Pause Back Squats for Jiu Jitsu
Can You Squat DEEP!? Learn How!
Lifting for BJJ AFTER 40: Part 2
The BEST Pull-up for BJJ?
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@BettafishAlpha Сағат бұрын
Yeah for now… do the same strenuous work for your whole career. Not just your little workouts you do after your nonsense desk job increasing shareholder values.
@ElectrumPerformance 12 минут бұрын
Um. What?
@itsjustzom817 3 сағат бұрын
Who the fuck said running is bad for your joints, the human body is designed for running and throwing 😂
@ElectrumPerformance 3 сағат бұрын
It's wild what people claim nowadays
@rawlee6719 Сағат бұрын
Except when you get arthritis in your knees at age 20 due to shitty genetics after being a cross country runner 🫠
@ElectrumPerformance 11 минут бұрын
@rawlee6719 that sucks, but it doesn't mean running is inherently bad
@mattcoleman6780 4 сағат бұрын
Never heard anyone use that term.
@ElectrumPerformance 3 сағат бұрын
Then you've been on the good side of the Internet 👍👍
@jenniferwoody3357 4 сағат бұрын
…as I’m sitting on my couch with two bandages on my shoulder and the enormous amount of pain killers aren’t doing a darn bit of good, I’m disagreeing with you whole heartedly.
@LeonMortgage 4 сағат бұрын
What happened?
@ElectrumPerformance 3 сағат бұрын
I'm not saying it's impossible to experience injury. But the belief that physical activity is inherently dangerous is blatantly wrong
@ElectrumPerformance 5 сағат бұрын
"Orthopedic cost" is a sh*t term. It serves one purpose: To make people fearful/less willing to engage in certain forms of exercise. And maybe this would be warranted if it was accurate. But it's not even close. If you understand load management, or prioritize rest/recovery at all - your body will adapt POSITIVELY to stress. Running - with appropriate rate of change, rest between sessions, etc - will leave your body MORE capable of handling the stress of running. This is why over time you can handle longer runs, and at a faster pace. The same is true for lifting. Or jumping. Physical activity is stress. But biological systems *require* stress for positive adaptation. 👉Send to somebody who needs a reminder #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #gym #running #deadlift #backpain #bjj #sbd
@jmswillow5969 4 сағат бұрын
You are dead wrong. My 2 disc's with no fluid and 2 others ones that are bulged told my orthopedic surgeon that heavy headlining was stupid. I also stopped heavy squats and my knees are fine. Go look up any powerlifter in their 60s and see how they walk. Ask Ronnie Coleman ignoramus!!
@ismailb4334 13 сағат бұрын
I love the content but the music is too loud 😂
@ElectrumPerformance 4 сағат бұрын
I'll work on it 🫡
@n0hzash252 14 сағат бұрын
Slow the motion for better gain.
@Sauerstoffgeniesser Күн бұрын
I would love to do more explosive training, but I fear being judged by others
@ElectrumPerformance Күн бұрын
A lot of power work you can do at home!
@Sauerstoffgeniesser Күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance i don’t think my neighbors will like that, but thank you
@Joel0991 Күн бұрын
@ElectrumPerformance Күн бұрын
Send to somebody who has this mixed up 👈 Our strength training should be the most EFFICIENT way to improve the hardware on your body. Then, we use any additional energy to actually train our sport. Let's look at 4 crucial ways to upgrade this body 👇 1️⃣ Basic Strength work - yes, even a few elements from powerlifting can go a long way. Intense sets, long rest periods, and compound (multi joint) movements are the way to go. At appropriate dosages, this makes our body more resilient and harder to injure - especially if we emphasize range of motion (ROM) 2️⃣ Power - the foundation for athleticism is a great trait to spend time improving. It's also great for learning to absorb force and prevent injury. 3️⃣ Hypertrophy - that's right, bodybuilding can have a great place in an athlete's program. Don't listen to what soft functional gurus say, a bigger muscle is a stronger one. Isolation is also a BIG tool for addressing weak points. 4️⃣ Conditioning - spend less time sitting out, improve recovery time, and upgrade your gas tank. #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #gym #bjj #jiujitsu #functionalfitness
@davidwaakelamoku9924 2 күн бұрын
He's aged farther than I have in a week of training 😳. That's the jedi look after you've been accepted. 😂
@BBQHoGS 2 күн бұрын
It’s me Jan 2nd when I went hard in the paint Jan 1 in the gym!
