@andrewchen6720 2 ай бұрын
破除猶太人撿漏 其實以色列非常喜歡看到股匯雙殺的局面; 攻擊伊朗的駐外使館只不過衆多招式之一。 紅海運河也能影響全球的航運股與航運價! 身為台灣人 ~ 有沒有想過: 猶太人在以軍攻擊後,就計劃在全球 股 匯 雙市撿漏! 以前中東戰爭,藉石油危機猶太人在 全球撿漏 股 匯 雙市。 當下兩岸華人應該合作,不讓被撿漏 不能讓猶太人、中東富豪聯合 製造戰爭 販售危機 華人不能永遠在世上成為中東的韭菜 堅守崗位、破除危機、自信自強 大陸有了光伏、新能源; 中東玩不動石油危機。 他們不得不改玩其餘的把戲, 以致於才有當下的加薩戰亂, 只要華人怕了,立即割韭菜! 當下讓中東各方好好的玩幾把; 華人應該在芯片、euv、ai全力以赴, 再造一個中華文化的輝煌和盛世! 補充其他視頻沒有的 ~ 德國甚至整個世界: 沒有大陸新能源車、光伏、風力 以色列依然能夠宰制人類石油危機!
@FarazKhanHDTEC 2 ай бұрын
I need more details can i get your contact?
@normenkunde2225 3 ай бұрын
I don't buy Chinese crap. A dictatorship whose environmental pollution is going through the roof. Who know neither quality control nor occupational health and safety. Greetings from Germany.
@frenzyact6705 3 ай бұрын
As a Chinese I stopped watching when 3D/AI “Advance Ceramic” is the main direction of the development…..
@jeffm3283 3 ай бұрын
I'd love to visit the relatively small city. It looks like a beautiful area
@joseph1150 6 ай бұрын
China is facing a lot of economic headwinds, between debt and international relations decaying. I fear that these booming cities will be China's Rust belt.