Highs and Lows - Nightingale Ep78
2 сағат бұрын
Farming for Gear - Nightingale Ep77
9 сағат бұрын
All the Essence - Nightingale Ep76
14 сағат бұрын
Clearing a Forest - Nightingale Ep75
19 сағат бұрын
An Abrupt End - Nightingale Ep72
Getting Cocky - Nightingale Ep71
Trader Troubles - Nightingale Ep70
Shopping - Nightingale Ep69
21 күн бұрын
Loosing Hope - Nightingale Ep67
21 күн бұрын
Bogged Down - Nightingale Ep66
I go Boom - Nightingale Ep62
They go Boom - Nightingale Ep61
@edeenw41 8 күн бұрын
Einaydia is great for your guns. Also there is more on top of the floaty rocks. It can only be found in Forest biomes. It has 3 different looks that i know of.
@TexasBlade 8 күн бұрын
@@edeenw41 I’ll have to look for more special materials. And thinks for the farming realm suggestion. Makes a huge difference.
@edeenw41 11 күн бұрын
For better farming use the "Farm" minor card. You get 2x yield converting plants to seeds. 2x yield from farmed crops. A chance for essence from harvesting. Plant growth rate up by 75%. Also best to put your farm on a Herbarium world (+100% harvested plant yield)
@troylovel6714 21 күн бұрын
i know i am a little late but with the ammos that are not stacking if you reload using those ammos and then switch ammo types then they will stack properly.
@edeenw41 25 күн бұрын
You should try out Quake from the Desert Hunt realm essence trader. Does a god job with crowd control. Made my life so mush easier with the Bound. Well that and grenades!
@TexasBlade 25 күн бұрын
Just built a grenade and can’t wait to give it a try! I was afraid they would be expendable and am super happy they aren’t. I’m going to rig up my new climbing picks with high magic power so I’ll put earthquake on those and try to it out more.
@edeenw41 25 күн бұрын
Finally caught up. Great content. The best way I know to get Hope essence in the future is to put Oberon's Bounty on your sickle and go to a Herbarium Swamp realm and just clear cut the weeds. The the boomerang throw. You will get lots of essence not just Hope. The climbing picks in the new update are great
@TexasBlade 25 күн бұрын
I’ll have to try that out soon, going to be trying to get a lot of essence in the next few sessions for all the gear upgrading I need to do.
@2milk711 6 ай бұрын
good stuff. Underrated channel.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
Maybe put a catwalk above the input or output and attach a beam or frame under it then use wall power mounts?
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
Machine recipes and overclock settings can be copied/pasted with CTRL+C/CTRL+V.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
The resource nodes existed prior to the world grid. This means that the output of the miners does not snap to items on the world grid. You may want to place the floor hole and lift in front of the miner then place the conveyor. I think everything else works with the world grid.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff. Nice pick up on the math in the constructor. You can also hit N and do math there. In fact N might be the most underrated part of the game. If you want constructor but don't want to roll through toolbelt, hit N, type cons or enough to get it to show up, there ya go. Anything you want to find quickly, N then type the item or whatever and direct to the codex for that. I have never seen anyone do the escape to rerun hard drives. I know you used to be able to save scum and do that so maybe they put in the escape as a favor. I mean I am sure just about everyone at some point in some game saved then went back until they got the result they wanted so what's the big deal? Besides some of the recipes they offer are pure dreck. Beacons? It says right there those will be leaving the game. I am not sure if you have looked into the Ficsit Mod Hub but some of the QoL things you talk about are there. I use the one that gets rid of that stupid bean. Nothing but an annoyance. It will still pop up if you are moving around but despawns once you get to whatever range. They are other good mods too. I just picked up some for railroads to try out. Really just like 120 or so blueprints for rail lines which might be a boon or might get dropped if I decide to do my own. Rails are enough of a headache but also pretty cool so on the fence about whether to use preset blueprints still. I kept expecting you to get the Plate recipe you wanted right after you finished setting up the factory for mod frames. I had just set up two total steel factories using every bit of coal and iron available in the area and next recipe was the one that uses iron ingots. I had to redo both set ups. But worth it. Simple choice really. 45 iron ore + 45 coal=45 steel ingots or 40 iron ingots + 40 coal=40 steel ingots. So at the cost of 4 smelters per 120 iron ore I don't have to futz around with balancing things. And it turns out 60 steel ingots per minute. 60 steel ingots into a constructor is also a balanced number. 30 per constructor for steel pipes, 60 per for steel beams. Again not need to futz with balancing. Later.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Yeah. I should probably make a few more factories for those plates just to trigger the recipe. I pulled the iron ingot to steel recipe later and will be using that from now on.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
I’m glad you’re enjoying the game and looking for “an excuse to play.” I like watching your videos.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
38:36 You flew past a purple slug.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Several. Don’t need any right now though.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
"Zoop" mode does stay on (while you're playing), but there are zoop toggles for different buildables (like conveyor stack poles).