@ElectrumPerformance 2 күн бұрын
You sticking with it?
@BBQHoGS 2 күн бұрын
I am not. I’m six months behind now! But my son who is exercise gym nut. Is on me and I have started back up. I said you know I may be six months behind but I still have six months to make up for it. So the reason I love this video is because that was me two weeks ago. But not lying to anyone because I’m a grown man. Lol I have not done anything this week but stretch. It’s sucks. I am 6’9 530 pounds. The lord blessed me with an amazing structure. And I have let it go to pot. So I know about the surgery. But I feel if you have to lose so much weight to even get the surgery then why not just keep going? So no more excuses. No more letting the pain get to me time to push through it and reach my goal before it’s to late. I’m fixing to be 41. It’s time. Because I have always wanted to do jiu jitsu by I have always been to big. Well that’s my excuse anyway. My son is a wrestler and wants to start with me when I shed at least a 100 pounds. The best I looked when I was 320 I was 26 and then I stopped. Lol the pay sucks lol! But yeah that’s my sorry excuse. Thanks for asking. It’s hard to motivate myself sometimes! Thank the lord for my boy. But we moved to Oregon and there is martial arts studios everywhere so maybe I’ll walk in and see how much it is to whip my ass into shape. Or if they say nope ur to tall and to big. Guess only one way to find out.
@yoloswag_8172 2 күн бұрын
Im scared to get old 😢
@atliens2536 2 күн бұрын
Don't do hard drugs you will be fine bro 😂
@BBQHoGS 2 күн бұрын
Bro! It’s a blast! When you start making noise. Everyone just yells at you to set back down they got it! Lol I haven’t taken the trash out in two years! It’s awesome.
@ElectrumPerformance 2 күн бұрын
The right physical activity can literally reverse aging effects. Loss of power/velocity after the age of 30 could be slowed and ever reversed to a degree with Plyometrics and power work. Regular cardio can keep recovery rates up and decrease mortality rate drastically. Keep fighting 👊
@BBQHoGS 2 күн бұрын
Well I heard back in the day . If it’s true no clue. But I heard at 40 is the strongest you reach. I just feel like I was pretty damn strong at 26. But I feel like if o ram into 26 year old me I would crush his hand. Idk. I’m definitely no expert. I just wanna reverse the bull crap I fed my body for 15 years.
@moe1780 2 күн бұрын
Me getting up in the morning for work.
@ElectrumPerformance 2 күн бұрын
Real 💯
@spoonzer8675 2 күн бұрын
That looks like 17 years old first week of rebar lmao 🤣 … well that how I was at least
@przemski3206 2 күн бұрын
He is recovering from vuu jitsu 40%
@XGoROZPiertalacz 2 күн бұрын
Ahh Vu Jitsu the forbidden technique
@Alchemistic88 2 күн бұрын
Joe Biden waking up in preparations for a day of watching people's mouths move at him and nodding along oblivious.
