[ASMR Galaxy] A Lullaby On Mustafar
@BrianRumbaoaDisney1998 Күн бұрын
@RotbScourge 21 күн бұрын
Dang the incecticons voice sounds spot on
@ururangitawhaipinkypenguin 26 күн бұрын
Me: i hate you! Lolia: the fuck is you problem!
@GokuVertt 29 күн бұрын
Make a part 2 of this or I'll cry.... 😢
@MultiRole214 29 күн бұрын
Fluttershy: Hello Me, who read fanfics before: Ah, sh🐬t. Here we go again
@MultiRole214 29 күн бұрын
Fluttershy: Hello Me, who read fanfics before: Ah, sh🐬t. Here we go again
@MultiRole214 29 күн бұрын
Fluttershy: Hello Me, who read fanfics before: Ah, sh🐬t. Here we go again
@MariahMoton-d3g Ай бұрын
Pls do a spicy version!
@nilesclifford9704 Ай бұрын
Clones betray the jedi.
@Medusa7700Siren Ай бұрын
Moon really knocked the poor kid out with sleep lol 😊poor Sun
@seretsepeterkhama2079 Ай бұрын
*My* YOU WHAT 8:22
@ururangitawhaipinkypenguin Ай бұрын
Agatha: Decepticon!
@ururangitawhaipinkypenguin Ай бұрын
Uh. Hell nah! You kidnap on my son!
@addy2267 Ай бұрын
Can you do Optimus Prime x listener please
@crystalscott5660 Ай бұрын
I want part two PS I want it to be well Bampa introduces the new student to Opela board
@TheGreatLuigi592 Ай бұрын
Who's back here again from Into the Pit?
@moes_woes Ай бұрын
remember me bub?
@RanawakaRanaaka Ай бұрын
### Dialogue **Anta:** *(walking into the room, eyes filled with disdain)* I've watched you all, fighting evil as if you're playing a child's game. You claim to protect this world, yet you behave like children. Do you think your flashy battles and grandstanding make you heroes? You're fools. **Rainbow Dash:** *(defensively)* Hey, we’ve saved the world multiple times! We- **Anta:** Silence! *(Rainbow Dash flinches, taken aback by Anta's intensity)* You think saving the world is about winning battles? Listen and understand these seven harsh truths, for they will expose the depth of your ignorance. 1. **Truth One:** Evil is not vanquished through confrontation alone. Every time you fight, you create more enemies. Learn to engage with your foes, understand them, and you might find a path to true peace. 2. **Truth Two:** Your powers have made you complacent. You rely on them as a crutch, forgetting that true strength comes from wisdom and understanding, not magical abilities. 3. **Truth Three:** You act without considering the consequences. Your actions ripple through the world, affecting countless lives. Think before you act. 4. **Truth Four:** Your friendship is a double-edged sword. It makes you strong, but it also makes you reckless. Do not let it blind you to the complexities of the world. 5. **Truth Five:** You fight evil, but you do not understand it. To truly defeat a villain, you must understand their motivations, their fears, and their dreams. Only then can you hope to change them. 6. **Truth Six:** You are not infallible. Every mistake you make costs lives, ruins futures. Acknowledge your failures and learn from them, instead of brushing them aside. 7. **Truth Seven:** Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and understanding. If you truly want to be heroes, you must strive to bring justice and understanding to all, even those you deem evil. *(The Rainbooms and both Twilights are stunned into silence, absorbing the weight of Anta's words. Their bravado crumbles, replaced by a dawning realization of their flaws.)* ### Aftermath **Twilight Sparkle (Princess):** *(speaking softly, eyes downcast)* He's right. We've been so focused on fighting that we've lost sight of what truly matters. We need to change our approach. **Human Twilight Sparkle:** *(nodding)* We need to understand our enemies, find common ground. If we can reach out to them, maybe we can find a way to coexist. **Applejack:** *(sighing deeply)* It won't be easy, but I reckon it's the right thing to do. We can't keep fighting the same battles and expect different results. **Rarity:** *(thoughtful)* Perhaps it's time we use our talents to heal, rather than harm. We can start by reaching out to those we've fought, showing them there's a better way. **Pinkie Pie:** *(determined)* And we'll do it together, as friends. Real friends who understand