Working for Black Ancestors
2 ай бұрын
Cognition, Emotions, and Islam
The Anthropologist in the Museum
@austinphelps444 5 ай бұрын
@danhanqvist4237 9 ай бұрын
The long life in social sciences and the humanities of tired old Soviet terminology like "monopoly capitalism".... What's the reason for that? Inbreeding? Intellectual laziness? Or, more probably, the thorough-going ideological basis for the discipline itself?
@danhanqvist4237 9 ай бұрын
If you're interested in indirect colonialism in action there's a wide field in Africa, Latin America and Asia to study in which China is building an indirect colonial empire as we speak. It's not merely a matter of history.
@danhanqvist4237 9 ай бұрын
"Knowledge production" is one of those really annoying trendy academic terms.
@mliittsc63 10 ай бұрын
at 40:20. What is happening with this slide? I can't figure out a pattern to these views. How many individuals are we looking at and what is their relationship to each other? Far Upper left: is this a side view? Are the center left upper and lower skulls the same skull? Are the upper and lower skulls of each column the same skulls? If so, then why do we have side and top views on the left, but top and rear views on the right? What are we supposed to be comparing? Aargh. Edit: on review of video I see that my confusion may result from not being able to see the laser pointer.
@jamesraymond1158 10 ай бұрын
This is an interesting subject but the speaker needs to sit down with a professional speaker and completely revise the talk. For example, the long-winded introduction (10 minutes) needs to be eliminated. A thirty minute talk would get a much better reception.
@christianfrommuslim 11 ай бұрын
As this lecture illustrates, climate change cycles have been going on for thousands of years. They have impacted where and how people live. Do we blame that on the ancients? Yes, we have warming now. But in the past decades active volcanoes, and heat vents under both polar ice caps are putting out much heat effect. Yet we rarely, frankly never, hear these huge polluters mentioned as major sources, or even significant contributors to the current climate change. Why, one wonders? Could it be that no one benefits from making these factors known?
@jonathanpeterson1984 11 ай бұрын
Sweet conspiracy theory! We don’t blame the ancients for volcanic eruptions changing the climate drastically because they were not at fault, WE on the other hand have strip mined,dumped, destroyed, cut down, burnt up and built on top of every square inch of ground we come in contact with. extreme overpopulation and fossil fuels are the reasons OUR climate is changing, not because Krakatoa erupted or a meteor struck earth😂🤦
@walmartynotc 11 ай бұрын
I beg to differ update because mistakes misinformation and deception so bring what you like
@stevenvasconcellos2453 11 ай бұрын
all we need is a good volcano and this global w arming thing will reverse ... would be worse than the global warming trend nothing like a good ice shake things up
@tobyihli9470 Жыл бұрын
These creatures could have been intellectually progressive even though they had small heads, because the size of their brain is RELATIVE! Many of our relatively recent ancestors were pretty small. Just 200-300 years ago, people were much smaller. Many tiny versions of our ancestors have been geniuses. It’s the way one’s brain is wired that make the difference, especially since it is said we only use 10-20% of our brains!Modern geniuses don’t have giant heads! African pygmies aren’t idiots, and they have small heads.
@sonarbangla8711 Жыл бұрын
Even when anthropologists find 100,000 years old skeleton of humans near Canaan, they think they found the skeleton of a Jew.
@joemanco-no4jy Жыл бұрын
Another "Homo" which is really just an Australopithicine. Note the shoulder girdle, forearms, hand, all australopithicine. Then there is the little chimp brain and the short bandy legs. No.
@christianmolick8647 Жыл бұрын
Starts with some informal conversation, introductions and talk starts three minutes in.
@ladykoiwolfe Жыл бұрын
This is incredibly interesting, but isn't there evidence of dwarfism in a species of rhino and and an extinct giant island owl?
@lebowskiduderino89 Жыл бұрын
he is in a room by himself and he wears a mask and apologizes for taking it off to an online audience
@OrdinaryCritic Жыл бұрын
Virus spread through the internet, don’t you know that?
@trumpsextratesticle8590 Жыл бұрын
We live in Intellectual darkages. Emotionalism rules the day (sadly) These will be the same people that will scream for your death because you dont blindly beleive in "global warming", and will kill you because you are a "threat against humanity". Been hearing "were all going to die in 10 years" since the 80s. LOL cant make this shit up.
@trumpsextratesticle8590 Жыл бұрын
Had to turn this off after 15 minutes, this moron utters "uhm" every 10th word. SMH
@gddett 11 ай бұрын
No duh. He could have been expecting in-person attendees like the woman said and it's kind of funny that he self depricates about his face after taking the mask off. Because they have to look at him not because he'll infect them.
@kenmoore45 11 ай бұрын
Actually he's not in a room all by himself. He's there with 6 other persons. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there. But you can think what you want.
@aeaissabagnall154 Жыл бұрын
These are great basic tips for anyone looking for a job. I love your enthusiasm and how you were open not only networking, but trying new careers and therefore finding passions and skills you didn’t know you had! Like creating curriculum for kids. This was just an overwhelming inspiration to hear about your journey!
