@SphynxyXVII 2 күн бұрын
I love this so much as a demisexual black girl myself. It's really hard to try follow the norms of society and wonder what's wrong with YOU when you don't fit in. This perfect encapsulates all my feelings and makes me feel so seen. Thank you.
@HoolsKayFilm 3 күн бұрын
I loved this so so much. Thank you for making and sharing it :)
@poopface8598 3 күн бұрын
As an asexual I’m so happy to find other people. I always felt left out, especially seeing my friends talk about it. Sexual attraction has always been something I strayed far from, always excusing it as it not being my time or I’m just never in the mood. Seeing my friends have it or openly say it’ll happen to me eventually has always made me feel lonely. Sex makes me uncomfortable, just the thought of it. Nothing about it seems interesting or exciting. Over the years, I noticed for a while I most likely was asexual but it honestly hurts. I’m aro/ace, and I guess it makes me feel lonely. I’ve never been attracted to someone, never liked anyone, I could never imagine myself with a man or a woman. Platonic feelings are never more than that, when I look at someone I don’t get the desire of wanting to love them. Since I honestly could never like any of my friends enough where I’d want to spend my life with them or even see them after high school. I get so disgusted at anything sexual, that it confuses me. Do I just hate anything sexual is that why I have no attraction towards it? Asexuality is something I can’t understand but there’s no way to define it or say 100% anyone is asexual. So I guess realizing there’s so many asexuals and that it’s not just something I experience has made it a lot better for me. I don’t know why I ranted but seeing a video about asexuality has just made me kind of happy.
@BrutalOddball 4 күн бұрын
I love this. This is important, beautiful and transgressive. I long for accurate representation all around
@Therealbluefire11 5 күн бұрын
I love this video it 100% represents me
@fanadrawnimation3001 6 күн бұрын
eng (with Deepl, sorry): I love it so much and thank you so much for writing this story! It's my favorite fanfiction of all the ones I've read from any fandom (not many but I know what a well-written story is and especially people even secondary ones as incredibly well done and interesting! ) and I got to know it this year thanks to your animation (which I haven't seen in its entirety yet because I sensed the possible spoiler after looking in the description and seeing that it came from your story in progress) (the color animation with Nia and Tobias evolved) and since then, I've been reading it whenever I have time but as I'm towards the end of what you've written at the moment, I prefer to slow down if I have longer moments to read more without having to wait if I want to know the rest. I don't write comments there because I don't have an account on AO3 but I'm not kidding about the fact that I love it so much! It's even gotten to the point where as soon as I can, I'll make a fanart and I'd also like to make an animatic or something! It's so good and it's also teaching me things to improve my writing and the fact that the drawings are always beautiful in each chapter is really great, especially as I don't really know the English names of the pokémons (just French in most cases) so it helps me find my way around. For example with Junie, when I saw “bleue”, I thought it could be the tiny light blue and white bird pokémon with a thin black beak (I don't remember its name) but it was funny to see that I'd been wrong! X3 fr: J'aime tellement et merci infiniment pour avoir écrit cette histoire! C'est ma fanfiction préférée de toutes celles que j'ai lu de tout fandoms (pas beaucoup mais je sais ce qu'est une bonne histoire bien écrite et surtout des personnes même secondaires aussi incroyablement bien fait et intéressant! ) et je l'ai connue cette année grâce à ton animation (que je n'ai pas vu en entière encore à ce jour car je sentais le possible spoil après avoir regardé dans la description et avoir vu que sa venait de ton histoire en cours) (l'animation en couleur avec Nia et Tobias évolués) et depuis, je la lis dès que j'ai le temps mais comme je suis vers la fin de ce que vous avez écrit pour le moment, je préfère ralentir si j'ai des moments plus longs pour lire plus sans devoir attendre si je veux connaître la suite. Je n'écris pas de commentaire là-bas car je n'ai pas de compte sur AO3 mais je ne rigole pas sur le fait que j'aime énormément! C'est même au point où dès que je le pourrai, je ferai un fanart et j'aimerai aussi faire un animatic ou autre! C'est tellement bien et sa m'apprend des choses aussi pour m'améliorer en écriture et le fait d'avoir des dessins toujours beaux à chaque chapitre est vraiment super bien surtout comme je ne connais pas vraiment les noms anglais des pokémons (juste français dans la plus part des cas) donc sa m'aide à me repérer. Par exemple avec Junie, en voyant "bleue", j'ai pensé que sa pouvait être le pokémon oiseau tout petit bleu clair et blanc avec un fin bec noir (je ne sais plus son nom) mais c'était drôle de voir que je m'étais trompé! X3
@cosmicpixels6323 10 күн бұрын
This made me cry, I relate to this so much, i love the animation.
