@crazycoolkids00 10 күн бұрын
2 sds into victory. very nicely done.
@naoko2731 10 күн бұрын
@sufir3212 17 күн бұрын
holy kino
@cabbage72 18 күн бұрын
@S2kShane 19 күн бұрын
Crazy 3 minute set
@S2kShane 19 күн бұрын
The fact that this set took 3 mins is crazy
@S2kShane 23 күн бұрын
Cuddly was on Fire!
@S2kShane 23 күн бұрын
Crazy comeback last match
@Mis-Unda-Stood 24 күн бұрын
@a_guy602 Ай бұрын
Im a pacman main
@MTruong945 Ай бұрын
Fox is the King of Pop.
@Mr.Foxhat Ай бұрын
The combo from yellow Jack at 2:48 was nice! I hope we can get some commentary for the next tournament. It would be cool to learn the mechanics like that.
@sourpenguin360 Ай бұрын
Chrono 100% deserved the win.
@dilwindersingh-x7b Ай бұрын
yes brother
@yulireyes4987 Ай бұрын
Buen video
@davijose2462 Ай бұрын
How you get theese models on smash?
@nPhlames Ай бұрын
what a thumbnail
@Alex-ld6zc Ай бұрын
@thegam3rcube686 Ай бұрын
@Wienerdog5 Ай бұрын
@charliekelly735 2 ай бұрын
Why is a racecar driver fighting a bird?
@charliekelly735 2 ай бұрын
My name is Jeff
@KeithTheGeek 2 ай бұрын
Fig's platform movement on BF with Falcon was genuinely dope stuff, cool to see someone putting in the work with the character.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Mojo opening up with projectiles once again. Very risky move Honestly not much to say here other than K'nuckles is op. Feel free to ask anything during any situation. 4:12~4:23 was pretty cool though. 4:57 Desperate PTE gimp here from K'nuckles. 5:40 Recovery mistake in the wrong direction. Followed by another SD lol We see a swap to Buttercup. Buttercup's only advantage against K'nuckles is having a more usable PTE (as it's her main kill option). Both characters generate a lot of cubes. Otherwise she is just as speedy as Mojo is but does a bit less damage (but K'nuckles is faster and does more damage than either of them). Both have projectiles to try and stop K'nuckles but with dashwaving now being a more common thing this becomes hard to take advantage of. Mojo and Buttercup overall share a similar plan but just play differently. Try to use sair for Buttercup and dair for Mojo, then hit as many smash attacks as you can to build up percent and PTE. Watch out for K'nuckles up b as it's his main kill move. Mojo probably combats this better since he has the potions.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
0:34 We immeadiately see Mojo open up with a standing neutral b which is crazy. Dexter can jump and dair (as he just did), side b in and get a down tilt, overall Mojo can't just simply open up with projectiles. Very close match with a lot of back and fourth. We see Mojo getting punished by Dexter's teleport a lot with his neutral b usage. The most desperate PTE I've seen at 3:00. Mojo is grounded and can shield, and is also at 20%. However! Mojo shields a bit too long here. No character needs to shield that long through Dexter's PTE as it is a static hitbox meaning it won't hurt you if you unshield during the laser (unless you jump out and back into the hitbox). This gave Dexter a pretty good opportunity to down smash (is what I would've done) or grab and throw off stage and start shooting more projectiles at Mojo. 3:19 Dexter can use dair to increase his air time significantly and recover back on stage. Mojo may try to jump off stage and gimp Dexter with dairs or potions. Dexter can get back by stalling and playing patiently and teleporting into Mojo or shoot a projectile > teleport Video gets choppy again uuuuuhuuhuuuuuu 😭 6:04 we see Mojo get final bossed. Ideally to breakout you want to use dair since it is the fastest I think. Makes you actionable faster than side air will. We see a swap to Aku. Aku is a very broken character with lasers and glitchy special attacks but is very limited in his game play. Pretty similar to melee Jigglypuff where he uses a few of his best moves and jumps around a lot but requires very good spacing and understanding of aerial movement. Dexter is a much more versatile character who can trade Aku's laser with his own projectile which does more damage. This means Aku needs to be very careful with his lasers and be masterful of air movement to play effectively against Dexter. Dexter has a better PTE than Aku does as it can be used in more situations and Dexter also makes more cubes. Pretty even matchup I think but Aku could have a very very tiny advantage since Dexter's main kill moves outside of PTE are down smash which requires him to be up close, and dair which requires him to be above Aku. 6:58 Example of how janky Aku's specials are. Regardless of if you hit him out of it, he will still be attacking. 