@spigney4623 2 күн бұрын
Im having a bad episode after a long time of being nearly symptom free, And its my birthday 😔 Feeling really lonely and ashamed but this video is helping
@kellyd9610 2 күн бұрын
Wow..I just recently discovered I have all of the symptoms and the relief and anguish is all so much
@mimimillenial 3 күн бұрын
You are building a perfect analogy to what I have learned to understand when I opened the door to the psychedelic experience and the witchcraft you‘re doing…I’ve gone through the same journey with trauma and adhd. And Oh my God, I also have a past of (day-)dreaming of an anti-heroine-like woman or dreamed of being her and later, I incorporated her essence into my inner self to become who I am now! Getting diagnosed with adhd in my 20s made me love the younger me and come up with much more compassion for myself. Also, I had a very profound moment on a trip, standing on (actually above) an intersection of roads, the synchronicity (Jung again) here… ! this is incredible.
@Alice_Walker 4 күн бұрын
No disrespect to those who want to do it differently but getting a Mirena IUD which stopped my periods all together and hence my PMDD literally changed my life. I wish I'd done it 15 years sooner. I am very grateful for that little miracle of modern science.
@busyburr8780 Күн бұрын
Did it help immediately?
@Alice_Walker Күн бұрын
@@busyburr8780 pretty much. I had a small amount of spotting on and off the the first few of months but it started relieving my PMDD symptoms from the very first month and by the 5th month my periods and PMDD were gone. It's been almost 8 years now (I'm onto my second one) and now on average I get one day of extremely light bleeding about once every 130 days. Sometimes I get a little bit moody the day before but it's nothing compared to how I used to feel for a week or more.
@alv134mommy 5 күн бұрын
Just realized that I’ve entered perimenopause at 45 and I want to tell you that it has taken my PMDD and multiplied it. I don’t know where your research takes you, but perimenopause happens to us faster than we realize, and it completely upends your life. What happens to people with PMDD? My experience so far has been devastating.
@martamilosavljevic7053 7 күн бұрын
Hello. I am coming from another 10day pmdd episode.. This is my 3th month in a row. Last month it lastes 14days.. I am exausted.. Emotionaly, physicaly and mentaly.. I ate healthy foods but big amount..i had for sure 2500kcal every day... Just dealing with water retention after is story for it self. Now i need to take back my confidence..
@yogaandpms 7 күн бұрын
Please. Do shorter videos! Max 5 min.. we are used to tiktok now. This is too long for me at least. Especially in pmdd. No patience😢😮
@Elsie90581 7 күн бұрын
"Seeke ye out of the booke of the Lord, and reade: no one of these shall faile, none shall want her mate: for my mouth, it hath commaunded, and his spirit, it hath gathered them." "Moreouer brethren, I declare vnto you the Gospel which I preached vnto you, which also you haue receiued, and wherein yee stand. By which also yee are saued, if yee keepe in memorie what I preached vnto you, vnlesse yee haue beleeued in vaine. For I deliuered vnto you first of all, that which I also receiued, how that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures: And that he was buried, and that he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures. " "But the word of the Lord endureth for euer: & this is the word which by the Gospel is preached vnto you." true1611bible.com/about/ www.kingjamesbible1611.org/ "In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men." "But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Doe thy selfe no harme, for we are all heere. Then hee called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell downe before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I doe to be saued? And they saide, Beleeue on the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saued, and thy house. And they spake vnto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house." "Being borne againe, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer." --- Psalm 119 "Thy word is a lampe vnto my feete: and a light vnto my path. ... " Revelation 8 "And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great starre from heauen, burning **as it were a lampe**, and it fell vpon the third part of the riuers, and vpon the fountaines of waters: ... " Job 41 "Out of his mouth goe burning lampes, and sparkes of fire leape out. ..." Isaiah 14:12-14 "12 How art thou fallen from heauen, O Lucifer, sonne of the morning? how art thou cut downe to the ground, which didst weaken the nations?13 For thou hast said in thine heart; I wil ascend into heauen, I wil exalt my throne aboue the starres of God: I wil sit also vpon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North. 14 I wil ascend aboue the heights of the cloudes, I wil bee like the most High."
