There are .Maltese Nd Gozitan life stories of saintly lives we can learn from saints ,we are Maltese and Gozitan and many knows other languages so many will get the messages of God fearing persons to please God they try livecpleasing to God andMRy so heaven they want reward, what better gift than eternal joy with loved ones whoserved us in humble services we come from loving parents, to fight for good ,is not selfishness but to better the other/ s who cares tell in your face ,it is easier tosay nothing because we all can say ,not my business ,but a true person tells because they care ,we learneach day we grow wiser because second time we try. Ot to say words exactly or we leave a word out in a sentence and the meaning of thst sentence will change what wS supposed to be told, that is why God other,Jesus sys my father is perfect try be perfect kt eSy in words to be perfect, we know who hates God Nd us each , not a true friend is he,? .any senior citizens give up going out because of just that ,better today at home because alone with God and prayer of intercession as we have a fight for good notcto dominate .no one is really that ignorant and many assertive persons can be interpreted wrong you,others think thry speak different than normal but different communityvdifferent souls ,both are needed to havecperfect measurements with married couples young and senior citizens S also are needed singles and monks Ndxpriests and monks and missionaries ,when we see missionaries we see them eith a greT smile as those who love those who are poor get more than they give alms because not only money we need money yes to pY bills and save tobleave everything informer before we pass away not to leave chios, that is why they tell when person hS to know serious condition ,which doctor wants to give bad news as to tell is hard no one wants to know the truth ,the truth hurts so it is very hard so patience works better many times called hope ,gently to tell what is needed to be said ,and it comes the day not easy life awY from home where all were created to be with God, true joke, a,salesman told me ,how ugly without clothes S THIS SALESPERSON SELLS CLOTHES SO SEE HOW WECHUMANS ARE Made spiritual and human not gods are,we even senior citizens priests are old and wise, we get to be mellow as we know that at 40 you are not the same person as we were in out teens and twenties and so we sY too I said to a good shepherd nun ,we say us married women we say,it was better we went as nuns we do not worry sick about our adult children if thrir marriage will survive till death do us part when the wife hS to work and still be family oriented and God orientated more persons we know harder still T home only the children iis with innocence ,when they love home they call it empty nest syndrome name situations Re be ause of sufferrings called syndromes like cluseophobic I learned that isAustraliA my aunt my god mother father' sxyoungest sister made us very welcomed in her home T Guilford and she told me why grandmother had to go put alot for fresh air S herchome fell in St GeatN Street in war her home and their neighbour 's,house fell in war so thry became sacred u der a roof in closed areas called clausphobiccor many years in convent f take them out in Mercedes. Enz coaches thry cater for rent for slerpingvpoli e in coCh for wheelchairs take them out all once a week to see beautiful a d the thrmmpa bed lunch and drink and even bed ridden ifcthry cN sit in wheelchair take them out to see God beUtuiful coastline and they can give glory to God with his beauty and not always worfy si k for their family although they have co.munity too even aunts whare single love their family like mothers they are praying and worry too be ause we are. Ot catholics for nothing we want family all be loved respe Ted and go to heaven so pray forms.ily of hod intentions s not whT you think thry need. Ht a fTher ofvpfiest taught me for your intention as I said for my eldest brother in seminary andxfathers love alot too they stay in themselves all bottled up inside so we all have to have alot off-licence S we cannot love as we so wish to love S ideal we know so ideal lives needs alot of patience, patience is love ,many I saw as nurse wanting to sleep with God, do not worry alot about our children we trust in sacred heart of Mary our holy mother of lourdes call on her she gives me comfort when I worry sick solvingbproblems so I tell her 24/7 who better else than holymother and she finds goodcpeople of good will to help,find people of good will and a dear pRish priest God grant eternL joy told me we go to Jesus through Mary When I was in my teens my thannparish priest stood up for me I really loved him be ause he stood up forctwo orphan girls I love to say his name . E dun Matthew chiropractor Pope Frances knows more than you think a man of great wisdom someone told me churchvis against him we all are sinnersxbycgrace and mercy we are forgiven by Jesus 7times 70 so each time after mistakes God only knows holiness calls sins we do better wiser after mistakes and sin as sinners are loved,evil doers plan evil God hates evil not sinners He Jesus is amazing grace merciful so kind never refuses a penitent heart whe. We want to eat dirt Jesus says get upfront there see so holy yet so lovingly soso worthy worth it to love the king of Kings as the king came as pauper so pauper me because child in baptism best gift iscpriest and monk as they give us best gift Jesus alivevin us each whole mKes us whole gifts alive are persons who have feR of god wants to please God have merits in book of life written blessings we give byvi tercessionbotgers prayed forces now our tears Re golden. Love of wanting good God for our children. And they cry fir love like Jesus did for us. Cry a jesuit told me this we he said cry for younger generation like Jesus. Risd for us now we' know him we cry for you ger generation and thdy wi ll learnS we learned. By older generation whowe t before us toenjoy God 's presence thrysing like chiorvof angels now wow we searched here too even find Ngels here I found one I call him my angel Mario not in a cell with monks he helps them but out to help wretch like me and because of Him I love padre pio u was,scared of pDre pio stigmatS when we do not understand we get so scared to understand is much better gift
@maltamusichistory Жыл бұрын
id diska li ghalaqt bija taf x isima?
