This channel has no wisdom in understanding Tathāgatagarbha and hence I did not see any of the related sutras explanation on this. Not even Amitabha sutras, which are so important to heal the people. Being Arahant is not bad but tweaking the facts with academic ideologies is a serious defamation of the overall Buddhism's spirits...
所謂:「佛教四阿含」/Agama:to come near from來, to approach趣向, to arrive到達, to reach到達, to return回。 「阿含」漢譯:輾轉傳來的聖典,佛教第二次結集之後即完成四部阿含。 欲見其詳,見《佛光大藏經‧阿含藏》;欲進一步比較傳統與現代佛典者,請詳閱佛光山泰國曼谷泰華寺方丈 心定大和尚/Venerable Hsin Ting. 今年2024年08月第一次出版(初版)的新書《解開金剛經的密瑪》中英對照,上下二冊/"Solving the Puzzles of the Diamond Sutra---An explanation of the relationship between Early Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism" Chinese-English, Volume 1 and Volume 2. 感謝中道佛學會,加拿大佛教學者如源法師慈悲教授阿含系列課程。弘法利生。讓全世界佛教徒法雨均霑,讓真善美充滿人間,阿彌陀佛!所謂:「人間有佛教,佛教在人間。」