@Megmaf111 10 күн бұрын
I am a teaching assistant and my pmdd started after I had my second child. I’m really feeling all this now , I feel like a absolute zombie and Im struggling to talk to the staff who I really enjoy the company off usually and I just feel exhausted and drained all the time. I’m crazy anxious and I’m getting annoyed and angry super easy and I’m hiding from family when I get home and feel like I just want to cry all the time . 🥺 I feel like an awful person and can’t open up to anyone about what I am going through right now and feel like everyone at work must hate me because I’m not as talkative as I usually am . I Desperately want this week to end
@suvendroseal1724 15 күн бұрын
Incredible, this channel needs to comeback!
@marionakiskeri2057 16 күн бұрын
I feel so seen I could cry, Thanks so so much for sharing. Much love
@g0ldenkeys 16 күн бұрын
Sitting here going through an episode and I’m so sorry there are other women experiencing this hell. I can’t explain how alone it makes you feel.
@Idreamofpannekoeken 16 күн бұрын
Love this thorough and vulnerable breakdown of somatic practices! I am realizing there is a lot for me in somatics that I want to embark on to reach a more regulated state. It really helps me to understand the use of up and down -regulating and the descriptions you offer of your in the moment experience while you are at the mic is so revealing and beautiful to watch.
@amberroberts411 18 күн бұрын
I have never heard someone accurately describe what my life has been. The emotional flashbacks without the memories make so much sense. And yes, my PMDD has been so much worse since I’ve started EMDR. Some days are so hard, and all it’s so hard for me not to reinforce shame as I feel like I’m backsliding. Thankfully I’ve also been doing somatic yoga, meditation, and breath work to keep me grounded. Thank you for talking about this, I feel like I haven’t been able to articulate for others what my experience had been.
@claire-ui6pu 18 күн бұрын
Cannot sleep tonight I’m starting studying your videos bc my periods for last 3 months have been really really bad
@claire-ui6pu 18 күн бұрын
Here and it’s nice to see I’m not alone in feeling such intense self loathing
@ChapmanRod-d2l 19 күн бұрын
Brown Patricia Clark Robert Robinson Edward
@sarahlittledrum7508 20 күн бұрын
Cannot thank you enough - I just had a bad episode and the worst timing - you have helped me to stay focused on what I can do - you’re message and your work is sooooo important I am literally also a witch who found magick out of the need for control and joy and self relationship- I have CPTSD and PMDD and one of my goals this year is to tell my story and to create more awareness and understanding of PMDD / it’s so freaking tragic and dissapointing and disturbing how many people still don’t know / even most of my doctors and therapists - I noticed that o usually spend most of my time and energy focusing on how to feel better - but next month the focus will be how to deal better ! That’s the answer - thank you sending you the biggest love and gratitude and I am just obsessed with your work
@Channibear-ku 22 күн бұрын
Do you feel like you have fallen out of love? I am feeling this suddenly and i am on day 2 of my period. I was feeling numb and my mind went that i dont love ny boyfriend
@Cnsalmoni 23 күн бұрын
I cannot thank you enough. AUDHD here. Diagnosed 2 years ago at 55 years. I had to self diagnose both, and it took the 4 hour tests, the research into how ADHD and ASD are different in women, especially the super smart ones- to convince the Phds and Psyds. The irony is I’m working through the gas lighting so many therapists imposed on me, that it’s just trauma and my unwillingness to conform and put in the effort to change, push myself through the workday. Despite years of chronic burnout and a ruined career, I’m dedicated to finding the path to heal, to get back to my old self (my childhood was a relatively happier one), and do everything in my power to not let this happen to my child.
@Meagantyler 25 күн бұрын
Oh Elizabeth. I can’t thank you enough for helping me understand myself though your beautiful words. I’m fresh out of a rough couple PDMM days where I was searching to find answers to what was going on in my body. Thank you for putting this out into the world. I needed this. Thank you. So much.
