@polosat1yMadd 2 күн бұрын
Oh, so you need to turn on СПУ to talk to ground. Damn. Well, this is another attempt for me 49:03
@ghostskills_dcs Күн бұрын
Absolutly! Works even with closed doors.
@admiralgalactica 4 күн бұрын
Somebody didnt check for traps
@randyreal5871 6 күн бұрын
I don't know what happened with the latest updates but i tried going on ww2 server and had a terrible time catching the mustangs they are much faster now
@randyreal5871 6 күн бұрын
Sweet vid! Hopefully the new Mig 29 has datalink 😀😀
@ghostskills_dcs 6 күн бұрын
"We no longer have control of the situation."
@ghostskills_dcs 6 күн бұрын
This settings works also excellent for the A-10C out of the box - with being Mil-Power (75% Throttle) 90% Thrust ingame, and full AB being 100%. 90% is right where the green area ends.
@randyreal5871 17 күн бұрын
Nice does this work for collective too?
@ghostskills_dcs 17 күн бұрын
I haven't tried a collective from Virpil yet, but theoretically, a detent should be settable there as well - you'd have to check that when you double-click the collective axis in the axis menu. The rest, like assigning axes to buttons and turning knobs to axes, should definitely work. Are you planning to get something like that? I think Virpil even has the replica of the Ka-50 collective. How's it going with your rotary experience yet? For some reason, I'm terrible in the Chinook :D The Chinook and I just don't really get friends yet. Flying the Hind is no problem, but with the Chinook, it's like I've had three bottles of vodka.
@randyreal5871 17 күн бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Oh I will have to look through the menus. I would get something with a stick and a throttle preferably attached like the 3d pro but better quality plus I only have the one extra USB port but I don't know much about them. The helicopters are really hard to land haha. I haven't flown much recently I'm sure I'll get back into it as winter returns. The Chinook looks like it would be difficult
@colizei1337 19 күн бұрын
Nice job! Well done. Thank you 🙂👍
@ghostskills_dcs 20 күн бұрын
There is a tutorial on setting BOTH DETENTS (OFF/IDLE + AFTERBURNER) in production. It is about halfway ready, all recordings done, voiceovers 50%. Both hardware Detents (Mil-Power/Afterburner, Off/Idle) Slider Axis to Buttons, Flaps Axis to Buttons. Showcased on F14, F18 and F16. No ingame AB-Gate needed!!! Will be released pretty soon...
@colizei1337 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for this up to date tutorial! Any tips how i can set up the F 18 C afterburner with both physical detents? I whant to lift all the way up for the afterburner. Thanks for you help!
@ghostskills_dcs 25 күн бұрын
Thank you. Honestly, I've just set up a "two detent configuration" myself, but so far I've only tested it (successfully) with the Tomcat. I'm currently considering making a short supplementary video about it. Here’s the written version, maybe it will help you: Instead of selecting "One Detent," choose "Both Detents" in Calibration under the Axis submenu. For Detent #1, select it as previously explained. For Detent #2, I chose 80% Output, Deadzone OFF, and set the Input value from the stop at the mounted second Detent: For me, it was 19427 for rX and 17967 for rY. I have the Classic Detent installed as Detent #2. Here are all my current (new) values for comparison: rX Axis End 22441 / Output 100 / DZ 2% rX Detent #2 19427 / Output 80 / DZ OFF rX Detent #1 12260 / Output 0 / DZ OFF rX Axis Begin 10850 / Output 0 / DZ 2% rY Axis End 20944 / Output 100 / DZ 2% rY Detent #2 17967 / Output 80 / DZ OFF rY Detent #1 10752 / Output 0 / DZ OFF rY Axis Begin 9123 / Output 0 / DZ 2% For "Axis to Button," you now need to create two additional fields, so a total of 6 fields of the "Hardware" type. The new 2 fields, of course, denote the area that will serve as the Afterburner Gate. For me: Axis 1 / Hardware / RF 10700 / RT 11800 (OFF Position rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF 8900 / RT 10500 (OFF Position rY) Axis 1 / Hardware / RF 12200 / RT 17000 (IDLE Range rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF 10700 / RT 16000 (IDLE Range rY) Axis 1 / Hardware / RF 19900 / RT 23000 (AFT GATE Range rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF 18200 / RT 22000 (AFT GATE Range rY) Don’t forget to change everything back from logical to physical buttons. For me, the AFB Gate is now recognized as Button 80 and 81 (logical), thats 68 and 69 (physical) in DCS. In DCS itself, I then activated the "Enable Afterburner Gate" option in the "Special" tab for the F14 and set the left axis, for me Button 80, in the bindings as the Afterburner Gate - it's enough if one axis activates the gate. I then set the Afterburner Detent to 81% in the F14 Special tab. This works perfectly for the F14. Once I’ve tested this with the F18 and F16 as well, I’ll make a video about it. If you want, keep me updated and feel free to ask anytime. Best regards, Danny
@colizei1337 25 күн бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Thank you! I only set up the second detend and the output to 99% as a test. I added no extra buttons for the AB and no additional Axis to button. It works but cuttently 99% detend #2 output triggers the afterburner in game due tue ingame 99-100 rpm on ~3mm away from the detend #2. I will try some of you're setting for fine tune! A new tutorial will be great! :)
@ghostskills_dcs 25 күн бұрын
@@colizei1337 I just tested my settings exactly like this on the Hornet: works perfectly. The Hornet itself accelerates up to 100 on both engines without engaging the afterburner - when you reach detent #2. When exceeding detent #2, the afterburner kicks in. When pulling back to detent #2, the afterburner turns off, and you're back at regular 100 with no burners active. Okay, I'll test this with the F-16 tomorrow, and then I'll make a video. However, it might take a few days! I´ve set the FA18 special tab to "afterburner detent always on" and binded rX (left lever) afterburner range to "cycle afterburner detent ON/OFF".
@colizei1337 24 күн бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Here my short summary withour raw values: 1. Choose "Both Detents" in calibration under the axis submenu. 2. Set min and max range. 3. Pull back to detent #1 and set value as start for detend #1. 4. Push to detend #2 and set value as start for detend #2 and choose 80% output. Restuls for both axsis in: Axis End XXXXX / Output 100 / DZ 2% Detent #2 XXXXX / Output 80 / DZ OFF Detent #1 XXXXX / Output 0 / DZ OFF Axis Begin XXXXX / Output 0 / DZ 2% 5. Set 6 "Axis to Button" to your raw values. Axis 1 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (OFF Position rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (OFF Position rY) Axis 1 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (IDLE Range rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (IDLE Range rY) Axis 1 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (AFT GATE Range rX) Axis 2 / Hardware / RF XXXXX / RT XXXXX (AFT GATE Range rY) 6. Save to device and active "debug" at the top right corner. 7. Adjust if needed. 8. Set all 6 buttons. Done. In DCS i can now use it out of the box without "Enable Afterburner Gate". Device axis 0 - 80% results in 0 - 100% without afterburner. When exceeding detent #2, the afterburner kicks in. Thank you so much! :)
@ghostskills_dcs 22 күн бұрын
@@colizei1337 Perfect! Well done! After a busy week, I finally had the time today to configure the F16 and F18 in more detail. I didn't have any issues with the F18 at 80%, but I did with the F16. I've now adjusted the 80% to 75%, and everything is running perfectly. The 75% value was also present as a RAW value within the device itself when reaching the afterburner detent. This value might vary depending on the detent, which I will explain in more detail in the video. The video should be released next week, but it's great that everything is already working for you! Which detent are you using?
