Atheist Debates - MAILBAG - August 2024
Atheist Debates - What Men Want?
@ayeeiou9147 4 сағат бұрын
😂 demanding God 😂
@LukeSumIpsePatremTe 8 сағат бұрын
In my experience christians don't accept the whole consept of fallacy.
@therealjdub 8 сағат бұрын
You can be a follower of Christ but not participate in organized religion.
@SansDeity 8 сағат бұрын
@@therealjdub sure.. but why follow Christ? Where is he? Where is he leading? How do you know?
@therealjdub 9 сағат бұрын
This is really good
@bronzetv8534 11 сағат бұрын
I pray you come to put your faith in Jesus
@SansDeity 10 сағат бұрын
@bronzetv8534 I did, when I was a child.. and until I was wrong 30. Google me, cause you look silly right now
@scvanderhorst 13 сағат бұрын
Thanks Matt, I wished you were a teacher in high school, you make these subjects so appealing
@klaxoncow 15 сағат бұрын
Is Matt grabbing a pair of imaginary breasts in the thumbnail?
@FoursWithin 16 сағат бұрын
Such a wonderful Patreon Project. 🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍
@TheeMaddScienctist 16 сағат бұрын
Once the atheists and Christian’s figure out how we are all looking at this wrong it’s going to be a good day
@SansDeity 16 сағат бұрын
@TheeMaddScienctist once both siders like you defend your claim, maybe that'll speed it up. Please call in and defend your both sides dismissal
@TheeMaddScienctist 15 сағат бұрын
@@SansDeity I agree but calling in ain’t gonna do nothing, no disrespect. I’m just going to explain it on my channel. (It’s going to take a while) I do enjoy watching you tho my friend! But I don’t think I have any answers for your show of course Gods not real but that’s just the tip of the iceberg in the myth stories.
@TheeMaddScienctist 17 сағат бұрын
It’s not a mystery it’s a myth story. It didn’t happen but it’s important. It’s been frozen in time so we don’t understand the language any more. It’s all about the cave my friend!
@bloop633 18 сағат бұрын
I disagree with you a lot. In fact, I think your worldview is really dumb and obviously false. But Andrew is the WORST and no one should take him seriously at all. He deserves no credibility and his views should marginalized because they're not Christian and he pretends they are.
@SansDeity 17 сағат бұрын
@bloop633 thanks. When you want to show how my worldview is false, I'm willing to proved wrong.
@bodan1196 21 сағат бұрын
Cyanid. I made a women incredulous when I presented a long list during a conversation about food and chemicals. She looked at the list and was appalled. Even more so when I said that all those items, including cyanid, was chemicals she would eat every time she ate a natural grown apple from her own apple tree.
@bodan1196 21 сағат бұрын
In an early class for computer programming, mostly long forgotten, we were told about the one-to-many-many-to-one "issue". In database construction, I think it was(?). While I will not attempt to explain it, it does occationally happens that I reflect on that lesson when presented with statements. Does the "truth value" change when I consider this as an individual, and as a part of humanity.
@robwilkes3351 22 сағат бұрын
Imma be that guy: You can get an odd number by adding two even numbers in base 3. 2+2=11.
@abigfavor 17 сағат бұрын
11 is an even number in base 3
@CaliforniaSurfer-gc2xv Күн бұрын
@donharris8846 Күн бұрын
“You’re going to have to treat me like Adam” damn. On that note, does the Bible mention exactly why God stopped talking to humans, or did he just slowly go silent?
@FredHarvey779 Күн бұрын
Argument from ignorance Matt! Of course I'm perfect!
@waveman0 Күн бұрын
the first time I said to my deeply religious mother that was an argument from ignorance, she retorted, "I am not ignorant" At that moment I knew it was no use arguing fallacies with her and she did not understand what I meant.
@_blaze_22 Күн бұрын
In debate when you start losing an argument why you start behaving like b_a_s_t_a_r_d.
