2024 Year In Review
3 ай бұрын
Beau English Student Spotlight
Trump On The Ballot
7 ай бұрын
Love Your Lawyer Day 2023
10 ай бұрын
A Century of Women at Richmond Law
Celebrating a Century of Women
@ИринаКим-ъ5ч 5 күн бұрын
Anderson Cynthia Perez Sarah Brown Steven
@marcosaceacevedo 15 күн бұрын
Chevron was basically the fox guarding the hen-house. It gave un elected “behind the scenes” officials the power to have the legislation written in a way they they would be the only ones to decide what it meant… and it ALWAYS mean more power for the agencias…
@randogoatlasagna1343 Ай бұрын
"Decades of lAW" -- ha - What about the over 100 years where it worked the opposite. Chevron was wrong. Atlas Roofing was wrong - they needed to overrule it, but they didn't.
@randogoatlasagna1343 Ай бұрын
Saying that fishing boats need to pay for their own monitors is a reasonable as saying people need to pay a cop's salary when he arrests them. The fact that the courts said this was a reasonable interpretation tells you what you need to know about how this was going for the people. No SCOTUS hit it right here.
@randogoatlasagna1343 Ай бұрын
Undermine? Putting it back how the founders intended. You are the problem. Seperation of powers are intended. Why should the executive have judicial powers? No, this is putting things back.
@gripdriver09 2 ай бұрын
It’s about time!
@poduck2 2 ай бұрын
1. I don't think it takes much knowledge about the facts to determine what the law says. The ability of the EPA to know what things are damaging to the environment doesn't say anything about the law that allows them to implement that knowledge. The two things are entirely separate. Chevron has essentially handed over to the executive branch the reigns of both the legislature and the court, which I think is completely inappropriate. Courts are designed to determine what the law says, and unless knowledge about the environment gives them better knowledge of statutory construction than the courts, they should never be able to make their own decisions about what the law says. 2. I don't think that it's a good argument that it will cause difficulty to the state if the constitution is upheld. The state made the mistake by violating rights, and therefore they have to be the ones to pay the consequences.
@krboswell 2 ай бұрын
These agencies shouldn't abuse those interpretation powers and then this might not have happened.
@marcosaceacevedo 15 күн бұрын
They are government bureaucrats… all they do is vie for power and abuse.
@andrewzych4591 2 ай бұрын
I want my god damn jury trial if they are going to fine me. I dont want to be under the thumb of unelected bureaucrats, and screw these judges trying to legislate from the bench.
@vishaallalchand4124 2 ай бұрын
Holy crap what a prediction!
@VyViJ 2 ай бұрын
6-3 exact prediction!
@timotb1 2 ай бұрын
Agencies have over reached.
@cycleswithtrailer 2 ай бұрын
Do you know of any reporting as to why the 2020 change to how the observers were paid was made? The Trump administration made the change that resulted in the challenge and then conservative activists paid for the plaintiffs’ lawyers in these cases. This smells fishy to me. Doesn’t it seem strange to have the Executive branch harshly interpret a law under conservative leadership, creating a test case that conservative activists can bring so a conservative court can unwind such essential protections?
@goobcutusofborg3357 2 ай бұрын
Good simple explanation. Things need to change. The Executive branch has been given way too much power and needs to be sized down. There are too many activists working in DC in all of these agencies and it shows. All one has to do is look at the CAFE standards with automobiles. They are pushing agendas and not “interpreting” the laws. They are making law from behind closed doors where there is no one that can actually fight for what’s right.
@cryptonighit 3 ай бұрын
It seems every outlaw “ justice “ can interpret anything to fit the narrative ( Freedom of speech coincides with the right to stand your ground ) You can’t have one, deprived of the other By removing you , you are deprived of your liberty “ therefore you are silenced “ ( you don’t have to be psychopath to qualify as a “ Dictatorship “ , you just have to make calculated deflection to ridicule the process )
@markveney9569 6 ай бұрын
Another bad decision brought to you Chief Justice Roberts and his Court.
@adrianyolanda1767 6 ай бұрын
@sadeghmohammadian1970 9 ай бұрын
Thank for your explaination I am really interested in theis field as a lawyer
@jimreplicant 10 ай бұрын
A century of women at richmond law… Who knew women needed to go to college to learn how to argue😂
@VB81 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Professor Amar and the University of Richmond School of Law, for this lecture and for posting it for all to see.
@EmilySmith-cc2oj Жыл бұрын
was working on a pitch deck hoping to get to a producer. I submitted a copyright and writer’s guild first then did a interview. I got a message from my sister, she screenshot the Fox News article showing the Mexican president with my picture saying he caught a picture of a elf three days ago. I couldn’t believe that my true story, my hard work and great horror movie idea was shown on the tonight show with my picture as the Mexican president lying. My KZbin interview has comments now say “ hey the Mexican president took that” . I copyright it 01/20/2021 interview was ten months ago. Mexican president has been on every single social platform two weeks ago .
