@OrcDragon65 4 сағат бұрын
I Love that your familiar with For Honor, there are endless rumors that the Knight was originally supposed to be Apollyon, although they never confirmed or denied the claims.
@KalraSura 10 сағат бұрын
"For science"
@alexvrz 12 сағат бұрын
You should totally react to the exclusive mobile ones next !! Some on mobile are so much more brutal
@ZombieGangster 15 сағат бұрын
If you want to make the reaction video to Unknowns teaser trailer a bit longer (its a really short but creepy trailer) you can also react to all his voice lines and lore too
@Ninjagamer2604 19 сағат бұрын
A little bit of lore here,the girl who screams on spirit's trailer is spirit herself being killed,if i am not mistaken was her father killing her
@xzafir515 22 сағат бұрын
My fiance plays the huntress so I also simp for Huntress cause for some reason I can only think of her as my Fiance probably cause when we play she's always flirting with me
@user-xf9nt5up9p Күн бұрын
I so wish I had a gaming set up so I could play dead by daylight but I can't afford it.
@punderarmor Күн бұрын
Fun fact, the cosmetic set the Spirit is wearing in the video is how she appears in the Dead By Daylight Dating Sim, Hooked On You.
@bushzillafishmlg7975 Күн бұрын
You need to see the teaser for the unknown the cinematic trailer doesn't show it at all
@Gwenlover8815 Күн бұрын
You should list to the chase musics and the layers of their chase music like some killers have the normal chase music while many others have their on btw the layer thing I’m talking about is called terror radius
@ytpugzthemaster9166 Күн бұрын
You probably won’t know this but bubba aka the leatherface the movie is actually based off of a real life event and his real name is Ed gein or guin anyways he killed people ate them and used there skin and bones to make furniture and sometimes made chili with human in it for chili contest in Texas
@moiranator. Күн бұрын
The Artist is actually pretty good, its puzzling why not many play her
@akuma4321 Күн бұрын
texas chain saw massacre fan here!! the mori not only references the death of kirk, a character in the original film, but also the first time leatherface was ever seen on-screen!! in the film, the group of victims enters the house leatherface's family lives in and gets separated. kirk dies when a door is slammed open and bubba jumps out, slamming him over the head with a cattle hammer and leaving him twitching on the floor. he is then dragged into the room bubba jumped out of and the door is slammed behind them. like i said, the scene is not only the first time leatherface was seen on screen, but it's also one of the few times a horror movie uses a jumpscare well!! it's one of my favourite scenes in film so ofc seeing that mori animation makes me really excited every time i see it edit: also, freddy's mori isn't a reference to jesse's death, but in fact a death in the remake. this version of freddy and his respective survivor quentin (my survivor main back when i still played dbd <3) are from the 2010 remake of the og film, and at the very end of the movie, when things seem resolved, he kills the protagonist's mom as a sorta big stinger shock ending. so while i appreciate the jesse mention it's incorrect </3
@Skeleagff Күн бұрын
Nemesis is actually from RE
He has a list of names that he can say you can fing them all on the wiki
@CelineStilinski Күн бұрын
The fact that DStrike chose this place for the Trickster's mori is trully sad, we miss so much of it because of the surroundings blocking it out DDD'"":
@CelineStilinski Күн бұрын
Also, killers you encounter in the game are mostly mmr dependant and also region dependant. For example, your friend doesn't accounter artist as she might not be played a lot at her mmr or in your region same thing with ghostface. (Or they haven't actually played that much. But granted, I have far too many years and hours on this game...) But where I am, ghostface are all you see in my region, independant of the mmr, and artists are pretty common.
@mr.halloween589 Күн бұрын
@Its_AmeliaBrown Күн бұрын
@jz390 Күн бұрын
Aaaaand another trickster simp was born😭
@MrLim-wq2gn 2 күн бұрын
Please do a reaction video of AZHYMOVS videos he knows all about the Lore from Dead By Daylight like All 24 Killers Ranked From Least to Most EVIL! and All 29 Killers Ranked From Least to Most EVIL! and finally All 51 Killers Ranked From Least to Most EVIL!