@randyreal5871 Ай бұрын
That's pretty sweet I use extreme 3d pro lol
@ghostskills_dcs Ай бұрын
At the end of the day, it all depends on the pilot. I would also use products from other manufacturers. Virpil products are very high quality and, as you can see, highly customizable. Before that, I used Thrustmaster and was just as good with it.
@Kestrel38 Ай бұрын
Your English is great. Really good tutorial on a fairly complex subject!
@ghostskills_dcs Ай бұрын
This is by far the most beautiful comment I have ever received. How could I have overlooked it for 5 days? Thank you so much for that.
@randyreal5871 Ай бұрын
@ghostskills_dcs Ай бұрын
I really can't recommend this campaign, unfortunately. It's very buggy, and the developer hardly responds at all. The last mission currently doesn't even have an ending; instead, you're stuck in the mission forever. How's the squirrel doing?
@randyreal5871 Ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Oh I've never played any campaign I just mess around with the editor maybe I will try the cold war server in Syria online. Nemo the squirrel is good he still lives around my place and visits almost every day 🙂
@randyreal5871 Ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs I tried the starting and taking off the Gazelle and was able to take off without crashing the first time and briefly flew the ka 50 i will play more when winter approaches
@randyreal5871 Ай бұрын
Cool 😎I bought Syria, the Gazelle and Black shark
@ghostskills_dcs Ай бұрын
Oh wow, now I'm jealous :) I've been on the verge of buying the Blackshark and learning it throughout the entire sale. It's a brilliant attack helicopter and an Apache killer. The only thing stopping me from starting something new right now is the upcoming release of the Chinook. BlackShark is definitely a module that I'll be using extensively in the future. Have fun with it, and also with the Gazelle and the Syria map - they are all really great!
@Boslandschap1 3 ай бұрын
I fly planes from all factions, butI have to admit, I very much enjoy flying the different 109's in IL-2. I think because it tends to be a very versatile plane, it has some relative drawbacks of course, but it can most of the time holds its own in almost all situations. Generally, I also find them pretty nimble and generally nice to manoeuvre in the air. (Obviously) in VR it is the best, that for me is always a pleasure :)
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
Graphics look great 😎Syria is a cool map. I'm having a tough time with the helo landings lol
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Ha, yes, you first have to get used to the VRS stuff. When it comes to helicopters, the Mi-24 is the ultimate boss. Once you understand it, it’s a beast that even outshines the Apache, despite the 30-year technology difference. Very beginner-friendly are the Ka-50 and UH-1H. The Ka-50 is just as dangerous as the Mi-24 but much easier to handle.
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Here in the campaign, I was still armed modestly, adapted to the situation. On servers like coop80’s, I carry very different armaments. Sometimes I even take F-15s out of the sky... The weapon selection of the Mi-24 is enormous: cluster dispenser, bombs, grenade launchers, A2A missiles (heat-seeking and radio-guided), etc. Unfortunately, in the campaign, this wasn't really useful, but the Mi-24 has a lot more to offer than just rockets and a cannon.
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs That's awesome I'm pretty sure I want the Ka-50 and one of the lighter ones like the Gazelle or that new one. Does the Ka-50 have grenade launchers too? Hopefully those are included in the nest 50% sale
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
@@randyreal5871 The Kiowa will not appear on sale anytime soon, but the Ka-50 and Gazelle most certainly will. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much about the Ka-50's weapons except that it has the guided Vikhr missiles, which have an impressive range of almost 10 km, further than the Ataka of the Hind (8 km). The Black Shark was built to hunt down Apaches.
@weirdoe2279 3 ай бұрын
Fiddeling around with my vr settings for ages... ...gonna try yours now...
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
The settings vary from headset to headset. Additionally, it depends on the user. If my settings work well for you, I recently tweaked the graphics a bit more on mine. I displayed the new settings at the end of Outpost 12 and 13 - they still run just as well. Fingers crossed for you.
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
The processing in HD is taking a bit longer for this 2h video on KZbin. 1440p should be available shortly.