7:25 Very weird goat attack. Up b would hit here as it has deceptive range below him 9:04 We see Dexter against an onslaught of Aku up specials. Dexter can't simply drop potions because Aku's hitbox will still be out in the open due to his janky nature and we have no idea where the heck Aku will go after getting hit. Optimally Dexter should side B out of the way here. 9:42 We can see the Aku up b vs Dexter dair interaction more clearly. 9:49 Aku does a funny down b at ledge instead of lasers which scares Dexter and results in an SD and was totally intentional Not sure what's going on during the choppy segments but sounds like Aku used up b against a Dexter teleporting to recover which is a good call. 15:48 Pretty silly PTE usage here since Dexter is grounded and can shield and roll past dragon. Dragon has a lot more startup compared to other PTEs like Dexter or Billy and Mandy. Dragon is mostly used as a ledge guarding option. Later on Dexter gets desperate and begins spamming projectiles and honestly, good call here trying to hit Aku from the sides instead of using the potions. Could use a bit more attacks such as nair, side smash, and sair to further space him out. Aku uses up b a lot and lasers which is normal but needs to fast fall a bit more. Aku's fastfalling physics are different for some reason and you need to actually hold down instead of tapping to fastfall. Letting go of down will stop Aku's fast fall and he's the only character that does this. This is why Aku has such great aerial control.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Writing this a second time (whoops) but basically: Going to just put this reminder on the rest of the vods now. Jab strings are not true in this game. Some jab 1 and jab 2 combos can work but jab 3 will never true combo. Alternative is to do jab 1 > jab 2 > grab or just jab 1 > grab. 0:46 Neutral b here was pretty risky. We see another jumping neutral b at 0:50. Blossom is coast rolling here as she presses in a direction after laying down. This can be pretty predictable and instead just wait right where Blossom begins to be above Mojo and you could time a dair, use potions, or a smash attack. 2:57 no up b after jump 😭 not the little brother vibes We see an interesting swap to Dexter. Blossom and Mojo are pretty even. Blossom has a better PTE and kills earlier than Mojo. Mojo outranges Blossom and has better aerial mobility. Both are fairly similar in frame advantage with Blossom taking an extremely small lead. Dexter and Mojo could be even, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dexter had a slight advantage. It's a very understudied matchup. Dexter has better damage, a better PTE, and has better ranged tools and options. Mojo has better frame advantage and aerial mobility. 5:24 We see Mojo attempt to down smash. Here I would opt to use side smash instead if the opponent is approaching this ledge as it sends out and away rather than upward like down smash. Mojo is decently strong off stage especially against a helicopter Dexter. Can jump off and use dair or drop potions on top of him. 5:50 Mojo up tilt issss... not too good. Not nearly as spammable as blossom's up tilt. Can use a dair, smash attack, or dtilt instead. 6:22 An okay PTE. Could probably save for the next stock but gets a kill nonehteless since Mojo is in the middle of an attack. 6:42 We see Dexter get sent way off stage by the almighty Mojo side smash. Dexter can actually recover in this situation by spamming dair as it slows his fall speed significantly. Jump then up b after since using up b increases your aerial mobility for whatever reason.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Once again, sorry for the pause. There was a weird delay and skip in input which made me think there was changed controls. We can see Jack fumbling a lot of side special combos here. Jack overall needs to be more patient when fighting Dexter as Dexter has much better range in comparison. Can't really tell what's going on since the video gets super choppy, 5:23 random SD, 5:59 Awesome example of how coasting is used. 6:32 Another example of Jack needing to be more patient. Percent used for the buff is meh. We see Dexter putting in some good work with those projectiles and dairs. Random jabs (jab 1 > jab 2 can sometimes combo with certain characters but jab 3 never combos. alternatively use jab 1 > jab 2 > grab or jab 1 > grab) Just needs to work on overall movement and getting used to the game's physics. Nair! Is also very good and underutilized. Disjointed attack which is a big square instead of the crescent shape shown. 