The Alpha Legion is missing something BIG
This is the  MOST forgotten faction in 40k
When the chaos gods spoke to mortals
The Adeptus Mechanicus should be better
Erebus sucks but not really
2 ай бұрын
@h3rbsman Күн бұрын
Every faction and xenos and demon all come together in space to kill each other only for trazyn the infinite to swoop in and add this battle as his magnum opus for his collection
@lonejurtbeltcher4659 2 күн бұрын
I'm not a super big lore head and I don't think GW would do an end times scenario. However I do think its an interesting idea. My take, and excuse any inconsistencies, would to to have a big huge galaxy wide fight with the full might of the Tyranids that eventually leads to forced cooperation between most of the factions. Since the Tau are getting their own more or less ubiquitously good warp god and the Emperor of Mankind starting to stir again (not to mention the theories about there being things in the warp that are fighting for mankind/ other non chaos factions) maybe there is a chance for the warp to be calmed. The constant assault by the Tyranids on everyone weakens chaos enough so that by the time the Emperor becomes a warp god and the new tau god + other deus ex machina entities are able to have a heckin wholesome marvel team up against Chaos. The defeat of Chaos calms the warp but the effort took staggering universal casualties. The Necrons trap the Tyranids in the milky way galaxy and the decimated survivors of this most recent war in heaven take refuge in the now calmed warp to wait for nids to starve to death and pick up the pieces. That's about as close to a bittersweet but not corny ending as I can think of.
@thiccdaddy749 2 күн бұрын
End Times is more akin to Horus Heresy. A backstory for an endless war on my table ^^
@woopwoop-pc5dk 3 күн бұрын
Tzeentch has been targeting Imperial logistics for quite some time. If he pulls it off, he'd starve out forge & hive worlds who supply the empire with war materials. Even Holy Terra relies on food shipments. I'd imagine any apocalypse senario would see mass starvation and material shortages. I can only imagine how the other Dark Gods would contribute in the final battle
@survivalist8290 3 күн бұрын
Best ending would be that in the grim darkness of the far future, there continues to be only war
@woopwoop-pc5dk 3 күн бұрын
The real grimdark was the friends we made along the way
@survivalist8290 3 күн бұрын
Ong bro
@softestleftist 3 күн бұрын
Alpha Legion just gets a little too convoluted, so I feel like an old person trying to follow a really complex video game and not having a good time at all doing it lol so it makes me want to engage with them even less
@SamAbram-vq9kd 4 күн бұрын
I would say that there is a shimmer of hope with, Roboute
4 күн бұрын
Sort of ? Do a 1000 psykers still get sacrificed every day to the emperor? Are there flagelants ? Is there a Tyranid fleet on every corner of the galaxy? I thought so...
@NDGRT-hv6yp 4 күн бұрын
I think for the most part 40k is still grimdark I say for the most part because the main aspect that sticks out are the returning loyalist primarchs The themes of 40k have been decadence of past empires and a spiral of stuff constantly getting worse and worse When other factions get new additions these elements either worsen the state of the faction or increase its self-destructive abilities When chaos or tyrranids increase in power and numbers they are like a burning forest, feeding this fire only increases how bad stuff is in the galaxy Loyalst primarchs dont do this, they help bring back hope and bring back some stability to the imperium and specific factions under the imperium. This doesnt feel to me like grimdark or 40k because there is no evil, its just an anti-hero trying to help his people, and unlike for example the Tau who also have been called many times "not grimdark" primarchs actually have the power to do change, the tau are a small dozen solar systems empire wide xeno union that could bring a new dawn to the galaxy but they are too small, too powerless to even dream of doing so, that is their grimdark. Loyalist Primarchs lack that futility because not only do they control the biggest empire in the galaxy but they are also unquestioned as demigods. When Robute returned there was a promising possibility of a revolt by the inquisition that could cause an internal civil war that would split the imperium not only giving more reasons for loyalist vs loyalist tabletop matches but also adding that negative side to his return and grimdarkness, but GW quickly overshadowed that aspect and now the inquisition and Guillimen just co-exist rendering that there were no negatives in this improvement of a society that wants to be stable and not in constant self-destructuon like tyrranids or chaos Tl:Dr Returning loyalist Primarchs are too much of a good for the imperium, going against the core grimdark themes of decadence of 40k
@free_wifi_kids 4 күн бұрын
Went from lobotomiesing babies(chaos children captured adter a battle usually) to vat grown babys because the other option was to grim dark for woke hammer
@Perkele_foxtrot_oscar_bravo 4 күн бұрын
They are still a thing though why say falsely that they are not in the grimdark universe?
