Flying Lotus -  Loop Exec
8 жыл бұрын
Ohbliv - Soft Hallucinations
8 жыл бұрын
Aphex Twin - Stone In Focus
8 жыл бұрын
Aphex Twin - aisatsana
9 жыл бұрын
The Gaslamp Killer - Nissim
11 жыл бұрын
@anees_dev 8 сағат бұрын
Life is full of uncertainties,I wish the best years for everyone here and others,so much going on in this world….treat someone with kindness today🌄,nothing is promised.
@mouserposting 14 сағат бұрын
I actually listen to this track for meditation and has helped stop much of my ruminations caused by OCD.
@Jackson-cv9dl Күн бұрын
Since everyone is sharing their stories here’s mine: I knew this girl at high school I fell in love when I saw her for the first time I was in year 8 or something and I was to nervous to talk to her I didn’t care how I looked or anything back then so I was scared she would not talk to me i added her on Snapchat and she added me back couple hours later and I was so nervous to send a msg after finding the motivation I told her if she wanted to go out for dinner or hang out I was certain she was going to say no until I opened her msg and she said maybe I got so happy happiest I probably been in my life I told her just tell me when you are not busy and we can try go couple days go past and I saw her take screen shots of our chat and relised she blocked me I knew the whole school was going to see that I didint go school for weeks and ended up changing , long story short I’m 20 now finished high school 3 years ago and I still think about her I don’t know why it’s like I still hope we can be together.
@snipingIazers 11 сағат бұрын
That’s crazy bro we lowkey have the same story
@djwildlifeclips9779 Күн бұрын
Watership Down, an animated movie not suitable for children. But poetic and dramatic.
@johngarside650 Күн бұрын
The Lord Jesus Christ will save us all✝️… He reaches out to you. Do you embrace him? For all he’s ever known is Love. He wants what’s best for you more than you do, he loves you more than your mother could. He will never harm you. How do I know these things? Because I’ve felt his unconditional Love. It’s something you’d trade the world for once you’ve felt it.
@HelloPersonReadingThis. Күн бұрын
Nobody will ever see this comment but I want you to know you are beautiful and loved.
@WhateverTrevoridc Күн бұрын
Men used to poke each other with spears in a tight knit phalanx formation, now we’re computer programmers in quiet desperation
@gimmedataids Күн бұрын
The monkey's having a lil sleepy sesh (he's jack-off-sturbating under the water)
@calculusmaster-be2pp Күн бұрын
Im laying in bed rn going through a break up that me and my ex didnt want to happen. We had known each other for 2 years when we started dating... at the beginning her mum wouldn't let her date anyone who's not from the religion, but after 2 years she finally let her. At the start of the relationship I thought it was gonna last forever and we would end up married in 2 years most likely, but unfortunately not everything in life is fair. Sometimes I wonder if she really loved me like she said she did, because I cant really decide for myself since her mum is a manipulative narcissistic mum that controls her life and yet she still manages to put on a smile on her face to make it seem like everything is alright in her house... which it's the opposite. Sometimes we should forget our disappointments in life and be thankful for the great moments we had with someone. I hope you are doing well, Stefany. I love you and will always remember you.
@LA-yy2vj 2 күн бұрын
Hello, I just write this to get some opinions from people with more life experience. I know this girl and I really like her. We have met and also met with friends. But when I ask her to do something she says yes at first but the last 3 times she always canceled beforehand. Last time that she canceled I just didn’t respond to the text and I don’t know if I should reach out and try one last time because I give people too many chances. I had a „bestfriend“ that slept with two of the girls I liked in Highschool which I found out later trough another friend. And I still didn’t stood up for myself at the time and only slowly started to get away from this person. I’m just lost atm
@matthewpearson8934 2 күн бұрын
It’s a summer evening, and I just showered following a swim at the pool down the road with my mom today. After swimming, we sat on a bench in the nearby park and shared a couple of banana pops from the ice cream truck. I’m a third year law student working at a job I feel that I’m not good enough for and anxiety constantly tells me I’m a failure. I had a really hard day at work today, and the AC in my car just went out. But while I’m sitting here drying and listening to this song, I nearly feel the kind of love for myself that I had as an eight year old. I hope I never forget today.
