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@trinity-peaceofmind8240 5 күн бұрын
Thanks, but no! Sa te apuci sa predai folosind o chitara cu indicatoare de poziție nestandard, fara punctele clasice, greu de inteles pentru incepatori, inseamna lipsa de pedagogie. Trec mai departe, nu vreau un asa profesor. Un bun muzician nu inseamna si un bun pedagog. Critica e constructiva, sper sa fie de folos.
@libertarianrevolution7026 7 күн бұрын
Balance is a great album.
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 күн бұрын
Yes sir! 🎉
@fu2201 26 күн бұрын
Delete this video
@yb8080 29 күн бұрын
Your explanations, while understandable for an expert person, are too confusing for the average self taught guitar player.
@fu2201 26 күн бұрын
Just like every other guitar teacher on KZbin. Overexplained.
@andrejz8954 Ай бұрын
7:08 actually it's flat 7, not a major one.
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
You're right! Thanks, it's a typo :(
@andreicristiantataru450 Ай бұрын
Foarte bine explicat, merita un Subscribe.
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Multumesc frumos si ma bucur daca e de folos!
@coryshreds Ай бұрын
Why would you pick something up to quit, and on top of that why would you ever suggest for someone not do something. It's a loser mentality to give up because it's hard, life's hard. Everyday gives you a chance to learn more and more, how did any guitar virtuoso, athlete, or anyone in their profession get good at something; persistence. Instead of being unconfident and fearful, we should all step directly into the thing that is difficult and challenging for us to grow, unless the person doesn't care so much to put in any effort which is directly stating that you will not become talented in anything. Instead of trying to discourage people with a PRS in hand, how about make videos that support people and make them grow. But then again, the more people give up, the easier it will be for me and the people who persist to follow in the footsteps of success and triumph. If it's want you want, take it and use everyday to your advantage
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
I totally agree with you IF that is how a person functions - as you have described - in respect to how they respond to the stimuli they encounter. I don't think it's a loser mentality IF you give up for the right reasons. If you choose to continue and not put in the work properly and keep complaining about how it's impossible (and in the same time not do all you can in order to succeed in whatever it is you want to succeed), that's also not a very useful approach. I don't think it's easy either way. It's also each and everyone's personal choice. I'm also here to learn and to find out how people think and what their perspectives are on these matters that I make videos on. Keep the thoughts coming if it's useful for you too. Thanks!
@sduke39 Ай бұрын
I quit because I never got any better. Three years of lessons and practicing every day and I still never played a complete song , start to finish, at full speed. I just don't have the ability to change chords at anything approaching a competent level. No amount of practice seemed to make a difference. It was not down to a lack of effort . I finally got so discouraged I had to quit because I was wasting money on lessons and I felt like I was wasting my teachers time. I still have all my gear and think about trying it again, but then I remember how frustrated I was. I still watch guitar videos on KZbin because I love the guitar. But I know any attempt to play it will end up with the same results.
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Hey, man! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and story! I think that where there's a will, there's a way. Each of us has his own or her own pace of learning and doing things. I have a question for you: What will you do differently, this time around, when you will start playing again? What could be something that could really make a difference?
@sigsegv111 Ай бұрын
so please quit, do it for yourself ..
@RobertoEmanuel-n7p Ай бұрын
Predai lecții online?
@goojedooje660 Ай бұрын
Cosmin this is all correct im 74 been playing now for 17 years im on U tube I played when I was a teenager then lost interest for what you said im much better now
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
I'm happy you found a way after so much time! Kudos to you and keep it up! Enjoy playing, man!
@florianionescu185 Ай бұрын
0. nu mai exista motivare, nimeni nu mai foloseste chitari in muzica de azi. Poate cel mult niste elemente/pluginuri MIDI prin Cubase sau Ableton. Implicit nu mai ies bani din asta. Plus ca oamenii asociaza in mod imbecil chitara cu rockul satanist, deci nu mai este cool din anii '90. E dureros, mai ales ca chitarile s-au ieftinit foarte mult, gasesti chitari decente de la 100E in sus ... 0.1 - elementele de chitara din muzica de azi se pot canta live pe clapa, deci este mult mai eficient sa inveti cu pianul mai bine. 1.dureaza - depinde ce vrei cu chitara, poate dura 3 zile sau o viata. 2.obositor - adevarat, mai ales ca sunt unii instructori care sfatuiesc copiii sa invete pe o chitara acustica, ca asa e mai bine. wtf. 3.greu de invatat - depinde ce vrei sa inveti si ce profesor gasesti. 4. costisitor - adevarat, dar mult mai ieftin ca acum 10-15 ani. 5. te izoleaza - asta e un lucru bun, de fapt :)))) 6.trebuie disciplina si rabdare - adevarat 7. nu e ca in filmele cu Batman - adevarat, trebuie sa intelegeti ca faima nu inseamna nimic, te poti trezi cancelat doar ca ai zis ceva aiurea la un interviu sau ai pleznit un pustan prea insistent. 8. nu mai ai timp pt altceva - nu exista altceva, toate trupele mari au investit 100% din timp in asta, nu exista planul B. 9. nu se aliniaza cu obiectivele personale - vezi pct 8. 10. nu este pt tine - poate nu ai gasit profesorul potrivit, sau artistul potrivit.