@Libneniye95 26 күн бұрын
really love your approach! watching your videos, this question popped into my mind several times: have you considered that you might have adhd? i recently got diagnosed and very probably also have pmdd and according to the scarce sources, adhd in women manifests very differently than in men and changes throughout the menstrual cycle. according to a video by healthygamer (dr alok kanojia) on adhd and the mentrual cycle, women with adhd experience symptoms that seem very similar to those of pmdd to me (major disregulation, worsening of concentration issues, intense inner bully..)
@Jewel77777 28 күн бұрын
How are you able to implement these practices when you work a very hands on, interactive job? Also, the short term memory loss and brain fog…How are you able to just laugh it off when something like that happens at work and you’re being heavily supervised? For reference, I’m a dental assistant. The trembling, the constant racing thoughts, the obvious sour mood, I’m literally of NO help when I’m in PMDD while at work.
@lindah4120 29 күн бұрын
Similar religious experience growing up, still in process of claiming my womanly self. Thank you for your wisdom!
@Kelli5555 Ай бұрын
Very helpful to not attach meaning to the feelings. Im having a very challenging time with relationships because I just want to isolate. I get impulsive and out of control with my partner. I absolutely hate pushing him away and putting him through the cycle. Thanks again for the video!
@ellemeno0 Ай бұрын
I experience intense pmdd but I also have scant menses (which sometimes makes it feel like I am waiting forever for a bleed) and am now getting into the complication of perimenopause, It has always been hard to understand my cycle. I get the suicidality, I get the instant relief either at the bleed or a day before. I also found out if I try to take even the smallest amount of progesterone for the peri I get all the worst pmdd symptoms.
@apple1hun Ай бұрын
This was amazing. Thank you for this video. I was struggling today but you helped me notice and just observe my emotions
@puddimilk1351 Ай бұрын
I'm fucking sobbing, I've never related to someone so much
@TaKyraMoonlight Ай бұрын
I have every symptom 🥲 I’m really fine all month, happy, social and then suddenly I’m so anxious I’m visibly shaking, I can cry in seconds and unfortunately I ruined a close friendship during this time. It’s really upsetting for me to be called too emotional or unable to do work as well when I’m usually not this way at all and I’m happy, sharp and easy going any other time.
@statusmixes Ай бұрын
I live alone don't have many friends or I talk to anyone on daily basis and I'm from broken family too, so house environment isn't that friendly and I left my studies 3years ago being in a toxic relationship staying home 24/7 in hope and waiting for everything to get normal I use to get these negative waves of depression with gaps of months.....now finally my life is going to be better somehow I'm talking admission in university I had to be happy and positive but this pmdd made me suffer again at this point 💔 my mother is tired of this because she don't understand she support me but she isn't aware of pmdd
@stellamarisgallardo487 Ай бұрын
So vulnerable, open, simple and very touching the way you express everything, thanks so much!
@MisterBinx Ай бұрын
My finance has been doing this from the start. Once a month she starts saying she feels unloved and questions everything about me. Everything I do is wrong and it leads to a fight. Then it just goes away and she’s normal. She just won’t listen to me that it could be pmdd. She even has physical symptoms. I wish I could convince her to get testing
@angelicapickle5 Ай бұрын
Not only the mental anguish of pmdd, but does anyone also experience extreme physical discomfort? Bloating, headaches, breast soreness, gas, constipation? Its exhausting
@maeveestes201 Ай бұрын
I’ve had PMDD for 2 years now as a 16 yr old highschooler I find it super hard to balance friendships with family, and work (especially). It makes me feel always incapable and a completely different person than who I know I am.
@AGreenPatch Ай бұрын
I have never had a relationship because I have PMDD and deep shame around it. I ruin the relationship before it even gets started. I’m 30 now and this means I will probably never have children. It’s been a big few years realising and grieving this fact.