@malachiluna9777 2 күн бұрын
Did you know that the mobile version of DBD has Mori animations completely unique to it? Mainly because the mobile team and main team are completely separate.
@LuckylegionTTV 2 күн бұрын
For clarification that wasn’t blight 😭 that’s William Birkin from Resident Evil 2 Remake
@jacobcoates7987 2 күн бұрын
The knife trickster throws into the air at the start of the mori is the same knife that comes down to pin the photo to the survivor at the end.
@Bunny_Rei 2 күн бұрын
I go in basement all the time, as my build is for me to go to basement often.
@josuke_higashikata24 3 күн бұрын
15:12 good new for you. That is literally a rouge (i think i spelt that correctly). Therefore by technicality, that is how a rogue would attack
@TotallyBolero 3 күн бұрын
Bubba is a guy living with his family in outer Texas, he is the youngest but he had a disease that makes his limbs grow faster which is the reason hes the tallest and strongest in the family, he lives with his oldest brother drayton and his middle brother nubbins. They Are all cannibals and have their own crazy way of doing things, drayton often abuses bubba and hits him for bubba to do stuff. Nubbins likes collecting eyes from victims and fingers and ears and he also cuts his own arm to drink the blood, bubba wears a human face as a mask because he is ashamed of his own looks
@dedowo4036 3 күн бұрын
Here's a bit of a terrifying fact: The Doctor is based off of a REAL DOCTOR. He's based off of a Chinese doctor that uses electro shock therapy to try to fix people that play games. This is also a reason why the survivor he comes with is in an esports team.
@kingofthedepths3513 3 күн бұрын
The blight you saw was a cosmetic making him a boss from one of the games William Birkin
@kingofthedepths3513 3 күн бұрын
The cosmetic deathslinger had in his mori was from the IRON MAIDEN event
@kingofthedepths3513 3 күн бұрын
The huntress you saw was the ultramarine BANA YAGA cosmetic
@lordjaec 3 күн бұрын
a reaction to their terror radius or their theme songs would be much appreciated
@Coach_Gaming_Today 3 күн бұрын
The reason why the blight looked like something out of resident evil during his mori is because in this vid the person was using a resident evil skin for blight
@JustMaxim37 3 күн бұрын
I have never seen an artist killer either Mostly due to lack of mirrors in the trials. Even then I only play her when the daily trial says I have to and I feel like listening. Because as others have said She isn't the most fun to play as or against. Addendum Cause of knight: He is one of my favorites So I shall Copy and paste (and slightly modify) his lore here. Brace for Wall of Text! Tarhos Kovács (The Knight) didn’t remember much about his childhood, but what he did remember he would chase his entire life. He remembered the cries and screams in the village. He remembered his mother forcing him to swallow a thick, black fluid like medicine. He remembered collapsing to the hard floor only to awaken in a mass grave, buried under a crush of bodies, with the sound of the village burning in his ears. He remembered pushing, pulling, and climbing to the top of the bloody mass only to be seized by the death, destruction, and silence-the indifferent and impenetrable silence. A high-pitched whine suddenly sounded in his ears and his skin began to prickle as he realised he was in the presence of something he couldn’t possibly understand. And though he couldn’t articulate what he was experiencing, he knew it wasn’t pain, grief, or fear. It was something else. Something closer to- Awe. As Tarhos tried to make sense of the moment, he didn’t notice the men who approached him from behind. He didn’t even react when they carried him off to a horse-drawn buggy and locked him up in a small, wooden cage with other slaves. He just stared at the scene, mesmerized. And even as they rode away telling him he was headed for Italy, Tarhos stared through the wooden cracks with eyes wide open and a heart wanting to understand what could not be understood. From that day on, Tarhos belonged to the Guardia Compagnia where he trained under Kadir Hakam. There he learned to wield weapons, forge armor, and recite a code of chivalry to obediently serve those who would employ his services. As the years passed, Tarhos made few friends amongst the hostile and competitive mercenaries. But his skill, strength, and smarts attracted a small following who believed his courage brought them luck in battle and that one day he would help them earn their collective