@somebodyoutthere2 10 күн бұрын
at first i thought the cracks were her feeling broken and that she was gonnahave a break down or something but it was jus slowly coming out which i htink really cool (:
@ashlazdanovich8396 12 күн бұрын
This made me tear up. I relate to it so much. Before I found out I was ace I thought I was broken and worthless. But now I know that I am not broken. I’m just fine with who I am. 😊
@polishalastor142 11 күн бұрын
@elizabethives1951 15 күн бұрын
I cannot tell you how much I needed to see this today, thank you
@ygorlira2609 15 күн бұрын
@reydonnysben6933 20 күн бұрын
I'm glad that i'm ace, cause i can see all the kinds of love that we can offer to the world and for ourselves.
@begining9807 21 күн бұрын
for me, a body of a trusted one is a sense of warmth. i honestly don't know how else to describe it, maybe one would of safety, but... for me, it's just warmth. the only time to sleep, or be comftorable, is when warm... i don't... really care about much else. at all. just warmth.
@alexiswilson8093 22 күн бұрын
That's how I feel in regards to romantic attraction. For most of my childhood, I just assumed that if you were a boy, that meant you could like boys or girls but not both because I didn't know being bi was a thing. However, if you were a girl but you didn't like boys, that meant you didn't like anyone because I didn't know being a lesbian was a thing either. When I was in highschool and knew I was a lesbian, I had a lot of crushes on girls, but when my feelings weren't returned, my crush went away and I felt nothing but platonic attraction. I didn't know that there were other types of attraction besides platonic, romantic, and sexual. I always assumed that romantic and sexual attraction were the same thing, so I assumed that if I had a crush on a girl; that meant I wanted to sleep with her and date her because I figured that's what people did in relationships. Whenever I was propositioned to date someone, for a joke or for real, I always said no because I figured I was too immature for a relationship. When I was asked about my sexuality, I always said that I was sexually attracted to women, but I wasn't sure if I felt romantic attraction at all. I only started looking deeply into the asexual and aromantic spectrums sometime after I started questioning my gender. It turned out that I didn't really view myself as a woman, at least not completely. I still feel some connection to the idea of womanhood, but for the most part, I consider myself a gendervoid person. As I looked into the ace and aro spectrums, I felt like I was drawn into the aromantic spectrum the most because the asexual labels didn't fit. Later, I discovered to term quoiromantic and something inside me clicked into place. That was me. By this time, I already understood what the split attraction model was, so I accepted myself pretty easily. After awhile, I began to realize how annoyed I was at people for thinking I wasn't a lesbian because I didn't have much of an interest in sex. I have more of a desire to kiss and cuddle than anything else, but a part of me thinks that's just because I've never actually dated anyone before. It's nice to find other people who somewhat understand what I'm feeling or rather, not feeling.
@Yuki-m1i 23 күн бұрын
Awwwwwww soo sweet ❤❤❤
@hawkfeather6802 23 күн бұрын
Nice job on this! You could feel all the conflicting emotions and confusion very well. I didn't know there was a word for someone that didn't want to sleep with people til a few years ago. Now I can say I'm asexual.
@polishalastor142 23 күн бұрын
Asexual is Little to no sexual atraction
@polishalastor142 23 күн бұрын
Some of us can sleep with Our partners
@Yuki-m1i 24 күн бұрын
4:14 is that ace dad advice 😂😂
@polishalastor142 23 күн бұрын
@Tunawolf_edits 26 күн бұрын
I started crying
@alex-13-7-9 29 күн бұрын
This is beautiful 🖤🩶🤍💜
@EnabiSeira 29 күн бұрын
Beautiful animation with great music. I love all the little details <3
@randomgaygirl Ай бұрын
@beatblocksgaming Ай бұрын
I feel a bit more seen, that means a lot
@Robohead-z6z Ай бұрын
I love this. I as an aroace can love someone platonically.
