After further review of the first 10 seconds of this clip, I have come to the conclusion along with my colleagues that this is not kid-friendly, during the Ping Pong 2023 World Cup Semi-Final Saga between Ben-Jing-Ping vs Doh-Shlanganhouser who are the two greatest ping pongers of all time, they have been leading the league in assists and rebounds for the past decade, as well as scoring a world record level of hat tricks. I was shocked to see this come on the radio, where it sent chills down my spine, causing me to grab the nearest tennis racket and absolute slam the shit out of my neighbors 7 year old daughter. This has caused me family so much trauma, I managed to break my 85 inch LGTV Samsung Black Friday Sale 50% OFF Special that retailed for $1499.99 Your music has caused nothing but horrifying things to happen in my household and I will not allow it, my wife Anthony Disney has told me she will divorce me as soon as tomorrow for all the pain I have caused her. Shame on you krose, shame on you, you will be hearing from my lawyers tomorrow!