@EricBPM Ай бұрын
Mai facut sa ma simt prost Cred ca mai bine faceai un video despre cum sa te ti de chitara 😅
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
@@EricBPM Saluti! Nu am cum sa te fac sa te simti in nici un fel. Nu am puteri magice asupra nimanui 😊 Iti doresc sa continui sa canti daca iti place si iti aduce bucurie! Iti spun asta cu toata sinceritatea. Daca te ajuta, uite 3 lucruri pe care poti sa le faci: 1) canta zilnic si inregistreaza’te. 2) Da’ti seama ce to doresti sa obtii cantand. 3) Gaseste oameni carora sa le placa sa cante si cu care sa te intelegi si de la care sa inveti. Iti tin pumnii!l si tine minte: TU iei deciziile si TU ai puterea in legatura cu ceea ce vrei sa faci, nimeni altcineva 🙃
@CrushingRiffsWreckords Ай бұрын
Thoamne, putin putin mai rar, se poate? 😅
@przemek7730 Ай бұрын
Hi Cosmin, thanks for this video! I think that many people don't realise what's the amount of work that is required to become an actual instrumentalist (as of course your remarks qualify not only to guitar but to other instruments as well). I've been an amateur guitar player for about 15 years now - I mostly focused on easy popular songs to play at bonfires etc. It was mainly caged chords + tabs if melodies were easy to learn. I spent HUNDREDS and maybe even THOUSANDS of hours to master playing around 20-30 songs - it was possible only because I had a hell lot of time due to being a teenager without any specific duties except learning math and stuff. My biggest "successes" are nothing else matters and stairway to heaven and it was a huge struggle to coordinate playing and vocals. During my adult life I had to limit the time spent on playing and now I almost forgot ~80% of stuff that I learned. Of course it's going to be easier to come back than when starting fresh but still... So around 2 years ago (a guy in his 30s here) I decided that I'd like to come back to regular playing and maybe even elevate it to "I know music theory and can improvise" level. I also would like to compose my own music and be able to produce it. Man, it's hard. I have a full time job, I have friends, family, I do sports... I can barely find 2 hours a week to practice and I feel that my journey will take years to complete... And have in mind that CAGED chords + barres are already there, picking/fingering skills are already there, some simple music theory knowledge is already there! For the last 2 years my playing was mainly struggle to practice and "find my way", and sometimes I feel like it's only due to the fact that playing music is one of the most beautiful things that exist and I have a huge amount of experience that makes me moving forward and not resigning. HOWEVER I think that not everybody needs to become an instrumentalist. You can buy yourself a 100 bucks guitar and learn "Knocking on Heaven's Door". Then "Sweet Home Alabama", then "Shape of You" and so on. No melodies, just simple chords. I don't think it would require much time. Owning a classical guitar could make it even easier! I'd leave electric guitar for some time as it's really more demanding (smaller frets, tougher strings, more gear required and basically all the other reasons that you mentioned). Spend a year playing this way, then find yourself a teacher to to have regular touchpoints that push you forward. I could be a little more pleasant...
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Hey there and thanks for taking the time to write this and sharing your thoughts! You are right - there are levels of playing and it's true that each individual picks up the guitar for various reasons. Each level has its specific requirements and it's completely up to each and everyone if they want to endeavour into learning those things. I made this video, because as I mentioned in a reply to a previous comment, I have met many people (and I am taling about adults) who believed guitar is easy, just because when you watch someone who is skilled it looks that way (it's like in any other field out there - the pros make it look easy), so I will just reinforce the fact that I am VERY HAPPY to see and hear people playing and I wish everyone who wants to enjoy playing the guitar, to do so! Cheers and see you around!
@uhbi8548 Ай бұрын
That's lazy clickbait. Maybe list some reasons why you should quit KZbin.