10:26 We see what happens when PTE is used against a grounded opponent and when PTE is used against an airborne opponent which is much harder to avoid. However Dexter could still potentially read this PTE and air dodge preemptively to avoid the PTE. It seems Jack suspected another dair to be used. 13:31 We can see the beautiful physics of this game. Comparable to meteor smashing. You can always breakout of these if it ever happens but it is a pretty nasty angle. The only way characters get sent down is if they hit a ceiling. The explanation is that in this moment Jack was slightly inside of the platform which counted as a ceiling and resulted in him getting launched "upward" and into the platform then back down which resulted in the meteor smash. This can also happen with character bodies counting as a ceiling as well, especially with Grim. Pretty crazy stuff. 15:04 We see... uh oh! Air dodging avoids PTE! Was also used at a very early percent. 56% I believe is the earliest Dexter's PTE will kill which is pretty insane since that's like 28% in smash Overall pretty good match other than the missed PTEs from both players. Dexter has lots of potential and just needs to get used to how janky the game is.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Overall solid gameplay. Just be sure not do full jab strings since they don't true combo. For Mojo and Jack use grab after jab 1. Mojo has a very slow jab though so it's not very ideal. Mojo can use dtilt in place since it comes out faster, does more damage and can be used more consecutively than jab can. To down tilt consistently instead of using a smash attack, we can use something known as the Z switch tech or jump cancel tilting. When pressing z and an attack at the same time you will do a tilt attack instead. These have to be pressed at the exact same time as the timing is precise. Alternatively and more easier (I think), but requiring more hand work we can jump cancel tilt. I hear it's similar to the jump cancel up smash input. Simply use the c stick in the direction of where you want to tilt and press the jump button at the same time. 1:36 Was a really crazy down smash from Jack. Bad range, comes out very slow, could've been punished here. Yet again video gets choppy. Sounds like Jack is getting desperate spamming aerials though and ends up getting smash attacked lol. 3:44 We see the funny dash-waving strat used against Mojo here. Air dodging projectiles was found to be highly efficient in scenarios such as this where an onslaught of projectiles come at you. Jack can air dodge, shield on ground, and roll behind Mojo to punish accordingly. This is why Mojo can't just simply stand far away and start spamming projectiles. Ideally after the first neutral B Mojo can side b (which might get air dodged so it's pretty risky) or simply wait for the opponent to approach and try to attack them that way. Using down b might've been the best call as the potion has a pretty sizeable hitbox and Jack was looking to grab Mojo. 4:15 This was a pretty interesting situation I don't think I've really seen. Jack got hit which allowed him to get on an even level with Mojo and secure a PTE kill. Used at a decent percent (both for Jack's 1.5x damage buff he gets and Mojo kill percent), opponent is airborne, but there is a small chance the opponent could've read this and used an air dodge to avoid PTE. After game 1 we see an interesting counter-swap to Johnny Bravo. Johnny is a very simple zoning character who only uses three moves to perform efficiently. Neutral b, side b, and up b. Nair is also decent and you can find niche use in his up and down smash and sometimes his aerials? but the aerials that aren't nair are very very mediocre. However, dair sends opponents outwards which can help Johnny set up more comb spamming. Jack doesn't have a projectile, but overall has the tools to deal with Johnny's hair products but less so than other high or top tiers. Clearly, Johnny wasn't ready to play against this Jack yet lol (and dare I say, other players). Using all the right moves, but not the right strategies. Johnny really does just spam comb at people and up b if opponents get too close. Also comb was used while grounded a lot. Mix it up with some jumping creating more complex projectile patterns to avoid. You can find Johnny's gameplay strategies in VODs if you search up SillyBobby's Johnny Bravo gameplay. 