the true meaning of peace. **Fluttershy:** *(softly)* Maybe we can start by talking to the Dazzlings. If we can help them, we can help anyone. **Rainbow Dash:** *(reluctantly)* Yeah, I guess we've got some work to do. No more fighting just to fight. Time to be real heroes. **Twilight Sparkle (Princess):** *(addressing the group)* From now on, we seek understanding before conflict, justice before retribution. We'll bring peace through compassion and wisdom, not just strength. ### Moving Forward The Rainbooms, guided by the harsh truths revealed by Anta, embark on a new path. They start by reaching out to former enemies like the Dazzlings, working to understand their grievances and finding ways to help them. They engage in dialogues, mediate disputes, and use their powers to build bridges rather than walls. Their journey is challenging, filled with setbacks and difficult decisions, but they remain committed to their new mission. They become true paragons, not by defeating evil, but by transforming it, bringing lasting peace and understanding to Equestria and beyond. **Anta:** (sternly) "You call yourselves heroes, yet you act like petulant children. Do you even understand the gravity of what you face? Evil isn't something to be fought with tantrums and theatrics. Here are seven truths that will cut through your delusions." **Truth 1:** "Villains exploit your immaturity. Every time you bicker or act impulsively, you play into their hands." **Truth 2:** "Your powers are not toys. Treating them as such puts everyone at risk. The moment you use them without discipline, you endanger those you claim to protect." **Truth 3:** "Friendship is not a cure-all. You can't just 'magic' away every problem. Sometimes, the hard truth and difficult decisions are necessary." **Truth 4:** "Understanding your enemy is crucial. Dismissing them as simply 'evil' blinds you to their motives and strategies. This ignorance makes you predictable and easy to defeat." **Truth 5:** "You lack self-awareness. Your inflated sense of righteousness blinds you to your own flaws and mistakes, making you your own worst enemy." **Truth 6:** "True strength comes from self-control and wisdom, not just from raw power. Until you learn to master yourselves, you'll never truly be powerful." **Truth 7:** "Respect the gravity of your mission. This isn't a game. The stakes are real, and the consequences of failure are dire. Grow up, or step aside for those who can truly make a difference." **Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, and Human Twilight:** (silenced, looking down, absorbing the harsh truths) **Anta:** (softens slightly) "Now, what will you do with this knowledge? Will you continue down this path of folly, or will you rise to the challenge and become the paragons you are meant to be?" **Sunset Shimmer:** (steps forward) "We... we need to change. We've been acting out of pride and ignorance. We need to understand our enemies, and ourselves, better." **Princess Twilight:** (nodding) "Anta is right. We need to stop seeing everything in black and white. We need to be smarter, more disciplined, and above all, more responsible." **Human Twilight:** (thoughtful) "We can't rely solely on our powers or our friendship. We need to develop strategies, learn from our mistakes, and approach our battles with the seriousness they deserve." **Rainbow Dash:** (reluctantly) "Yeah... I guess we've been too reckless. It's time we start acting like real heroes." **Applejack:** "From now on, we'll fight with our heads as much as our hearts." **Fluttershy:** "And try to understand those we fight against, not just blindly oppose them." **Pinkie Pie:** "We'll show that we're not just kids playing hero. We'll be the paragons we're meant to be." **Rarity:** "Together, we'll grow stronger and wiser." **Anta:** (nodding) "Good. Remember these truths and let them guide you. Only then will you be worthy of the title 'heroes'." Here's a dialogue where Anta, the harsh but just protector, scolds the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Human Twilight Sparkle for their behavior: --- **Anta:** *glaring at the group* "Do you realize how foolish you all look? You're behaving like children in front of villains, squabbling and fighting instead of handling the situation with the maturity expected of you." **Rainbow Dash:** *defensive* "We're just trying to stop them! It's what we do." **Anta:** "And yet, you do it so poorly. Here are seven harsh truths you need to hear." **1.