@aminaahmed9353 36 минут бұрын
The Chat GPT has not even touched on the poetic , language and grammar (Arabic) of the Quran. No one can find any doubt ,omission in the book of God
@sootuckchoong7077 Сағат бұрын
What does CHAT GBT reveal about the Bible?
@AIFaithJourney 49 минут бұрын
For now, an analysis of the comparison between the Bible and the Qur'an will soon be published in order to verify the similarities, and the possibility that the Bible was copied by the Qur'an, as some claim. Subscribe and stay tuned!
@yusufmambowitchnemesis Сағат бұрын
sharing this did send my neighbors flies
@yusufmambowitchnemesis Сағат бұрын
iblis mentioned 12 yimes
@daytradingnl4734 2 сағат бұрын
Haha, the islamic calendar has 354 days. Btw miracles are things that humans can’t do. Simple counting isn’t one of them!
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
According to Islamic teaching, the Quran was sent to all worlds, not just Muslims. You gave us an idea for a new video:) For example, the Quran connects the lunar and solar year in surah Al-Kahf in a specific way - subscribe to our channel so you don't miss it!
@realitykicksin8755 3 сағат бұрын
100% written by satan.
@jarosawwieczorek835 3 сағат бұрын
Could you do such an analysis of the ayats relating only to Jesus? Especially in the context of the crucifixion from sura 4:157-158?
@AIFaithJourney 2 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation, we definitely plan to do that analysis. For now, an analysis of the comparison between the Bible and the Qur'an will soon be published in order to verify the similiratis, and the possibility that the Bible was copied by the Qur'an, as some claim. Stay tuned!
@BM_Real_Estate 4 сағат бұрын
*The full Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari (Hadith 100) states:* Narrated Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah does not take away knowledge by taking it away from the people (directly), but He takes it away by the death of the religious learned men until none of them remain, and the people will take ignorant ones as their leaders; then they will be asked questions and they will give verdicts without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray." Key Signs Regarding Knowledge Being Taken Away: Death of Knowledgeable Scholars: Ignorant Leaders Widespread Ignorance Now we are using AI tools (chat GPT etc) to get details of all topics and most of them accurate to believe everyone and ignore all other alternatives options and leaders who have right knowledges. once we dont have any alternatives then AI can manipulate and corrupt the world very simply so "be careful all new innovations"
@SamSam-sn2jw 4 сағат бұрын
Even the AI itself can not produce a book like the Quran itself....
@AIFaithJourney 2 сағат бұрын
We agree completely
@blindzigzigon496 4 сағат бұрын
4-84 has nothing about what you mentioned, sir. Please don't make chatgpt halucinate something just like that. AI is very well known to generate wrong information which is termed as halucination. So please reanalyse your data multiple times and resetting the chat each time to remove the (we've already talked about this so I'll just summarise the context window) factor. The Quran isn't something someone can carelessly let AI talk about without extensive and thorough factchecking and verification. If you make a standard program count the number of occurrences for a word, it's fine because the program is not generating anything of its own accord, just stating and analysing what's already there. AI however is actually generating text that predicts the next word following the previous words. Not only that, but the data you're giving it is turned into pure numbers so that the AI can process it (tokenization), and so unless there's a process that detects that you're asking it to count words beforehand and passes the data through a standard length function before it is tokenized, counts those words and tells the AI "this is the number you should print out", then its responses can't be trusted. You can't prove the truth if falsehood is involved. I am by no means saying this is your own intension, I'm just telling you the basics of how models like Chatgpt work. So, please make the model 'code' a program that counts the number of a word's occurrences and run the program yourself and use it that way so that you are sure of its authenticity. Thanks for reading, and I hope you understand my intent. May Allah guide us all!
