Bertrand Russell, My Hero - Ben Wade
Refugee Crisis - Scott Wakefield
@shakere101 2 ай бұрын
Success! But dont confuse anything on the right with religious. They not only have ruined democracy, they have ruined religion also. They destroy everything they touch and they will never quit
@cannibale101 2 ай бұрын
Interesting... Thanks. I'm canadian (Québec) and very much a stranger to religion due to our history here (there was a "révolution tranquille" in the 60s' that basically expelled religion from politics, our schools and culture). I find it harder because of that to understand the role of christianity in politics in the US
@meatloafhead 3 ай бұрын
There are two stories about Constantine’s mother, one we all know she was obsessed with the cross and Jerusalem the other story is she was Jewish married in to the Roman family and brainwashed her son into forced conversion either one can make sense, the 2nd story is quite biblical sending in a shaved beautiful female spy into the enemies camp
@MatthewApsey 4 ай бұрын
This should be on TV everywhere, but dissent like this will never be allowed in the mainstream.
@lesleyegbert4807 5 ай бұрын
Fantastic talk. Thanks so much for posting it.
@gangly417 5 ай бұрын
well we have seen how badly a court works the last few years ... thanks to evil corrupt republican judges ...
@markdayell61 5 ай бұрын
"How the Supreme Court Works" that's easy. Half of them don't work at all unless fresh from a paid for yacht cruise.
@judithadams6599 5 ай бұрын
It does not work. That's the problem. When they can give someone immunity, that puts them above the law. That won't work. How about Trump wants to sleep with your daughter, and she does not want to? He rapes her or kills her. You can do nothing about it because he has immunity. If he wants to order the death of Biden or you. No one can do nothing to him. The supreme court gave him a loaded pistol. I hope we don't see where he aims it.
@blackeneth3449 7 ай бұрын
16:59 The Medal of Honor is not “won,” and the recipients are not “winners” of it - rather, it is awarded to soldiers who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. It is not a contest!
@timfallon8226 9 ай бұрын
I see our speaker hasn't investigated vaccines properly.
@communication001 10 ай бұрын
OK here's a theory and a question. Brief theory first. The turn of the year zero as it is now was a time when two people stirred the Jewish world into massive messianic fever. The leader of the Zealots - resisting the imposition of Roman spiritual superiority onto the temple based religion of Judah - and the 'Great Teacher' of the Essenes. This figure it seems could be clearly linked with evidence to the person who's name has come down to us as John The Baptist. His name implies a wider spread of ideas than just within the Essenes and a greater work than simply leading the Essenes as a group of physical people. In other words he was someone who perhaps instigated baptism and water ritual in Judah as well as there being water cleansing rituals in the community of Cumran above the Red Sea. Hence the name. Two things we know there in black and white: that is on the basis of a connection between a figure explicitly named John The Baptist and a 'great teacher' of a community that has water rituals. (James Tabor has also found water ritual grottos that could be related.) But my question is this. What happens if we try to examine John The Baptist to a similar level to which we are scrutinising Jesus? That has two off shoots. Firstly, what does it tell us about how Jesus mythicism just doesn't stand up in the sense that it collapses under intense scrutiny and we're just placing too much focus on an individual who was a bit like Robin Hood with extra dedication - including the vital redemption of wrong action/sin etc. (In other words if we studied Robin Hood we just wouldn't care after a bit so Jesus as a myth or connected to different real figures etc just isn't giving up any more because we just shouldn't care so much.) And the second part is to genuinely ask what can we surmise about John The Baptist as a name and person etc. Well I would suggest that they might well have given this great teacher a name in the writing that mentions this great teacher if he had had a name at that time. It's a complex question with regards to making such statements. Like 'oh if it was true they would have done this or that'. What we can say clearly is that a vast gap in the evidence is significant. But to say 'if there was a jesus doing all these supernatural things they would have mentioned him' snacks of atheistic agendas to me. As an example I'd say that is. But in this case that's quite a strong example. Whereas by the time we get to Josephus we clearly have a record of a guy called John The Baptist. One might suggest that either John was a common name that was ascribed to him - so that he becomes a half invented figure in that case - or that he was called John but that he only earned a title after it was acknowledged that his teaching constituted a full messianic level engagement rather than him just sharing the water ritual with the world. After all they called him their teacher which implies having new ideas and/or giving sense to concepts out of his own understanding to some extent. As opposed to sharing illucidations based on the bible. One can sow ideas whilst keep one's head beneath the parapet by making it a seemingly mild thing that is apparently only a mere (and unoffensive) repetition of a teaching that is in the bible. (Or other old text.) But the implication is of some fairly grand statements and of significantly becoming a leader. Of putting his head above the parapet, to use that useful phrase. Of sharing significant amounts of quite new ideas. Otherwise how would this great teacher become the person mentioned in Josephus and being this figure called John The Baptist. So to get to a point of some kind of closure, John and the leader of the zealots in my theory set off a time when it seemed normal that there were messianic figures claiming to reach such heights as to be such a big spiritual leader. To appease the Christian evangelist element only one has the doctrine of redemption and such a thing perhaps rightly was taken up as being the icon of a true leader sent by a divine element in human physical existence. But it may have only taken two people - John and the leader of zealots - to set such a time rolling. In terms of what came next - of the three 'Sign Prophets' the leader of the Zealots is considered one of them. The second is a bit like a crazy violent affair. The third is less violent in terms of the attack on the Romans etc. But in terms of the attack that they then experienced in return it's pretty desperate. Then you get Paul with his idea of a son of God - potentially straight out of the book called Eugnostos The Blessed. And then you get James making a scene leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and Jesus Ben Ananais being this guy who barely says anything. Paul then comes back and turns his guy into Jesus who rose from the dead - by adapting the Jesus Ben Ananais story a tiny bit. And then you get Mark who rights it up using Thomas's gospel (which is synonymous with the so called Q source) and providing these supposed real events in order to finally fully create this character called Jesus. What do you think about my proposal?
