@Nova-m8d Ай бұрын
What these people can't comprehend is, sms has a 98% open rate vs email has a 40% open rate. You could tell them all day and they still wouldn't be able to process the information. This is what happens when they get sucked into Copy subforums on internet marketing forums. It's really a weird thing to watch as they all claim to walk on water.
@barryh3361 2 ай бұрын
Just started Twitter (3 weeks, 300 Followers.) In the right direction, this video was so informative. Helped a lot. Gives you some direction and what to do in the future. I have a question; How long should a Thread be for a better audience with a higher response?
@AlicinChristensen 2 ай бұрын
This answered SO many questions - thank you!
@jamiejohnston8492 3 ай бұрын
Great episode. Around the 34min mark I nearly shouted at my computer, Nathan! Brian! I need to know: How do you take content from A- to A+?
@my-ai5 3 ай бұрын
Such a good conversation. Would love to see a 2024 version!
@pussyhammer6969 3 ай бұрын
Gay shirt.
@overplayed3553 4 ай бұрын
i enjoyed this video .
@FruitFloridaFarm 4 ай бұрын
Great interview. Enjoy listening to Ryan adventure. I wonder if segmenting off the viewers into another list specifically for coupon deals would make sense.
@UkiDLucas 4 ай бұрын
I know I am 3 years late here. I watched a ton of your videos, but this candid conversation appealed to me the most. I consider this video a must see starter and send it to my friends as such. I just re-engaged my relatively large community that I have built for years via over 100 technical conferences I organized, but stopped because of moving to another state. Now, because I love writing, my blog lead me to emails and to you. Thank you for sharing!
@karlene1897 5 ай бұрын
20:36 interesting pain killer vitamin analogy 😊
@NeuralNewsletters 5 ай бұрын
TLDR: Newsletters, like Substack, have become a viable and successful entrepreneurial endeavor, challenging traditional career paths and offering the potential for growth and value. 00:00 📈 Creating high quality content is crucial for success in paid newsletters, with the speaker discussing the complexities and dangers of running one, their unexpected success leading to a career shift, and the importance of writing to peers and friends for quality content. 10:31 📈 Building a newsletter audience through Twitter, Medium, and guest posts, focusing on high-quality content and repurposing to maintain engagement and save time. 18:35 📰 Committing to a paid newsletter means being prepared for the long haul, with challenges including consistent content creation, balancing with a day job, and the feeling of work going into a "black hole" behind a paywall. 26:19 📈 Creating a successful paid newsletter involves engaging with subscribers, balancing content, and staying passionate about the topics you write about. 32:06 📈 The speaker discusses the challenges and strategies of growing a paid newsletter, including conversion rates, pricing, and subscriber retention. 38:30 💡 Offering free subscriptions to underrepresented groups and creating high-quality content, along with a private community for paid members, has been key to success for the speaker, who also discusses the potential drawbacks and competition of paid newsletters but ultimately expresses loyalty and satisfaction with the platform. 47:00 💡 Creators should focus on maintaining work-life balance, avoid overworking, and invest in quality editing to build a successful paid newsletter business, while also considering the potential opportunities and connections from having a large audience on platforms like Twitter. 53:16 📈 Providing value through newsletters and social media can help investors and founders connect and access great deals, but focusing on providing value to readers is more important than relying on growth hacks or referral programs.
@karenm6665 6 ай бұрын
@RobertPlank 6 ай бұрын
The Twitter thread about buyer psychology grabbed my attention right away. The use of social proof and authentic feedback adds credibility to the content. I'll be implementing some of the strategies discussed in my own marketing efforts. Thanks for sharing valuable tips!
@NeuralNewsletters 6 ай бұрын
TLDR: Using Twitter to grow a newsletter and monetize a subscriber list is a valuable strategy that requires effort and focus on quality content and engagement. 00:00 📈 David Perell shares tips on growing a newsletter, using Twitter to build an audience, and monetizing a subscriber list, emphasizing the value of email marketing and targeted communication. 08:11 📧 Start capturing emails early to generate future revenue, focus on engaging emails, use Twitter to convert followers to subscribers, prioritize quality over quantity in content creation. 17:39 🚀 Put effort into promoting your work on Twitter, focus on growing your subscriber base, and create systems to sustain long-term success with your newsletter. 27:19 📝 Create evergreen content to get more leverage, writing long form essays can help you stand out, and the speaker discusses the influence of memetic theory on his writing. 33:31 🐦 Trust your intuition, research and journal for impactful content, resonate with ideas that hit your body before your mind, and use Twitter for list growth and high conversion rates. 39:13 📈 Provide specific and useful information for newsletter sign-ups, offer value upfront in Twitter threads, and use compelling call to actions for better results. 43:41 🐦 Twitter is a platform for high signal tweets, providing quick insights and excitement within a larger narrative, leading to monetization opportunities such as paid newsletters, courses, and sponsored content. 52:51 📈 Mastering Twitter to grow your newsletter and make money is tough, but the potential to monetize creativity and become a founding influencer is significant.
@stevesohn5436 6 ай бұрын
This is great. Been considering a local newsletter.
@MorbidCrimeStories 6 ай бұрын
i dont see how hes able to do this, twitter bans accounts that are spammy or have newsletter links or advertisements
@davidcarter3976 6 ай бұрын
Also that I think it's good to hit upon important issues when it's necessary. Like a good example if you come across as 2 woke right now, and you don't make a clear stand for humanity, people are not going to like you.