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Amen. Thank you for your well-intentioned advice. Our intentions are truly sincere. It is correctly stated that we have verified some of the more important listed things ourselves, such as day/month, land/sea, but not all examples. You have examples in the video verification of the number of the month of the year where all the ayets are shown. An unbiased analysis was done and such instructions were given to AI. We disassociate ourselves against all mistakes made by ChatGPT, as we can responsibly claim that there are no intentional mistakes on our part or manipulation of the ChatGPT model. Regarding the verse you mention, it is 4-85 and not 4-84 as you say - please check it again. One of the translations of that verse reads: Whoever intercedes for a good cause will have a share in the reward, and whoever intercedes for an evil cause will have a share in the burden. And Allah is Watchful over all things. quran.com/en/an-nisa/85
@tzikhanglim4759 4 сағат бұрын
Yes, Qur = writer, An = a person named an, and she(An) wrote all the ra/la/lah command/wahyu/message, this command is from a thing called technology, whereby is built by human, human = technology, remote neurophone with time--space capabilty = light/matter altering method, which is wear at the head, so it looked like angelic ring at the head shining bright. Whereby human posses the creator caapablity over time, and the created is the factor of creator capability in a perfect complete cycle. While god is not in the slavery system, out of system, and human can ensure self-slave satisfactory desire.
@hibacornell1339 5 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this presentation. Much needed for the world to hear and see.
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@mikoumm 6 сағат бұрын
@Samsudin-j4w 7 сағат бұрын
I believe ChatGPT
@ajazali1772 8 сағат бұрын
@mohammedismail2951 9 сағат бұрын
Do a video on the authenticity of the New Testament to prove its man made and not inspired by GOD InshaaALLAH if even one Christian becomes a Muslim it will be a worthwhile video
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Qur'an vs Bibles will be released soon, please make sure you are subscribed to our channel: youtube.com/@AIFaithJourney?sub_confirmation=1
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is unnecessary
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is painful
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Sorry, we will try to reduce it next time, we agree that it is too loud in some places.
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is a curse
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is hell
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is eating my ears
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music was not needed
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
Background music is irritating
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
I could not watch the full video because of the annoying background music
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
The content is quite impressive but the background music is irritating, suppressing the voice.
@quran.teachings1 10 сағат бұрын
The background music is annoying
@heshamfm 12 сағат бұрын
الترجمة العربية بالاسفل. Guys, this is misleading. AI models aren't great at counting or mathematics-they're language models, not calculators. I've seen a couple of videos like this, and some of the claimed counts are false. Let me explain how Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT work. These models are trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, books, and articles. They learn patterns in language to generate responses based on context, but they don't have the ability to perform precise calculations or counts. LLMs process text through a method called **tokenization**, which breaks down text into smaller units called tokens. Tokens can be whole words, subwords, or even single characters. While this helps the model understand and generate language, it doesn't enable it to count specific words accurately in a given