@justing2426 2 күн бұрын
This is a crackhead right? 😂😂😂
@MB2.0 2 күн бұрын
Bruh please tell me you've seen the Regular show episode where they lift w their backs 😂😂😂😂
@MB2.0 2 күн бұрын
@MB2.0 2 күн бұрын
I live to see mfs say "glassback", prolly the best lifting slang ever
@ElectrumPerformance 2 күн бұрын
Welcome, brother 🫴
@ElectrumPerformance 3 күн бұрын
Do you do all 8? First let's get one thing clear - the spine adapts POSITIVELY to dynamic loading. So let's look at 8 ways to do just that 👇 1️⃣ Flexion/extension: Back extensions, reverse hypers, CRUNCHES, toes to bar, Zerchers - we should load and progress these 2️⃣ Lateral flexion: pretty straightforward - a Smith machine makes it super easy, a barbell can be used for those who want a challenge 3️⃣ Rotation: this can occur in isolation (shown on cable) or as an integrated part 4️⃣ Braced: these movements are generally accompanied by less spinal motion, but more load. This is valuable too. 5️⃣ Power: obvious variations include spinal motion, but even the impact of jumping can be a unique stimulus for our discs 6️⃣ Rows: our t-spine goes hand in hand with the scaps. Open that baby up for a tiiiight upper back pump, and your spine will also benefit. 7️⃣ Muscular Endurance: movements like sandbag carries or super high rep back extensions can allow us to train these muscles to produce force for longer durations, allowing them to better protect us in sport or life (if your friends are too cheap to hire movers) 8️⃣ Cardio: this one may surprise you, but there is data that shows increased IVD thickness in runners, and adaptation in rowers. Don't undervalue these activities in back health. 👉Save somebody by sending them this advice! #backpain #fitness #sbd #gym #ElectrumPerformance #bjj #jiujitsu
@graceaowen 3 күн бұрын
then it falls anyway and you smash ur face on the dumbells 😂
@ElectrumPerformance 3 күн бұрын
But your hands are free. That's undoubtedly better
@graceaowen 2 күн бұрын
​@@ElectrumPerformance absolutely! just having a laugh 😁
@ElectrumPerformance 3 күн бұрын
We get it - it's easy to slap on a brace and pretend you've addressed the issue. But braces have been PROVEN to have no effect on re-injury. You know what does? Lifting weights, and exposing your joints to increasing amounts of stress. They'll positively adapt, and the adaptation will allow your joint support to be BUILT IN instead of stuck to you by some flimsy Velcro. And you don't have to absolutely drain yourself in the weight room for hours to have a beneficial effect. Two short lifts with an emphasis on compound movements will get you on the right track. Want to take advantage of even more low hanging fruit? Throw in a few sets of plyometrics. You don't have to be chronically injured to train jiu-jitsu. It's not some badge of honor, it's a battle you're going to lose SOONER if you don't address it intelligently. Let us show you a better way 🫴 #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #gym #bjj #jiujitsu #adcc #ibjjf
@DUES_EX 3 күн бұрын
If you are doing this for boxing, your form is wrong. If you are just doing it for your core, it’s fine
@ElectrumPerformance 3 күн бұрын
It's being done to improve rotational core strength. That can be transferred to any athletic endeavor that involves rotation. It doesn't have to look exactly like a sport for it to transfer
@brycamp3237 4 күн бұрын
Omg pobersito 😅
@Ibrm.amp_official 4 күн бұрын
Tbh it does make you slow as u have more muscle on your weight but bruce lee built muscular body while being extremely fast
@ElectrumPerformance 4 күн бұрын
It doesn't inherently make you slow - please read the added comment
@ElectrumPerformance 4 күн бұрын
Stop 🙅 chasing the stability fairy Stability is a *learned* trait, specific to the task at hand. Your nervous system recruits muscles in a pattern that allows you to maintain or change joint angles as you choose. So you want to be stable? Improve the capacity of your muscles to produce force, and to do so quickly. I.e. work to develop strength and power. Even dreaded hypertrophy work 😱 can help with building this capacity! Then *apply* this capacity to whichever specific tasks you care about (jiu jitsu, an exercise, another sport) by practicing that task. *Obvious disclaimer for those who have experienced an injury that limits the capacity of muscles to produce force (and therefore stability) or where lingering pain inhibits the ability of our nervous system to recruit said muscles* 👉 Send to a friend who chases the stability fairy instead of chasing strength, power, athleticism, mobility or conditioning #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #functionaltraining #gym #bjj #jiujitsu
@katelynngassert6516 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story - keep it going! 💗 Thank you to Electrum for holding the space for all to feel safe and be their authentic selves, no matter what kind of day you’re having or what feelings you’re grappling with. ❤️
@ElectrumPerformance 4 күн бұрын
Trab's the best, happy to share a good message 🙏
@Kamien996 4 күн бұрын
It's looks more like Zercher Dead Lift, not squat
@ElectrumPerformance 4 күн бұрын
Did bro read the title?
@Kamien996 4 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance holy shit my fault fam. I just wake up and that was first thing I saw
@ElectrumPerformance 3 күн бұрын
😂😂 no worries
@simranjitkohli3747 4 күн бұрын
Can this substitute rowing? Or what would be a zercher rowing variation? I have an injured forearm so can't pull much even straps hurt. Thanks!