@NeuralNewsletters 6 ай бұрын
TLDR: By focusing on building a free audience first, then monetizing with paid products, and using tools and tactics to understand website traffic, one can turn their newsletter into a successful seven-figure business. 00:00 📈 Steph Smith shares tips on growing a paid newsletter, collaborating effectively with a team, and staying organized to build a successful seven-figure business. 05:29 💌 Revisit priorities, design small wins, and understand pricing models to turn your newsletter into a successful business. 14:09 📈 Selling digital products as a subscription service has high churn rates, pushing annual plans and building awareness is key to success. 19:11 📈 Focus on building a free audience first, then monetize with paid products; decide on free vs paywall based on goals; align tactics with desired timeline; learn from other industries; implement online best practices offline; learn from different sides of the world and use tools to understand website traffic. 30:19 📈 Use tools for product research, question the obvious, observe infrastructure for investment opportunities, develop ideas over time, and let go of bad ideas to turn your newsletter into a seven-figure business. 36:41 📈 Steph Smith transitioned from chemical engineering to working for The Hustle, emphasizing the importance of a scientific mindset in marketing and the value of testing everything, even when it goes against intuition. 46:00 📈 Focus on scaling early, validate your product, and differentiate your newsletter or product to find a clear differentiator and be the best at one specific thing. 51:57 📧 Positioning and differentiation are crucial for attracting and retaining customers, popular newsletters like James Clear's three two one and Charter use concise and engaging content, and finding your angle and balancing a side hustle is important for financial freedom.
@rickwalkertx 6 ай бұрын
Great interview!! Love to watch follow-up chat about flywheel specifics.
@BeforeYouGoPro 6 ай бұрын
Rachel's a Beast!
@DarwinsLab 7 ай бұрын
Thomas Frank is one of the Ogs of youtube man, great guy
@akashc3416 7 ай бұрын
the most sensible interview questions.. amazing job Nathan!! u always rock!
@bigreality411 7 ай бұрын
I love this!
@matt37221 8 ай бұрын
Great work Nathan. Quick question, with all this MONEY TWITTER hype (that i hate), wouldn't you opt in for using facebook/and or organic seo via blogs on medium, quora etc.. Reason I ask is, I dislike the community on X and I'm a visionary. I see things that will and must happen, yet its hard to speak up amongst all the gurus on X... Let me know what you would do in my position (im 22 btw)
@GeneBasler 8 ай бұрын
Love the scholarship angle, especially if there's a lot of subscriber engagement
@GeneBasler 8 ай бұрын
Interesting question about whether offering developing market pricing diminishes the value. How about offering corporate subscribers an option like "check this box yes I'd like to pay $5/mo extra and subsidize the subscription cost of one highly engaged tech hustler operating somewhere in an emerging market"...I'm writing off my fees heck yeah I'd check that box, especially if I felt that you were being genuine in your desire to give them a leg up.
@relaxinggospelmusic2421 8 ай бұрын
@kunizsmrg1880 9 ай бұрын
thank you nathan! i just found your youtube channel, and this episode was amazing!!
@pattvira 10 ай бұрын
This podcast is such a hidden gem. Love this episode and have been devouring the other ones too. Great content - learning so much. Thanks Nathan! (You sold me on Convertkit too!).
@WatercolorWizardry 10 ай бұрын
I have, Creating from Planet Earth 🌏. 😅 kind'f a nod to Elon' Mars goals. 😄
@iamtjking 10 ай бұрын
Excellent episode. Thank you for sharing.
@Nassaldromus 11 ай бұрын
I'm not affiliated with Google, but wanted to mention that the Google Assistant is sending things like "you haven't opened emails from (sender) recently. Would you like to unsubscribe?" Then it has an unsubscribe button. I haven't clicked it yet, but will do it next time just to see what automatic action it takes. Like you both said, this could be very helpful, and Google is already positioned to make the client smarter, which should alleviate the burden on our inboxes. Maybe others are doing it too. I don't know.
@Upwardsonly 11 ай бұрын
Enjoyed the ‘flow’ of your conversation 👌
@PeggyStinson 11 ай бұрын
even a year and a-half later - this is such a valuable interview. thanks!
@PeggyStinson Жыл бұрын
just running across this - really helpful, thanks
@douglaskim1228 Жыл бұрын
Brian and Nathan - this was a very informative video. It was fantastic. Thank you!
@FormerMillionaire Жыл бұрын
Excellent... Always great digestible information. Thanks Nathan for all your hard work! - james
@FormerMillionaire Жыл бұрын
To be less false... Now, I like that! That is fascinating. Thanks for sharing this interview. - james
@KatieRosebraugh Жыл бұрын
Hey Nathan what happened to Sean?
@TheProductivityDoctor Жыл бұрын
He actually got 4M subscribers the following year lol
@TonyCEOofSelf Жыл бұрын
Me gusta!!
@TonyCEOofSelf Жыл бұрын
Great content!
@CanadianPodcast Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!
@websitelaunchcourse4061 Жыл бұрын
Min 17:22-20:49..It is now August 2023. Social Media Influencers are now heavily promoting Substack and "How to Create a Newsletter" videos. The more things change...the more they stay the same..
@DanSchenker Жыл бұрын
I was in the audience for this talk. Thank you guys for your insights!
@jayeshmarathe231 Жыл бұрын
put timestamp
@alexwiec8835 Жыл бұрын
Great interview Nathan!
@HeyWilliamSalas Жыл бұрын
Wow wow wow this is so good. This is real money/value making material. 🙏🏽
@MolinoCompany Жыл бұрын
Great. Thank you