@AGreenPatch Ай бұрын
I have Cptsd, Pmdd and I’m a hsp. Thank you SO SO much for posting these videos… you’re helping me more than you know ❤
@thatlittlehomestead Ай бұрын
Mine in some months starts on day 14 of my cycle and can carry on for over 2 weeks until my . comes. It’s absolute hell. 1-2 weeks of PMDD, 1 week of 🩸, then one week of normal. What kind of a life is this to get 12/52 weeks a year to feel normal. I’m going to be 50 and after going through this since a teen I’m horrified to experience menopause with what I’ve read about that. Life is a cruel joke! 😢 Thank you for this video, you did a wonderful job. After watching it I’m wondering is there a spiritual meaning to menopause?
@moimarin6108 Ай бұрын
Thank you SO much for this video, my life becomes a crisis every month for the exact amount of days with the same exact symptoms.
@aloneinaforest Ай бұрын
feel so greatly guided and blessed to find you only a few moments inn and im sobbing i experience all symptoms drastically its not sore boobs every month my boobs swell 2/3 times bigger my tummy bloats so big like 5/6 month’s pregnant hopelessness depression anxiety fear anger agitation irritation suicidal thoughts migraines 2/3/4 days lost in migraine cant eat sleep walk nothing and im someone who is a little anti label but since being diagnosed last month at 39 years of age to think ive been dealing with this for so long and just thought i was going crazy ive never been so thankful for a label in my life thankyou thankyou thankyou for being here
@Yvainne1 Ай бұрын
Elizabeth, maybe it’s your hell week now, so I’m gonna tell you this to make you feel a little better ❤: When I realize my PMS has arrived, I’ve got like a letter written from me to myself that I read every month. In the letter are instructions how to deal with my PMS I’ve collected over my time dealing with it. And one of the instructions says: Put on your headphones, play a video with Elizabeth Ferrera talking about PMDD and go clean your apartment listening to her. And it works everytime! usually after one video from you I ground myself and get above all the hurt and sadness and hopelesness I’m feeling. And I say to myself…”I’ve got it from now on.” ❤🎉 I
@elisabethdimitras2718 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I have been diagnosed with partial BPD, suffered for years with depression and severe depression...and lately I have been realizing that it must be PMS or PMDD as well because each month on the same days, I argue with my partner and I am getting irritated too easily. I do my best with natural remedies, I live off the grid with my pets, away from society and I help myself with chanting, resting, winter swimming, walking in nature, stay alone in silence, read a lot, watching movies and series...I finally come to terms with all that.
David Whyte is the philosopher/poet who said that about harsh vs loving kindness…..
@Beloved9632 Ай бұрын
I quit my job last week during my PMDD episode! Regret it so much. 😭😭😭😭😭
@naeiniguez Ай бұрын
It’s like you were speaking right to me I literally thought I was just insane and a mental mess but this brought so much clarity and made me feel normal ❤
@muriellelily Ай бұрын
The void and the grief... a constant reminder of having to have a practice and have a safe space to be. If you know a community around this, please share as I haven't found one here in Canada, thus far. This is a huge relief... it is a very raw experience
@muriellelily Ай бұрын
I am so grateful to have found this video... Thank you so much for sharing, Elizabeth. Resonate so much with all of these symptoms and have dealt with this my whole life. How did you get diagnosis?
@our.secret1130 Ай бұрын
Field taken by ai
@ВарламЖичкин Ай бұрын
Anderson Maria Robinson Barbara Martin Amy
@sabrinadawoud5088 Ай бұрын
Exactly how I feel , the part when you paused , I felt that in my bones 😢
@CrayonConoisseur Ай бұрын
It's because of you that I've dabbled in witchcraft. Well, mostly because I've found out that my sister in law is a witch that casts the evil eye on me and my family 😂 That's what I've noticed too with witchcraft and the occult. There's a lot of meditation and focus practice. I highly recommend reading the Psychic Witch. I've found my strength in my craft and it's all because of you mentioning your spell jar 🥹