@stonesky8074 3 ай бұрын
It was really good! I would like to add a little, as the author. You have done a lot to complete this mission. But you can add the following actions: - use the F-10 map to remember several anti-aircraft guns along the route to the target. If you remember your route the first time you fly, other times will be safe. - It is necessary to use the distance to the target correctly. At maximum range, destroy AAA threats - this may take 2 flights to the target. And 3-4 flights to the target can be devoted to the destruction of oil trucks. The mission is difficult, but you did it very well. Thank you for the video!
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
To make it clear: this campaign is a masterpiece. After a few attempts on mission 10, I even looked into the mission editor to get more detailed information about the AAA positions. I also flew at night. However, something always went wrong somewhere, and I think I still haven't fully understood Petrovich's search capabilities. I'm really embarrassed not to complete this great mission - the hardest one so far, you're right - as intended. Thank you for your praise; as the creator of this masterpiece, I can absolutely return the compliment. I'm not satisfied with my performance in 'CSAR' and 'Living Oil Pipeline' myself, but at some point, I just had to move on :)
@stonesky8074 3 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Thank you for your rating, sir! I'm glad you liked it! You will like OUTPOST APACHE more. I used a different concept of the game there. There are no rearmament missions. There are no stupid wingmen. You will always be the wingman, and almost every mission is a joint fixed wing operation.
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
Looks good
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
I got the free UH-60L (armed version) So cool but hard to fly 😂
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
I´ve never tried any mod-modules. Next will be the CH-47 'Chinnok' i´ve preordered.
@jay-nb6uk 3 ай бұрын
How are the WWII servers in DCS? i've been looking at getting involved with the game but don't want to have to play alot of PvE all the time. Is the PVP servers pretty active and full?
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
there is an pretty active warbird playerbase in DCS. as i am doing mainly campaigns, i sadly can´t really tell which servers are most populated and most liked, but i know that there is basically just one or two dedicated ww2 maps in dcs right now (with more upcoming). i´d advice, make a dcs standalone account, make use of any 14 day trial on your desired warbird and map, and see if dcs meets your expectations - you dont use or loose any money
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
That mission was awesome 💥💥
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much :)
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs What are the ones you fired at close range?
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
@@randyreal5871 B8V20A 40x80mm S-8 OFP2
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
The Apache looked cool out the window 😎Dang bro you should put all your settings on ultra or high and gamma to 1.6 or will VR not work right?
@DCresident123 3 ай бұрын
Oh the irony of the title
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
That's cool they give you a fan to blow the cigarette smoke away 🙂
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
@shashanksheokand 3 ай бұрын
Very well done 👍
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, sir.
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
Great success
@jamescollier847 3 ай бұрын
Reckon that raid must have been over and the enemy enjoying Tea and Tiffen, back at base before the Jagdgruppe managed to get their aircraft on the runway!!! If you watch the footage of original Jagdgruppen scramble they’re in their cockpits and taking off in the direction their Gustaffs were parked in within seconds!!!😂 Music was good though!😁👍
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Like i said before, i am pretty new to warbirds. at that point i couldnt even take off properly. Also, how many of them died going with cold engines ??
@prichardgs 3 ай бұрын
I always crash at the hospital
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
This was not my first attempt :) Mainly, I also often failed at the hospital. No ground effect during the approach and now and then you get catapulted away by touchdown. I feel exactly the same as you!
@randyreal5871 3 ай бұрын
Nice sunset 😎
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
That's weird how the steel is only on one side of the cockpit 😄Cool vid I don't think I've seen this chopper before
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
The left side guarantees optimal visibility, so it's advisable to turn left more often when possible. The Mi-24 is, to me, the most legendary attack helicopter ever and to this day remains one of the fastest and best-armored helicopters ever built. Unfortunately, the P-model isn't the most up-to-date, so we have to make do with 1970s technology.