@Imtheshotcaller 4 күн бұрын
I like your take on space marine 2 but we have something more important to discuss. Angron did absolutely nothing wrong, the emperor and custodes are scared bitches.. they should have had Angrons back and he would have had the Big E’s forever. Biggest fumble in 30k years of human history. Emperor and the gay wizard malcador were shit parents and deserve the heresy. Hope they add chain axes so I can larp as kharne soon.
@woopwoop-pc5dk 4 күн бұрын
From a Son of Malice to a Son of Angron, I agree the setting isn't the same. The Daemonculaba was peak. It was straight out of a death metal album. I want horror to return. I want to feel the fear that compels the loyalists to surrender to the ruinous powers. The loyalists know what happens when they're captured. I want to see them do everything in their power to fight it, and I want to see what happens when they have no choice but to kneel before the dark gods. The horror makes seeing friendly astartes an actual relief
@Perkele_foxtrot_oscar_bravo 4 күн бұрын
There are still horror elements coming out for the grimdark universe and it still definitely is grimdark. Choosing one of the most shock value things as a baseline is pretty unfounded however because even before that there was still horror elements, and after the deamonculaba there are still a multitude and plethora of horror entries. Saying Warhammer 40K is not grimdark anymore is pure unfounded opinion.
@DeadMeat991 4 күн бұрын
I don't mind Warhammer 40k going a bit less grimdark. If there are no pauses or a bit lighter bits between the grimdark, it becomes dull and has much less of an impact. Check the official 40k comics from way Warhammer monthly. They juggled grimdark, restrained hope and dark humour very well. They never got boring.
@meemipeiggo 5 күн бұрын
In defense of the alfa legion, they could have easily infiltrated most of the legions. They hold all the characteristics in that way, but I get yout point that their thing about secrecy as their identity makes it so that they can't reveal what they are all about because it goes against the espionage and infiltration agenda. But if it is revealed that they actually directed the course of the story in a significant manner, you can kind of get cool setup for them. They can play all parts, and play all sides after all.
@NoctisAugustus 5 күн бұрын
You can't have progression that way. If the Primarchs don't return then the Imperium will collapse, chaos wins, the end. No more W40k. I'll be honest, I like the grimdark because it makes the noble acts of the characters shine brighter. Grimdark for grimdark's sake is not my thing.
@Connor40k 5 күн бұрын
Pretty much agree overall but I just can’t say I’m a fan of primarchs returning I feel like there’s plenty of ways your keep primarchs at a distance and still have the imperium exist keeping chaos at bay.
@greendalf123 5 күн бұрын
It’s definitely getter softer. It’ll end up where Disney Star Wars is now down the line. I remember an old short story about Kharn and the World Eaters, where one of the world eaters gets crippled charging towards enemy lines. Crippled and in a no man’s land, the world eater roars, “blood for the blood god!” And saws off his own head in impotent rage. He offers his own blood to Khorne, and his own head for the Skull Throne. I can’t imagine stories like that anymore. Too many “mainstream” nerds are entering the fandom now (magic fans, Star Wars fans, etc). The fandom used to be more grunge, more metal heads back in the day - GW literally licensed metal albums. The modern fans will shift the setting eventually. I just wonder whether us veterans will still recognize it then. P.S - Loyalist Space Marine stories vary in grim dark. The “nicer” chapters (Ultramarines, Crimson Fists) have generally likeable and relatable characters who experience the grim dark world around them. The darker chapters (Iron Hands, Dark Angels) tend to be very grim dark in and of themselves. Read: Wrath of Iron, Helsreach, anything to do with Flesh Tearers…
@enicot 6 күн бұрын
As Warhammer 40K moves through mediums, it's to be expected for it to get somewhat less basement dwelling fan favorite and a bit more accessible. I'm so curious about Henry Cavill's version of it and how much of the grimdark he can capture without being off putting to people who don't know about the franchise. There needs to be a starting point for the stories, but WH is so massive in scale that I don't know what it could be.
