Table Top Rpg Session Prep Tips
Better D&D Character Voices
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Top 5 Table Top RPGs of 2022
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@TheStrandedSavant 14 күн бұрын
I love how they sell the crap out of alpha strike but this launch there's no complete rules its all classic edition. Like how am i supposed to set up a campaign with only house rules
@davidbrown5912 17 күн бұрын
I haven’t played VtM in 25 years. We had a lot of fun back in the day but I’m not sure how many new gamers are going to be able to bring themselves to play what is, essentially, Rapist: the Roleplaying Game, where characters are NOT “goodies” but predators who hunt humans I think in an era of X cards and “cancel culture” Masquerade is a game for a very select audience and with a need for massive trust among the troupe.
@BottomTableTyrants 17 күн бұрын
Plenty of VtM players are out there (proof is I ran a 7 player game of it at Adepticon just this Spring!) So it’s not at all cancelled. My advice is go out and find a group if uou want to jump in. VtM players (usually) understand what they are getting into and are fully prepared and emotionally equip to handle this setting and type of “dark adventure” . If being a “bad guy” or even just a “morally grey guy” was a bad thing then you couldn’t play any TTRPG so I can predict that you could probably find a VtM group near your area! (Or start your own!😁) VtM players are always great story creators!
@AkbarZeb-p6f 24 күн бұрын
I think the best immortal show out there as far as historical concepts go was the Highlander TV series. It had a lot of flaws, but it was great because it showed these immortals leap-frogging through time in flashbacks that are tied in to the relevant plots of modern day.
@DarkLink606 Ай бұрын
Malkavians can be a great source of comic relief in any game, provided the player doesn't roleplay exclusively as a mad clown and knows when to stay serious.
@justinsellers9402 2 ай бұрын
I really like the dominate seer Malkavian. I skip Medium and go straight for Necromancy as a clan discipline. I despise the love White Wolf has for pranksters. Imagine being stupid enough to prank a 800 year old vampire. Just dead.
@VelliMak 2 ай бұрын
This is a common problem at least in V5 rules book: they just quickly throw lore stuff around in some side sentence and leave it at that. Just yesterday I read some chapter which explained a thing and all of a sudden it referenced how something happened in a city once. Well what happened? Why? Is it important for me to know more? I don’t know because onwards with the rules we go! That is very distracting
@VelliMak 2 ай бұрын
I have to thank you for making this video. I have read VtM core books since early 2000s and STILL feel I don’t understand all the clans, sects, terminology, etc well enough to start running the game. They have chosen a writing style that only implies but never outright tell the reader how and why things are how they are, and it’s very confusing especially when I prefer reading very step-by-step manuals, rather than some unreliable narrators. In the end the books don’t give me a concerete idea how to present things to my players, even in my own way. For example, it would’ve been great to underline in V5 rules the fact that antediluvians are considered evil because they must drink from younger vampires as they cannot satiate their thirst otherwise!! If this info was in there somewhere I don’t remember reading it. I don’t understand Brujah, can’t get into the headspace of the Anarchs… the concepts are a little too vague to make sense. Maybe I’ll just leave those out of the game then? Anyway, there was some helpful info here so thanks
@jacobmoorman6323 2 ай бұрын
I like how Malkavians call their embrace The Shattering of The Mirror. It is the rare occasion that a Clan has some significant tie to their symbol. But also showing that even though the vampire is broken, he isnt destroyed. He just sees the world in a different perspective.
@BottomTableTyrants 2 ай бұрын
Love that perspective for them!
@Alex-w1g3c 2 ай бұрын
About clans its not really like this. For example, I have a Banu Haqim character is complete opposite of typical Banu Haqim. It`s an elusive shadow grey eminence type of character who has been caught by Banu Haqim and turned. Typical clan members are boring
@Alex-w1g3c 2 ай бұрын
Vampire that is not old-fashioned, reactionary and live in a past a not vampires, they are bloodsuckers. Vampires just percept time other way then human. For a vampire time is static cause they are not aging and not changing with a past of time. For those who aging and changing with time, like humans, time is dynamic, so they change over time. So if not enough time has passed since your embrace to you got stucked in a past - you are bloodsucker not even true vampire.
@SarahBabe 2 ай бұрын
So glad to see an Eat the Reich Review. I say this next thing with respect and love: Your audio is awful. You two are well spoken, ya just need a little audio production help.
@BottomTableTyrants 2 ай бұрын
Yep! The microphone recording failed so I just used the Audio from my iPhone as a back up so we didn’t have to re-record. 😆So next vids (coming soon) will be better!