@KenTeel Ай бұрын
This video is absurd. How many people watching this video are going to say: OK, I'll quit. Chances are this video might be useful for those who need an excuse for why they already quit, long before watching this video. Ah... yeah... it was the lunar cycle.. that's why I quit.... yeah, that's it. For starters, guitar does not take that much time to learn basic stuff on it, AND if that's all you're interested in doing (perhaps accompanying yourself on guitar, with some simple chords, while you sing) it won't take that much time to do it. And once you have those basic chords down, it only takes playing, maybe once a week, or once every two weeks, to remember and play those basic chords. Of course if you want to become an expert, yes, it will take dedication and maybe an hour of practice, a day. But, it's not going to take up your whole day. Then the cost: Give me a break, guitar playing is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment, when considering the hours of enjoyment you get out of playing, relative to the cost of the equipment. Because of mass production, you can get a decent guitar for a couple of hundred bucks, and an amp for a couple of hundred bucks, too. Some amps are even cheaper than that. This is not an extravogant expenditure. For whatever reason, this guy is trying to discourage people. Go get a guitar. If you play it twice a month, you'll still have fun with it. If you get into it, and play regularly, you also have a lot of fun with it. The thing that I think is most accurate in this video is that practicing is a solo activity. That's true. You'll automatically seek your own level of dedication, just out of how you'll feel when playing. You'll automatically find your own comfort zone, that will tell you how much time you want to spend on it. Don't listen to other people. Go get a guitar, and see how it feels, playing it. It's like golf: You'll know if you want to do it just based on how you feel when you're doing it. You can get a decent acoustic guitar, now a days, for a hundred bucks. Go check out the Idyllwild guitar by Monoprice, or the guitars by Orangewood. And if you want an electric guitar, go look at the Squier guitars by Fender (look at the Debut or the Sonic, both by Squier.)
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Hey, man. Thanks for taking the time to write this. As I mentioned: my goal here is not to discourage people. I have worked with a feww hundred people in the 17-18 years of teaching guitar and I have had the opportunity to observe people who kept at it even if it didn't bring them any pleasure until they finally quit playing. It's a perspective on things and like all perspectives, it is not meant to be taken literally. I am not encouraging people to quit, but I am encouraging them to reflect on what they choose to do with their time and see if they really enjoy it or if they would enjoy something else MUCH more. That's it ;)
@KenTeel Ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGG OK. I think that the most interesting thing that you said here is this: "... I have had the opportunity to observe people who kept at it even if it didn't bring them any pleasure until they finally quit playing.... " This begs the question: What was their motive for staying at it, if they didn't enjoy playing ? Maybe their parents were making them take lessons, or something?
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
@@KenTeel Ah, very well observed! It is interesting as well to mention that the majority of people who I've had to deal with, in respect to what I have said, were adults that had their free will to choose wether they keep going or quit. Also, kids up until about 10 learn in a totally different way and you need to keep them engaged differently. I usually ask myself if there's something I need to change in my approach, as - as you said - everyone has their different reasons to play this instrument. Some people just end up not being ready to put in the time and that's just fine. My video is not meant to discourage or harm anyone, but to offer perspective. So, hopefully it will do that for as many people as possible. Thanks for taking the time to hold this conversation and for your openness. We may have different perspectives here and there and I am sure we can learn from one another :)
@artur.plysiuk Ай бұрын
What a good timing for this video! Thanks
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Thanks for the input, man! I'm curious if you would share why it is a good time?
@alexandru.onofrei77 Ай бұрын
And always find people that can teach you something new <3
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Just like in every other field, eh? :D
@penguinvfx9707 Ай бұрын
Well.. guess I'm a bassist now xDDD
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
That's great! You guys aren't that easy to find!
@wretch1 Ай бұрын
Well that was unhelpful
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Hello - thanks for the feedback! I was wondering if you could share what is it that would've been helpful for you in regard to this particular topic?
@_mrjoce_6128 Ай бұрын
I adore locrian and I'm its first protector
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Haha, thanks! Hope you found it useful, as well!
@itaisegev100 Ай бұрын
why make an educational video in drop d ?
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
hey there. It's a specific sound. If it's different from the standard tuning, it doesn't mean it can't be educational. At least that's how I see it. I am curious about what kind of thought inspired your comment? Thank you!
@Martinbedolla1970 Ай бұрын
You should do some lesson videos bro
@CosminLupuMMGG Ай бұрын
Hey, man - it’s definitely worth taking into account. Back in the day, it used to be a banger during the live gigs
@sowhatsmyusername 2 ай бұрын
very nicely done! Im slowly learning guitar so I appreciate the complexity and effort that is required for this. Im also a fairly recent Periphery fan. Thanks for posting
@CosminLupuMMGG 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, man! I hope you are enjoying your journey! Keep walking that path!