@clungebucket23 3 күн бұрын
Came here for reflection...currently coming to terms with late diagnosis autism and ADHD. mixed feelings of joy at finally understanding the shape of my peg...and the grief of all the choices i made in life without the insight. Music like this has always been a great solace / dopamine hit... reading the comments is so moving. x
@ozgurakbaba9446 3 күн бұрын
I don’t know man sometimes life is just too much. But one thing I know is that I’m not finished
@sniperpro300 3 күн бұрын
i’m 17 and am too scared to become an adult. i just feel that life’s moving too quickly and that i can’t adapt to the changes around me quick enough, i turn 18 next month and im not ready to be an adult and know i will loathe the time i had of being a kid, and it eats at me everyday. i have no fear of death or anything like that but the thought that i’ll never relive these years kills me and i just don’t know what to do. this song makes me cry but i’m thankful for it. i know this comment will probably sit in a void of nothingness but thats irrelevant. i needed to spread this whether it’s seen or not. thank you aphex and thank you for the incredible music you create that we all resonate to.
@mikalsen4 3 күн бұрын
My dad passed away from a type of lymphatic cancer just over a month ago. I went home to be with him and the rest of my family, trying to make my last days with him as meaningful as possible. It's so strange and sad that my dad will never be a part of my life again. I dreamed about him last week, and then as I was waking up in bed I still believed he was alive. Then it hit me that he's been dead for a month. Life just seems to go on, and very few people around me except my closes family can intimately know this feeling I'm feeling. I'm trying to finish my master's thesis and it's really fucking hard. I'm trying to finish it because my dad didn't want his condition to get in the way of my studies. He believed that I could do it, so I'll do it. Only 6 more days until the deadline. Also, if anyone here wants to learn a way to get some relief from the suffering we all feel, that is a part of life, whether we want to or not, please please please try the meditation teachings of Loch Kelly. This is not an ad, I just think people that listen to this song would get a tremendous amount of relief from what he's teaching. It's been a way for me to not lose myself during this time of my life. ❤
@leehooni2907 3 күн бұрын
grunk sent me here
@snuffmutt 3 күн бұрын
@kevincorral6600 4 күн бұрын
Today I have realized that maybe I will never really be able to see my father proud of me, I think my half brother has taken all the show and financial support from my father since he abandoned me at the age of 5 years old, they have been very gray, dark days in my youth but today I have a daughter and I can tell her "I love you "every time I hug her, this heals my heart
@laurynlee65 4 күн бұрын
I’m lying in bed alone. It’s a few days before I leave for america. I was mad at my mom today for buying me those stupid invisible socks that don’t go over the top of your foot but always slip off. she always buys them for me and i don’t know why but she never stops wasting money on them no matter how many times i tell her i won’t use them. i’m 21 and don’t know what i’m doing with my life. i just graduated and don’t know if i’m going to continue studying in september or just start living life. i just left my university town a few days ago and cried for days. everyone wants me to come back in september to start my masters but heaven knows i can never seem to stay in one place for too long. i am forever running away from my life. i got an offer for a masters in maastricht but the netherlands seem like an entire world away. my long-term ex boyfriend sent me flowers and chocolates to my house two days ago trying to ask me to get back together with him. everyone is asking me what decision i’m going to make. with him. with america. with my masters. with the netherlands. with my entire fucking life. i feel so stressed i can’t even begin to explain it. my best friend in college explained plath’s fig tree analogy; you just need to pick one decision and hold onto it, otherwise you can risk losing it all. i only remembered for this first time today that i used to wear invisible socks when i was 11 with my slip on shoes. my mom still hasn’t gotten that out of her head
@blyah4 4 күн бұрын
i don’t have a story to share or a connection to this song i’m just listening to this for time first time on KZbin in a weird place and time in my life hoping it’ll get better and ill be able to come back to this comment and the future be better than whatever the world is right now
@jacobhussey1973 4 күн бұрын
7 months ago I commented on this saying I was lost and hoping for it to get better. Fast forward to today and I still feel lost in many ways, but in others I am fulfilled. In 2 months I will be a father to a son (my first child). I've spent the last 7 months working on myself and seeking healthy ways to come to peace with my trauma and myself to ensure I can be a better father than mine was to me. I'm in no way "fixed" or completely whole again. In fact, I'm revisiting this song and writing this comment because I'm struggling in this moment. But, if I look back to where I was when I wrote my last comment, I'd say I've made some progress at the very least. I've learned that progress is not always linear, and the road can be long and tiring. I think some day, I will write a comment saying I'm whole and I'm happy. All that matters is holding onto the hope that you will, one day, be whole and at peace with yourself. I haven't given up on that hope.