@bigd213d 11 ай бұрын
This was a very good presentation - very comprehensive!
@susantocp 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video. This helps me a lot.
@gowdsake7103 Жыл бұрын
I wish he would slow down, it's a bit manic
@michaelparks5669 Жыл бұрын
@za8002fsr Жыл бұрын
Great ❤❤❤
@littlejoe2595 Жыл бұрын
Is all religions are false, why do atheists only attack Christianity?
@ciprianpopa1503 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that there's no mention of Biggus Dickus. That's should raise some red flags about the quality of these studies.
@davidschaible621 Жыл бұрын
Is horrible hatred of Christianity that he is trying to spread to destroy this country he is sick
@PortmanRd Жыл бұрын
It's bordering on the inane that U.S. were involved in a space race, whilst evolution was still such a big issue.
@peacecraft3449 Жыл бұрын
This is all garbage. Like I'm sorry but I would not even know where to start. "Storms didn't happen in that region" WHAT?!
@Tshahwan69 Жыл бұрын
Prof. Richard Duda is by far the best professor I have ever had. He is also one of the nicest people I have ever met. Miss you.
@jeffwells9431 Жыл бұрын
Serious question: if the early Christian's didnt believe or know of the ressurrection then how to explain Paul talking of the ressurrection?
@Bluesruse Жыл бұрын
The word Paul uses (anastasis), means to "stand/rise up" (from a chair, for example). "The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable" Since all Paul's letters are tampered with, half being total forgeries, it's pretty hard to say for sure, but I'd say Paul is talking about a spiritual ascension.
@jeffwells9431 Жыл бұрын
@@Bluesruse hmm interesting. But to thicken the plot. Didnt his brand of judaism believe in a physical resurrection? Was believing this man was resurrected completely separating him from other Jews?
@Bluesruse Жыл бұрын
@@jeffwells9431 Well, where are you getting that? You don't really get that from Paul. The only other 1st century writer would be Josephus, and you don't get that from him either. Josephus does talk about afterlife (in Wars), most notably arguing against suicide, because God would punish the souls of those who would do such a thing, and that "pure souls" would be sent again in "pure bodies". Again, doesn't sound like your earthly body would be resurrected, but that you would have a heavenly body. That's what both Paul and Josephus sound like.
@jeffwells9431 Жыл бұрын
@@Bluesruse very true. But that's what I was saying wouldnt Paul's belief in this set him apart from the rest of the jews pretty strongly
@Bluesruse Жыл бұрын
@@jeffwells9431 Set apart from some? Probably. From some others? Probably not so much. It's not like there wasn't a lot of different sects already, with different ideas floating around. And it doesn't seem like Paul's view on this is something radical, why should it be? The radical idea of Paul seems to do more with his mission to the gentiles, and the way he argues against keeping the law. That seems pretty unjewish. But then again, how much of this even is genuine Paul really...