freedom. Three of his followers pledged their undying allegiance to Tarhos and came to be known as his faithful three. His pack. Alejandro Santiago (The Jailer) apprenticed with the Guardia Compagnia’s Armourer. Durkos Malecek (The Assassin) showed an aptitude for stealth and silent kills. Sander Rault (The Carnifex)matched Tarhos in size and strength. His weapon of choice: a massive battle axe. As the Guardia Compagnia carried out campaigns in faraway lands, Tarhos dispatched countless enemies. Years passed. Blood flowed. And yet, all that killing still didn’t bring Tarhos closer to what he had experienced in his village. Nevertheless, for his bravery in battle, Tarhos was granted knighthood and freedom. The Hungarian slave was now liberated, his brutality rewarded, though his heart still longed for something else - something he could not name or describe. Tired of taking orders from those he considered his inferiors, Tarhos left the Guardia Compagnia to strike out on his own. Their leader, however, refused to release his followers. Determined to raise enough gold to liberate his followers, Tarhos found employment with a wealthy Italian Lord. Vittorio Toscano was the Duke of Portoscuro. He was also a scholar, a world traveller, and a collector of ancient knowledge that had been hidden by an unknown cabal of mystics. Tarhos joined Vittorio’s latest expedition to find a fragment of a pillar from an ancient school lost to time. A stone Vittorio called the Lapis Paradisus for he believed it held secrets to open a gateway into a perfect world beyond good and evil. The expedition searched Roman ruins in France and crossed the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain where the path led to the catacombs beneath the Portuguese city of Sintra. The citizens there considered the catacombs sacred. Tarhos would have to kill the villagers guarding the entrance to retrieve the stone. Not wanting to shed blood, Vittorio commanded Tarhos to find another way. But Tarhos - who had seen the most horrific acts committed under the guise of chivalry - refused to be dissuaded by pretences of honour. He waited for Vittorio to ride back to camp. Then, with a mighty roar, he pushed forward, cutting a path of blood and gore into the darkness until he had the stone in his grasp. Upon returning to the town of Portoscuro, Tarhos imprisoned Vittorio in his own dungeon, demanding to know the meaning behind the symbols etched in the stone. When Vittorio refused to talk, Tarhos brutally tortured his friends and relatives and made horrific displays of their bodies in the streets. But nothing he did shook Vittorio’s resolve to keep the secrets of the stone from Tarhos. Enraged, Tarhos seized control of Vittorio’s riches and raised a small army. Within months, Tarhos fearlessly marched upon the Guardia Compagnia, decimating their barracks, freeing his followers, cutting down his enemies like twigs and collecting their ‘righteous’ heads for his growing displays of ‘valor.’ In time several lords in neighbouring provinces believed Tarhos was the very embodiment of evil. They banded together to create a ‘moral’ and ‘virtuous’ army to purge evil from Portoscuro. Tarhos ignored their threats. He viewed the lords as a cowardly lot who cloaked their greed and ambition in laws, codes, and platitudes. Laws and codes and platitudes designed to hide from the very darkness Tarhos embraced and accepted without judgment. But, with his enemies on the march, Tarhos headed toward the dungeons to give Vittorio the death he deserved. He refused to afford him even the slightest hope of rescue. With dark intentions, he entered the small prison, wound his way into the bowels of the earth, and pushed through a torch-lit corridor. He hesitated for a moment, realising he would never learn Vittorio’s knowledge and secrets. But neither would anyone else. That was good enough for him. And so, he unlocked and kicked open the dungeon door. Two quick strides brought him to an empty, rat-infested chamber. Tarhos stood silent for a moment, then a roar of indignation burst out of his lungs as the sounds of battle suddenly reverberated through the town. Instantly, he stumbled through the corridor, rushed up the twisting stairs, vaulted out of the moonlit doorway and charged through pools of gleaming blood and viscera, smashing and shattering his way through the enemy. The ‘moral’ and ‘virtuous’ lords rained flaming boulders and tree-trunks among the town, bursting through homes, crushing villagers like worms, pounding the