- Ай бұрын
Ancient pity resets if you get a legendary lord, ajax or ymiret.
@thomasthorsen5462 Ай бұрын
divines are a joke, i've opened 49 of them and only got three legendaries which means i on average go deep into pity before i get a legendary
@ModernMyths Ай бұрын
I've hit deep on every mercy with Divines
@demortred Ай бұрын
Dude kalina sucks.. don't bother
@paulwest471 Ай бұрын
I got Glacius but im not too happy yet maybe i will build but it doesn't look like it ill see what others say first
@demortred Ай бұрын
Pair him with vortex. He needs shields.
@Stompy1984 Ай бұрын
Living Bomb is very expensive - It's great to have in the Deadmines Dungeon on 2nd boss. Arcane Blast is very good in a Thalnos Deck and is great when combined with Sheep. Spiderlings are decent when your opponent does not use any Magical damage. Mountaineer indeed sucks and should be 4-5 gold and have better/changed Talents. Vultures are a great harrass unit - and it only costs 1 gold! All talents on this unit are good though I prefer the one that makes Vultures spawn from your base... it just swarms the whole field sometimes. Pumpkin Farmer is a great unit once you get the Range Talent - It can solo non-Rocket Towers and can also cheese some Bosses; 2nd boss in Dire Maul for instance. Ogre Mage with the Slow Talent is very strong. Just needs a small tank in front or a Shaman that gives him Armor. Molten Giant can be great. You just need to help it out with some Ranged units behind him. Chickens are THE SHIT, never underestimate these! Their damage is great... they almost solo Molten Giants! Cheat Death is awesome. Can be used to deal SO much damage with units like (poison) Harpies! Holy Nova is decent, not the best though... My Worst Top 10: 1. Warsong Grunts - Squishy tank for 5 gold with horrible Talents 2. Mountaineer - Just useless with horrendous Talents 3. Gnoll Brut - Its decent but you can get a lot better for 2-3 gold 4. Spiderlings - Decent hitpoints but very squishy versus magic damage 5. Flamewaker - Actually a good unit but rather expersive and any flying unit will take him out. Its GREAT in the Worgen level! 6. Core Hounds - Very expensive at 6 gold and not that Tough; they are nice versus the Blob-boss in Hinterlands once you get the ' unlimited range on revive' Talent 7. Raptors - Not a bad unit and it has its uses (pushing Emperor Thaurissan in PvP); I just never seem to find a place for these in any Deck 8. Faerie Dragon - Too short Range and seems to die too fast... doe snot add enough for 3 gold 9. Moonkin - Does not do enough damage to put it over a Pyromancer 10. Living Bomb - As said in the Video... this spell is too Expensive. It is a very niche mini so you should still level it a bit.
@lurswenl.619 Ай бұрын
I already had Hatsut, was like: I don't mind to get 1 more, or Glacius, but!!! I got Valerya.. my 1st one. soooo I think it ended quiet good for me, ah an Ajax (3rd time)
@ENGLISH007. Ай бұрын
didn't want to pull cause I was fresh off pitty with limited resources take a chance on banner got my 1st silas😊😊🎉
@samariohoward6298 Ай бұрын
mines a4 i pulled 400. shamir..kria..abomination ..ugh
@tohth2011 Ай бұрын
@brettosowiecki8759 Ай бұрын
nice video, keep up the good work!
@ModernMyths Ай бұрын
I'll be honest. I didn't really summon. Although I already have a Awakened 1 Hatssut. I'm low on resources and need to save up. But here's the funny part. I needed to do 10 summons to finish the weekly research (which I wish we didn't have to do to reset it) and I opened 10 on the 2x ( I have amazing luck with it more then 10x) and 1st pull I got Aylin XD
@paskalpablo1240 Ай бұрын
Got Edith 😢 in golden rip
@MrChristrevino Ай бұрын
I got Ajax pulled 120 shards. Not a banner hero
@ralisk Ай бұрын
Yeah I'm not even going to try lol
@bigvanhood Ай бұрын
Gotta make sure to not level anything outside of event/oracles just lost points
@user-dc9yi9lk2s Ай бұрын
things are easy here on wor things are grindy on raid pick ur posion
@jonahsfat9196 Ай бұрын
just buy up food and level up green heroes to 6 star and sell them if you are out of room, its easy you can complete it even if your account is stacked
@Paul-gs3tm Ай бұрын
We can also get them in Guild Boss rewards also in guild shop.
@ModernMyths Ай бұрын
I pretty much am in the same boat as you. Almost have all of them fully lved and such. I still buy every hero from the market with gold still. Though I have actually sold them (Fully maxed) just to make more room at least.
@jbbr-adventures Ай бұрын
I spend a week buying the 1 & 2 star hero’s until I’m capped, I’ll then level the 1 stars and a few 2 stars ready for the event. then level the chicken food.
@TheRealSrf Ай бұрын
Yes thats how I do it with all heroes maxed out!!! Was about to comment this till I saw yours gg!!!
@bigvanhood Ай бұрын
Up all week leading up to the event, which is thankfully on the calendar
@mikehernandez5900 Ай бұрын
I've already reached the point where Corrider of Glory is painful. I still have a handful of heroes I can upgrade and promote, but the majority of mine are already maxed out. And it's not the xp that I need, its the bodies. Not even the market can offer enough food to reach that 10k mark. I burn through common/uncommon heroes so fast, I hit that first crystal but then struggle so hard trying to get more heroes to try and finish the event. Eventually I think, I'll have to sell 5 star commons just to make room. Thx for the video!
@bigvanhood Ай бұрын
This one gonna be rough since i pushed the training oracle last week to 28k points for odyssey
@macklyn Ай бұрын
What happens when we run out of Legos and Epics to 6 star; what do we do with all out 5 star food?
@datuez4396 Ай бұрын
upgrade another copy so you can still get the rewards thats the solution😂
@bigvanhood Ай бұрын
Or just sell them is you get too many. I’m sitting on like 35 of the 5* food champs and over 100 of the 5* psychic powers