@exceptionallyaverage3075 23 сағат бұрын
You must have called into one of his shows, and he shredded you. LOL.
@XGracelessTarnishedX 21 сағат бұрын
Give us a specific example where this happened.
@jayjonesrgaming Күн бұрын
34:50 ironically this is the entire underlying plot of the show Supernatural 😂
@eurovisionwtf Күн бұрын
Bumbling God was okay for you to say, but when Andrew said something against you.. you sent the host an sms to leave the show, and i could hear your voice shake as you stood up and talked to Andrew. Maybe some tea will calm you down, Matt. Or maybe you can try to debate more with respect, that way you won't be a target for some of us that are not scared of pushing back! Secular Humanism is a direct front against Christianity. You put out that Christians may join in on it, so i guess you speak of it as society as a whole. But Christians may not oppose other's to their belief? The wars with the Knight Templars and everything else is already done, why would you put that up, unless you talk about street-preachers that voice the words of the Bible to random people on the street, to me that is the only thing i can think of that you would mean by that. Preaching is a large part of Christianity, it is a policy for all good Christians to be able to do at some point.. at least for family and friends. Christianity could not and would not join you tho, Matt. God's laws are above human laws to a Christian, and you know that since you are a former Christian. All that these debates do is to preach to other people who are watching you.. lol You cannot debate God, Matt.. the devil tried already, you know the story. There is very little your science actually can prove.. by your standards humanity would devolve into scientific fiction of cavemen. Prove that Bigfoot exists.. many of you have tried and are still trying. Many of you believe bigfoot exists, but none of you have actual proof, yet you say he is there. I don't really know where i am going with this, i just like to write i guess.. UFO Roswell 1952 or something. So many sightings and video even.. do you believe in those, Matt? I believe they are all demons as a Christian.. But you can't do that as a scientist, you pretty much have to believe in little grey neighbours.
@JackJohnson-wg1ye Күн бұрын
You got cooked by Andrew Wilson lol. Thanks for the laughs!
@rahinc Күн бұрын
If only politicians had an understanding of logical fallacies and did their best to call them out.
@harrykerr4691 Күн бұрын
Yea 1:52
@MyBlitz7 Күн бұрын
I highly recommend “Logic: A Very Short Introduction.” It’s cheap to but and available for free on a lot of library partner apps like Hoopla.
@while_coyote Күн бұрын
If a theist wants to refute this they'd say that God says and does things that isn't what he actually wants because the act of saying and doing the wrong thing changes human behavior in such a way that he gets the desired outcome. Sending and then stopping the angel was the plan the whole time, but he couldn't simply say that was the plan or else the plan wouldn't work.
@SnakeAndTurtleQigong Күн бұрын
@laurajarrell6187 Күн бұрын
Love these, thanx Matt! 👍🏼🌊💙💙💙🌊🥰✌
@EdwinReyes10 Күн бұрын
Hey Matt, why is it a problem to not have any grounds for a truth claim? If I understood you correctly it would be a fallacy and I would have no good reason to believe the truth claim. Correct? Then help me out here, if there is no God and everything is matter and energy. Do we have any good reason to believe anything?
@exceptionallyaverage3075 23 сағат бұрын
Why are you misrepresenting what he's said about the existence of a god? When has Dillahunty ever claimed a god doesn't exist? Why can't you religious supstitionists ever be honest?
@wax99 20 сағат бұрын
Hey! That is a great example of a non-sequitur! The conclusion doesn't follow from the premises. "Do we have any good reason to believe in anything?" Is in itself a good question, but irrelevant to A) there being a god or not; and B) everything is matter and energy. Why? Because it is still possible to be matter and energy AND a god existing.
@EdwinReyes10 20 сағат бұрын
@@wax99so your saying that god doesn’t need to transcend space time and matter for it to be god?