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Right. I wish it stayed after reloading the game though. Or make it default for foundations. How often do you place just one?
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
CTRL+click moves all of a material (e.g., leaves) from one side to the other. SHIFT+click moves a stack.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
I think I was trying to get the slider for picking the size of the spit. If not in this case then in another. I’ve since learned it is holding right click that gives you that option. I somehow accidentally did it a couple times not knowing what I did for it.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
If you look at the recipe, it tells you what building to make it in. I think the basic rebar is made in a constructor. More advanced variants may need an assembler, foundry, etc.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
I’m guessing the title was facetious. 😂 I don’t use the zip lines because I have such a hard time with them.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Me? Sarcasm? Neverrrr!!! But the parachute is no longer a consumable so that makes the zip line a lot safer.
@ecjb1969 6 ай бұрын
CTRL+C/CTRL+V is copy/paste both in Windows and in-game.
@last_stop_studio9880 6 ай бұрын
Yo where do you find the zip line there are no videos on it, is it in the research becnch?
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Yes. Under the gold like metal (can’t remember the name or how to spell it) tree. It’s very handy. Do suggest getting the parachute too. It may be common knowledge now, but I learned recently that the parachute is no longer consumable which is fantastic. Going to save me so much pain.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff. I hope the New Year started well for you.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff. I have built so many coal plants I can turn one out in 30 minutes or likely less. I just practiced and practiced until it mostly became muscle memory. 8 gens need 3 extractors need 8 pipeline junction need a decent amount of copper plate. I am actually doing the same with fuel power now. Looking not so much for the most efficient or most power as the set up I can blow through fastest that meets my needs. There are a lot of options for fuel power and a lot of different places to build that can effect the option chosen so I want whatever feels like it will work no matter where. Actually, maybe I try a speed run doing a coal plant. I said less than 30 minutes but I might be able to do one in less than 10. I have to try now....lol Happy New Year if we don't talk before then. Oh and it is Yo...sim itty. Like Yosemite National Park or Yosemite Sam. Visit the park if you ever get a chance. I worked there for a few years. Worth every minute you can spend there if you like nature at all.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Ah! I see. So Yosemite Dan instead of Sam gotcha. Is that 3 extractors 3 water pumps or coal extractors? I’ll probably try and make up a coal plant blueprint once I get that ability… if it can fit. When I get into oil I’ll probably use the solid byproduct for more power too. At least for a while. I remember doing that in an earlier game. Happy New Year to you too.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff. Ah yes, the wonders that can come with good inventory management....lol Speaking of 7DtD I am on a discord channel with some guys that have a multiplayer server set up. They usually play around 7PM Sundays so not good for me but I am pretty sure I could hook you up. They rarely upload their play, mostly just goofing around. They also have a Satisfactory server maybe. Meaning if the server admin guy gets the time and motivation hye might resurrect it. They play Factorio more than Satistactory so there is that. Also, on the quartz, I like to set up 2 Silica lines in tandem with 2 Crystal lines when collecting 120 per minute like those nodes. Crystal is 37.5 per minute in the constructor. Silica at 22.5. 60 total. When I do it where you are I end up with 4 constructors doing silica on one side and 4 doing crystal on the other side, nicely separated and looking neat, 100% efficiency. You won't have the problems with power you are worried about because you have 5 constructors set for crystal. 37.5*5=187.5 and you only mine 120 per minute so those constructors will never pull max power. You probably have seen all that by the time you read this.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
I made some change over there… think I took one off the crystal line but didn’t bother to rebalance the inlet. Maybe I’ll look into that next time I head that way. I got coal power going just at the end of my session last night so I won’t need to worry about power for a while… though I should probably put a couple more in now that I think about it. It would be fun to find a regular ground to play 7Days with, though I’m not sure I can commit to more than once a month for sure. Is that 7pm cst? Ideally I’d like to have a group that plays like it’s a D&D session, once a month for a solid chunk and everyone on at the same time. Last multiplayer game I was a part of everything happens when I was too busy to jump on so I missed a lot of it. It takes the fun out of things for me if all the work gets done when I’m not around.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
@@TexasBlade Yeah, that is central time. The guys that run the servers and the discord channel are in Oklahoma, I think. There are people from England and Germany and France and several other countries there as well. But the main ones we can understand...lol. I put a note out asking if I could invite you over. Holiday delay most likely, still waiting.