text. Moreover, tokens may not align perfectly with individual words, especially in languages with complex morphology. Furthermore, LLMs don't have direct access to specific texts like the Quran during a conversation. They rely solely on their training data and cannot perform real-time analysis or data retrieval. So, when you ask how many times a word appears in the Quran, ChatGPT might say 12. This answer could be correct or incorrect, depending on the data it was trained on. If its training data included a source stating that the word "month" is mentioned twelve times in the Quran, that's the answer ChatGPT will provide. It doesn't actually go and count the words in the Quran; it relies on its training data to generate a response. Please don't base your **iman** (faith) on such inaccurate information. It's dangerous for the faith of young people and those who aren't knowledgeable about AI. It's important to verify information with reliable sources. May Allah protect us all from **fitnah** (trials). ‎يا جماعة، هذا مضلل. نماذج الذكاء الاصطناعي ليست جيدة في العد أو الرياضيات-فهي نماذج لغوية وليست حاسبات. لقد رأيت بعض الفيديوهات مثل هذه، وبعض الأعداد المذكورة غير صحيحة. ‎دعوني أشرح لكم كيف تعمل نماذج اللغة الكبيرة (LLMs) مثل ChatGPT. هذه النماذج مدربة على كميات هائلة من بيانات النصوص من الإنترنت والكتب والمقالات. إنها تتعلم أنماط اللغة لتوليد ردود بناءً على السياق، لكنها لا تمتلك القدرة على إجراء حسابات دقيقة أو عدّ. ‎تعالج LLMs النص من خلال طريقة تسمى **تقسيم الرموز** (tokenization)، والتي تقسم النص إلى وحدات أصغر تسمى رموزًا. يمكن أن تكون الرموز كلمات كاملة أو أجزاء من كلمات أو حتى أحرف فردية. بينما يساعد هذا النموذج على فهم وتوليد اللغة، فإنه لا يمكنه من عد كلمات محددة بدقة في نص معين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد لا تتطابق الرموز تمامًا مع الكلمات الفردية، خاصة في اللغات ذات البنية الصرفية المعقدة. ‎علاوة على ذلك، لا تمتلك LLMs وصولًا مباشرًا إلى نصوص محددة مثل القرآن الكريم أثناء المحادثة. فهي تعتمد فقط على بيانات التدريب الخاصة بها ولا يمكنها إجراء تحليل في الوقت الحقيقي أو استرجاع البيانات. لذلك، عندما تسأل عن عدد مرات ظهور كلمة في القرآن، قد يقول لك ChatGPT إنها 12. قد يكون هذا الجواب صحيحًا أو خاطئًا، اعتمادًا على البيانات التي تم تدريبه عليها. إذا كانت بيانات تدريبه تتضمن مصدرًا يقول إن كلمة "شهر" ذُكرت اثنتي عشرة مرة في القرآن، فسيكون هذا هو الجواب الذي سيقدمه ChatGPT. إنه لا يذهب فعليًا ويعدّ الكلمات في القرآن؛ بل يعتمد على بيانات تدريبه لتوليد الرد. ‎يرجى عدم بناء **إيمانكم** على مثل هذه المعلومات غير الدقيقة. إنها خطرة على إيمان الشباب وأولئك الذين ليسوا على دراية بالذكاء الاصطناعي. من المهم التحقق من المعلومات من مصادر موثوقة. نسأل الله أن يحفظنا جميعًا من **الفتن**. Please feel free to copy paste this clarification whenever you find such content من فضلك قص والصق هذا الايضاح عندما تجد محتوى مثل هذا
@Walid.Hariss 15 сағат бұрын
this kind of revelation can become false with new discoverys in the future .( for example we muslims use the lunar calendar and its 11 days less than the solar calendar )it should not be the base of your faith .but if your read quran like its god talking to you miracles will apear
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
I agree with the first part, except for the Lunar year, the Quran is a guide to humanity! No one said that this should be a basic point of belief, just an intriguing example or an incentive for people to think about God's signs.
@abdrazekredouane3986 15 сағат бұрын
Who’s the narrator please..?
@MohammadAhmadNaz-ze6pl 15 сағат бұрын
Mashallah. from MA Naz UK.
@ye7 16 сағат бұрын
الحمدلله على كل شيء وخصوصا القران الكريم
@cmax4qc 17 сағат бұрын
Oh I love the music and content , ignore people who object unnecessarily, without seeing the beauty and efforts ,which people just comment, with ignorance . Instead appreciating efforts . I love the program and appreciate, keep up the good work, may Allah Subhanahuwatala reward you for your efforts.
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Thank you so much 😀
@UmidErmatov-e5t 17 сағат бұрын
Prophet Muhammad saw couldn't have count it all, just cause he didn't study in University
@thelammas8283 17 сағат бұрын
😂😂 You need AI to tell you that? All religions are the same.