8:30 Crazy neutral b here. An awesome PTe combo at 9:15 used at a great percent. Overall Jack needs to work on being a bit more consistent with what aerials he swings out. Mojo/Johnny needs to improve on general movement (you can see how Jack often fastfalls, coasts off of ledge, etc.) and some general character strategies finding a good focus.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Going to just put this reminder on the rest of the vods now. Jab strings are not true in this game. Some jab 1 and jab 2 combos can work but jab 3 will never true combo. Alternative is to do jab 1 > jab 2 > grab or just jab 1 > grab. And so far that seems to be all I really need to say here. Numbuh One needs to use aerial combos more as a highly mobile character in the air with strong juggling capabilities in the form of his aerials. Even if players jump out of it, Numbuh One can just jump and position himself accordingly or finish off with an up b, or smash attack (particularly up smash). Down b to kill, specials are very good with spacing and damage. Neutral B is like a weird falco triple laser lol idk what else to compare it to. Can force players to approach you and is able to break through projectile spamming. Dexter is a stupid fast character with the third highest damage average in the game and really great range with a lot of gimmicky moves and physics. A jack of all trades that's just good in everything. It's why I struggle with telling players how to deal with Dexter because Dexter is literally just a strong character that requires some extra bullshit and patience to beat him. Dexter is also the only character without a skidding animation which results in really awkward dashing sequences. Just imagine you have to hold the control stick to dash in smash and the moment you let go your character immeadiately stops in place and enters their idle animation instead of doing their little dashing animation after. Because of this property, timing smash attacks after dashing is very awkward for Dexter and the way around this is to cancel dash with a crouch and then use smash attack. 3:49 Pretty interesting down smash kill here. Was the right call as we can see but there's a high chance of Numbuh One jumping over and behind Dexter to punish. 4:42 All PTEs can be shielded. So if Numbuh One had known, he would've easily survived this. This is why most PTEs are used when opponents are airborne. PTE is used at a good percent. Not too late. 7:32 We see the physics of the game truly at its peak here with Numbuh One. Numbuh One does not land because there is a slope here and slopes along with moving platforms can sometimes have janky physics as characters will not land for a while. 8:52 Beautiful PTE usage here. Okay percent, Numbuh One is airborne AND in the middle of an attack. Maybe could've saved and fished for a down smash kill? But that's if you're really damn confident about the game. In the third match we see the items and assists get turned on by accident. This is just how standard mode is. Some items are rather tame. Disable all aerials and normal attacks to use the weapon or throwing said item. All special attacks are still usable and the grab button resuts in throwing the item. Items sometimes nerfs specific character movesets. Dexter and One would both be nerfed in versatility if they pick up say the pink bat at the exhchange of pink bat having high knockback and damage in quick short bursts. Items are used for throwing mostly and are very fun to use in combos. The biggest problem with items are: -Mine. This thing spawns randomly in the middle of the battlefield and kills at 0% and does 50% damage. -Frog Staff. Has four ammo, turns the opponent into a frog if they are hit which makes them extremely light, unable to attack, and die super early. Four ammo > three stocks btw. You have four chances to get a guaranteed kill on your opponent. -Assists. Very unbalanced. Some assists can be inherently broken like synergy or Gwen Tennyson shield while others suck ass like Major Glory or numbuh Four. Some assists will straight up attack the player who summoned them if the assist is a villain character. -Fox's blaster. Is what I like to call it. It's Brawl Fox blaster Except it has properties of Wolf's laser which sometimes just bounces players way out and off stage. Pretty insane item. -Healing items. Obviously, the ability to heal 150% of your health randomly is going to be very frustrating to fight against and makes survivability in this game even more extreme. Luckily none of players picked up any. To pick up items in this game use grab instead of attack or air dodge. Both players played really well for being new. Dexter is just the overall easier character to win with in such a situation.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
