Your Life Is Significant
14 сағат бұрын
Divorce, Dignity, and Demons
Bridging the Gap
21 күн бұрын
How to Judge
Ай бұрын
What Is Your Core?
Ай бұрын
Communism and Travel
Ай бұрын
A Special Message from Dennis
Awkward in Person
2 ай бұрын
The Center of the Universe
2 ай бұрын
The Blessing of Ignorance
2 ай бұрын
Perspective is Everything
2 ай бұрын
Condoms in CA Schools
2 ай бұрын
Artificial Boxes
2 ай бұрын
God’s Will
3 ай бұрын
Numb to Evil
3 ай бұрын
Un-Presidented Trump “The Felon”
Seek Joy
3 ай бұрын
The Narcissism of Modern Art
@mikejames-drummerreginacan1386 8 сағат бұрын
Great video....thanks. I have not written a book but I consider myself Canada's number 1 Flynn fan. You are very attractive Julie, I'm sure Errol would have paid you much attention. "in like Flynn".
@tessajanemtl 11 сағат бұрын
Really enjoyed this episode
@michealjones592 11 сағат бұрын
Of course the Republicans want you to think the parties didn't Switch because she wants Black people to vote Republican
@tessajanemtl 11 сағат бұрын
@gregorykobb2420 12 сағат бұрын
Everybody please Share
@mcmc2383 12 сағат бұрын
Amazing story period but it all is premised on if that first part is actually true, it doesn't say that in the Bible as far as Adam and eve been in heaven before God created them where you stand on that story determines whether there is any validity to this but definitely an interesting tale
@berrios27lorenso 14 сағат бұрын
Fight to see your soulmate after this adventure not virgins, forgiveness life makes you who you are. We are all human mistakes happen to strengthen one for that special someone!
@berrios27lorenso 14 сағат бұрын
Womens equality! Express your self and celebrate womens beauty respectfully.
@berrios27lorenso 15 сағат бұрын
Timeless con la mas preciosa y hermosa !
@Kevin.Parkin 17 сағат бұрын
After my Third Listen, Dr Hartman's insights into Self Determination become more and more profound. If you are a struggling student or mom or young professional or average Jane / Joe, this episode of Timeless is for you.
@BlessingJohansson 18 сағат бұрын
I am loving how she asks her questions, kind of understanding ❤
@berrios27lorenso 21 сағат бұрын
Gods clairvoyance is in your eyes , what other roof could it have been!? Where is the plausible deniability???
@berrios27lorenso 21 сағат бұрын
Clarity with a beautiful touch!
@TOMHAUGEN-g7u Күн бұрын
Multiculturalism, feminism, and Marxism that we now are seeing in the west shouldn't come as a surprise at all .. The Kremlin has used this as a destabilizing tool for years infiltrating educational institutions with leftist propaganda by promoting these Marxist ideas into the western intelligentsia thinking and in the community with the help of labor unions.. The Kremlin has infected this into western society for generations and now we are seeing the effect of it !! The Russian call this form of attack for Active measures... The point of this is not to make you believe in anything but to create enough doubt, distrust, and confusion within the populous of the western nations that the Kremlin is attacking that the people will start to distrust their own government and media, it is, in other words, the good old game of divide and conquer Kremlin style .. Also now that they fare liberal left has gong totally bonkers and the West's educational institutions are all full of liberal professors (so job done ) the Kremlin is now shifting its focus so it can maximize the effect of their divide and conquer evil game of the Active measures strategies, by supporting right-wing element's all over the EU, UK , and the USA and every one from internet bloggers to political parties, Milos Zeman, Viktor Orbán and Le Pen in France and other usefuldimwits like Pablo Iglesias Turrión from Spain's Podemos political party and Matteo Renzi of Italy and others in high offices in all EU nations; and in the US Trump, Tucker Carlson , Vence and others like Tim Pool , Laura Southern , Dave Rubin (don't believe me then just google Tim Pool , Lauren Southern , Dave Rubin and Tenet Media american Russian propaganda outlet ) and in other places of society like in Big tech we have ppl. like Elon Musk etc etc Musk has for sure made a backhanded deal with Russia and Putin about working together with Russian space industry ; to help Musk with his spaceX going to Mars program (colonizing mars ) This is why Musk went from helping Ukraine with free star-link and then out of the blue Musk went all pro Russia .. When he got brought and paid for by Russia in this space calibration and collaboration deal if he starts using his platform to help promote Moscow propaganda anti Ukraine sentiment and block western support to Ukraine and help Russia ambitions to win in Ukraine and the war ends ; he (musk) will get help from Russia's space industry with his ambitions of colonizing mars ... HOW MANY BILLIONS HAS MUSK RECEIVED FROM US GOV FOR HIS PROJECTS AND STILL HE TRIES HARD FOR THE KREMLIN TO STOP HELPING WITH AID TO UKRAINE ; BECAUSE HE SAYS GOV. SHOULD NOT GIVE OUT AID AND MONEY ?? QUESTION; Why will Musk do that and say that when he himself takes money from US taxpayers ?? Who does those statements benefit ? Who is Musk trying to please ? According to a Los Angeles Times investigation, Musk's companies had received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015, and they've gotten more since. 