@ElectrumPerformance 4 күн бұрын
I don't think you'll get much of a row stimulus here. Try using ankle cuffs but on your wrists and with a cable column! I've done that when my jiu-jitsu athletes have injured hands
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
We'll never claim that physical traits trump efficient technique. BUT anybody who has gone toe to toe with an explosive wrestler knows how much some speed + athleticism AUGMENT that technique. And luckily, these traits are trainable! With the right attention and effort, you can build the explosiveness needed to commit to takedowns and stop being forced to pull guard 🤢 What's needed for athletic power for takedowns: -low load, high velocity exercises -high load, lower velocity movements -power work in all three planes -reactive/"bouncy" power movements -deep range strength work And this month of Team EP has all of these! Not to mention, as you age (past 30) you begin to LOSE some explosiveness and power unless you train it. Why keep guessing and feeling older on the mats? Check out this link for a free trial where we can guide you to a more explosive, athletic version of yourself 👇 #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #plyometrics #adcc #bjj #jiujitsu #wrestling
@DownToEarthYoutube 6 күн бұрын
I'll just do the opposite to feel it in my hamstrings.
@ElectrumPerformance 6 күн бұрын
It's not really a great option to train the hammies even if you feel it there - they don't really go through a significant range of motion
@DownToEarthYoutube 6 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance I see. What would you recommend for the hamstrings with basic home equipment
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
Good question! We have that covered here 👇 kzbin.infoVrIO8Hg7h6U?si=jrCjHwrfR3RcKNXY
@DownToEarthYoutube 5 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance looks great, thank you
@Dumfancy 6 күн бұрын
Dude what? Squats absolutely are a good hamstring exercise
@ElectrumPerformance 6 күн бұрын
And what makes you say that?
@Dumfancy 6 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance hamstrings and calves are secondary muscles on a squat. If you're doing your 10-15 reps I can assure you there's hamstring activation. Not as good as RDL or a Hammy curl but you're certainly working them out
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
Activation =\= adaptation. The hamstrings don't change in length since they shorten at the knee and lengthen at the hip as you descend in a squat. When a muscle doesn't change in length it's super difficult to get any sort of meaningful stimulus unless you're completely detrained
@NocturnalIntuition 6 күн бұрын
I didn’t listen to anybody, my hamstrings are sore the day after I squat , I know they work hamstrings.
@ElectrumPerformance 6 күн бұрын
That sensation is likely your adductor magnus. The hamstrings just don't change in length enough or experience enough tension to experience damage from a squat. The adductors on the other hand...
@NocturnalIntuition 6 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance no it’s definitely my hamstrings I’ve been working out for 20 years I know when my hamstrings are sore
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
Then your hamstrings are exceptionally detrained. The adductors are actually loaded and lengthened, and become primary hip extensors in deep hip flexion (bottom of a squat). You get sore in the hamstring region under the butt. This is the adductor Magnus, and it's taxed heavily during a squat. Hamstrings simply do not - they shorten at the knee and lengthen at the hip, resulting in no net change in length. Sorry you've been wrong for 20 years 🤷‍♂️
@NocturnalIntuition 3 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance yea yea ill just pretend they’re not sore after squatting because it makes you feel smart.
@world294 7 күн бұрын
Wow! Keep up the good work, and thanks for the advice❤😊l
@SassyDaSasquatch 6 күн бұрын
This is not good advice
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
@world294 will do!
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
@sassydasasquatch got any evidence? Because what I said is accurate
@SassyDaSasquatch 5 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance honestly I'm pretty sure I was drunk when I wrote that, I have no clue why I said it and I'm sorry. it was unnecessary hate. I'm working to quit but I'm truly sorry especially if I induced any negative emotions.
@Jowseye 7 күн бұрын
Thank you tor making me rewatch the planet of the apes series
@Jowseye 7 күн бұрын
Well, a youtube recap…
@ElectrumPerformance 7 күн бұрын
@ElectrumPerformance 7 күн бұрын
Did you by chance also try lifting with your back?