@lordganesha7084 17 сағат бұрын
@al-adeelah2507 18 сағат бұрын
I am a Muslim who believe the Quran is 100% the words of God and a Miracle. I am very skeptical about the mathematical miracles of the Quran that been promoted around the internet era, some of them are either debunked or stretched beyond reasonable means. please note that ChatGPT repeat popular opinions posted in the internet, it does not conclude any new information. it learned from the internet. it will repeat any mistakes, and it will sometimes make up false-information by mixing random information and make it sound like facts. chatGPT seem to be programmed not to answer certain questions too and dance around the topic. its not 100% unbiased. Prophet Moses PBUH sent to people who mastered trickery and magic, his miracles challenged their craft. Prophet Jesus PBUH sent to people who mastered medicine, his miracles challenged that. Prophet Mohammed PBUH sent to people who mastered poetry and made their entire culture around that, his miracles challenged that. my best advice if you want to learn/read/hear about The Quran then read it. its available online for free, many distributors around the world will send you a copy for free. fantastically presented video. the intro was well done. I wish it did not spiral into math for the rest of it.
@al-adeelah2507 18 сағат бұрын
copy pasting this from google search as an example of what I mean of it being stretched: The fact that the word "day" appears 365 times in the Quran was confirmed in the footnote of verse 9:36 of the Authorized English Version of the Quran (quoted below) by Dr. Rashad Khalifa ... The following data was compiled subsequently by Submitters to assist in verifying the count of the word "day" (singular) in the Quran. We begin by providing a link to all the occurrences (405 of them). Then we identify the different grammatical forms and remove the 30 occurrences that that are plural and further 10 that refer to possessive forms (e.g., "their day"). This leaves us with 365 occurrences.
@daytradingnl4734 19 сағат бұрын
Only proof for those who want to believe. No problem, however for me using words a certain number of times is zero proof. Its perfectly doable. Only thing is the 71% water and earth thing. What I can say about that, is that its always changing, for example in the icetime there was much more land. So a better comparison would have been the total mass of water vs land on earth. I think that debunks that. Except when you REALLY want to believe.
@AIFaithJourney Сағат бұрын
Maybe unless you REALLY want to disbelieve, then no proof is needed: quran.com/en/al-anam/111 "Even if We had sent them the angels, made the dead speak to them, and assembled before their own eyes every sign ˹they demanded˺, they still would not have believed-unless Allah so willed. But most of them are ignorant ˹of this˺"
@mhd230289 19 сағат бұрын
This video is idotic, Any sane person after reading the holy book will realise that its book of God, Allah has given human the intelligence. Only the arrogant and will reject it because of his association with evil. Chatgpt is a software created by developers, it will churn out what it is fed into its database. Chatgbt is not a tool to verify the authenticity of anything. Stop putting absurd title to click baits.
@Dragon006 19 сағат бұрын
23 time not 24
@Kal-El-rl3zi 19 сағат бұрын
The author of the quran got it from older texts. The first period of fetal imaging extends from ancient times to the late 17th century. The oldest documented representation of a human embryo probably dates back to 3000-2500 BC at the time of the tarxien Neolithic period in Malta with figures of young embryos of around 9 weeks, as 'dated' by a 40-mm crown-rump length.
@thisisforsteam2316 11 сағат бұрын
We both know that those texts don't say what you claim; if so, bring your evidences other than "some texts from 3000-2500 BC"
@Kal-El-rl3zi 4 сағат бұрын
@@thisisforsteam2316 Yes there are text from ancient times which describe this, and I found evidence about it very fast, you can to if you search for it, instead of just believing a book, that steals information and pass it on as its own creation.
@duvelr 19 сағат бұрын
Why would a god with such mathematical fixation build an “out of balance” universe in which we need leap years? 🤔
@duvelr 20 сағат бұрын
@Kal-El-rl3zi 20 сағат бұрын
The calendar system with 12 months in a year and 7 days a week comes from the Roman Empire. The calendar system, called the Julian calendar, was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. Having 12 months in a year is a good approximation if you want to follow the lunar cycle approx. 29 ½ days and the solar year of approx. 365 days. A religion like islam which follow the lunar cycle is bound to have it in their scriptures, and it have nothing to do with a god, and it dosn't make islam true, just that the author used easter eggs based on older knowledge. The truth is that it is a hoax, fabricated to keep believers in the fold by feeding them small useless information believing it is divine truths. Christians claim something similar with the bible, which they claim have a code to tell the future.