1. Elon Musk Took $17 Million In Federal Charging Grants Before Firing His Entire Supercharger Team 2. SpaceX is, after all, primarily a government contractor, racking up $15.3 billion in awarded contracts since 2003, according to US government Tesla and SolarCity continue to report net losses after a decade in business, but the stocks of both companies have soared on their potential; Musk’s stake in the firms alone is worth about $10 billion. (SpaceX, a private company, does not publicly report financial performance.) All of them and their political party are receiving indirectly and directly financial and funding from the Kremlin and have close business deals with Russian state companies... and they are all well known to bang the kremlin drums in the EU JUST LIKE Pro-Kremlin Czech president Milos Zeman.. What those guys don't really understand is this all of this comes from the KGBs disinformation handbook from back in the day of the cold war and the Kremlin back then and today uses these conspiracies to discredit the US, and the west to the rest of the world and their own populous ... We NEED to understand this : RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA attacks its target by just being between the gray areas of what is the truth and lies that small crack between the two ; between the light and the dark; between the cracks of the open spaces: in other words they mislead by false appearances and illusions and those doubt and confusing is the order of the day ! And that's why it is so effective, as it is neither lies or truth, is not half truths or half lies; its all of the above and none of the above !!! It is not made to make you believe in anything or disbelieve anything, it's made to make you doubt and distrust your own reality of what you have of experience about your own society what the world , society has objectivity shown you to be truth, you start to doubt your own society there is no objectivity grounded facts and truth ; everything is subjective and floating, nothing is clear-cut no universal truth. Russian propaganda just sows enough doubt and confusion, that you just ignore your own thoughts of what you know is true and therefore rocks with your internal conviction and your physical sense of being ! It doesn't try to make you believe anything but to trust nothing and doubt everything around you .. ! In the shadow world of the Kremlin's FSB its called Active measures, and it's psychological subversion and confusion management at its highest level ; what some ppl. may call gaslighting but fare more sophisticated than so ! Its not intelligence collection the FSB and GRU is doing when they run such psychological propaganda operations, but subversion of the countries populace minds and their reality : "active measures " is made to weaken the targets moral , to drive wedges in the the targets community alliances of all sorts, sow discord among allies, to weaken the western systems in the eyes of its own populace. What Russian propaganda tries to do is mentally turn YOU into one of those "prisoners in the cave" like in Plato's Allegory of the Cave from Plato's Republic (in the theory of forms ) , you see shadows and reflections of what they show you and a twisted from of reality is then reality a type of distorted the truth and facts ; the light and truth has become "shadows on a wall " where you are not sure anymore and started to think and doubt facts and truth believing that maybe up is down, white is black, left is right; truth is lies and fact is fiction !! And those you will find yourself a solace in your own ignorances and doubt and in some cases you may even choose to be hostile to anyone that challenges whatever preconceptions and notions of doubt you have being gaslighted into thinking is the " truth ( "shadows on a wall " so to speak ) !!! You have been victimized and programmed by Russian propaganda to believe or disbelieve whatever is the kremlin narrative, you have became a dubious fool that is " on the horns of a dilemma" and you end up in rejecting grounded norms and truth and just willing become accepting of what suites the kremlin narrative; you start repeating Kremlin talking points like a parrot and you are more or less incapable of critical independent sovereign thinking a cognitive dissonance prevails; you will struggle to gain the knowledge and enlightenment needed to analyze contradictory statements ! The target (civilized western world) " western societies populace and you are drained down into a muddy murky abyss of contradictory statements; in other words subversion of the target society (and YOU ) at this point is complete and your ability to illuminate your own thoughts and find truth is destroyed and the path for enlightenment critical thinking is therefore almost impossible.. THIS IS WHAT RUSSIANS FSB AND GRU CALL ACTIVE MEASURES !! Like the Danish philosopher SØREN KIERKEGAARD once said ; There are two ways to be fooled , one is to believe what ISN'T TRUE ; The other is to REFUSE to believe what is TRUE !!