@stonesky8074 4 ай бұрын
Hi! Very high quality video, like your other videos! I would like to ask you before completing the mission in the Mi-24 cockpit, you need to turn up the sound of the R-863, and on the ICS panel you need to turn up the RADIO You can also turn up the headset sound in the DCS settings, and turn down the rest of the sound a little. Unfortunately, the radio sounds in DCS are quieter than other sounds. It's a weird limitation of the game.
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. I read about the DCS sound issue in your mission description. I'm still fairly new to the Hind, but it's fun to grow into it during the campaign. Thanks for your great campaigns. If I had more time, the videos would appear much more often and faster :) I've already flown missions 2 and 3, but the recordings aren't optimal yet. I'll take your tips into account and incorporate them into the following videos. Thanks for your feedback, keep your future work coming!
@stonesky8074 3 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Thanks for the support! I'm already 50% done creating OUTPOST APACHE
@ghostskills_dcs 3 ай бұрын
@@stonesky8074 The MAD Apache campaign is already purchased, and the Outpost Apache version sounds great too. I'll be flying Apache campaigns once I finish the MI Outpost and an F-14 campaign! I also need to finish an A-10 campaign once its patched (next update).
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
That huey took al lot of rounds. Cool to hear the AI talk about the false flag op
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
might not look awesome, but it surely was to play through. great campaign, perfect mission design. doing stone sky´s mi24 outpost campaign right now.
@omerfarukaktas9017 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for not commenting buddy, can you tell me equipment you use
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, Sir. Of course, here you are: VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Base with standard springs (installed by factory) and AviaSim Cams with Hard Center (included but not installed by factory), Thrustmaster F-16 Grip, VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Throttle (reversed it ingame, to be a collective), VPC ACE Interceptor Pedals. Thank you for watching.
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
Cool like the city at night
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
Lol there's no way that tower could stand like that
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
🤣 ye, the dcs physics :D
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
Do you have a collective or can you just use a regular joystick and keyboard?👍👍
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
i use my throttle (reversed it) to simulate a collective
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
for the huey, anything should do, even a keyboard. very easy to step into rotary with the huey. very forgiving.
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
That's cool I like the Gazelle too. The OBS studio works great for me at 60 fps. No more lost footage 👍👍
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
I´m currently flying with some great apache pilots. I will intruduce them when im doing the MAD Apache campaign, which actually takes place AFTER the huey campaign. Its playable cooperative and the apache squadron will do the WSO seat part. I love this MAD campaign btw. Mission 4 and 5 are currently rendering and will be released tomorrow.
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
Great btw that OBS does the jobs now :D
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs That's awesome are you involved in aviation in RL? 🙂That's cool I like watching the missions without buying them
@crazyhorse18 4 ай бұрын
@Hosscoller 4 ай бұрын
The cockpit is totally washed out.... no depth at all, it looks like legacy IL2
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
looks fine for me and great in VR :) maybe your connection forced you to watch in 720p ??
@thelespauldude3283 4 ай бұрын
Legacy IL2 was so good, thats how i got into flight Sims back in like 2007
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
@@thelespauldude3283 never tried it. dcs is eating all my time already. also i´m not fixed onto warbirds. it´s just for fun but i will do more ww2 stuff when the corsair is coming to dcs (in development, carrierbased). i´ll also do a campaign with the P-47 (soon).
@Siddich 4 ай бұрын
look, they fixed your right wing during flight 🤗
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
those ww2 mechanics were the real heroes of war
@Siddich 4 ай бұрын
does anyone know, what this strange round circle with dots on the lower right side of the windscreen is? also those strange „horns“ made of brass? on the left and right side of the cockpit, right where the canopy starts…
@sacia4339 4 ай бұрын
"I can't open the cannopy" (13:22) remind of a similar scene in the anime: The Cockpit (kzbin.info/www/bejne/oqTbq2B5l5KVmJY at 0:18). Nice video!
