如何解决加沙的冲突 How to solve Gaza's conflicts 世界始主的有关加沙冲突的解决思思: Lord's thoughts for solving Gaza's conflicts: Regarding the release of the hostages in Gaza and the ceasefire agreement, the world leaders have not issued a submission on the relevant provisions and welcome the efforts of several countries. As for the future (responsibility, reconstruction, governance), First World-Lord published the rules and laws, thoughts and plans in the submission, and the Lord will lead the Israeli and Palestinian sides and the countries to participate in discussions and agreements to resolve the Gaza conflict, based on the content of the submission, as a concurrent UN Goodwill Ambassador. Israel doesn't have the power to make unilateral decisions. New-World-Inventor, 世界始主 First World-Lord, World-Ruler, -Supervisor 福山国文Kunifumi Fukuyama (王国文Wang Guowen)
祝大家龙年大吉大利,福星高照,吉祥如意,财源广进,幸福安康!Happy Chinese New Year! I wish you, family and all your loved ones good luck in the Year of the Dragon, good fortune, abundant wealth, happiness and good health!