@qqq3494 Күн бұрын
The fact that you’re even aware of that and started to better yourself is the best thing you could’ve done for yourself and your child. I’m sure you will be an amazing father, definitely a lot better than mine ever was lol
@TreadsPioneer Күн бұрын
@ElainaWilson94 4 күн бұрын
This makes me feel like time is frozen and nothing else matters but this moment right now
@craichead333 4 күн бұрын
The sound of the universe breathing......
@patricksimpson3034 4 күн бұрын
Life is hard, this song makes it a little bit easier.
@dannydevito6642 4 күн бұрын
Finally at a point in my life for the first time ever where I feel okay. Learning to live in the present moment is so abstract
@MichaelRojas-mc7uu 4 күн бұрын
im 38 with no job and living on the streets,have one too many bad can get pretty rough,this song made me see some light at the end of the tunnel,i just hope its not a train with its lights on.....this isnt my computer your life!
@vargasjasmine96 5 күн бұрын
The Lord is my Shepard, I lack nothing.
@lennhy 5 күн бұрын
El conejo c:
@ismailaytekin252 5 күн бұрын
marmara hukuk 4. sınıf vize sınavları öncesi çok dinlerdim. beni stresimden alıp odağıma sürüklerdi. icra iflas sınavını geçmişsem bu müziğe borçluyum. gereksiz yüksek kaygı, eylemin en büyük düşmanıdır. anda varsın ve o anı anlamlı kıl. herkes yorumlarda farklı anlatılarda bulunmuş ama müziğin bana hissettirdiği ve bana göre kendinde amacı; düşünce ve kaygılardan uzaklaşma ve anda var olma.
@compsciordie9635 5 күн бұрын
The witnessing of a cosmic event, 2 parallel universes intertwined, one we inhabit, it is our place of birth, our home, and our place of death, its nature is immesurable, an infinite horizon into the past, another into the future. As we watch we observe another universe from a distance. We see but we do not know it's infinite caverns and its infinite peaks, it's future influences it's past and it's past its future. All occuring at the same time. We witness just a glimpse into that universe as it wonders on what lies beyond it, what came before, and what will come after, what is its nature, how it came to be, and what will become of it. The former universe is us. The later universe is the living being inhabiting that primates body. Others watch upon us as we watch upon others.
@jacks2176 5 күн бұрын
"You're tuned to Worldwide FM. We're broadcasting to Los Santos. Even all the way out into Blaine County!" - Gilles Peterson
@maxtzam1141 5 күн бұрын
Its the 2nd of june 11:14pm on a sunday night, I am 18 years old trying to figure my out life and discover all the walks of life i can take, the various racing thoughts that ponder through my conscious mind are dictating my future path, i sit in my bed speaking to a girl i think i really like, her names olivia, my name is max, i think ill be okay, and i know you will to, well all be okay, i hope to see your dreams come true as much as id like mine to, i wish you love and prosperity, your time is coming, take it easy , and ride the wave.