@SarahBabe 2 ай бұрын
@BottomTableTyrants Oh good, I'm glad nothing broke! Well, I assume nothing broke... I hope nothing broke. 🤣
@mercycunningham2813 2 ай бұрын
Oh my, aren't I late to the party? I run an old school VtM game for oh too many years now. But my tips may be helpful, too. A newbie to VtM and/or rpgs in gereral would start out as one of my regular players new child. If I don't have a player of the clan the new player wants, the fledgling gets a vampire godparent. Ingame: The Prince insists in the spirit of the masquerade that newly acquired childer are supervised and properly educated in the traditions and etiquette. (I run a old city in Europe with the potential of very old elders who might show up to any gathering, or not at all.) Not every clan is possible for (new) players. I had for example some extremely bad experiences with Malkavian players so I don't want them as PCs at my table. Ingame: The Prince is Malkavian and doesn't tolerate other Malkavians besides her. There are two exceptions. One is a elder who currently is an torpor and stored in a vault. The other is an about twelve year old looking choir boy who haunts an old monastery and graveyard, accompanied by his gargoyle friend. They will probably kill every strange vampire setting foot in their domain. So don't go there. 😅 After the first few game nights, urban exploring is encouraged. Go and no go zones will be explained. Or we do something fun like attending the Nosferatu Ball we are invited too under the city. Imagine candle lit tunnels deep under the city full of Nosferatu dressed in fancy rococo attire. (As stated above, my city is very old some of the elders are... something.) Burns probably down to, we get into the dark stuff slowly.
@darrickdelmoral 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! Love the content
@MishaDalila 3 ай бұрын
My Ventrue character was a national wig factory owner guy. He could only drink from bald people (natural bald, not shaved). His session run was to infiltrate a shampoo factory brand, sabotage the shampoo production plant to make a sustance that would make the humans that uses it totally bald. The party and him succeded. They made the shampoo brand closed and sued. Plus, he got more food available since quite a lot of humans (and also some vampires, mages and a few werewolfs) suddenly went bald in the city from using the contaminated shampoo. And of course his wig bussiness grow even bigger from people suddenly demanding more and more wigs after the incident. It was quite a fun game. ☺☺
@vanringo 3 ай бұрын
Alpha strike is not the main thing for battletech. Play BattleTech table top.
@TheStrandedSavant 14 күн бұрын
You mean classic... people don't like ce because it's so slow and small scale .
@energyfitness5116 4 ай бұрын
Ventrue Discipline spread shows what they do: they are the Spirit and Letter of the Law for all Time. Presence, Dominate, Fortitude. They are the illuminati, the Cartels, the Brokers, and the Mercenaries. In my headcanon - Ventrue itself died to live on as commands via Dominate and Presence in the blood of his progeny, not unlike Tzimisce. Think about it: Ventrue that get powerful enough with its Disciplines may come to the realization that they may not even have an original thought in their head, their ideas may not be their own. What if their Sire shaped their Feeding Restriction to encourage certain behaviors. What if his Boons, owned and owed, were not of his own free will in accepting? They can get just as paranoid as any Malkavian or Nosferatu. This vid, more the images than the song, remind me of the Ventrue. the black cube, hand of power, etc. Odd the rifles look like a coronavirus?
@theophiledumont3291 4 ай бұрын
I disagree with a lot of what was said. First do not provide solutions to your players. This is not a video game nor is it a movie. Create problems with no solution. This why your player will create the solution with what they have. This feels immensly fun as Storyteller because you don't know what is going to happen and you cannot reject a perfectly valid idea because it does not fit with the narrative you made. Second of all energy. Please don't be a keeper of the energy of the group you will be exhausted by the end. And furthermore. You are not responsable of people's happiness. If they don't feel well or they arn't having fun its not a problem they should not play. You are not the slave of your players emotion. Especially in vtm you can be hurting their feeling and putting them in situation where they will not have fun. They will experience dread, sadness, wrath, vengeance etc... joy is one emotion don't make your game only about joy and pleasure because it will be boring. Concerning the atitude to be enthuthiastic is indeed enssential but making gestures all over the place especially in vtm can be detrimental to the characters you portrait. I would advise to create postures for different characters and get physical with your player, get behind their back and put your hands on the shoulders of the team leader when you portray someone in negociation for exemple. Or take the hand of a player to make an apology for a NPC. But wild gesture is a bit over the top. As a general advice for VTm i would say that you need to have written lines of prepared comeback for certain characters. Harpies can be nasty and so preparing some verbal comeback to humiliate or hurt the reputation of your player can create tension. You will have to prepare some dialogue beetween npcs as well so be sure to use your grammar and your tone. Slurs and habit of speech like finishing sentences with : ya know what'i'm saying... To reprensent a certain character is key for npc to npc dialog. Finally to play the storyteller properly you have to create the beast. An alter ego of your player. This is the worst they can be. And don't be shy to use their own action against them the voice of the beast telling them they could do this crime all over again. The beast must feel like a terrifying unbeatable vilain. It's who the players are now. Anyway thats my thoughts on vampire the mascarade and how you should play it.