A classic matchup, Blossom vs Mojo Jojo. Going to just put this reminder on the rest of the vods now. Jab strings are not true in this game. Some jab 1 and jab 2 combos can work but jab 3 will never true combo. Alternative is to do jab 1 > jab 2 > grab or just jab 1 > grab. 1:00 We see Blossom spamming the side b. Very common move for new players to spam since it seems to combo to extremely high percents. This however is not the case and the move can be jumped out of or shielded. Instead of another side b can use a multitude of moves such as ice breath, up smash, down smash, grab, side smash, even down b at higher percents. And we see down b after side b at 1:17 so great! but it was at a pretty low percent. Crazy and totally intentional read from Blossom knowing that Mojo would jump out of what seems like side b spamming but a trick in disguise! 1:46 We see the knockback freeze glitch again which secured a kill. To get out of this glitch simply jump and you will be able to recover. 2:21 We see Blossom get a down air! After down air Blossom should try to use thunder as this will secure a kill. 2:52 After a lot of the same thing, we see a desperate PTE. Should've been saved for Mojo's next stock as PTE isn't necessarily good at killing, but good at racking up insane damage. We see this damage racking up in action as it nearly doubles Mojo's percent. 4:00 Pretty cool up b from Mojo 4:30 We see a cool wave of potions dropping here from Mojo 4:36 Very shabby PTE usage. Mostly because Blossom is at a very early percent. On one hand Blossom can shield this but on the other she's on a floating platform and her only way out is to use coast rolling off ledge which promotes the risk of getting hit by PTE. In general just use this when the opponent is airborne. We see it kills anyway because Blossom decides to side b so we good. If side b was not intended be sure your control stick is above the top left or top right notches as holding directly in these directions will count as a side b. 7:25 We see projectiles. Using two of them gives the chance of the opponent to jump out of them so be careful. We see this happen immeadiately after a very late side b to follow up. Neutral b up close is very risky but it hit anyway! And then we have a pretty neat turn around down smash. 7:39 We see another desperate PTE attempt. Once again should've been saved for next stock as Mojo is in kill percent with thunder. 8:38 We see the classic neutral b, side b combo. Could've been extended here with a side or down smash. Down smash for the fastest and most guaranteed option and side smash for the much more higher damaging option. Side smash will also send far off stage and gain an advantage against characters with bad recovery. (Blossom however has a great recovery) We see a lot of the same stuff again. Blossom using a desperate PTE and Mojo using a decent PTE. Blossom is grounded so she can shield but is also using an attack making it more likely to hit. Secured a kill by racking up some good percent.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Sorry about the times I went in controls and nothing changed, guys. There was a weird input delay I'm not used to so it made me think they were changed. 