@ObamaFromKenya 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t know about the new weed law🤔if you can’t buy it, but you can grow it, where do you buy your plants 🤔🤔
@ankeviataylor4165 2 жыл бұрын
Hey I needed this so thankyou!!
@claredin 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping me understand this case!
@davidsheets8932 2 жыл бұрын
I got 25 seconds into your video when I had to stop it. The NCAA does not bring us college sports and it sure as hell does not bring us any of the football bowl games. That's why the bowl games are outside the jurisdiction of the NCAA in the first place. NCAA does of course regulate college sports but it does so on the behalf of the member institutions. College sports would exist without the NCAA.
@jessl4701 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! It was incredibly helpful to study for my Sports Law Master's level course.
@murtezatt 3 жыл бұрын
Special Session FOREVER!
@devinprice130 3 жыл бұрын
Young people under 18 know right from wrong. It’s why millions of young people all around this country don’t commit murder or other serious crimes. They go to school, listen to their parents, hangout with friends etc… for the psychopaths who commit premeditated or felony murder they deserve life without parole as a sentencing option and any attempt to use their youth as an excuse is solely an attempt to escape punishment. Glad the conservatives on the Supreme Court stuck together and handed down the right ruling.
@KWheel_ 3 жыл бұрын
Chris, you weren't in my section (at least I don't think you were) or many of my classes, but I'm glad you were our speaker!
@jianqiangguo1950 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin, I remember Chris was in many of my classes when I sat beside you. :)
@practicallywitches 3 жыл бұрын
this was helpful, thanks!!
@UniversityofRichmondLaw 3 жыл бұрын
We're glad to hear! Thanks for watching.
@elsie384 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Writing a case brief on Madison v. Alabama for my Introduction to Law class
@FredGSchuler 3 жыл бұрын
Threat Assessment. It is increasingly obvious that the threat of US economic collapse under an illegitimate, corrupt, Orwellian, despotic, genocidal, pro-Chinese globalist oligarch regime is imminent. The corruption of the current illegitimate Orwellian regime is apparent in daily skewed, biased, misleading, and false propaganda rhetoric of the deep state fake news. E.g. For years, Deep State Fake News RICO hyped up false narrative about fake Trump Russian collusion, and ignores obvious corruption between Biden and Russia, China, Ukraine and Iran. Fraudulent elections are another major escalation of the fraudulent corrupt illegitimate Orwellian deep state. We see this happening. We see this escalating rapidly in our time. What do we do about it? When do we act or react? If we lived in a small remote community, and there was a clear threat by a pack of wolves, dogs, or coyotes killing livestock and dogs and chasing children, then a sane community would address and acknowledge the issue, hunt, and shoot the wild dogs. If we are well aware of the the pack of wild dogs, do we wait until they are chewing thru our front door, or do we reach out beyond the boundary of our mailbox to mitigate this threat? Patriots may be soon be forced to defend lives, liberty and property from an illegitimate despotic corrupt treasonous Orwellian leftist regime working for China to destroy US. The corrupt illegitimate leftist regime will use Antifa BLM psychos to attack and kill enemies of their revolution. Christians, Patriots and others should prepare for this increasingly likely event. The overarching issue of our time is the decline of the US as a prosperous, free, peaceful world power, and the rise of despotic genocidal Orwellian China bent upon global domination. The US is currently under relentless siege by China that asserts economic and other warfare on US and our allies just up to, but not crossing, a kinetic war that would require a military response.US deep state fake news tech and BLM Antifa are forward deployed fifth column subversive traitors, saboteurs and enemy agitators working for China to destroy US. US leftist subversives are operating for, by, and with, China to weaken, destroy, and destabilize US militarily and economically. Antifa and BLM purport to be Marxists seeking to tear down and reset US in their systemically racist image via a corrupt Biden regime. BLM and Antifa represent the militant brown shirt styled collaborator thugs of the corrupt dysfunctional deep state establishment that is actively colluding with China to destroy US. US patriots are now faced with the clear and present danger of domestic enemies and an illegitimate corrupt leftist Orwellian regime destroying US economy, society, government, and culture. The ultimate goal of the leftist insurgency is to weaken US so badly that China, , etc .. may destroy, defeat, invade, and pillage US while slaughtering and displacing most of the US population. 2020 election fraud is a major escalation in China backed leftist war on US. Fraudulent votes and voting machines are a major attack on US democracy, freedoms and disruption of competent governance. Covid 19 is a significant new medical condition, exceeding the Flu, deliberately spready by China and hysterically exaggerated for 2020 election fraud, and to sabotage the US economy. Covid 19 was cultivated in a Chinese bio-weapons lab. China actively concealed the existence and release of Covid 19, for months, while China selectively spread the pandemic to US and globally. Covid 19 allows China to 'attack everywhere' and plausibly deny it was deliberate, and not meet the threshold of an overt bio-warfare attack on US that requires military retaliation. The CCP China Dragon Beast pushes war, conflict, and attacks on US just up to, but not overtly past, what may be regarded the boundary defining kinetic war. COVID 19 has the economic and strategic military effect of sinking hundreds of US aircraft carriers, the cost to the US government of Covid 19 exceeds the cost of 100 aircraft carriers, fully fit out. CCP China and US deep state fake news media propaganda traitors ignore and obfuscate Covid 19 Origins from a Chinese Bioweapon Lab and perpetuate debunked story about a nearby seafood market. Deep State fake news tech ignoring Biden China corruption and fabricating fake Trump Russia collusion disinformation, is clear irrefutable indications of Orwellian RICO subversion and treason. Deep State fake news tech ignoring Election Fraud and hearings while fabricating fake no evidence disinformation narrative, is clear irrefutable indications of Orwellian RICO subversion and treason. We should be concerned about the next steps anti-US leftist subversion movements may take from a global and historic perspective. Virtually all Marxist revolutions are characterized by massive widespread attacks and genocide against those portrayed as enemies of the revolution. Patriots, Christians and the like should expect to be the targets of escalating attacks by the current domestic enemy insurgency including antifa goon squads endorsed by Biden.
