Welcome to the Living Water Bible Fellowship's channel! We are a church in Alamosa, Colorado that exists to lead people into a life changing and ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We livestream out first service every Sunday, at 8:30am MST. You also will find sermons from previous Sundays here. These videos are not meant to replace being part of a local community of Jesus followers, but as a supplement and tool to come alongside you as you grow in knowledge and love of God. We would love any one to visit us in person on Sunday morning at 8:30 & 10, or through out the week during our many different events that can be found on our calendar. www.livingwateralamosa.org/resources/calendar
If you have any questions about God, the Bible or how to be saved, or would like to be prayed for, please contact our Associate Pastor, Luke Smith at
[email protected]