0:47 We see a great and typical combo from Yellow Jack. However he forgot to consider the fact that side bing takes him off stage and SDed which cost a whole early life. 1:10 An example of how the jab strings don't true combo in this game. We see Jack attempt a jab 1 jab 2 to side smash. Would've worked against any new player but this Amaterachu guy seems very experienced so he was able to shield and retaliate with a grab. We see Yellow Jack attempt to cover breakout with an up air and up knockout. Decent up special but should've used up air to string more hits in instead. Using up special here allowed for Jack to retaliate with side b, where he could turn the match in his favor with his own combo set ups. 1:22 We see Jack down smash up close. This move actually is the only attack he has that has a tipper. However, instead of damage, knockback changes. The tip has higher knockback while the main body will always have incredibly low and punishable knockback. Here it just comes out pretty slow so Yellow Jack was able to shield and punish regardless of if it hits or not. 1:25 We see a down air, and an awesome roll follow up with side b but then Yellow Jack just kind of stands there. Up tilt or up knockout usually comes after side b. Seems like they tried to do an up tilt there since jab came out and the timing of it was similar. 1:30 With the Jack we see them use a property in this game (and Multiversus sort of) called coasting. Any time you use an attack or action intended to stay grounded near ledge you won't fall or cancel out of it until the animation ends. This happens with dash attack, rolling, and a few select characters whose smash attacks do this for no reason at all other than they just do. Another SD since this was clearly not expected. 1:58 Not sure why Yellow Jack did a side knockout there. Clearly very desperate to send the Jack off stage but a lot of characters will prefer center stage. Jack's off stage options aren't very strong so the only reason he would go there is to make an unpredictable wild card move. Side knokcout CAN be shielded during use however since the opponent is in the air it's more likely to connect all hits. 2:30 Not very good PTE usage here. Jack could've used up b to get out of this situation. After this Yellow Jack gets the kill and immeadiately throws away his 1.5x damage buff from changing into super mode by SDing off the stage. 3:06 Neutral B is another strong move since it kills early. However this attack can also be shielded during its use. Jack could've shielded here making me question what this Amaterachu guy is doing. However it secures the kill anyway. 4:00 I think this might be the frozen knockback glitch in action again? Jack is now entering tumbling knockback which gives access to breakout. Breakout can be performed with jump, attack, or special. Think of it as Game and Watch's bucket canceling knockback momentum in brawl except every character has it now. 4:23 Just a funny interaction here. If an up special clashes with a move, then usually the speed from up special transfers over causing some characters to fly way up high. Sometimes this can result in a kill so be careful! 5:20 Jack's counter has a really large window of action. Don't be too hasty about it. Can be used to counter grabs, PTEs, and everything except laser projectiles like Aku and Vilgax. 5:56 At this point we've observed that as soon as Yellow Jack gets PTE he is looking for an up special to PTE combo. Still a good usage of PTE since Jack is airborne and well enough in kill percent.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
I remember them testing out just how high they can go at the beginning. Believe it or not Numbuh One can jump even higher if he jumps and uses down b at the same time. Insane since he has multiple jumps and there's no limit or anything on down b. This is how Numbuh One can die off top blastline. So of course after a bit of thrashing Numbuh One SDs. Whatever, again expected from newer players as they start out the game. We see some more jabs coming out. Jab combos are never true. Some characters like Numbuh One and I think? Blossom can do jab 1 into jab 2 but jab 3 will never true combo because this can be shielded mid-use. The alternative would be to jab jab then grab since grab of course goes through shield. More thrashing. Numbuh One and Blossom are both very combo oriented characters. Numbuh One's aerials are particularly good at this and can juggle opponents pretty well. We see Blossom use PTE and even doing the circling method to gain more percent! Very good. Be sure to try and follow up with a down b which is Blossom's thunder move. This is her earliest kill option and kills at around 145%. At 7:51 we see both players going to Jack 1 which is banned. There are a few hazards here. A fish comes out and kills players who are off stage on the left side. There is a bell which damages nearby players if attacked, and worst of all there's a ceiling here which allows for infinites. Very wonky stage overall with strange obstacles and an awkward layout. After this, we see that they meant to pick Jack 2! Jack 2 speeds up vertical killing but weakens horizontal killing. Both characters benefit from this stage pick in terms of killing power. The platform in the middle of the stage causes a slight bump in Numbuh One's down b usage. So overall, this is a good pick for Blossom. 