@yosemitedan7457 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff. Yeah I played with the Zip Line once, maybe twice and decided the time and rresources I was wasting collecting things I dropped when I died was not worth it. Of course now you don't have to drop everything so it might not be as bad. You realize you are making 600 quickwire per minute total and can only move 120, right? It just means the constructors will mostly back up which saves you on power so not a huge deal. I did much the same thing but put a lot into an awesome sink just because I never have use for that much quickwire early as I can produce it. I have a miner mk2 hooked up to a pure node so 240 per minute which means 20 constructors at 60 each, 1200 quickwire. I think I have 5 or maybe 6 storage full and the rest into the sinks. Lots of points given enough time. I was planning to use the quickwire in a stator recipe I found but it wasn't going to help much if at all so just started sinking it. Speaking of recipes, that bolted plate recipe is a favorite for me. 15 Reinforced iron plates per minute. Modular frames need 7.5 per minute. One assembler using that recipe feeds 2 modular frame assemblers. You do need lots of screws but that is where the cast screws recipe shines.
@TexasBlade 6 ай бұрын
Oops. I was not thinking about that out put. Guess I’ll set up a sink there next time I play, which is probably going to be in a few minutes actually. I like the zip line because it’s fast and easy to get up and down places with it while exploring… just need to put a landing space underneath it… Yeah, I kind of wish I had taken that plate recipe. Was fixated on the stitched plate and steel wire combo that I totally forgot didn’t think about cast screws being just as good as, well probably better than, steel wire for the same end. Hopefully it will come around again and not he along something more helpful. Though I can’t remember all the other ones I should look out for.
@yosemitedan7457 7 ай бұрын
Good stuff. I wish you had more time available to play. I have a feeling you could put out some good content if you had more time so you didn't forget things between. Where you were trying to get the floor hole to line up properly I think they are looking into a fix for that when full release happens. My understanding is the nodes were just placed random at first. Before there was snapping to a world grid so they tend to be slightly off the grid. Meaning it would be a rare and lucky thing to find one that does marry up to the grid well. I don't even try anymore. I will move the miner around to match where I want the floor hole as best possible, but I work from the floor hole to the miner in my head. Not from ther miner to the floor hole. I just accepted that miners will not be world grid but the floor holes can be. Since I want everything else to line up, it just makes good sense to work from the floor hole, not the miner. lol....just one thing too...hit H to hide whatever you have in hand. I almost never have anything in hand unless using that item immediately. Just a personal preference thing but it would save you bringing up the chainsaw so often maybe.
@TexasBlade 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! Yeah I start putting the holes where I want them and matching them up with conveyor belts and lifts. Think that will be in the video tomorrow. Would be nice if holes were automatically created when a lift intersects a floor… though I guess that could cause other problems too. I should probably start leaving myself notes on what I plan to do next. Thanks for watching and Merry Christmas!
@yosemitedan7457 7 ай бұрын
OMG!! Someone that knows flowers are the go to power fuel until you can do solid biofuel. I see so many of these 'experts' that struggle early on with power and laugh when I see them tossing flowers for leaves.
@TexasBlade 7 ай бұрын
They really don’t have any other use now days, right? I like to be efficient with my resources… or some of my resources some times… this is just one instance that makes a lot of sense. And I think I got a notification that you subscribe to me. Thank you!
@yosemitedan7457 7 ай бұрын
@@TexasBlade I might do a short video talking about the benefits of flowers, it is just a day 1 thing really but people could benefit from knowing. The other use is when you get the awesome sink. I see people feeding those wire cause you can produce a lot of wire early. Wire gives 6 points each. Flowers give 10. Yes, I subscribed. Assuming you are Texan I am just over the border in Louisiana so hello neighbor. (Lived in and around Houston for like 25 years. I am OLD!!)
@TexasBlade 7 ай бұрын
@@yosemitedan7457 10 points? Sweet. I’ll have to start feeding those in. Houston is my area too. Most of 35 years and counting.
@GoodEggGuy 9 ай бұрын
I hadn't watched any Mech Armada content for quite a while. Seems like it has changed a lot. Lots of new content but also... really hard!
@TexasBlade 9 ай бұрын
Yeah. I hadn’t been keeping up with it either until now. It does seem like there is only one reliable strategy, and I think it’s going to get even more reliable if I can get a new part that I unlocked in the newest video.
@JonVlogs123 2 жыл бұрын
Good game. 😎
@Moxzot 11 жыл бұрын
nope nothing much XD nice blade XD
@Moxzot 11 жыл бұрын
Sup TexasBlade
@ArcherRoLLz 11 жыл бұрын
cool vid man
@Spoopythewaffle 11 жыл бұрын