@realnews2474 Жыл бұрын
Christian forgery? Possible But no one questions Jewish forgery. Christianity is the ultimate fulfillment of Judaism and their "prophecies" Rabbis today say "The way the world worships one jew, is one day how the world will worship all jews"
@johnbarrymore5827 Жыл бұрын
Thank You
@Ariel-oi2zg Жыл бұрын
Super useful information
@ninefox344 Жыл бұрын
Paul Mobley's comment is nonsense. All life on Earth evolved in a bath of radiation, and millions of years ago the background rate of radiation was at least 3x what it is now. DNA is constantly being broken by free radicals (not from radiation) that come from cell respiration (cell's food, basically) so if this was a problem, none of us would be here. Our natural DNA repair mechanisms can be overwhelmed if enough damage is done in a short amount of time. But the scientific evidence from various human exposures (hiroshima, nagasaki, taiwan apartment exposures, british radiographer, radium girls, nuclear submarine workers, etc) to radiation show that this level is incredibly far above the levels that people are afraid of. People living at high elevations (like Denver) or in brick buildings get radiation levels that would have daytime television in hysterics if they were detected at a nuclear plant. But there's no associated increase in cancer for these populations. As for tritium, it's produced naturally in the atmosphere by cosmic rays and is so weakly radioactive that a Geiger counter can't detect it. It's water so it doesn't bio accumulate. It's about as harmless as radioactive things get.
@michaelwhite8031 Жыл бұрын
What a load of rubbish. No one dies for a myth.
@Reece-u3f 6 ай бұрын
Of course they do , infact they do it all the time! Have you ever heard of heavens gate ? Jim jones cult ? Any religious martyr from any religion you personally don’t believe in? Even Kamakazi pilots from ww2 died because they believed the emperor of Japan was a god. People are misled and die for lies and their faith all the time. What claims do we have that the apostles / disciples were killed / martyred even existed apart from the Bible anyway?
@ericnix3024 Жыл бұрын
Amy would rather believe that information came from some where other than the person actually doing it. It may be fantastic to hear but it is coming from that individual.
@tomasneel1980 Жыл бұрын
humbly, i use to think this way once, but i learned for myself the Savior is real, lives, and is the Son of the Most High. I admonish you to read about the Great Apostacy in the Book of Mormon . You will learn the truth, best wishes
@Reece-u3f 6 ай бұрын
The Book of Mormon was written 18 months after Joseph smith was charged with fraud. Why would anyone believe a single word inside of it.
@josephcollins6033 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE your passion. But, man, you need to SSLLOOWWWWW DOWWWNNNN! You sound literally hysterical which makes you sound less credible. I really like and APPRECIATE your scholarship; I need it to help fight Christians in NASHVILLE!! So, thank you so much!!!
@truthgiver8286 Жыл бұрын
I can't understand why Arsenal don't play him in goal
@zander8353 Жыл бұрын
Video is dope!! This channel desperately needs SMZeus!!
@rodn9466 2 жыл бұрын
Del Bigtree is a cult member mouthpiece just like Russell brand Alex Jones Glen Beck divid icke etc
@rodn9466 2 жыл бұрын
So has all the panel in this video received all the recommended jabs? Like 5
@bimmjim 2 жыл бұрын
A Dentist ?? I'm an engineer and did metallurgy on some Nukes. Shut them all down ASAP.
@AntisocialAtheist1 2 жыл бұрын
I bet it would be fun to just hang out with Fitzgerald.
@hime273 2 жыл бұрын
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
pandemic is still raging and china might have 1 million deaths, so not a good idea to resume live meetings.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
both jains and buddhists believe in some superstitions such as reincarnation.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
san francisco seems to be paying gasoline money for jurors so can get about $80 per day.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
importing stuff from other countries means tons of packaging materials which are usually styrofoam, plastic and cardboard. not sure if there is any recycling of styrofoam. Buying things online also means tons of packaging materials.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
Unrefined diets of mostly plant foods are still currently popular and medicare has approved 2 for heart disease recovery: nathan pritikin diet and dr dean ornish diet. I self study in nutrition and the mainstream has been recommending more plant foods for health for several decades already altho most americans are still overeating animal products, and undereating unrefined plant foods.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
fasting is still very popular and I heard even steve jobs tried fasting when he got pancreas cancer.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
I remember Dick Hewetson from some of the meetings I attended around the bay area many years ago. my guess is war with china is inevitable. nuclear wars are probably also inevitable.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
i am chinese programmer but if more than 50% of americans turn nazi, I probably have to flee back to the philippines. So far, looks like more and more people are turning nazi in many countries.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
einstein's theory and quantum theory seem strange maybe bec of the limits of our evolved common sense. the contradiction between the 2 main theories of science are maybe also bec of the limits of our evolved common sense or it could just be a math problem.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
definitions are pretty arbitrary. If you go down to the level of molecules and atoms, there is really no difference between life and non-life.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
as far as I can tell, we are only software running on hardware made up of trillions of eukayote lifeforms in symbiosis with trillions of bacteria.
@colonyofcellsiamamachine6175 2 жыл бұрын
if want to save money, can try unrefined diets like nathan pritikin diet and or dr dean ornish diet.