11:09 After discovering the power of Numbuh One's hot sauce, we see One discover the jab string strat. The infamous GameFAQs guide even suggests this. However, as stated before, all jabs are not true combos and can be shielded or in Numbuh One's case, jumped out of. This means that sadly Numbuh One can't get away with this unless you're playing with new friends or the easy CPU so by all means keep spamming it if it gets you the win. It's pretty hilarious. Jab 1 > Jab 2 > Grab is the ideal combo starter on ground and should be used instead. One overall has the best jab string in the game since it actually somewhat works. 11:39 Awesome thunder from Blossom. We see an example (whether intended or not) of Blossom using Jack 2's platform to block out numbuh One's hot sauce. 11:47 Is a great PTE since Numbuh One is in the middle of an attack so he can't immeadiately shield it. Numbuh One immeadiately goes from 0% to 140% which is highly dangerous! Had Blossom used thunder to secure the kill she would've won here. Then we see Numbuh One retaliate with his own PTE. This is a bit more tricky to use but it's also just as bullshit as Blossom's PTE. You can sometimes get away with using it against grounded players since it puts a lot of pressure on shielding and can breka through it at times. It would've killed had numbuh One positioned himself away at the last moment. This is because the explosions have extremly high knockback, but Numbuh One's bullets actually count as a hitbox too and have WAY less knockback in comparison. After this we see both players at high percent hungry for the kill. Numbuh One just BARELY missing the thunder attack. That was so freaking lucky, but alas the hot sauce is just too damn spicy. In the third match I can't even tell what's happening because the video is so damn choppy 15:54 Is a great example of showing just how well Numbuh One's aerials can juggle people. Then he dash attacks the literal air after. 16:56 We see a great PTE usage here again as Blossom is in the air and defenseless. However once again, Numbuh One should finish his attack far away from the opponent so the bullets don't end up hitting Blossom. If you paus e at 17:06 you can see Blossom actually shielded here. What? How do you shield in air?! Well that's because Numbuh One counted as a platform in that moment. You are totally able to stand on top of other players in this game which is stupid but it is still something you need to consider here. Blossom almost avoided it but the massive amounts of hitboxes in that area probably broke her shield anyway.
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
Alright lets get this startedddd. I know a lot these players are new and probably don't even care about improving (yet 😎) so with that in mind here are some basic tips about playing this janky ass game. This is mostly for anybody to look at and not just these players specifically so keep this in mind. 0:37 Most if not all jabs never true combo! Blossom (and anyone) can shield during the middle of jab, especially Mojo Jojo's. (Some characters can do jab 1 into jab 2 but jab 3 will never true combo and can always be shielded) Any time I jab I personally always grab after. Should be true and very hard to get out of if at all. Both shielding and grabbing are pretty op. Shield is always frame 1 while grab is frame 3. 1:11 So this up tilt combo can actually be jumped out of. If you ever find yourself in a juggling situation like this chances are you can jump out of it. Blossom finishes off with a beautiful up smash at an almost perfect percent. 