P-51 Mustang, Spitfire-Documentary
IS-2 World War 2 Small-Documentary
@user-jy7ui5ru8y 22 күн бұрын
Churchill are you serious hahahaha
@richardcheek2432 22 күн бұрын
This criteria used is so simplistic and shallow, it must have been composed by some snot nosed, pimple faced Jr High school dweeb who is without a clue. 1. How did the authors omit the M24 Pershing, the biggest and most lethal tank of WW2? 2. The M4 Sherman was the overall BEST tank of WW2 in its capabilities whic go way further than mere armor and main gun. a. The M4 was a multi-role tank, but mostly it was designed for infantry support. It was not designed to primarily kill enemy tanks. The M4A3E8 "Easy Eight" was designed as a tank killer, equipped with a 76L it was effective up to 1500 meters against the Tiger 1, and even the regular old M4' 75mm could take out a Tiger if it was only 500 m or less distant. b. The M4 turret could turn at twice the angular speed that the Tiger could. c. The M4 had turret stabilization which allowed it to attain an accurate sight picture almost immediately. d. The M4 was made in dozens and dozens of variants which allowed for much simpler logistics supply due to so many vehicles have very similar design and parts. e. The M4 was very fast and was able to quickly flank enemy tanks to get a flanking shot. f. The M4 was so easy to build, 4 could be made for each Tiger. And there is much more, but evaluating the effectiveness of a tank design goes far further than which tank had the biggest gun and thickest armor.
@The_Snark 23 күн бұрын
Ис-2 полное дерьмо. Слепая братская могила с орудием, неспособным попадать. Без вентиляции... Лучший - Пантера, разделывавшая сталинский металлолом с дистанции, недоступной для попадания. ЧиЧиЧиПишные танки отдавались по 5 штук, за Пантеру. И то, не всегда получалось.
@DerFriedensradikale Ай бұрын
3:25 Sounds like a lawnmower
@IskiPiski1 2 ай бұрын
Any us tanks should be in this list
@pawelzawadzki2250 2 ай бұрын
T-34-85! Not the T-34/85. A dash, never a slash!!!
@nealstampley1546 2 ай бұрын
Wrong type of music with this video
@MoneyIsSilver 2 ай бұрын
Its not the plane, its the man flying it.
@standupstraight9691 2 ай бұрын
Dude, 88 didn't even move. Limp ass demonstration.
@udofunk5409 3 ай бұрын
Ohne Hilfe damals, von England, Amerika,....... hättet ihr nicht gewonnen!!!!
@agviator 3 ай бұрын
I just tuned in to to see how maligned this list is and I’m not disappointed.
@nikolajc7617 3 ай бұрын
How the heck did Tiger 2 become nr 1??? with so many problems it had, Panther was way better even with complex road wheels.
@user-lx6ou3bl6b 4 ай бұрын
In what universe is Churchil better than Panzer IV? T-34 and Sherman won WW2 and they should be on the top of the list, not Tiger 2 produced in small numbers. Tiger 1 in 1942 (end of) and in 1943 was extremelly unreliable. KV-1 not in the list, this tank was ahead of its time and in 1941 had no real competitor on the battlefield. T-34 had Christie suspension which was rejected by US army. What an iconic mistake. Russians always recognized promissing ideas, adopting Chistie suspension is clear confirmation of that fact.
@DarkSygil666 4 ай бұрын
I love tanks. That Tiger 2 is amazing. Thanks for sharing!
@docholiday1476 5 ай бұрын
Having the M3 Lee on the list is a little disappointing in that it was a weird morph between WWI and WWII with a hull mounted gun with a very limited main gun traverse and a profile so high it was hard to miss. The Stuart was probably the best light tank until 44.
@Striker132K 6 ай бұрын
what about IS-1
@user-ie4rd5ts5k 10 ай бұрын
Т-34 красавец
@josephlipnickas8148 10 ай бұрын
It seems many forget that the M3 Lee was never intended to go into battle. It was a stop gap interm design for training until the M4 was ready. The British took the M3 Into combat at Gazala 1942. Rommel said it was a nasty surprise because the Grant as the British version was called could out range almost all of the Panzers with its 75. Fast, reliable, and well armored for its time. Not bad for a training tank.
@adrianotero7963 10 ай бұрын
Churchill does not belong anywhere near the top 10, and i would rate the Tiger 1 in second and IS2 in third....
@vargsurvival 10 ай бұрын
the grant lee in the top 10 tank ww2 !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it is a pure shit
@quaxky326 10 ай бұрын
@davidglickstein5169 10 ай бұрын
At least the Sherman won the price for the ugliest tank.
@Tutelwarrior 10 ай бұрын
what about stug III
@user-sh9dz4ff3j 10 ай бұрын
King Tiger looks beautiful, way beyond it's time, what an amazing machine. King Tiger looks beautiful, way beyond it's time, what an amazing machine.