@markusszelbracikowski956 2 ай бұрын
Flamenco vs Middle Eastern = beautiful and evil at the same time =D
@CosminLupuMMGG 2 ай бұрын
No wonder all metal dudes and dudettes use it :D Rock n roll!
@adrianpepene2077 2 ай бұрын
bine structurat clipul si clar explicat, postura e extrem de importanta, fara pozitie corecta nu reusesti sa inveti nici un instrument, in plus te mai dor si incheieturile daca nu stai corect, obosesti, te enervezi si te lasi de instrument
@CosminLupuMMGG 2 ай бұрын
Salutare si multumesc pt feedback! Ma bucur daca iti e de folos si da, asta cred si promovez si eu - intelegerea profunda a relatiei dintre corp si instrument, in raport cu legile fizicii si bio mecanicii (anatomiei umane). Mai simplu: ce functioneaza si de ce ca sa canti cu cat mai putin efort posibil, avand rezultatele dorite. Spor la treaba!
@penguinvfx9707 3 ай бұрын
Salut! Nu ar trebui si notele de pe care se incepe bend-ul sa faca parte din gama? Spre exemplu, daca incep cu un semi-ton inainte de prima pozitie, nu incep de pe o nota din gama. Sau asta e doar o varianta de a adauga note din afara gamei, just to spice it up, ca oricum nu ele sunt cele accentuate?
@CosminLupuMMGG 3 ай бұрын
Salutare! Atat timp cat nota pe care aterizezi face parte din gama, poti initia bend-ul de oriunde. Exact cum ai spus tu, genul asta de abordare, coloreaza interesant peisajul sonor al unui solo :D Spor!
@dougywarren 3 ай бұрын
@CosminLupuMMGG 3 ай бұрын
@trixlee5102 3 ай бұрын
One thing that confused me was at 7:08 you mentioned the "C" is a "major 7" in D Phrygian, but isn't C# the major 7 in D? I always thought there was a flat 7 in the Phrygian Dominant scale.
@CosminLupuMMGG 3 ай бұрын
You are right! It is a b7 and I am sorry for causing the confusion.
@DorinRocks 3 ай бұрын
Great video, my dude 🤙
@CosminLupuMMGG 3 ай бұрын
@@DorinRocks Thank you!
@КириллРязанцев-ш1щ 4 ай бұрын
Try to listen 311 with octave
@alinsandu7190 4 ай бұрын
Sincer nu mai stiu de ce am inceput, probabil sa fiu cool, sau ca stia Ovidiu iar eu nu, si a fost ceva de competivitate. De ce ul actual e mai complicat. Cand il aflu revin. Momentan merg pe faptul ca e fun, ma relaxeaza(si enerveaza cand nu imi iese ceva), si am ceva care fac doar pentru mine, nu pentru copil, nevasta, munca etc. Backing tracks and endless noodling for the win. Mersi pentru videourile pe zona psihologica a lucrurilor. Ah si pentru cine nu a facut coaching la chitara cu Cosmin, eu zic give it a try. O sa va placa tare. Mersi! 🙏
@CosminLupuMMGG 4 ай бұрын
Multumesc pentru gandul bun, Alin! Sa te bucuri de muzica!
@stinkystubin 4 ай бұрын
If D is 1 and 5 is X and water is H2O if he hollers let him go, eeny meeni miney mo.
@Rocksite1 4 ай бұрын
Great idea. Ask us tio give a thumbs up B4 we know if it sux or not.
@bluekchannelexperience 5 ай бұрын
@elijahmcmillian 5 ай бұрын
Awesome video!!!
@CosminLupuMMGG 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! I happy if it was helpful!
@penguinvfx9707 5 ай бұрын
De ce? Pentru ca in sfarsit sentimentele pe care le simteam puteau fi exteriorizate prin muzica. Chitara mi s-a parut doar cea mai eficace unealta de a face asta. Habar nu aveam totusi ca vor fi atat de multe obstacole pe parcus. Music is hard, mai ales cand ajungi la trupe foarte tehnice 😅
@CosminLupuMMGG 5 ай бұрын
Ma bucur ca ai ales chitara! Cum ai reusit sa continui chiar si atunci cand ai simtit ca e greu?