@changoforreal 5 күн бұрын
im assuming they'll start w the dark age of technology, like some 6 minute intro w light worldbuilding and the shamans sacrificing themselves to create the emperor, then prolly a timeskip to 40k
@JBendyfromdawic 5 күн бұрын
@@changoforreal if they were to do a movie or show, they would need to have first 10 minutes setting things up like intro of LOTR
@enicot 4 күн бұрын
@@JBendyfromdawic but that's the thing, since the canon is so loose in WH40K, I don't know if a more organic narrative would be better. Have it be like Warhammer Space Marine 2 at face value, all power armor and alien invasion just to layer by layer start hinting that this is actually all fucked up
@ryanlindstrom3564 6 күн бұрын
You kinda need highs and lows to contrast eachother. Right now we are in an era of high with the Primarks returning. I doubt that itll last more than a few more years. Then Vulkan will return with the Nails implanted in his brain wiping out his own sons
@softestleftist 6 күн бұрын
I think Warhammer has just expanded into so many genres and mediums of storytelling that it's pretty much got a spectrum of grim-darkness. If some fans one the edgier shit, they can easily seek it out, likewise for the other side. Probably comes from its growing fanbase!
@richarderikssonhjelm8838 6 күн бұрын
The primarchs in general tends to make it so as well
@softestleftist 6 күн бұрын
Every once in a while, ya gotta trade those Butcher's Nails for the ole Thinkin' Cap™️
@tupoibydlos 7 күн бұрын
they let us slap that World Eater maw decal! my life is yours!
@ProphetOfTruth_ 8 күн бұрын
Imperial Fists and Salamanders may be my favorite legions but I think Guilliman and Sanguinius are my favorite primarchs
@richarderikssonhjelm8838 8 күн бұрын
1. Yes 2. Yes, they have some base lore and a cool gimmick (dinosaurs) and cool blanch era artwork. A good author can use that for something very interesting. I would probably do a one-eighty on the monarchism that seems to be there default though as that will quickly become generic
@blackwolf671 9 күн бұрын
Iron warriors are a great legion with a giant petulant child for a primarch, Always have been, that was the point. The dude is named after part of a quote Alister Crowley used for his motto. Go look him up some time, the dude sucked. I sincerely hope if GW ever releases a new model and rules/lore for him, he comes back either as a hellbrute or infected with a primarch tier strain of the obliterator virus.
@Pablo_SmoothCat 9 күн бұрын
What's up guys, it's ya boi; Nurgles' Great Clean One
@brightestlight9462 9 күн бұрын
also not every khorne follower is the big and swole berzerker a hunter like kraven or an assassin like deadshot would also fit khorne a serial killer, a dextrous acrobat who exalts in spilling blood, someone who just loves huge guns, or a group that goes EXTREME on the military discipline and the extermination of their enemies
@FrankieWilliams-kx9gp 9 күн бұрын
I’d fall to Slanesh if I fell. The reason isn’t because I’m a horny fool, or because I’ve deluded myself into thinking she is somehow less evil than the rest. My reasoning is like that of Satan’s in paradise lost. If you fall to chaos you are falling into hell, into the opposite of good. To quote Satan “so farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear. Farewell remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil be thou my good.” In other words if you are to be evil at least be honest with yourself about what you are. That is why Slanesh is the best option, the Prince is the embodiment of unjustified unapologetic evil. If you are going to hell you might as well go all the way.
