Thai song hits very differently for me, used to listen to this at my lowest in highschool, I was in a situation similar to I’m in rn wit a girl… it will be alright I’m sure.
@doom-man58104 ай бұрын
@@atm2374 stay strong brother
@atm23744 ай бұрын
The GTA memories are crazy with this one bro
@atm23744 ай бұрын
The kid in me just wants to live again.
@numinasarcadia17178 ай бұрын
@deeznuts26798 ай бұрын
This is the type of song you smoke a cigarette and take a drive down a lonely road in the middle of the night
@Freak57611 ай бұрын
Pov: school ends
@Spz75111 ай бұрын
This is the type of song you listen to 1 day before graduating high school knowing that there will be no mother to care for you and there will be no food at the table.
@stiloxgames9353 Жыл бұрын
Tenia una pareja a la cual queria un momton , estubimos 8 meses hubo problemas los ultimos dias y me decidio terminar cuando me termino solo lo hiso y ya no sintio tristesa o que , solo me escuchava llorar por ella en llamada , pasaron 3 semanas de sufrimiento para mi , mientras ella me hacia mierda pasaba noches sin dormir pensando en ella :c , pasaba muchos problemas en ese entonces tambien , mi vida hiba de caida al suelo , le pedia ayuda y jugaba con mis sentimientos :c , hubo un dia que marco mi vida por completo , ese dia la vida me destruyo por completo ; tube muchos problemas , me queme la mano con agua hirviendo , fui a trabajar asi con la mano hecha mierda que solo me habia puesto un pinche guante , trabajaba como llantero , estaba sangrando mi mano ese dia , pero al jefe no le importo , me dolia un monton pero no pude dejar el trabajo hasta la noche , todo el dia lleno de gritos por parte de mi jefe , yo estaba llorando por dentro pero por afuera como sin nada , hasta que no aguante , me fui al baño y mirandome al espejo queria llorar por toda esta mierda me mire y me dije que podia con todo me aguante las lagrimas y sali del baño , segui trabajando por un poco mas y ya eran las 10 de la noche y regresaba a casa en el camino pedia ayuda a ella mi ex , pero ni al caso , pedi tambien ayuda a una amiga , pero ni le importo , llege a casa al entrar mi madre me regaño de forma fea que por que llege tarde , yo me estaba muriendo por dentro al saber que sobrepensaba cosas que no eran ciertas . llege a mi cuarto y me puse a llorar como loco , pedi nuevamente ayuda pero le dio igual a ella , llore y llore hasta que toque fondo me pregunte que por que haria eso? y otras cosas y ahi cambiaron las cosas , comenze a amarme a mi mismo , ponerme metas , objetivos y sueños los cuales hiba cumpliendo poco a poco a fines del mes de agosto le hago una llamada un domingo por la noche a ella , pero antes de eso lo estaba pensando mucho que si seria buena idea o por que volveria a un lugar donde me hisieron mucho daño , volvi por el amor que le tenia , pero me dije a mi mismo que no cambiaria por nada con mi nuevo yo , volvi la llame ese domingo ella estubo jugando y se emociono mucho , la emocion duro poco . le hiba contando poco a poco mi nuevo yo y sobre mis planes a futuros que por supuesto no eran faciles , no me daba cuenta que la estaba aburriendo poco a poco , pero sabia tambien que en el fondo tendria que tener mi promesa en pie . la quise volver a conquistar con mi nuevo yo pero no funciono , ella no me volvio a ver de la misma forma en que me veia incluso cuando mejore pasaron el tiempo , pero daba igual ella no se volveria a enamorar de mi , llego noviembre y ya se estaba alejando poco a poco , llego diciembre ella comenzo a subir mientras yo comenze a bajar :c , ella ya estaba siendo mas feliz que yo por las cosas que tenia y todo eso me fue dejando poco a poco y tanto asi que a fines de noviembre ella me temina bloqueando :c , me dejo solo :c otra vez , pero bueno yo ya me encargare de subir de nuevo esta vez lo pensare 2 veces si volver a llamarle aunque no lo creo .... ahora estoy con 1000 problemas y aun resisto despues de todo lo que pase aun soy fuerte !! Construi mi lema de : Aprende del pasado , vive el presente y ve hacia el futuro . espero que allas aprendido algo de mi historia :c
@doom-man5810 Жыл бұрын
Mantente fuerte hermano, mantén la cabeza en alto. Cosas buenas vendrán en tu camino, Dios te está probando. Tienes que ganar sus batallas. <3
@stiloxgames9353 Жыл бұрын
@@doom-man5810 Si mi bro :) , vamos con todo !!
@stiloxgames9353 Жыл бұрын
Good wacht
@Floxxxxxy Жыл бұрын
those nights...
@JhonnyCage1 Жыл бұрын
Pov: You look back on your life and ask either "what went wrong?" or "How did I get this lucky?".