ground and igniting stacks of hay and piles of lumber into massive tongues of fire. Amidst the carnage and chaos, the pack found Tarhos, and back-to-back, they became a whirlwind of death. Some believed their courage gave them luck. Others believed something otherworldly protected them. Whatever it was, they alone felled dozens of warriors as easily as stomping and crushing beetles. And as they butchered the enemy, Tarhos didn’t notice the strange fog rising from the fallen corpses and clattering armour until he couldn’t see two inches in front of him in any direction. Tarhos stumbled forward, groping in the thick fog like the dark fluid his mother forced down his throat all those years ago. His coordination and sense of direction was confused as he called out for his pack. How long he stumbled in the almost perfect darkness he did not know. But suddenly the fog dissipated to reveal a phantasmal wasteland of rotting bodies and burning villages and great crumbling towers leaning drunkenly on the horizon. He stared in awe. A familiar high-pitched whine sounded in his ears and his skin began to prickle. He stood transfixed, realising by some incredible chance, his heart had found exactly what it had been searching for all his life. He didn’t need Vittorio. He didn’t need the stone. He had found his paradise. He had found - The beauty and the horror. He had found - The Sublime. That Was the Basics. Tarhos Kovács and Vittorio Toscano were released together as killer and survivor. That last bit of Tarhos Finding an empty cell and then getting shrouded by fog was The Entity Claiming them both for the trials. you might think that Vittorio looks too modern to be from back then with Tarhos. True But Along his centuries among the fog he updated his wardrobe with stuff from other fallen survivors to better match them. To end it off Three quotes from himself in the descriptions of his perks 1:Hex : Face the Darkness "I shall make an example of one. These mewling worms will never know peace." - Tarhos Kovács 2:Hubris "You have made a grave mistake, standing in opposition to me this day." - Tarhos Kovács 3:Nowhere to Hide "Out with you, cowards! Show yourselves!" - Tarhos Kovács If you still wish to know more after that wall of Text may I direct you to Dead by Daylight's Tome 14 : Betrayal
@WonHakWoon 3 күн бұрын
Trickster actually has a second mori when using the God of Desire outfit (blue hair into a short ponytail, arrows sticking out from both the front and the back, half bare chest). It's not that much different from the original mori for Trickster, the only difference is that he says ''I'm going crazy because of you'' instead of the sigh at the time he throws the photocard. The rest is practically the same.
@serhatozdemir4709 3 күн бұрын
Oni Mori my favorite
@user-go3me6jt3q 3 күн бұрын
The deer means top tier or highest good Honor so you received the highest Honor
@user-go3me6jt3q 3 күн бұрын
Deer’s smiling because you have done well as Arther 🥹🥹🥹🥹 R.I.P. Arther Morgan you were the best of the bunch
@user-go3me6jt3q 3 күн бұрын
It’s okay I’m a Dead Bt Daylight AKA DBD NOOB in general
@user-go3me6jt3q 3 күн бұрын
Thiers 10 Saw films so good luck
@user-go3me6jt3q 3 күн бұрын
Word of advice if you do watch ALL saw movies their Gory
@TLtheDude 3 күн бұрын
Legion actually has a rogue cosmetic tied to the dnd chapter
@Stefan-oj6oz 3 күн бұрын
Artist is one of the strongest killers in the game ! The reason why not many people play her is because her ability is quite hard to use correctly and master , so to utilise her at her full potential you'd need to spend a lot of hours on the character . That is also the reason why she is rather frustrating than fun to play , missing her ability usually happens quite a lot and it's really anoying to wait for its CD to end , however if you can consistently hit it then you'd be a monster
@aranerem5569 4 күн бұрын
I like this game
@subjectdelta3908 4 күн бұрын
4:22 You said you didn't like the dismemberment from the clown's mori and yet the spirit is the embodiment of dismemberment. lol. I always love watching people reacting to the moris in DBD. Great video
@ConCon-thesilly 4 күн бұрын
Sut dy chi, defaid
@tyremaxeymaxey 4 күн бұрын
Can you make me dino nuggets
@Its_AmeliaBrown 3 күн бұрын
Only if I can have some
@galaxymoose640 4 күн бұрын
Fun fact: Chucky has over 200 voice lines done by the original actors Also little tip for ya the survivor perk calm spirit is one of the best perks to use against the doctor because it stops you from screaming