@penguinvfx9707 5 ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGG Well.. de multe ori nu am continuat. Dar mereu reveneam la instrument, aveam pofta sa cant la chitara, chiar daca a trecut mult timp si progresul nu e pe masura. Cu timpul am inteles ca e greu si ca e nevoie sa fie asa. Fiind un hobby, am renuntat intr-un final sa mai am asteptari foarte mari. Invat cantece sau concepte dupa propriul ritm, pentru ca altfel vad ca e greu si nu ma tin de treaba. Presiunea unui profesor m-a ajutat la un moment dat, dar dupa a devenit doar un stres in plus. Cel mai probabil voi canta la chitara pentru o buna parte din viata, so I'm taking my time xD
@CosminLupuMMGG 5 ай бұрын
@@penguinvfx9707 Important este sa te bucuri de proces si sa ai in vedere faptul ca este o calatorie care poate intr-adevar sa dureze cat intreg parcursul vietii tale. Muzica si chitara pot fi prieteni de nadejde si la bucurie si la tristete sau suparare :) Tine-le aproape si cultiva-ti pasiunea. Cauta sa te inconjori cu oameni care sa te inspire sa cresti si sa explorezi mai departe! Iti trimit toata energia buna! Spor la cantat!
@penguinvfx9707 5 ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGG Multumesc mult pentru inspiratie! ♥
@CosminLupuMMGG 5 ай бұрын
@@penguinvfx9707 Cu drag! Multumesc si eu pentru sustinere!
@AayushTamang-ve3yz 6 ай бұрын
Just what I needed❤
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
Happy to have been able to help out! Thank you!
@mikeKidLazy 6 ай бұрын
I can totally relate to this :))))) Happy belated birthday, and keep up the good work!
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
haha! Thank you! That's a promise!
@anca_artfulminds 6 ай бұрын
Genial 😂
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
@mirceanebunu7582 6 ай бұрын
Hi Cosmin, do you still do one on one guitar lessons ?
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
Salutare :) Da, lasa-mi un PM pt detalii
@invisiblejay7573 6 ай бұрын
You're a big Marty Friedman fan, right? Those bends, in phyrgian, are so characteristic of his sound, the way you're playing them. I'm a big Marty fan too.
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
I like his playing, although I honed my articulation chops by emulating other types of instruments, such as vocals, clarinets, violins, saxophones and such, so I think it's mostly from there, rather than from Marty :D
@deanoverlie224 6 ай бұрын
Havah Nagila . Miserlou .
@IcyGriffin 6 ай бұрын
@IcyGriffin 6 ай бұрын
et 11:05
@CosminLupuMMGG 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the bookmarks, man!
@IcyGriffin 6 ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGG it was principaly for me but glad to help other as possible 🙌🏻👍🏻
@noveltycrusade 7 ай бұрын
your eyes are a little smokey and I think you might be battling an opiate addiction.
@anca_artfulminds 7 ай бұрын
Love it!
@papametronomes8790 7 ай бұрын
hey cosmin its good to see you. I started my guitar journey with you on GMC. my name is sumit . i don't know if you remember or not.
@CosminLupuMMGG 7 ай бұрын
Oh, man! That's so awesome! I find it brilliantly amazing when I get to exchange a thought or two with the people I was working back in those days! I hope that life treats you well and that you have continued to enjoy playing the guitar and making music!
@papametronomes8790 7 ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGG You were a great teacher and very patient. thanks for everything. My life is good, surviving with guitar may be hard but it's also very rewarding.
@MusiCatsKing 7 ай бұрын
You're unnecessarily complicating it. It should just be the Bb scale starting on the 3rd 3-4-5-6-7-1-2-3. And the second one was simply the Gm scale starting on the 5th 5-b6-maj7-1-2-b3-4-5. That's so much easier to understand. You don't have to learn 7 (14 or 21 including minor) entirely new scales by changing and re-learning half-steps and whole steps all over the place... ARGH!! All you need to do is start major and minor scales on different notes. It's that simple. And don't call it any kind of D scale because it's not. The first one was Bb starting on the 3rd and the other was Gm starting starting on the 5th. Simple as that.
@CosminLupuMMGG 7 ай бұрын
Hey there! I understand your perspective and in the same time, if you would take the time to dive into music theory you would have a tremendous grasp on the idea of shifting the tonal center, in the case of modes. When I was in my teens, I was struggling with the same issue: why should I learn all of these modes instead of just thinking about one scale? In time, I realised that by choosing to think about the notes in that one scale as relative to a new root from within that same bunch of notes, had a huge impact on the chords, the relationship between them and the relationship between them and the notes one could play over those chords. This changed my view on music forever. Is it complex? Yes, it can be a little bit daunting at first… Is it useful? YES! So, if you would accept a thought from me, meant only to encourage you to explore and get better with music and guitar playing: be curious and ask yourself “hey, what else is possible aside from what I already know and find comfortable?” I hope this helps, thanks for your input and keep rocking!
@pat7255 3 ай бұрын
@@CosminLupuMMGGamen bro