@yungc0bain Жыл бұрын
This is a whole vibe. Hope you make it out of your battles too brother. I’m here if you ever need to talk
@doom-man5810 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I'm glad u enjoyed it. The sun is coming back up. Life is looking good again <3
@atm23744 ай бұрын
@@doom-man5810 come back bro we need more…
@doom-man58102 ай бұрын
@@atm2374 ill be back.. gimme a request , night shift is soon the boom is coming my brother.
@Papu_pana-tw3 Жыл бұрын
Everybody wants to rule the world ;) the 80,s they were good times
@macin-ji92cf Жыл бұрын
thx algorithm XDD
@bosyasamlar Жыл бұрын
@fugifrogi.broke314 ай бұрын
@jeffreymodesitt3345 Жыл бұрын
Perfect song to drinking my sorrows away to.
@ataaslan5177 Жыл бұрын
How does this only have 217 views
@jameskolina4148 Жыл бұрын
Boss I am back again here , this song made me change my life completely thank you so much ♥️✅🤝 , I am living and no one can freaking stop me man , you awakend my light in my head again my spark became a flaming fire thank you so much !!!
@antblisss Жыл бұрын
I love bedroom
@Doctor2can Жыл бұрын
good music
@nagazakiTTV Жыл бұрын
i love it
@GustavoAdolfo-eh9df Жыл бұрын
Simplemente una obra de arte
@krystynahotsakova2705 Жыл бұрын
Bro, that is the best song, I ever listen. Good luck
@jameskolina4148 Жыл бұрын
boss man i quit smoking , quit smoking weed started working onmy self and became the best version off myself thank you i hope you have much luck in you live you deserve it thank you for this song boss
@doom-man5810 Жыл бұрын
Live out your life to the fullest and become better every day, you’re a beast and you got this
@yznqbarao Жыл бұрын
I have no happiness
@animatrix9116 Жыл бұрын
Nice job man
@sxipz.j Жыл бұрын
man this war is not needed not needed i found this russian girl in mei a year ago and was in a relationship with her for a couple of months she killed herself in september because she was bullied online and in real life because she was russian
@Lil_lit_Bruh Жыл бұрын
I wish there was a (New Game) button to restart from the beginning of my current life
@ohiobread Жыл бұрын
I hate life this helps me escape from life...
@ZarkoSwe Жыл бұрын
@Hamayuwala Жыл бұрын
I’m so fucking far gone man, I don’t even have anything to feel sadness or regret over, my life is literally empty
@Oushidaa Жыл бұрын
@jorgedominguez7259 Жыл бұрын
@rodrigues664 Жыл бұрын
I'm so fucking frustated, i live in brazil and the letive year start' s on february here. In the first day i saw a new girl in my class, i start to be secret interested on her, after some weeks she started to talk with me and we aproximated from each other very quick. But at some point she passed from talk with me all time, stay with me and etc to ignore my existence without any reason. She alimentated all my expectatives, she knew my intentions and she maked me believe that was something recyprocal. Seriously, i'm feeling a mix of sadness, angry and shame for being so stupid, i just think "why she did this?" she hurted me in the worst way possible.
@rodrigues664 Жыл бұрын
the bad feeling is gone, but lession stays.
@danielwizard2176 Жыл бұрын
that soo good
@FifaBridlez Жыл бұрын
fml im probably gunna fucking kms i just cant even express to anyone how alone i feel on this earth just want someone to know
@Miihael Жыл бұрын
Dont do it bro we are all in the same boat man we can get trough this
@TheAlanski Жыл бұрын
Nothing lasts. Life's short. So go get that. Take that risk. Do that thing. That's what I feel when I'm listening to this song.
@gravemind6536 Жыл бұрын
Been doing it a lot more lately and slowly but surely moving up in the world even if said world is a fucked up place. The thing I've been after for awhile is filling my driving license and being able to drive anything, I am getting close I have my HGV practical in January and will learn motorbike at some point in 2024. I already have my car license as well as my PCV license. I'm just trying to always keep moving in life until I get old then I guess the slow decline begins.
@Just_a_normal_rock_B4ND Жыл бұрын
Hello Again Guys🤠
@markwalters5530 Жыл бұрын
@yoyo5628 Жыл бұрын
This song remember me a history that my grand pa tells, that he love the same woman for 50 years I think that it is romatic but he said "I wish she know's it :,v
@Just1Nobody. Жыл бұрын
Dude your fantastic
@bruinesuiker3870 Жыл бұрын
It's weird knowing that you your self are changing but the people around you aren't. Idk, it feels lonely, emptying even.
@ernestoguerra6941 Жыл бұрын
Rest in Some Ready Good Peace DJ Scew. H TOWN for D Town salute. This is what my fore father left me. Beautiful piece. Jammin Alday.
@aditzuxvr Жыл бұрын
Everytime I've got time to think,I get to the point where all of my traumas flash before my eyes,and then overthink every little detail...
@html3992 Жыл бұрын
At this point. I dont feel anything…
@EuRafaelSousaa Жыл бұрын
Eu não sabia que estava deprimido até ouvir nessa versão. A dor é passageira.
@TheAlternative_27 Жыл бұрын
Damn I fucking hate my life. I've cried myself every night to sleep for almost 5 years now and it's only getting worse...