@wax99 20 сағат бұрын
@EdwinReyes10 ehr, no, that what you said, "Do we have any reason to believe anything?" Is independent of there being a god. A god could exist and yet you could still have no good reason to believe anything.
@EdwinReyes10 20 сағат бұрын
@@wax99 ok so here’s what I think are the implications If there is no god then what we call “reason” is not actually reason for it came from non reason. Giving us no good reason to believe in anything. If there is a god then reason came from reason given us good reason to believe in reason. Giving us the preconditions of intelligibility
@fallout606 Күн бұрын
That sounds like a great idea Matt. I'd would be a breathe of fresh air to see two opposite sides come together respectfully. Hope you and the Mrs are well.
@Angel-Kitten Күн бұрын
Matt, you are the same age as my parents. They are not even religious or marginal individuals. I respect your thirst for the truth, that is, I trust you more than my parents. I learned useful things from you that I need. Thank you.
@kidslovesatan34 Күн бұрын
Matt is the GOAT.
@stansolo4138 Күн бұрын
I went one step further and committed a fallacy fallacy fallacy ..... ?
@LukeSumIpsePatremTe 8 сағат бұрын
Fallacy fallacy can be thought recursive.
@Mindfulskeptic- Күн бұрын
@RustyWalker Күн бұрын
You can add categories for quantitative and probabilistic fallacies too, alongside logical fallacies. The McNamara fallacy is a good example of a quantitative fallacy. Using negation can be tricky. Matt Slick got taken to task for that, I seem to recall, when he tried to use not-God in his syllogism. The "alive or not alive" can get weighty, which leads into being specific about the meanings of terms you use in your arguments. We all get this a lot when we lay out what we mean by "atheist" only to be told by a believer something that uses a different definition. Thus, we also have to analyse arguments for the description for terms that they lay out, and engage with the argument on its own terms, even if we don't like it. This does mean there might be an equivocation or conflation further down the line where the proponent tries to switch between definitions without you noticing.
@davidbelway6076 Күн бұрын
So it's ok to say I don't know? No shame no worries.
@JustifiedNonetheless Күн бұрын
It is fascinating to me how someone so adept at philosophy and who demonstrates such a keen understanding of logical syllogisms and fallacies can continue to use something like the Gumball Analogy, which is riddled with problems, as I've explained at-length in a video on my channel. I suppose it just goes to show that we _all_ have our biases and cognitive blind spots.
@RustyWalker Күн бұрын
I haven't seen your video on the gumball analogy. I'll try and remember to check it out when I get back from work.
@truerealrationalist Күн бұрын
​@@RustyWalker The Patent Analogy is a good supplementary video.
@TheBuslaefff Күн бұрын
I found very interesting book series for kids called "Fallacy detective" where key fallacies are presented in simplified way. Maybe this would be useful to someone.
@WanderingRobotStudio Күн бұрын
Don't forget the worst fallacy which is asserting something had to come "before" the big bang. Time didn't exist until after the big bang, the question of what happened before it is invalid.
@yensid4294 Күн бұрын
Knowing the label for certain arguments helped me with identifying it in my own mind when I heard or read claims. Circular reasoning, No True Scottsman, False Dichotomy, Moving the Goal Posts, Special Pleading, Ad Homiinem, Appeal to Authority/Tradition, etc. I wanted to excercise my critical thinking skills & learn to better spot bs when not familiar with a subject. Idk all the latin names or types of formal logical falacies, but knowing a handful of the main ones made me more attentive to the content of a claim regardless of how intellectually or authoritatively it was presented (big words, complex language, obscure references, etc) It's help me weed out pseudoscience & pseudohistory channels/content from my social media. And helped me better analyze my own beliefs & biases.