@i-like-walruses Ай бұрын
I love how much detail was put into this, in the beginning, she's wearing almost all yellow, because she doesn't realize she's asexual and is trying to feel "normal". But in the credits, she's wearing purple showing that accepted her identity and isn't afraid to show it. I love this so much omg
@iamglory6241 Ай бұрын
ok incoming rant from a fellow ace goblin; THERE IS SO MUCH I LOVE ABOUT THIS ANIMATION OH MY GOODNESS!! first of all showcasing a poc woman to explain asexuality is amazing second of all in the final scene coming to terms with the part of you that is ace is beautiful lastly the main point I LOVE how it showcases how vast of a spectrum asexuality is with a huge range of ages people and with partners is just ahhhh 🫶
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
Yeah Ace community
@momotabita Ай бұрын
When I realised sexual attraction is a thing, I was disgusted. It’s not sex that discusses me, it’s the fact that others look at me and thing about that. How? I feel used, embarrassed and discussed over that fact, and now I hear that most people feel like this?
@SteppefordWife Ай бұрын
One thing that often is hard to explain or difficult to talk about without garnering a negative reaction is the idea of sex and sexual attraction (or tropes based on the expectation of its presence) seemingly surrounding us. It blends into the background for most people, so to have it described almost like an antagonising force is inherently upsetting for those who do not notice it and feel a connection to it (myself among them). This is one of the things I've seen most immediately trigger aphobia, moreso that ace people themselves. The idea that sexuality is looming everpresent, rather than just an optional thing some people get up to in the background.
@Dell2YT Ай бұрын
In response to the "late bloomer" comment: The first plants in existence had no blooms.
@ZeJackCat22 Ай бұрын
As someone whos not complitly ace, i feel the opisete. I wanna be complitly asexual.
@skylafoxgirlForever Ай бұрын
That was *sniff* beautiful 🥹
@Sup-nerds-q4v Ай бұрын
Aromanticism and Asexualism might be one of (if not) the smallest spectrums and least known orientations (only 1% are asexual and 1% are aromantic. There’s only 2% of us or 160 mil.) 😔
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
Aces in relationships 👇
@mimi-chan8334 Ай бұрын
@Conta_Minated Ай бұрын
This is so beautiful 🥲
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
Ace in Embrace Coincidence ?
@MelaninMoet Ай бұрын
Going in for the second kiss, thinking you did it wrong but also because you need to mask how you felt nothing..
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
@polishalastor142 Ай бұрын
Sapphic book (wlw) ,Pansexual book, Asexual book , Aromantic book
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
Embr Ace
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
We are not broken 🖤🤍💜
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
@ktaespetacular 2 ай бұрын
as an ace person, I literally started to cry at the last part with lots of ace "souls" bc they're difernet, they're diverse and that's it! anyone can be asexual, asexuality doesn't have a "look"
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
Different Right. We Are different
@leinahtanok3417 2 ай бұрын
Who is the arcanine I don’t understand
@fabuloussloth8670 2 ай бұрын
@ballistikitty3749 2 ай бұрын
Yep, the tears have arrived.
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
Im on ace spectrum (Demisexual) in relationship In December 2024 will be Our Anniversary (2 years)
@poo8220 2 ай бұрын
I feel seen, thank you so much <3
@anxiettyy 2 ай бұрын
someone put this on letterboxd pls
@tribork 2 ай бұрын
I’m both ace and aro and I always think it just means all the love that might have gone to sex and romance instead go to loving my friends and family. I still love it’s just all platonic love
@Sunmoonstar07 2 ай бұрын
Stop cuz why did I cry when she saw she had a community, it is so hard to remember I’m not the only ace person and that there are ppl like me when everyone one around me is allo
@andynonymous6769 2 ай бұрын
It's really easy to pass as straight when you're ace, and there aren't many ace people out there. But they're out there if you look
@polishalastor142 2 ай бұрын
Im Ace and in relationship
@catinglasses 2 ай бұрын
This made me feel so happy and seen. Thank you.