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
Dik hi id diska bit titlu Tal - Life
@maltamusichistory Жыл бұрын
dik id diska li jejd w hekk beda jejd kullhat bamboc bamboc ma jridek hatt x jisima pls
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
iva hekk jighd u id diska jisima bambocc bambocc ma jridek hadd
@maltamusichistory Жыл бұрын
@@1963eagleman tejd tezisti lp
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
@@maltamusichistory lp ma tezistix, dik 7 inch single kienet
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
@@maltamusichistory Fredu Abela qatt ma kellu LP, id diski li hareg kolla singles
@maltamusichistory Жыл бұрын
@@1963eagleman iva habib dejjem singles hareg, nixtieq nakwista kopja kemm nitfaha fuq channel tad diska bamboc ma jridek hatt
@johnd2248 Жыл бұрын
Wow he died young miskin
@sandravigliante64772 жыл бұрын
My mum had lots of Maltese , song s , these are femilar . I was a Sant . Dad was from St Paul’s bay .
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
Hello Sandra. Do you still have those maltese records?
@1963eagleman Жыл бұрын
Hi, do you still have the Maltese songs?
@peterpaulciantar25372 жыл бұрын
dan huwa wiehed mill-ftit marci tieghi li ma kienx miktub ghall-banda King's Own tal-belt.
@alfredborg12 жыл бұрын
I love George Il Makk songs beautiful Voice i do have all his songs 18 of them i don't know if he have more in 18
@nativeamerica92543 жыл бұрын
I still can remember when this great Maltese Ghana folk singer passed away there was silence in Zabbar as a great folk singer had left us but he lives on with us through his great music.
@stephencamilleri55903 жыл бұрын
Fejn insib ''Il-Qawwija'' full version please?
@charmaineellul73143 жыл бұрын
Oh zmien helu kif ghaddejtli qisu l bierah niftakar iz ziju fredu kien gie bid diska Papa bambocc biex inkantaha mieghi hassejtni ferhana niftakar ta tifla li Kont ta Seba snin grazzi Zi ta kemm ferraht nies bl Ghana tijek🌹💙
@1963eagleman3 жыл бұрын
Hi, int it tifla li tkanta ma Fredu?
@tedabela88963 жыл бұрын
@raymonddebono19265 жыл бұрын
Hi I would like to have these songs from where can I buy pls ?
@josephinedauber15316 жыл бұрын
I live in germany
@josephinedauber15316 жыл бұрын
Hi thanks for putting daddys Music on KZbin Mr Camilleri i think thats You i appriecet a lot proset grazzi hafna ta regards from germany Josephine Jien it Tifla ta George Azzopardi
@1963eagleman6 жыл бұрын
can we talk in private pls?
@josephinedauber15316 жыл бұрын
Hello Mr Camilleri yes i am why?
@josephinedauber15316 жыл бұрын
Your gone But i have Your voice every Day daddy i hear it it makes me happy a Treasure You left me Your Lovely voice rip
@1963eagleman6 жыл бұрын
Hello Joesphine, int bint Gorg?
@josephinedauber15317 жыл бұрын
DIN i Song hija biss ta George Azzopardi u mhux ta Laus ok sinjura Jien bint George thawadx
@concettaboenzi5107 жыл бұрын
Bellissima, questa canzone del bravissimo, unico Joe!
@helenewerber36368 жыл бұрын
c'est une chanson magnifique de ce grand joe qu'on oubliera jamais
@helenewerber36368 жыл бұрын
comment peut-on se procurer les paroles de cette chanson? S'il vous plaît, donnez moi une adresse.
@taniabusuttil86998 жыл бұрын
kif dik id diska ghatini daqxejn tal laus u rita farrugia mhux qeda hemm?daqs kemm hi sabiha. itfawa pls
@1963eagleman7 жыл бұрын
Id diska ta John Laus li semmejt sabiha, pero din li ghamilt jien hi kolla ta Gorg Azzopardi il Makk
@g.c.84118 жыл бұрын
Carry on with the good work George.
@g.c.84118 жыл бұрын
Hi George, prosit man ta' dawn it-tifkiriet sbieh tal-muzika maltija tal-passat. Il-klassici maltin li ma' jintesew qatt! Kemm gibtli tifkiriet ta' zghoriti! MInkejja li l-kwalita' tar-rikordings ma kienux ta xi klassi kbira, izda dak kellna dak iz-zmien u kulhadd kien jitlobhom rikwest fuq ir-radju! Din muzika li ma tintesa' qatt ghal min verament jhobb il-muzika maltija. Good job habib.
@1963eagleman8 жыл бұрын
Grazzi Gino, hasra li ahna il maltin ma napprezzawx bizzejjed li ghamlu ta qabilna. Regward ir recording, naccertak li huma ahjar minn hekk, imma il programm li uzajt meta ghamiltom, ghall xi raguni hassar ic carezza tad diski, gew qisom imzarzra, imma xorta tiehu il hlewwa tal melodija tad diski Maltin mill Passat
@emanuelborg75176 жыл бұрын
Gino Camilleri n
@TheEmj19869 жыл бұрын
amazing medieval band keep it up!
@kv51610 жыл бұрын
nafek min meta kont zghir minhabba li inti kont daqqejt mal grupp tieghek fit-tieg t ommi . u Rajtek fl-album tat tieg t ommi . gieli rajtek bormla ghax jien bormliz,, pero darba giet f ideja diska tieghek fuq ir-regatta ta' bormla,, jekk issiba iprova itfahha,, ghax vera sabiha.. u ftit nies semawha , , grazzi
@josephinedauber15317 жыл бұрын
Hi i am his daughter thank You for Your coments on my beloved dady Keep well my friend i was also born in Borlmla my dady as well well we live in zabbar i live in germany Now for the last 30 years But we are öfter in Malta i Love Malta
@1963eagleman11 жыл бұрын
Tajjeb, kif ikolli hin inzid izjed. Ma nafx rajtuhomx, imma hemm izjed Medleys maltin