@yusufkarriem4806 6 сағат бұрын
You cannot deny the authenticity of the Quran, its there for everyone to see
@zainiabdullah621 5 сағат бұрын
ATHEISTS NEED TO BELIEVE IN MIRACLE AS IT IS NOT SCIENTIFIC TO THINK THAT SOMETHING CAN CAME OUT OF NOTHING. "Were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they have no Faith and not certain." ~ Qur'an Surah/Chapter Al-Tur/Mount Sinai 52: verses 35-36 Atheists believe relies on miracle too. Even in the study of Physics, energy cannot arise out of itself. The BIG BANG* cannot just happened. There must be A FIRST CAUSE in everything. *The scientific theory of "The Big Bang" and the "Expansion of the Universe" ~ Qur'an Chapter 21: verse 30 and Chapter 51: verse 47 Qur'anic verses anticipate modern scientific discoveries (Big Bang, Expansion of the Universe) : • The Cosmological Argument (Uncaused Cause or First Cause). • The Principle of Causality (every effect has a cause). • Thermodynamics' First Law (energy cannot be created or destroyed). Notable philosophers and scientists sharing similar views : - Aristotle (Unmoved Mover). - St. Thomas Aquinas (Cosmological Argument). - Isaac Newton (First Cause). - Albert Einstein (Cosmological Constant). - Fred Hoyle (Steady State Theory, later supporting the Big Bang). Some counterarguments from atheist perspectives: - The Multiverse Hypothesis (no single "First Cause"). - Quantum Fluctuations (random, uncaused events). - Emergent Properties (complex systems arising from simple rules). This debate underscores the intricate relationships between : 1. Science (empirical evidence). 2. Philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology). 3. Theology (Divine Existence, and Attributes of THE FIRST CAUSE - GOD Explore : *Qur'anic verses on Creation and Cosmology. *Investigate scientific theories on the Origins of the Universe. *Examine the intersection of science and faith. za
@Kal-El-rl3zi 4 сағат бұрын
@@zainiabdullah621 Even if there is a creator, it dosn't mean that islam is true, muslims still have to prove that that god have talked to the prophets, which is impossible since most of them are fictive people invented to tell a story.
@Kal-El-rl3zi 4 сағат бұрын
@@yusufkarriem4806 ofcourse I can, because it is clearly a lie.
@orgkapak1000 21 сағат бұрын
@viquarunisa-begum8874 21 сағат бұрын
People who has doubts the humans who invented and created AI ask them to create a similar model of a book like KORAN let alone the entire book creat one chapter and prove to the humanity this is exactly what Allah has said WHAT WILL YOU HUMANS DENY OF ALL MY MERCY I HAVE BESTOWED UPON YOU AND YOU CONTINUE TO DENY.
@partthasaratthynelaitambi3505 22 сағат бұрын
Chatgpt has less than 45% accuracy level whereas the new 01 has up to 84%..
@MazUKQ8 23 сағат бұрын
'HOUR' is mentioned 24 times.
@khaledsaleh1353 23 сағат бұрын
No human ever claimed to be the author of the Quran
@TheConservativeHippie Күн бұрын
Christians, this is your chance! You will learn by reading the book not by searching in Google. Google is for lazy people
@ahmedalmabrook8329 Күн бұрын
salam alaikum if the year in quran is 365 days why is the hijri calander 354 days , don't you think that our practice if hajj and holy ramadan is incorrect and our countries full of dust and no greenary because of the hijiri calander thank you
@AIFaithJourney 24 минут бұрын
Wa alaikum assalam, The Qur'an does not specify that a year is exactly 365 days. The Hijri calendar, used for Islamic events like Hajj and Ramadan, is based on the lunar cycle and has about 354 days. The solar calendar, which has 365 days, is tied to the Earth's orbit around the sun and is used to track the seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). The lunar Hijri calendar doesn’t align with seasons, so events like Ramadan and Hajj move through different times of the year over time. The lack of greenery or environmental issues in certain countries isn’t caused by the Hijri calendar. Environmental conditions depend on natural factors, not the calendar we use.