💕我曾於英國和德國留學, 能操三文四語. 平時鐘意行超市和shopping, 尋覓平靚正貨品. 亦喜歡吃喝玩樂, 有時會去下旅行睇下外面的世界.
我希望透過本頻道和你們分享一些我的所見所聞, 購物資訊和貨品比較. 有時會講下學校和旅遊資訊.
多謝你們的支持🥰!如果你未訂閱這個頻道, 請你訂閱 Subscribe🔔. 記得比Like👍🏻 和留言支持呀💕
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[email protected]Hello, I've studied in the UK and Germany and can speak four languages. I love shopping and finding good bargains. In my videos I hope to share with you useful information, reviews on products and restaurants, schools info and also travel vlogs.
If you haven't already subscribed to my channel, please do so 🔔. Please like 👍🏻 and give comments. Thank you for your support 💕