@willit63 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant insight from the panel. Everyone should see this. Thanks for sharing!
@Dr_JSH 3 жыл бұрын
I'm impressed with Professor Chambers' frank and rational review of the Bostock decision, after watching other videos featuring #TheReligiousWhite groaning about "changing the definition of sex" and "making up law to serve Progressives."
@AuroraColoradoUSA 3 жыл бұрын
It is a blatant example of the CANNIBAL LEFT pulling a definition out of their CORRUPT hats and forcing that definition on all Americans. That is not how language works. Lexicographers don't even do that. Meanings are determined by USAGE. Words mean what they are intended to mean and understood to mean.
@Gettwistedupfk 4 жыл бұрын
Professor Chambers, Thank you for your bullet style synopsis of this case and what it is about. After reading the case and some other articles and then watching your brief 3 min video over and over. I am ready to write my paper. Thank you again for your time and insight! Fred
@TheShadowHawkz 4 жыл бұрын
Amazingly explained. Thank You!
@immaculatecorrection 4 жыл бұрын
Very helpful, thank you so much!
@billsmith3189 5 жыл бұрын
Well done and with a timely topic.
@VoxUrbana 5 жыл бұрын
It is a Republic! Not a democracy,
@paulgill443 5 жыл бұрын
As EIC of the Richmond Law Review in 1989-1990, I'm glad to see multiple student-led legal journals thriving at UR. I still think my four years of journalism before law school, and my publications experience there and otherwise, are among the activities that contributed most to my abilities as a lawyer. Congratulations to those who lead and staff all our journals.
@UniversityofRichmondLaw 5 жыл бұрын
Time Stamp / Index for this video : 0:00 - Welcome and Opening Remarks - Dean Wendy Perdue 1:37 - Eli Hill - Co-Symposium Editor JOLT 5:20 - “How Legal Ethics and Social Media Intersect in the Modern Practice of Law” Jeffrey Geiger, Firm Counsel, Sands Anderson & Laura Lee Miller, Associate, Harmon Claytor 1:30:45 - “Picking Up the Slack- Legal and Information Governance Considerations for New(ew) Technologies” - James Sherer, Partner, BakerHosteler & Ben Barnes, Associate, Redgrave LLP 2:37:31 - “Putting Words in Your Mouth- The Evidentiary Impact of Emerging Voice Editing Software” - Nick Mirra, Associate, Woods Rogers 3:06:31 - “The Growing Cybersecurity Threats to Law Firms” - Kelly Jackson Higgins, Executive Editor, Dark Reading 4:01:31 - “ESI in the Workplace” - Nicole Harrell, Member, Kaufman & Canoles & Dustin Davies, Chief Information Officer, Kaufman & Canoles 4:51:59 - Closing Remarks - James Williams, Co-Symposium Editor, JOLT & Nicole Allaband, Editor-in-Chief, JOLT
@UniversityofRichmondLaw 6 жыл бұрын
Index of segments: 0:01 - Carly Celestino - General Welcome & Introduction of Dean Perdue 0:37 - Dean Wendy Perdue - Welcome & Introduction of President Crutcher 3:36 - President Crutcher - Welcome 9:20 - Governor Doug Wilder - Introduction of Keynote 32:57 Panel 1: The Gentrification Boom and Its Implications for Racial and Economic Integration Serena Williams, Rick Sander, Dr. Lance Freeman, Professor Olati Johnson 1:39:00 - Panel 2: The Contemporary Face of Housing Discrimination and the Fair Housing Act Laura Lafayette, Helen Hardiman, Allison Bethel, Valerie Schneider 2:41:17 - Sara Pratt 3:22:39 Panel 3: Access to Education: Discrimination in Housing and Neighborhood Education Gerard Robinson, Philip Tegeler, Kimberly Robinson, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley 4:26:18 Panel 4: Access to Housing: Models for Anti-discrimination and Affordability Carol Brown, Michael Diamond, Lisa Alexander 5:30:19 Closing Remarks: Dr. Benjamin Campbell