@morgant.dulaman8733 9 күн бұрын
It comes down to what you want. I'm not really planning on selling my soul anytime soon...or ever...but if I was put into a position where falling to Chaos was an inevitability and I had to pick a deity, I'm going with the one whose honest about what he expects of you and what he'll do to you over the offer of twisted "love" from Nurgle, the randomness of Tzeentch, or whatever sick depths I'll be drawn to in bondage to Slaanesh. If you go to Chaos, you *will* lose yourself to madness and obsession one way or the other, but at least you can be honest with yourself about it and try to retain some semblance of sanity and honor for as long as you can.
@sanguinius_yt 10 күн бұрын
Angel Exterminatus is amazing. Slaves to darkness also makes them look amazing
@revolutionaryrabbit7715 10 күн бұрын
This just in, The mega devil from super hell is not actually the chill guy people think he is. More as this story develops.
@deafnoisemarine6294 10 күн бұрын
I think something people forget about Khorne is that there is a degree of mirroring between himself and Slaanesh. Under the patronage of either power you are living the life of an addict, and enslaved down to your soul to these addictions. There is a state of constant and building restlessness that can never be fully sated.
@sahajthind7234 10 күн бұрын
The flesh is weak but deeds endure
@somedude8174 10 күн бұрын
From iron cometh strength…
@softestleftist 10 күн бұрын
Oh IIIIIIIII see! You'll give the Iron Warriors books a chance but Corvus can fuck right off! I SEE HOW IT IS AROUND HERE! I SEE WHERE YOU DRAW YOUR LINE IN THE SAND (I say as if I'm not the same way about the Alpha Legion. But in my defence I DID read Legion)
@victorrosenheart8036 10 күн бұрын
Khorne will make sure you are in endless pain because pain fuels rage.
@powerneed1023 11 күн бұрын
nurgle is best choice he is the only one who actually cares about his followers and living on a nurgle planet is more peaceful then a hive world
@thegreenbellpepper 11 күн бұрын
I wouldnt say cares for in any real way. The "love" nurgle gives is not unconditional and should you displease him or not do what he wants you to do he will wreck your shit just as if not worse than any other chaos god. At the end of the day nurgle is still a malevolent evil god and is not truly loving
@powerneed1023 11 күн бұрын
@@thegreenbellpepper but as long as you dont actively displease him he is very unlikely to screw you over like the other chaos gods will on a whim. its an abusive relationship sure but at least he will pretend to love you unlike the other chaos gods who range from actively hating you to disliking you
@LP-rx1oo 11 күн бұрын
@tisFrancesfault 11 күн бұрын
I miss the acceptance of the gods aspects, Khorne's noble knight form was so cool... Imo slaneesh is by far the worst of the gods.
@powerneed1023 11 күн бұрын
tzeentch is much worse than slaneesh tzeentch is just a dick you basiclly have to win the lottery every other day to not get screwed by him
@brightestlight9462 9 күн бұрын
i mean its still there, but ultimately it was always a charade
@zanesy6250 11 күн бұрын
Thinking that any of these choices is good is obviously foolish. The whole point is that the power provided ultimately weakens you. Much like a drug that only makes you a lesser being dependent on it to survive. The emperors children may be the ones that take this drug literally, but all the other paths lead to a similar attempt to chase the dragon of some greater emotion.
@nyxhighlander9894 11 күн бұрын
Planet broke before the Guard Cadia stands!
@nyxhighlander9894 11 күн бұрын
Hey this ain't about the Maerorus Temple, but actually never heard of these guys.
@nyxhighlander9894 11 күн бұрын
An Alien esc novel written about guardmens fighting hrud I grew a earthshaker cannon at the idea.
@softestleftist 11 күн бұрын
I too listen with my eyes
@somedude8174 11 күн бұрын
Spiky cpu boys
@uzikun 11 күн бұрын
finally someone talks about the darkmech. they need more screentime 1000%
@Ceiling_Gato 11 күн бұрын
Not going into the Raven Guard vs. Night Lords rivalry is one of the biggest missed opportunities in the HH series
@TSInfiMa-r6z 11 күн бұрын
His hypocrisy is why I like him most. His boring quiet demeanour is also fun.