@1Luke.- 6 күн бұрын
You ever fear you'll never find the someone?
@TheletterR. 5 күн бұрын
you dont need anyone man
@sniperpro300 3 күн бұрын
self loves the only love that matters.
@algirdasdemon1478 7 күн бұрын
Mój brat
@TheFatspam 7 күн бұрын
This film is one of the darkest children’s films ever. Aphex Twin has produce some seriously dark music in the past. Putting these two together for this you tube vid. I can decide if its evil or genius
@GORY1410 7 күн бұрын
7\ d-_-b
@aalienlegendarycharakret4120 7 күн бұрын
Just came here after the markiplier memes This is beautiful
@TheTris2000 7 күн бұрын
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, DARKNESS was over the surface of the deep, and the SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the WATERS. Genesis 1:1-2 There were 3 elements not created, before God created the heavens and the earth: Darkness, Spirit of God, Waters In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; WITHOUT HIM NOTHING HAS BEEN MADE THAT HAS BEEN MADE. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:1-5 The elements needed to create the heavens and the earth were created when the words were spoken. In the beginning he created the heavens and the earth. In doing so, The darkness, the spirit of god, and the waters were all made just by the word heaven and earth alone. He didn’t need to speak into existence the elements that heaven and earth needed to be created, they were created by the time he said he created the heaven and the earth, he is all knowing in what they needed for creation. So now imagine ur life, in the beginning is your word. Your name, by the time he spoke ur name, he didn’t need to speak into existence the other attributes and needs to create u. Ur name alone was the word, and your story was complete the moment that word was spoken. Now were living in it
@TheTris2000 7 күн бұрын
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. Revelations 21:6
@mxb3ar69 7 күн бұрын
Looks like I found an internet checkpoint
@vito128 2 күн бұрын
@emotrash5947 8 күн бұрын
This song is the only song I can listen to right now, going through really hard times
@ESCAPEYT 8 күн бұрын
Take me instead Lord not my mother and sister take my remaining days and give it to them Im sorry Lord but I cant live without my father anymore.
@moonstagofficial 8 күн бұрын
Broke up with my gf of 8 years on the 25th of march (its now the 30th of May) I've been keeping myself busy with exams and an intense creative project, but those are over now. I thought I was beginning to move on, but now I'm questioning whether or not I've just felt better cause I've been busy. As soon as I finished my project all those memories of her started creeping back. I'm not sure if working on another project would be helpful or not. I don't want to be feeling the same influx of memories a few months from now. I'm gonna wait a few days before getting going again, and I'll try and see if meditating on these feelings help. I want to see her again, but platonically. She feels like a distant family member more than a partner. Even if we may never be in love again, I want to know she's doing ok. We broke up out of love because we were holding each other back. I want so bad for it to be worth it.
@thatguythatdoesstuff7993 8 күн бұрын
life is strange. wishing everyone well, we are all living completely different lives in different parts of the world yet here we all are sharing a little piece of ourselves. reminds me to take things slow and enjoy the little things. people have come before us and people will come after us, but right here, right now are thousands of stories of love, grief, sadness and hope. it's melancholy but also beautiful. we are here for but a fleeting moment in time, and this song truly reminds me to make the most of it.
@Hathor723 9 күн бұрын
@kibikrad 9 күн бұрын
i feel like nobody understand me so i guess that i’m maybe the problem, but honestly i’ve always thought about that and i could never found what was wrong about me and i’m just scared to loose everyone because of that
@Toroingg 9 күн бұрын
I feel very lost in life right now.
@adamantportraits 6 күн бұрын
Speak with those close to you
@antpob 9 күн бұрын
sitting under a tree, looking at an endless field, planning to go home, because the batteries of the headphones are almost dead. half a year left before the war.
@Prodbymxrvin 9 күн бұрын
@Itsanemblem 9 күн бұрын
I think i might regret not talking to her.
@CatchingLight41 9 күн бұрын
Luckily regret is a fleeting feeling…