@Stupidityindex Жыл бұрын
@Stupidityindex Жыл бұрын
Christians demand ownership of the narrative: We are all gods, children of the highest god. The ultimate vanity is declared, as they make a scene in the temple. Christians are the wolves in sheep's clothing, weighing in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, would-be dictators suggesting we must all travel together, as if we all prefer leadership with one foot in fantasyland.
@Stupidityindex Жыл бұрын
The problem is ignoring Christians. Those act as if the rest of us can prefer leadership travel with one foot in fantasyland. God chooses winners in their end time cult. Their god outside of fiction, is the same god well-known for the perfect record of doing nothing. Hence, we say, God helps those helping themselves. And, Christians are avoided like the old woman with too many cats. And, we thank God: Secular law & order eventually ended the witch-killing & inquisitions. There is no evidence Democracy works at scale. Not with endless wars, & too big to fail. The science of greenhouse gases was ignored. Now, is "too late" - 1979. Biden just opened up places to drill, as if Limits to Growth had not predicted our worst path. The only difference between a Republican & Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor, when a donor walks in the room.
@DeathBlossom867 Жыл бұрын
The audio for this is atrocious.
@blaberus1 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting! I give a talk about early humans in Indonesia on cruises I lecture on in Indonesia and this video has cleared up a few things I was confused about e.g. use of fire. Odd how floresiensis may not have used fire but made stone tools, whereas naledi may have used fire, but there is no evidence it made stone tools.
@dwightehowell8179 10 ай бұрын
A dead youth was found with a stone tool in one hand. I rather think someone made it.
@theanonymous7171 Жыл бұрын
Data from India is not included in this video
@charlesjmouse Жыл бұрын
Well that was very interesting! Speaking for myself, when H. Floresiensis first appeared I thought "Well, we're now looking for something smaller-bodied than H. Erectus that left Africa about the same time or before." My bet would be a 'very late' Australopithecus or 'early' Homo, so was quite surprised with the debate over what it may be but accepted more expert opinion than mine; "Island dwarfed Erectus." This makes me wonder if I should have trusted my 'gut' more. Further: I'm not a paleoanthropologist, but a medical doctor with an interest in the subject. So on the one had I'm a very long way from an expert, but on the other I do have a very good 'feel' for what constitutes normal variation within a population and what pathology looks like. With that in mind: -I remain flabbergasted that the idea H. Floresiensis is 'pathological' or any kind of 'modern' Homo got any traction - it's such obvious nonsense. -I was slightly surprised the consensus landed in a dwarfed Erectus... but then I'm no expert, so fair enough. Then Luzonensis and even Dmanisi + Naledi came along and I thought "Surely a rethink..?" There are, of course, other 'funny fossils' that don't neatly fit the 'All descendants of an Erectus' narative. -A prediction: We will continue to find evidence for a lineage of smaller-bodied 'Homo' of the kind H. Floresiensis is one example, concurrent with ours but more adapted for walking and climbing than walking and running. At a guess these will be found scattered both outside Africa and within, and the 'split' with our line will most likely be early Homo or possibly very late Australopithecus.
@jdr9419 Жыл бұрын
The hobbit was speaking? 😅😊
@lisamann Жыл бұрын
"I measured 10,000 rat femoral heads." That, ladies and germs, is why they call science a discipline.
@Raydensheraj Жыл бұрын
This could be an interesting subject...but this presentation was literally nothing but personality....the data/statistics don't get a second of explanation....then "claims" from 1700 are presented as "fact" like they had a mechanism of unbiased, professional way of collecting statistics. A very poor presentation that with a couple changes could actually be really interesting...I will also never understand how science could be presented in the view of "feminism" without being biased towards data confirming your ideology. I have no issue with feminism. I just don't understand how you COULDN'T be incredibly biased to interpret data, history and science to confirm the ideology. What about comparison of the "evil victorian way of medical childbirth" with other cultures and their outlooks and cultural issues surrounding child birth?
@Raydensheraj Жыл бұрын
ALWAYS going to listen a presentation when the anthropological research is presented using Evolutionary theory... Thanks.
@MrDenomo Жыл бұрын
@mliittsc63 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting and eloquent presentation. I'm obsessing over the letter spacing in the powerpoint.
@johnnyllooddte3415 Жыл бұрын
homo floresiensis is NOT human.. it is NOT prehuman.. it may be a hominin but probably is a hominid.. it has NO RELATIONSHIP to homo sapien sapiens HUMANS.. homo sapien sapiens are the ONLY HUMANS.. everything else is hominoids with ZERO provable dna connections.. case closed. dr johnny phd vmd
@joanthompson5606 Жыл бұрын
So then, is it even remotely possible that the stories of Indonesians who go into the forest alot and spot little "orang pendak" are true? I am entirely uneducated in this field, and I also wish sasquatch were true... 🤭🤪🙃🥴
@teddysperghetti Жыл бұрын
No such thing as "latin X" and a kid from Dallas doesn't know squat about growing up and living in new mexico, imagine taking anything this urbanite weirdo says seriously when he has a "he / him" title, Bruh we can see your spotty estrogen beard.
@eprohoda Жыл бұрын
UNLV. how you doing?, Than you, beautiful view!=)