@Jowseye 7 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance im terrified of doing what you do as i have a very long body type
@ElectrumPerformance 5 күн бұрын
So do I! I'm 6'4" - there isn't a height requirement for training the spine! Just take it slow at first and look to add little by little
@ElectrumPerformance 7 күн бұрын
I'm seeing this more often lately 👇 People claiming that certain variations/foot positions in squats will allow you to hit 'more' hamstring. And while this might even *technically* be true, I don't think the hamstrings should ever be a focus/part of your decision making for squats. Why? Because the hamstrings flex (bend) the knee and extend (straighten) the hip. So while they're lengthening at the knee, they're simultaneously shortening at the hip. They essentially don't change much in length at all, so more/less activation of the hammies shouldn't really be a factor for your squat selection. "But my hamstrings have been sore from squats before!" While I know exactly what you're talking about (that spot right under the butt that gets sore when you haven't squatted/lunged in forever) - it's probably your adductors that are actually damaged/sore. Squats are great! Find a variation (or two) and get really good at them! But not because they ever target your hamstrings 🫡 #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #gym #legday #bodybuilding #squat
@jack2u 7 күн бұрын
literally just happened to me...
@ElectrumPerformance 7 күн бұрын
Seems to last forever too 😂
@drm3259 7 күн бұрын
People avoid lifting with their back and then wonder why they throw their back out bending over to get something. Same thing with people never letting their knees go over their toes.
@ElectrumPerformance 7 күн бұрын
You're on point with both examples. It's wild the comments that I get on some videos where I point that out though
@drm3259 3 күн бұрын
@@ElectrumPerformance I lived it, man. Got out of the Marines and had some lasting knee pain - never let my knees go over my toes because I was told they'd explode immediately, and they just got weaker. Once I started training in that deep knee bend range my knee pain went away. Dislocated my shoulder during sparring last year - was told no hanging, may never regain full range, don't move it for x amount of months - now I hang for a while to start every workout - one arm, both arms, etc. Don't avoid compromising positions - GET STRONG IN THOSE POSITIONS and you'll be stronger and more durable! Also, "locking shoulders back" during bench - the worst.
@LouisStephans 8 күн бұрын
It was quite hilarious… oh no I don’t like it 😂😂😂😂
@cash9406 8 күн бұрын
@PsychoBenches 8 күн бұрын
Yup. Too much of anything is bad, give your knees and back a break when it needs to.
@ElectrumPerformance 8 күн бұрын
Absolutely. But that doesn't mean avoid them for forever! Many people take this route
@AndyfnB 8 күн бұрын
Yup, the whole "lift with your knees" is for people with short spines. As someone with a literal freakishly long spine my range of movement is very different.
@ElectrumPerformance 8 күн бұрын
Anybody can and should lift with their knees sometimes and their back other times! It's not a one or the other type thing. Joints are made to bear load and to move! Glad you found value with the message 👊
@Outerspacejunky 8 күн бұрын
This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen in my 24 years of life
@ElectrumPerformance 8 күн бұрын
Enough of this nonsense myth 🙅 Lift weights to improve force production and prevent injury. Mix in some plyometrics and you'll be FASTER and more powerful. This is the recipe to building an athlete. There isn't a better example than our athlete, Lucas Hulk Barbosa demonstrating his athleticism at Karate Combat (see clip). Congrats Lucas! Let's keep building that engine 🤝 DM us if you want more athleticism 👀 #ElectrumPerformance #fitness #gym #bjj #jiujitsu #adcc #ibjjf
@alexdoloress2180 9 күн бұрын
Mussolini, is that you ?
@shark3380 10 күн бұрын
Saw the intro Subscribed straight away
@ElectrumPerformance 10 күн бұрын
Welcome 🫡 if that resonated I think you'll fit right in
@austint1151 10 күн бұрын
It's true for work. When you're lifting all day with no breaks and you're pushing your joints without the benefit of real muscle exercise, you destroy your back. It's good advice from the generation that actually worked.
@ElectrumPerformance 10 күн бұрын
It's not good advice though. Your body adapts positively to stress as long as you don't overshoot it - but that's more a function of load management than some magical way to move that's arbitrary and not based on any quality evidence
@saberrider3659 11 күн бұрын
yeah only people that never had to lift shit can believe that. Going to the gym is not lifting.
@ElectrumPerformance 11 күн бұрын
Manual labor definitely requires a ton from the back - because that's often the most efficient (or only) way to lift something. Cheers 👊