@jellojiei6061 4 ай бұрын
One way I like running my stories, is kinda like fallout new Vegas. Where there are many factions, all with their own pros and cons, the party can choose which one wins, but they Can’t fix all the problems. They will always have a very tough time fighting elders, in the case of the hidden ancients they will never win. All villains have their on Strengths and weaknesses, if there is an 8th generation prince that is 500 years old, you are not going to win in a fight with her, directly, so use her arrogance, to turn most of the city against her and then maybe jump her. They have choice, but there is no right choice. The Ventrue primogen, helps more vampires than anyone else, he provides free housing, jobs, money to new vampires and even has people to teach people how to use their disciplines, however he is still very loyal to the camerilia, and if you want the anarchs to take over you will have to kill or otherwise incapacitate him. It’s his kindness that prevents a revolution because the little guy thinks there is someone lobbying for their grievances, and someone who took them in, after they were abandoned by their toreador or bruha sires.
@MaverickofThePeople 4 ай бұрын
V20 is way better than V5. V20 is a roleplaying game. V5 is closer to a light LARP.
@BottomTableTyrants 4 ай бұрын
As with all TTRPGs that all depends on how you play it. I would counter that it is lighter not LARP’er. (Also VtM was one of the first games to become a LARP, way before V20 even existed so not sure how V5 is “more” LARP?) 😁
@rankrib7677 4 ай бұрын
@vinnyboomba9948 4 ай бұрын
So how do you determine if netting works against flying monsters? Im new to this
@richardlanahan4121 4 ай бұрын
This does not seem like a world of darkness talk. This seems like DM. Ing in general. I am only interested in old world of darkness. I don't know why KZbin keeps sending me Random items that are only loosely related
@FiLtheThriL 5 ай бұрын
Get better players. PCs having to be bribed to make effort is a fault of the PCs.
@TundraGheist 5 ай бұрын
It's probably because they discovered that Kickstarters can fund their business for the entire year without having to do anything but launch what was in the kickstarter....
@svenk5221 5 ай бұрын
You should really consider using a different microphone. I coudn´t listen to it. Wish you the best!
@TheNanoNinja 5 ай бұрын
I've been GMing Shadowrun 3e for about 3 years now. Everyone who has played it, likes the setting. Finish Maria Mercurial, same characters playing Euphoria. I'm looking for another model ti run next.
@perry6762 5 ай бұрын
are yall coming back?
@BottomTableTyrants 5 ай бұрын
Yes! Sorry for the lack of vids We have had a crazy spring and summer running games from Oklahoma City to Chicago and will get back to making vids about all of those and more hopefully in the coming weeks!😁
@lordmortos979 5 ай бұрын
Lost me at stigmatized. 🤣
@Ocarina654 5 ай бұрын
Good discussion. I'm a WoD newbie but I'm starting a game soon. Definitely gave me some stuff to think about!
@lucyla9947 5 ай бұрын
One thing some people underestimate is how much of an advantage the Ventrue have. In order to become a full member of Clan Ventrue every single neonate is expected to go a years/decades long education program called the Agoge which trains them on how to rule, and there are surviving documents from Ventru and his childer themselves on how to rule. Ventrue literally have access to tens of thousands of years of experience and learning on how best to rule, which is a lot more than other clans can say. Additionally the Ventrue have this tradition of Ethic Succor. Essentially any True Ventrue if they get stuck can call on any other clan member for aid, and the other Ventrue is required to do everything in their power to come to their aid. If they fail to do so their dignitas is going to suffer for it, and nothing is worse to a Ventrue than suffering a loss of Dignitas. Which obviously means that once a Ventrue gains power it's incredibly easy for other Ventrue to gain power through the aid of those who already got there. (By True Ventrue I mean Ventrue of the Camarilla who went through the Agoge, anyone else is considered to have renounced their clan, and True Ventrue don't owe anything to those). Additionally Ventrue as a Clan don't care much for wealth or status on it's own, nobody cares if you control a fortune 500 company, most Ventrue have more money than they know what to do with within a few decades of completing training anyways, it's all a matter of what you can do with it. Also yeah, Ventrue do use Influence, primarily because absolute control is a headache, and it's a lot easier and more efficient to know what you can hold over the mayor's head to push him to do what you want when you need it when necessary then to micromanage his every move. Plus relying on mostly mortal methods like good-old fashioned blackmail and bribery makes it a lot less likely to cause a Masquerade breach.