@yinYangMountain Күн бұрын
AFFIRMING THE CONSEQUENT Simple Examples Should Come First P1) If Jesus rose from the dead, then the tomb will be empty. P2) The tomb is empty. C) Therefore, Jesus rose from the dead? Yeah, no. There are countless reasons for why the tomb was empty. Structure Should Be Taught Second If A, then B B Therefore A
@RustyWalker Күн бұрын
This one introduces the idea of accepting a premise for the sake of the argument to see if the conclusion would follow. Sometimes, it's tempting to deny the premise immediately when it is more fruitful to follow the argument and show it doesn't work.
@yinYangMountain Күн бұрын
AFFIRMING THE CONSEQUENT Simple Examples Should Come First P1) If I drop the egg, then it will break. P2) The egg is broken. C) Therefore, I dropped it? No, there are many ways to break an egg. Structure Should Be Taught Second If A, then B B Therefore A
@yinYangMountain Күн бұрын
AFFIRMING THE CONSEQUENT Simple Examples Should Come First P1) If the power is off, then the light won’t come on. P2) The light won’t come on. C) Therefore, the power is off? Well, what if it’s just that the bulb is bad? Bzzzrk! Structure Should Be Taught Second If A, then B B Therefore A
@philpaine3068 Күн бұрын
I just ate takeout Chow Mein. Now I'm hungry. In nature, female praying mantises bite the heads off males just after mating.
@toillenesredla3751 Күн бұрын
Thank you for doing this for free.
@El.Duderino369 Күн бұрын
I remember Matt recommended an intro to Logic book that may have been a college textbook. Does anyone know the title/author?
@GlossRabban Күн бұрын
One thing I hate about watching your videos, the line, Forrests Videos, Jimmys Podcast (yes Jimmy got/Has a podcast) etc. is that youtube begins to give me recommendations for "the other side". And for some reason I thought, f... It, let us see what this is. And in the comments, so many people was saying that it was a God given miracle/Devine intervention, that saved Trump from the "schooters"... These people seriously believe, that God would use it's time, to save this orange Monkey, instead of saving good people. Like perhaps stop a r..eist, or a car driven by a drunk driver, who cares not about others, that is about to hit another car, where the people in that car, is a family. And then the family dies, but the drunk driver survives.... "But God works in mysterious ways" 🤦🏼 What is one to do, against such stupidity? I get why youtube is trying to give me more perspectives, and stop me from living in my own info bubble, but it scares me so much, that these people are out there, and they can Vote😬
@pansepot1490 Күн бұрын
Watching “flat earthers” videos is just a waste of time. I want to stay in my bubble of facts, science and reasons. Just by watching the news I am already exposed to more of the unhinged cultists than I need for my sanity. Do your mental health a favor: use the “not interested” and “don’t recommend this channel” KZbin options to block trash showing up in your feed. If you are worried and want to do something volunteer for a campaign or join an activist group. You’ll meet likeminded people, have fun and make a difference. 👍
@davidbelway6076 Күн бұрын
Be careful that content can make you punch your monitor. I too have this problem.
@timkhan3238 Күн бұрын
Poor Mat Dillahunty, he ran away from spirituality, now he's super glued forever with ZUES, lol. He was never so busy in his brief taste of religious consciousness as now. ZEUS in the am & pm and day dreamin. lol. Wanted to run away from you, but now... stuck on you, ZEUS. lol
@philpaine3068 Күн бұрын
Poor timkhan2338. Matt Dillahunty was a devout Christian until mid-life, and abandoned the faith after a long personal effort to discover and demonstrate its truth. He was raised as a Southern Baptist, and was expected by everyone around him to become a successful preacher, but he joined the Navy instead. That was his "brief taste of religious consciousness." Your barely literate comment demonstrates that YOUR religious consciousness is as shallow and empty-headed as they come. The fool in his foolishness brays insults at the wise.
@StinkyBuster Күн бұрын
I love that christians were having so much sex with animals that God had to be like, "Hey, dont do that"
@Whydoyoureadme Күн бұрын
How do you explain a middleaged man what is and why we need to learn fallacies, if his reply will simply be "that's just socialist mind tricks"?