@TOMHAUGEN-g7u Күн бұрын
ON A SIDE NOTE : The aid to Ukraine is not free cash !!! its hardware from old stoick piles that will have been sent for destruction and replaced anyway as shelf life storage life is over date or about to be over date !! (this way US saves money by not having to safely destroy those weapons only replace) The military equipment has been pulled directly from existing U.S. military old SURPLUS inventory that has a shelf date that soon will be past that date ; and will be needing replacement anyway this way US. gets to restock its military equipment with more newer updates versions and send the soon to by out of date to Ukraine and as a bonus US. military saves the money it will have used for destroying the old military equipment as well !! Also it is true other parts of the Aid / funding will be used to purchase new weapons and this will be sent to Ukraine; but all sales must be and will be bought from the US industrial complex industry and American manufacturers; this supports local American communities in states (over 33 states ) that produce weapon's this helps marginalized communities and sates get a solid cash influx / bust into their local economy and supports jobs within the factors that will be producing those new weapons.-. (So the money doesn't go into the pockets of Zelensky and friends thats a myth pumped out by Russian propaganda and regurgitated by "pathetic tools" of the kremlin like TuckerCarlsen ) Members of Congress have questioned how closely the U.S. is tracking its aid to Ukraine to ensure that it is not subject to fraud or ending up in the wrong hands. The Pentagon’s inspector general told lawmakers at a hearing, that his office has found no evidence of such corruption or wrongdoing, but cautioned that investigations are only in their early stages. The Pentagon’s inspector general also informed the Members of Congress that despite claims to the contrary, the United States is not sending bags of unaccounted-for cash to Ukraine. Most US contributions go to military aid, including weapons and equipment made by American defense contractors who employ communities across the country. When the United States spends money to purchase military equipment as part of an international aid package, the materiel may go overseas, but the money and jobs stay in America. Similarly, appropriations for the US Foreign Military Financing program provide incentives for NATO allies and partners to secure US-made capabilities. This translates to more business for US companies and sustained employment for rural communities in which they operate. For instance, Lockheed Martin, maker of the HIMARS-which has been central to Ukraine’s counteroffensive-plans to increase its Camden, Arkansas facility’s workforce by 20%, and recently announced increased profit projections through the end of the year. Similarly, General Dynamics has committed to building new production facilities in Mesquite, Texas, bringing money and jobs to the region. Change like this takes place only when the Pentagon sends strong and stable market signals to the defense industry, giving it the confidence to expand and hire. In short, the numbers suggest that continued support for Ukraine is a win-win for Ukrainians and the American people. The United States can continue to defend stability and democratic governance across the globe, while at the same time boosting American industrial output and advancing US economic interests.
@Elephant2024-wi2li Күн бұрын
The Biden administration from top to bottom is the absolute worst in U.S. history.
@wheel-man5319 21 сағат бұрын
@deancreambetweens Күн бұрын
I just want to live in a peaceful and functional country again...
@freddysteady1547 Күн бұрын
How does it feel young lady you were born in a fascist Nazi country. Democrats. All your beautiful democrat friends. Don’t care. Wait till it affects them.
@GeorgePhillips-g2v Күн бұрын
The Manchurian Candidate! What happen about the two offshore account?
@jBecker1844 Күн бұрын
I always loved the quote “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” - Allen Saunders
@manivannanchokkalingam8251 2 күн бұрын
frenchman martell, spain, ww1, israel, india, syria, ccp & so many others are responsible for not getting swamped by jihadis and losing civilization
@freddysteady1547 2 күн бұрын
So much redemption in Jesus. Me. My daughter. My grand daughter healed.