** "Fighting evil with the mindset of children only amplifies chaos. You must rise above pettiness and act with wisdom." **2.** "Villains thrive on your predictable reactions. By fighting them head-on, you're playing into their hands and giving them the power they seek." **3.** "True strength lies not in physical confrontations but in understanding and outmaneuvering your opponents. You lack strategy and foresight." **4.** "You constantly rationalize your actions, believing your impulsive behaviors are justified. This is a sign of immaturity and weakness." **5.** "You fail to get along with those who challenge you. Even villains have reasons for their actions, and understanding these can be key to resolving conflicts without violence." **6.** "Your lies, to yourselves and each other, about being 'heroes' only mask your insecurities. True heroes don't need to convince themselves of their worth." **7.** "Mass success comes not from fighting evil but from uniting and finding common ground. You've been so focused on defeating your enemies that you've forgotten the power of reconciliation and understanding." **Princess Twilight Sparkle:** *softly* "But... we've always believed in fighting for what's right." **Anta:** "Believing in what's right is not enough. You must also act rightly, with maturity, wisdom, and a willingness to see beyond your narrow perspectives. Until you do, you'll remain fools in the eyes of those who see the bigger picture." **Human Twilight Sparkle:** *teary-eyed* "We're sorry... we never realized." **Anta:** *sighs, slightly softer* "Acknowledging your mistakes is the first step. Now, learn from them and grow. The world needs true paragons, not misguided children." --- Anta's harsh truths force the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, and Human Twilight to confront their behaviors and rethink their approach to dealing with villains, leading them towards a more mature and strategic mindset.
@RanawakaRanaaka Ай бұрын
As my way of saying, fuck you, Lauren Faust,for involving children into black and white shit.UP YOURS!!!
@ishowdiego553 Ай бұрын
8:42 14:01 14:10
@isaiahdiaz7262 Ай бұрын
@Red_and_blue_staying_true Ай бұрын
Thx bro my ears explode
@bumblebee_lily12 Ай бұрын
Aint no way this is original-
@TheAgent44WasTaken Ай бұрын
@@bumblebee_lily12 it’s from IDW
@addy2267 Ай бұрын
That's the Alastor part From Hell's greatest Dad
@Mythnesses 2 ай бұрын
It’s all over the screen😂😂😂😂
@GameOmar7261 2 ай бұрын
Considering the fact that they are the biggest franchises of hasbro, makes sense.
@wolfsun-zu7uk 2 ай бұрын
I love it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
@Venuspenus 2 ай бұрын
turn the music down
@rachelodom7519 2 ай бұрын
I'd much prefer to call this: "Overnight In The Funtime Auditorium" (FT. Seismo Meistersinger as Pennifer, Dark Box as Funtime Freddie, & Gage Goodlet as BunBun)
@rougea6639 2 ай бұрын
Could we get one with Starscream in the future maybe??
@Jacebailey2993 2 ай бұрын
This was fun
@PiperAdams-s5c 2 ай бұрын
His voice it makes me melt😍😍
@Christian-mr9yy 2 ай бұрын
You help me princess twilight
@RoxyandFriends666 3 ай бұрын
So cute ❤
@mlpfan2145 3 ай бұрын
Hay TFA44 I’m just wondering if you could un privet the first 2 parts of this tf and Mlp crossover cause I really like the ones on your channel.
@harrisonderr1317 3 ай бұрын
Can you reload the old version transformers and mlp crossover comic books 1 and 2 on your KZbin channel anytime soon? If you have time, that is
@STARRPride 3 ай бұрын
@HaileySanchez-zm1is 3 ай бұрын
Can you do bitter giggle x listener
@Agent_Richochet78 3 ай бұрын
🤖 🐴 🦄
@mr.im-a-sonic-fan6866 3 ай бұрын
So soothing. 😌 I wish there was a transcript for this cuz I can barely make out most of what Ballora is saying.