@SureshBabu-ts6vx 11 ай бұрын
King tiger the super tank
@SureshBabu-ts6vx 11 ай бұрын
Full mark is go to tiger tank
@SureshBabu-ts6vx 11 ай бұрын
Tiger is 1
@tchincha5386 11 ай бұрын
le m3 lee presenté est une version tardive avec un faux canon lateral de caisse. il servait de remorqueur tellement ce char etait nul et detesté par les troupes. les chars de reparation etaient les premiers visés, d’ou ce faux canon, c’est une trappe avec un canon soudé dessus. (voir musée des blindés de saumur ou un exemplaire est present). le metre dans le top 10 c’est n’importe quoi.
@Yourfriendlyfurry_munkly 10 ай бұрын
nooo the king tiger cant be first its horrible!!! its engine fails to work after 5 minutes!!!
@danclayberger770 11 ай бұрын
Terrible music no narration . What a total waste of Creative Effort and all Viewers Time. Gets a BIG THUMBS DOWN.
@sgtleehead 11 ай бұрын
Complete rubbish. Most influential and important tank of world war, including combat capability - Tiger 1. Closely followed by the T34. One of the best overall tanks in every area of use, utility and combat - Sherman Firefly. Most influential tank design for the inception of MBT's - Comet (which led to the Centurion, which is the father of all MBT's and the most influential tank design ever, bar none)
@mdioxd9200 11 ай бұрын
Tiger 1, most important tank of the war ?!? LMAO WHAT ? A tank with an unreliable engine unable to be produced in large enough numbers while guzzling the little fuel germany had at the time ?
@Karaczany_official 11 ай бұрын
Pershing is wiorst than m3 Elę?
@Karaczany_official 11 ай бұрын
Where is m26 pershing
@vrbas8238 Жыл бұрын
Ahahaha. . . A srbijanski Interkontinenalnl.
@davidwalker5054 Жыл бұрын
The German Tigers are all frightening machines but what you have to remember is they would be sitting targets if they didn,t have the awesome and deadly 88 gun
@clintonreisig Жыл бұрын
Most of the fantastic looking tanks were German
@redcatred3932 Жыл бұрын
Лучший танк второй мировой - это танк, который на неё не успел ИС-3. Одного его вида на параде победы в Берлине в 1945 году хватило для того, чтобы бывшие союзники Советской России отказались от нападения на неё. А ведь бывшие союзники долго не распускали, сдавшиеся им немецкие дивизии с целью использовать их в качестве первого ударного эшелона против СССР. Так, что ИС-3 выиграл сражение за Мир ни разу не выстрелив. С дистанции, с которой пушка ИС-3 крушила любой в Мире танк, его броня была не пробиваема для них на тот момент.
@bloodyfoxcz Жыл бұрын
Maybe they could be sherman firefly
@cdnsk12 Жыл бұрын
I always wonder why th eAllied nations didn't make better use of sloping armour, after the Russian designs proved how effective sloped armour was. The Russian Tanks had horrible diesel engine smoke into the 1980's. a dead location give away in a war situation when concealment is paramount. The Sherman tanks were literal torches waiting to go off. Very fast & easily repaired , mainly because of their flimsy construction & gasoline engines. Not very durable. The joke in WW2 is the Sherman tanks were nick named Ronson's after the Ronson Cigarette lighter jingle that ... "A Ronson lights every Time!"
@huta9977 Жыл бұрын
Anyway..the G tank always better
@hammmodjabeer7278 Жыл бұрын
Something strange, German tanks, as if they were modern tanks in terms of design
@furiatwielki9748 Жыл бұрын
I can understand what hitler thought. View of these monsters on a battlefield had to be horrific.
@silviocardoso3950 Жыл бұрын
De todos estes tanks qual foi o mais temido e perigoso
@user-up7jj7sc2z Жыл бұрын
7:41 ❤
@user-ih9rf4tg3j Жыл бұрын
Top 1 Tiger II BU-GA_GA!! :):):) TOP1 IS-2 ( Ioseph Stalin-2) "Killer Tigers" (1943) Crew: 4. Main armament: 1x 122 mm D-25T turret:28 rounds. Engine: B-2-IS 600 hp disel. Operation range: Road: 250 km. Cross country: 170 km. Speed-. Maximum, road: 38 km/h Sustained , road: 37 km/h. Cross country: 25 km/h Weight: 46 tonn Hull and turret armor: 120 mm
@LeXa_BlackBelt Жыл бұрын
Неверный мягко говоря рейтинг,Черчиль зачем-то сюда залез и клоунский Ли.У тому же при подсчете рейтинга надо бы учитывать количество произведенных танков...А без этого можно и Маусу 1 место дать,смотря как оценивать
@labzeen Жыл бұрын
Ис-2 второе место, Т-34 первое место. Тига-2 - гумно.
@fukingmagnets Жыл бұрын
7:08, i think the driver regretted having his hatch open 😂
@user-ie4xj6gc5h Жыл бұрын
Королевский тигр лучший танк 2 мировой войны ,да не смешите мои седые яйца громоздкое ломучее говно ,оно застревало в первой луже и его сразу бросал экипаж , он жрал столько топлива что ему был нужен собственный заправшик .😁
@LanceisLawson Жыл бұрын
The 109K could reach 452mph which is significantly faster than the P-51. However for my money the Ta 152h-1 beats them both ands down.