145% is the magical number we're looking for and after an up smash you can down b which is Blossom's thunder move. This is her earliest kill option and she relies almost entirely on landing this move. To compensate for that this is a very early kill move (just divide percents by 2 for the smash equivalent) and almost her whole moveset can combo into it. 1:25 so right here is I believe some glitch where if you bounce back slightly from an attack (which we call low knockback) after jumping you can't really do any attack based moves. To get out of this frozen state simply jump and you'll be able to recover. I have no idea why this happens but it happens. From then on we see more beautiful Blossom hits that could've been comboed into thunder and observe the frozen knockback glitch again and Mojo actually gets into a very dangerous percent for Blossom. Blossom really loves 145%~175%. Anything above that makes the character fly further and you end up having to get more clever with your down b kills since a lot of moves won't combo into it anymore. If this ever happens side smash and down smash are going to be your next best kill moves. 3:00 Best way for Mojo to recover here would be to up special. Other than the fact that it became predictable he would side b back on stage, the up specials in this game have a stupid mechanic where your aerial drift speed increases by like 2x. Side b on Mojo slows down his aerial drift from a second which is why he couldn't recover here. This is more of a fun fact but you could also spam down b and hold down because Mojo is able to jump of his projectile in down b for whatever reason. Think of it like Melee Samus but wayyyyyy stronger in recovering. 3:25 Here we see the first PTE in the game. Used very early. I don't blame anybody for this though this should kill earlier but it doesn't. Mojo's PTE should be used at about 150 or 185% as I believe this kills at 200% and the consecutive hits after should add up. Learning how Mojo's PTE works and the intricacies of it should be labbed to further optimize this. After we see Blossom retaliate with her own PTE. Good usage, and gets to an okay percent within Blossom's down b combo range. However! Mojo Jojo is grounded here which gives him the opportunity to shield it! Yes, that's right we can shield final smashes in this game! They're no longer total bullshit! Blossom is also capable of PTE dancing which will reset her hitbox and allow her to hit Mojo much more consecutively. I can link an example or you can go to my Characters in PTE are awesome video and go to the Blossom section to learn more about PTE dancing. Overall disregarding the down b misses from Blossom seems to be an even match as expected. We see a lot of the same things after other than the random SDs and side bing off stage which is expected for a new player so not a big deal. It's not a hyper comeptitive game (yet 😎) so who cares. Be sure to focus on getting cubes. You can even bait opponents by leaving cubes out and try to punish a greedy player who desperately wants to grab them!
@telreyne 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for writing all this up it was an interesting read!
I was first Please pin
@MyrtleBeachSmashBros 2 ай бұрын
@@AREYOUUSINGTHISTOARGUE kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIndhpanhrJrp9ksi=B-N08uTFNSXSWyB_
@MyrtleBeachSmashBros that was amazing
@LordNavarre13 2 ай бұрын
@hidalgopika 2 ай бұрын
bros figging rn
@Exo_Shadow38 2 ай бұрын
@kermitwithapermit3634 2 ай бұрын
No way that sora player really plays like that 😂😂😂😂
@SerenadeURA 2 ай бұрын
these character mods need to be criminalized
@andygomez4206 2 ай бұрын
@gink0-kys 2 ай бұрын
Your hopes and dreams
@amaterachu1 2 ай бұрын
7:00 lol
I like that! I sub to your channel! If someone wants some battles I am in :)
@pinkfgc 4 ай бұрын
what discord server is this tourney hosted in?
@MyrtleBeachSmashBros 4 ай бұрын
This in particular was held at an offline event in Myrtle Beach, so you would have to go to the Myrtle Beach Smash Bros discord server. But for online play there is a server specific for this game that holds online events for it and has a lot of Meta relevant information. I can link it if you'd like
@VincentMabire-st1zy 6 ай бұрын
Docteur 😷 bowser je vais vous une ordonnance et une sévère LOL !
@justRidley-if3cv 6 ай бұрын
I have been thinking about starting a Chanel to teach new Ridley players, do you think it'll be welcomed?
@BowserJr.inSmashUltimate 6 ай бұрын
0:00 Game 1 - Toon Link vs. Bowser Jr. 2:08 Game 2 - Kazuya vs. King Dedede
@BowserJr.inSmashUltimate 6 ай бұрын
00:13 Game 1 - King Dedede vs. Ridley 03:25 Game 2 - Bowser Jr. vs. Ridley 06:07 Game 3 - Bowser Jr. vs. Ridley 10:35 Game 4 - Bowser Jr. vs. Sonic
@Dcl92308 8 ай бұрын
I’m just soo impressed 😮 of how you were able to cartoonized Mega Man 👏🌟💖🔥🔥
@andrewturner5750 9 ай бұрын
@Observedwalnut75 9 ай бұрын
I got worse at the game watching this