@dimakhidarkovskiy2175 2 күн бұрын
Left wing fascists who called themselves “ Democrats “ have not succeeded Trump 2024
@johnhendrix5285 2 күн бұрын
So her "myth 2" is reliant upon the CRA voting data from before the Dixiecrats defected to the Republican party in later 1964? This history major blatantly ignores the political upheaval of Andrew Johnson pardonning former Confederates and the role that later played in the Anti-Grant radical Republicans and absolutely racist Democrats of the day (read pardonned Confederates) using the same rhetoric to fight Grant and mainstream Republicans on 2 fronts? On the scale from obfuscating grift to confounding idiocy, I'd rate this at blatantly ignorant with a dash of stupidly smug.
@berrios27lorenso 2 күн бұрын
Amaterasu, the real Queen is you.
@berrios27lorenso 2 күн бұрын
@berrios27lorenso 2 күн бұрын
Because I think your a Queen Bee
@berrios27lorenso 2 күн бұрын
@jjjjpppp123 2 күн бұрын
Well done. Thank you
@modestproposal9114 3 күн бұрын
Is this woman an idiot or dishonest?
@Elephant2024-wi2li 3 күн бұрын
The most disturbing aspect about the assassination attempts on Trump other than secret service incompetence is the way the Dems and media are making nothing of it. If the assassination attempts were on Obama instead of Trump, the Dems and media would be screaming every day about the hateful rhetoric of MAGA activists, racism, etc. But since it is Trump being targeted, the reaction is 'let's move on, nothing to see here.'
@garyo.6206 3 күн бұрын
This video just happened to pop up on my KZbin Home page. Since I've seen many Errol Flynn films, I decided to watch it and found it interesting. I guess you have to appreciate the Golden Age of Hollywood to enjoy these movies of some of these Great Stars. And many of Errol Flynn movies have sweeping musical scores that are a pleasure to hear. And notwithstanding bloodless swordfighting, but to me old films that are played regularly on TCM can have a certain kind of charm to them. Especially if you're in the right mood. In his movie "They Died with their Boots On", with Flynn portraying General George Armstrong Custer, his final parting scene with Olivia de Havilland was quite moving. Many of his quiet understated scenes in his movies were his finest acting moments. This all being said Ms. Hartman, and you didn’t state whether you've ever even seen or enjoy a movie or TV show before the 1960's "The Big Valley", you looked bored with it all. And I believe that was your guest's book? Didn’t say much about it except that you really enjoyed using it to write on because it had a good hardcover. If I was Mr. Florczak, I'd feel a liitle down. But I still liked the subject matter. At a point in time in America, Errol Flynn was the King of Warner Brothers. And his movies are still played on television and in a way, he still lives on long after his passing. And you know what? That would be kind of nice. Many people of today know who John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Bette Davis, or Marilyn Monroe were. But Errol Flynn seems forgotten. Maybe because of his character and personal life, some people may want nothing to do with him. And many books after his death have come out with unsubstantiated accusations where he can't come back and personally refute them. Yet, he was one of a kind. And he led a life of living like no other. And in fact, there's probably never been more movies or books made about another actor ever than Errol Flynn. Except maybe Marilyn Monroe. And Mr. Florczak is right. Errol Flynn's autobiography "My Wicked Wicked Ways" is one of the most entertaining books you could ever read. And what made it so cool to me was for about the first third of his book, he's adventuring around in the jungles or on the seas not knowing what to do with his life except have fun and adventure. And then it's like when you turn the next page, he's all of a sudden a Hollywood Superstar. That quick. Amazing and just Incredible.
@elizabethwright3814 3 күн бұрын
I love what you told the hotel housekeeper. I believe that kind of encouragement is why we are here. Being able to lift someone else up in a genuine, meaningful way is the greatest thing there is. You two are forces of nature. Thank you for all you do.
@jodigardenier6499 3 күн бұрын
I wouldn't be standing taking photos with my phone. I would duck down. Or maybe they didn't understand what was happening?