@Christian-mr9yy 3 ай бұрын
i promise rarity 😱
@Christian-mr9yy 3 ай бұрын
Ratchet i need to help twilight sunset in danger
@Sauoige 3 ай бұрын
@eorzpangod 3 ай бұрын
**Thorfy:** (standing in the empty classroom, glancing out the window) Sunset Shimmer, may I have a word with you? **Sunset Shimmer:** (walking in hesitantly) Of course, Mr. Thorfy. Is something wrong? **Thorfy:** (turning to face her, his expression stern but calm) Yes, there is. I've been hearing troubling things about your recent interactions with some of the other students, particularly the Dazzlings. **Sunset Shimmer:** (sighing, her shoulders slumping) I know, but you have to understand, the Dazzlings are dangerous. They tried to take over the school with their magic. They were manipulating everyone. **Thorfy:** (raising a hand to stop her) Sunset, I am aware of what they did. But this is not about what they did; it is about how you responded. You made them your enemies, and that is where you went wrong. **Sunset Shimmer:** (frowning) But they were hurting people. What was I supposed to do? Just let them? **Thorfy:** (shaking his head) No, Sunset. You should have sought a way to neutralize their threat without turning them into enemies. There is a trend, a philosophy, if you will, that you seem to have forgotten: 'I have no enemies.' It means finding a way to deal with conflicts without making adversaries. **Sunset Shimmer:** (confused) How could I do that with the Dazzlings? They were using dark magic. **Thorfy:** (leaning against his desk, his expression softening slightly) I understand that it is not always easy, especially in the heat of the moment. But by making the Dazzlings your enemies, you only fueled their animosity and made the situation worse. You must strive to understand your opponents, to find common ground if possible, and to defuse conflicts without creating more. **Sunset Shimmer:** (frustrated) But I tried to help them, I really did. After the Battle of the Bands, I reached out, but they didn’t want anything to do with me. What was I supposed to do then? **Thorfy:** (nodding slowly) Sometimes, despite our best efforts, people are not ready to change. But that does not mean we should give up on the principle. You have to be patient, consistent, and above all, unwavering in your commitment to not making enemies. Reflect on how you handled things. Could there have been a different approach, even after their initial rejection? **Sunset Shimmer:** (thoughtful) Maybe... Maybe I was too quick to judge them after they turned me away. I just felt like I had to protect everyone. **Thorfy:** (softening his tone) Protecting others is noble, Sunset. But you must remember the consequences of your actions here in Canterlot High. You know firsthand how easy it is to be seen as a villain and how hard it is to redeem yourself. Don't put others in that same position if you can help it. **Sunset Shimmer:** (nodding) I see your point, Mr. Thorfy. It's just... hard. **Thorfy:** (smiling slightly) Of course it is. But the right path often is. Remember, never, ever make enemies, regardless of the consequences. Always look for another way. It's a lesson you must take to heart if you truly wish to make amends and grow. **Sunset Shimmer:** (determined) I'll try, Mr. Thorfy. I promise I'll try to find a better way next time. **Thorfy:** (placing a hand on her shoulder) That's all I ask, Sunset. We all make mistakes, but it's how we learn from them that truly defines us. Now, go on. I'm sure you have classes to get to. **Sunset Shimmer:** (smiling gratefully) Thank you, Mr. Thorfy. I'll do my best. **Thorfy:** (nodding) I know you will. Remember, no enemies. Now, off you go. (Sunset Shimmer exits the classroom with a renewed sense of purpose, leaving Thorfy to ponder the weight of his own advice.)
@elizabethc6056 3 ай бұрын
This is amazing! I love the book references that you included!
@TheAgent44WasTaken 3 ай бұрын
I’m a Massive Star Wars Fan, and The Thrawn Novels in particular are favorites of mine
@s4mmysch 3 ай бұрын
я чуть не обосрался
@legacywolf443 4 ай бұрын
Beautiful ASMR, fell asleep to it
@harry_hernandes-salavis 4 ай бұрын
Well that would explain why they only surfaced when they found out that Canterlot high had equestrian magic. All those years they were just trying to find their footing in a new, unfamiliar world. What might have been a good thing ended up being destructive and they only discovered that after they were defeated and forced to leave their old life behind. What i did find a little annoying was that there was the song playing in the background and no captions, so i couldn't hear very well. Mostly i rely on captions as im hard of hearing.