@fiobrum 7 ай бұрын
I loved the card ideas specifically gliphys.... I will use them
@starhalv2427 7 ай бұрын
This summer I'll begin my first VtM chronicle, and I have an idea for the main plot to basically be two completely different main conflicts, one connected more with Camarilla (Closer to murder mystery) and the other with the Sabbat (Basically a race between the players and Sabbat agents to seize two very important items). I'm not planning for the two to be connected, but I'll lead players on a little so they think these are connected and despite being unrelated one plan's success might disrupt the others. The problem is, I'm a bit afraid of players potentially not engaging with the intrigue to figure out these plots, instead just assuming I'm gonna lead them to a preplanned ending of the campaign. I don't like running games that way, I want players to act, figure things out, beat the challenges I put in their way and make their own ending. I'll try to encourage them to make lots of notes, maybe that'll help, that's a good idea from this video. It'll also be pretty funny if they end up discovering at a super early point who the murderer is.
@mercenarystarpodcast 7 ай бұрын
Hey! Just ran across your channel! I'm a fellow OK gamer and Battletech enthusiast! Would love to connect some time!
@BottomTableTyrants 7 ай бұрын
Sure! Just let me know and Im sure we could figure something out! Our next event we will be running games for is MiracleCon in Edmond on August 24th if you wanted to stop by and say hi!
@manajerr 8 ай бұрын
I kind of like the hunger dice thing. However, they ruined a lot of uniqueness you could develop on a character with the disciplines. In previous editions they was individual and robust abilities. For gaming purposes they streamed lined it and watered them down and blood potency is interesting however, weakens alot of the characters. Story line in werewolf and mage and vampire I don’t think it should have progressed the way they have.
@BottomTableTyrants 7 ай бұрын
I agree they did heavily mute a lot of the disciplines. BUT as I do in my games just un-mute them by using the old book versions (or if you are ADD obsessively creative like some you rewrite the whole v5 core disciplines to be your version!?) 😆 RPG police won’t show up to stop you. Just ask your players after a session or two how they like their abilities and tweak as needed!
@solbradguy7628 9 ай бұрын
"You love to play Fortnite, you can only play matches at night but..." bro is going outside to play Fortnite?
@buddhawasright 9 ай бұрын
Arr, harr, ahoy and avast. This historic revision's a pain in the ass. Your vamps cannot die and the nazis are glass.
@BottomTableTyrants 9 ай бұрын
Except they can die and the nazis are as tough as you (the GM) wants to make them. It’s not a board game. It’s a TTRPG. If it seems too easy… Make it harder?
@Sb_Antimony 9 ай бұрын
Yooouuh are a pirate
@BottomTableTyrants 8 ай бұрын
@@Sb_Antimony great rebuttal?
@Sb_Antimony 8 ай бұрын
@@BottomTableTyrants bro was making a parody of the song ‘You are a pirate’ I was singing along.
@BottomTableTyrants 8 ай бұрын
@@Sb_Antimony oh sorry I thought you were the original poster. 😆
@nishidohellhillsruler6731 9 ай бұрын
"Want"? WANT!? Since when "want" was a part of the deal? I "wanted" to go home, I "wanted" to still be able to have some ice cream, I "wanted" to learn how to knit a scarf. "Want" was never on the equation. "Want" wasn't on the path of the little ball. "Want"... Pffft...
@tjunn936 9 ай бұрын
I literally play the non-medicated version of myself for my disorder and the number of people that have told me I'm not playing it right or that not how it works is staggering
@jharris3267 9 ай бұрын
If I were a Tremere why would I waste my time trying to learn other people’s spells. I would spend my time trying to get stronger by creating my own spells and mastering my own power. If I were a Tremere I would be aspiring to be a Mage. Learning Arcane arts is all about becoming strong enough to cast a spell whether that source be in your head or heart. Becoming a vampire would be inconvenient but not the end. I think the main issue for me is vampires and mage power ups are different. Vampires get stronger the longer they live and this is not the case for a mage.