@thehyphenate7864 3 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed the thoughtful discussion in this podcast, Julie! That said, this may be one of the only times I differ with you on something. I feel the assessment of manifesting missed a key point - it’s really not just about wishing or thinking positively or relying on crystals (which, btw, I think usurped too much of this convo as they are really just seen as spiritual accessories, if you will). Anyway, manifesting actually does require action. Many spiritual teachings on manifesting confirm this. Like, Wayne Dyer, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, who has books on manifestation, said, "The more you see yourself as what you'd like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you'll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality." Hence, it's about doing the work! And yes, while manifesting and prayer both reflect belief in a higher force, manifesting centers on personal agency (taking steps toward your goals) while prayer is more about waiting for divine intervention. 🤍
@vincenthalas7055 3 күн бұрын
At least the crystals are real.
@Kevin.Parkin 4 күн бұрын
Minute 43:00. God gives each of us a brush and a canvas and the opportunity to create a Masterpiece. Good show Dr Hartman.
@Elephant2024-wi2li 4 күн бұрын
Know that it is a generalization, but have to say that people who believe in a higher power (whether it is through a religion or not) tend to be calmer, happier people.
@Exspea 4 күн бұрын
Thank you
@berrios27lorenso 4 күн бұрын
Read it more than once you can understand authors intentions are not as what they seem
@louisebrislane6607 5 күн бұрын
Okay Julie, it is off to the bookstore for this book or I think that you will be bugged if you can't get it fast!!
@Elephant2024-wi2li 5 күн бұрын
You made an unintentional pun (the best kind) telling us to keep it classy as you doing a podcast on education.😆Seriously, good points that the candidates are ignoring the issue. Trump should be clobbering her about not being for school choice. Sadly, he isn't.
@milkipresswebmag4765 5 күн бұрын
There is a big principle for education: at the eating table, parents debate, the child concludes.
@gregorykobb2420 5 күн бұрын
When I meet black people that were taught their history early in their live, I mostly see a positive happy forward thinking person. Also, we all can honor the Black community by taking some of our time learn about Black American History, Because Black American History is American History, and we are ALL in this together
@gregorykobb2420 5 күн бұрын
If we demand excellence from everybody, then we will have, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion I believe all communities are Capable of Greatness
@gregorykobb2420 5 күн бұрын
You know what really offends me is: The achievement gap between black and white students in most urban American schools, that are run by Democrats is very awful, this is something to protest against. This is so bad that as an American of Polish descent, I will use the "R" word and call it racist. I wish parents and student would have a peaceful protest against the rotten government schools, asking for School choice, and they can all wear a tee shirt with a Malcolm X quote “Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children”
@gregorykobb2420 5 күн бұрын
One of my favorite quotes from a Great American about education “Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children” Malcolm X
@cesarcanete3402 5 күн бұрын
Great Show today Ms. Julie. Cool that you went to a Private School. I know it's a crazy thing to ask, but do they have HS senior prom in private school? I went to a public high school, so I wouldn't know lol
@vincenthalas7055 5 күн бұрын
I occasionally drop in to see how you're doing, Julie? I am surprised how few folk were watching you? The show is polished, and your presentation is pretty solid, I think? It must be content Julie. Let's assume Donald wins? Let's also assume Elon Musk assumes the role of Swamp Monster and starts cleaning out unnecessary government FAT? What if some talented presenter somehow got the scoop on the immediate results and, perhaps, an explanation why Elon did what he did. Maybe have a running counter of dollars saved? I dunno. I guess I want you to see success commensurate with your talent?
@deancreambetweens 6 күн бұрын
I'd rather study at a community college or trade school and go into something that makes me happy than go through the cookie cutter system in high school or at a prestigious school, run myself ragged trying to stack my resume only to get a soulless job at a big company that treats you like a statistic. Resume-building saps you of a fulfilling childhood and young adulthood imo The odds of being born are estimated to be one in 400 trillion. The probability of one sperm hitting one egg is one in 400 quadrillion. People don't realize how microscopic a chance they had of even being born. God gives us one life in this world and it's anything but insignificant. The fact we were even born and were able to grow up and get to know and understand God is a blessing
@Elephant2024-wi2li 6 күн бұрын
Love the way Julie embodies the far more honorable H word than Harvard, humble.