@UweLoewer 4 ай бұрын
Frage eines Newbies in DCS: Wie komme ich an die Karte, die bei Min 06:12 im Cockpit eingeblendet wird? Übrigens: SEHR interessante und hilfreiche Videos! Danke dafür!!!
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
Hallöchen, dankeschön :) Die Karte bei 6:12 befindet sich im "Kneeboard" dieser Mission. QWERTZ Tastatur: Kneeboard öffnen: " K " Kneeboard AN/AUS: " Rechts-Shift+K " Seite Vorwärts: " + " Seite Zurück: " Ü " QWERTY Tastatur: Kneeboard öffnen: " K " Kneeboard AN/AUS: " Rechts-Shift+K " Seite Vorwärts: " ] " Seite Zurück: " [ " Wenn du bei geöffnetem Kneeboard auf einer beliebigen Seite auf "PIN" klickst, wird ein Lesezeichen gesetzt, zu dem du jederzeit per Klick zurückkehren kannst. Ich habe mir jeweils 'Kneeboard öffnen', 'Seite vor' und 'Seite zurück' auf meinen HOTAS gelegt. Viel Spaß und bleib dran! Gruß vom Ghosty
@UweLoewer 4 ай бұрын
Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Beschreibung 🍀🙏🍀 Ich bleib auf jeden Fall dran !👍
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
That's cool do you plan to do any videos with su-27 or mig-29.. Full fidelity mig-29 is coming
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
i´d love to. i flew the mig-21 a little bit but i´m not good at landing it :D i will wait for the full fidelty mig-29 but i´m in.
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs They are the most beautiful aircraft and the Ets on the su-27 are super cool
@HAWKERFly 4 ай бұрын
Well done great video keep them coming you have a new fan
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
P-47 and F4U are planned for near future. thank you very much, sir.
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
I excluded everything dcs from windows defender and it was immediately better still have issues on 60 fps tho. do you use dlss in the settings?
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
i´m using DLAA most of the time. if the shit hits the fan i change to DLSS 'quality' but then (sadly) "ghosting" appears on fast moving objects.
@ghostskills_dcs 4 ай бұрын
i´m getting confused. all the time i thought you were talking about OBS not recording in 60fps :D now i got that you mean DCS itself, right? Also your files had been broken, right? well, broken files has to be an OBS issue, but OBS doesnt affect your DCS frames per second at all. Maybe if your RAM is filled up, but i guess you have at least 16 or 32GB, so that shouldn´t matter...
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs No OBS won't work at all I am still using Outplayed. DCS runs great and looks amazing it's the screen recordings that get corrupted mostly at 60 fps so I have to screen record (using outplayed) in only 30 fps. Yes 32 gigs of RAM. Also I tried using DLSS on quality and it has weird effects.
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs OBS says it won't work with my Nvidia graphics card? It says try updating but it's updated
@randyreal5871 4 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs It works well on Normandy over land. When I try to record submarines in the channel up close every file gets corrupted even with 30 fps although I haven't tried that again since excluding dcs from windows defender but I'm not convinced that's the issue I'm having
@randyreal5871 5 ай бұрын
I tried osb but it sats it won't work with my graphics card. I can only get outplayed to record in 30 fps
@ghostskills_dcs 5 ай бұрын
I´m using OBS for around 7 years now. I may show my settings in a future video (you made me think about this).
@ghostskills_dcs 5 ай бұрын
you got the 3080 in a notebook, right? should do the 60fps job very well...
@randyreal5871 5 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs I think it's a 3070ti. MSI Vector GP66 but I upgraded the RAM & storage. I don't know why it won't work the driver is updated
@randyreal5871 5 ай бұрын
@@ghostskills_dcs Outplayed tried to record in 60 fps but almost every file is corrupted
@ghostskills_dcs 5 ай бұрын
@@randyreal5871 are you on discord? could you send me screenshots of your obs settings? corrupted data sounds like format issues to me but does not explain why 30fps isnt an issue!