@energyfitness5116 9 ай бұрын
The only benefit of being a Tremere is the magic doesn't risk Paradox. But the Tremere were desperate in the Dark Ages because their Paradigm was not working and they were losing their immortality. So they destroyed their Avatars for the Curse.
@grindcoreninja6527 10 ай бұрын
VTM is so very different from D&D, I have all the mechanics down, but this was a help, thanks guys, earned a sub.
@Rafeelia 10 ай бұрын
Pdf save a tree
@imcubanb2870 4 ай бұрын
Or print the pdf into a spiral book that is easier to use than a hard cover book. That's what I did. I find it's always best to have a copy of the rule book near any game being played.
@wallybonejengles5595 10 ай бұрын
Its taken me years to get a group together and attain the influence of a GM. Im starting my first chronicle with the lads tonight. V5. But some imports from V20. You cant take Dementation away from me lol.
@wallybonejengles5595 10 ай бұрын
I am starting my first VtM chronicle tomorrow and I'm super excited. I've been running A Song of Ice and Fire with my D&D buddies successfully and its always been the masterplan to get down the RPG pipeline and hit VtM and OWoD. We will be playing v5 but of course with imports from v20. Dementation and Vicissitude are a must. Thanks for the last minute tips! I am a pretty chaotic ST and its very grounding :D
@BottomTableTyrants 10 ай бұрын
Good luck and great to hear! More VtM content coming out after a run a session at Adepticon!
@AWEqddqeqeds 10 ай бұрын
Can you upload the clan chart please <3
@BottomTableTyrants 10 ай бұрын
You can see the doc I edited here:
@RichardTuckman 10 ай бұрын
Too bad about the typo when the title card
@BottomTableTyrants 10 ай бұрын
That’s how I pull you in and get engagement. 😄
@marcm5207 10 ай бұрын
I'm also a repeat Malkavian player and I tend to use a different approach. For me its all about them not being defined as a character by their mental conditions or by the fact of being a Malkavian (it helps if their conditions are a bit more interesting than being a Joker knockoff or something equally common). As an example: Ohm was very much not interested in socialising. Instead, he had turned the junkyard his sire had left him into one of the most technologically advanced waste-processing facilities in the country. Additionally, most of his work force was purposely contracted from ex-cons and rehabilitated addicts, contributing in a way to a better societal fabric. Ohm was a technological genius and a semi-recluse who spent most of his nights working. Sometimes he developed new tech, sometimes he conducted studies (consensual, informed and paid for) with other vampires... but most of the time he just stalked a specific human. In fact, he also devoted most of his gains to that mission, paying people to get near that human, spy on him and send back reports about his activities. And, yes, he was a Malkavian
@BottomTableTyrants 10 ай бұрын
Love it! I have not seen the “mad genius/inventor” or “vamp tech master” before at my table but it is a great idea for a Malkavian (or Nosferatu 😁) character. Thank you for sharing!
@marcm5207 10 ай бұрын
@@BottomTableTyrants A pleasure 😁 I love talk about my way of making characters and the characters themselves, so I'm always up for it 😅
@coldfire575 11 ай бұрын
That is a great idea. How do you state him or is it what the story needs him to be?
@BottomTableTyrants 10 ай бұрын
It’s what ever the story needs. His status as an information point allows him to stay outside of the Camarilla/Anarch conflict. And you can always spin him into a father figure who the PCs defend from factions OR a villain when they reject his help! 😁
@trevor7861 11 ай бұрын
I always thought Malkavians make the best investigators
@GaijinGuy36 Жыл бұрын
The reason a lot of low-level Sabbat vampires are called shovelheads goes back to one of the Sabbat practices for mass embracing. They'd gather a bunch of random people, bring them to a graveyard, and exhaust them by having them dig their own graves. Then they'd take those shovels and use them to knock the new recruits out. While unconscious, they get embraced, then buried alive (in a manner of speaking) as the change from human to vampire sets in. Once they wake up, the combination of the Sabbat blood running through them and needing to dig their way back to the surface traumatizes them. Some think this makes them more willing, savage shock troops, others think it makes them more accepting of the Paths of Enlightenment, which the Sabbat has gone to in favor of Humanity. That should clear a few things up!
@John-vx9uj Жыл бұрын
He doesn’t know shit about southern accents. Dude should stop talking