Golden-green makeup tutorial
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6 ай бұрын
@inthecastlee 2 ай бұрын
i’m also dominican lol
@JoyfullyJaelene 2 ай бұрын
@inthecastlee 2 ай бұрын
really cute!!
@JoyfullyJaelene 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 🫶😁
@SS-rl9bg 3 ай бұрын
I love how you tell the story!😊
@JoyfullyJaelene 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! 😊❤️
@brandonrochester4072 3 ай бұрын
Amen ❤
@JoyfullyJaelene 3 ай бұрын
@spetsnazunit1851 3 ай бұрын
Amen! Keep up the videos!
@JoyfullyJaelene 3 ай бұрын
Shank you ❤️🙏
@spetsnazunit1851 3 ай бұрын
Love the way that look makes your eyes pop
@JoyfullyJaelene 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 🥰
@belindarhodes4323 4 ай бұрын
Your lack of faith and the “cheap” grace you preach. It is in the book. Everyone should read the book. It is humbling.
@KasperKatje 4 ай бұрын
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I’m reacting to the documentary called Zeitgeist which is here on KZbin. This is the opening scene, in which as you see, there is an animation with audio from what sounds to be stand up comedy. May God bless you and give you peace. ☮️🥰
@KasperKatje 4 ай бұрын
​@@JoyfullyJaeleneThanks for clearing that up. In that case I stand corrected. Zeitgeist contains some thruths but most of it is bs or too far fetched. It's almost like the bible. 😉
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
John 8:32 (NLT) “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”🕊️
@TheRedStig 4 ай бұрын
It may not nevessarily disprove the existence of a "god", but it can certainly point towards the ineptitude of its "design".
@reneepelk7704 4 ай бұрын
@janmusi 4 ай бұрын
y'all are hating on her for being religious 😭 let people believe what they want to believe even if you don't agree
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Objective truth, my friend. It is truth regardless of what you think of it. Evidence for a creator is all around us and to deny such evidence would be idiotic
@TheRedStig 4 ай бұрын
I'll let people believe what they wish when they stop trying to shove it down my throat.
@andreahughes1155 4 ай бұрын
@@spetsnazunit1851 Point to the objective evidence you are right and it's your god that did it.
@andreahughes1155 4 ай бұрын
No wr are commenting on someone who said something stupid and trying to stick their batshit crazy religion down everyone's throat.
@janmusi 4 ай бұрын
please even if you don't agree with him, just leave them alone if i see a post talking about atheism (or any religion other than mine), i don't go and post hate comments on the video and neither should you
@alethealenning3809 4 ай бұрын
Nor does acknowledging the beauty of our existence prove God.
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Actually, you’re wrong. Complexity is an extremely good argument in favor of a higher being outside of space and time. By observational purposes, nature naturally leads to chaos. Nothing has been observed that leads to order from nature alone. Also, did nothing create something? Or did something create something? These are basic arguments that physicists and philosophers cannot provide adequate answers for and any type of research of this subject would assist you in coming to that conclusion.
@alethealenning3809 4 ай бұрын
@@spetsnazunit1851 I can not make the accusation that you are wrong or your mindset is flawed unless I knew it to be true and could prove such. I do not know the answer. Nor do I believe anyone could possibly know; however, I will point out one argument that you failed to mention. Perhaps it just always was.
@imnotabeetleiswear6549 4 ай бұрын
Actual cult I swear, the oldest cult who's values have changed thousands of times and split into hundreds of subreligions. They're unable to think for themselves after the brainwashing they received as children, it's a very sad person to look at
@andreahughes1155 4 ай бұрын
It just proves how enept your god is.
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Yes. The creation of the entire universe is simply done by accident. God has massive skill issues to come up with such a delicate structure that still works perfectly.
@andreahughes1155 4 ай бұрын
@spetsnazunit1851 No it works according to physics, not "accident". No enept god needed, that you poorly shoehorned in. Physics, nothing more.
@andreahughes1155 4 ай бұрын
@spetsnazunit1851 No, the universe was created through physics. No god needed. Can you prove that any god even exists?
@crashunderride 4 ай бұрын
Yet, all the atrocious things that have happened in the word that God "allowed" to happen proves one of three things. A) He doesn't exist, b) He's not omnipotent, or c) he's omnipotent and just didn't care enough to stop them. For me, option A is most likely. Option B contradicts the Bible. Option C on the other hand, if true, why would you willing worship a God who willingly allows suffering? I personally want NOTHING to do with a God like that, real or otherwise. So, of options B or C are correct, it proves the Bible incorrect. Option is most likely. And if your response is "God's plan", I return you to Option C.
@Lydia454 4 ай бұрын
Okay so A) if you don’t know anything about the Bible and what the Bible says and What God said please stop contradicting The Bible, my beliefs and God. B) God DOES care. If you had actually read the Bible and understood something from it you would have seen that God is good, but he Loves Justice. If you don’t know what Justice is, if someone does something bad, they get punished. If someone does something good, they get rewarded. C) God sent his one and only son to die for YOU and me. If you don’t believe that he did, and that he resurrected three days later, well I do. Why? Because SEVERAL PEOPLE WROTE ABOUT IT, and how they saw it.
@YOLIto-ug6sb 4 ай бұрын
God gave humans free will, he hasn't allowed it to happen, it is human error and choosing. If God hadn't given humans free will then we would be to blame but he isn't its the people of the world.
@DastardlyFluffy 4 ай бұрын
I for one take issue with a God who instructs father's to marry off their children to their rapist for money, accepted child sacrifices, and also instructed a genocide.
@DastardlyFluffy 4 ай бұрын
​@@Lydia454 I for one take issue with a God who told father's to sell off their daughters to their own r*pists, accepted child s*crifice, and told the chosen people to commit a g*nocide
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Let’s define some terms. Are they atrocious in your definition? Or could it just be possible that and omnipotent God has decided that cancer is the best way to bring glory to Himself? Your subjective argument on what is bad is grounded in the objective morals that God has given to us and if there is eternal life after this very short one, wouldn’t any suffering seem like a mild inconvenience in comparison to an eternity in Heaven with God? I would would happily die a gruesome death right now if it meant o get to go to Heaven with God forever. Therefore, suffering is not an argument against this eternal being but, on the contrary, and argument FOR this eternal being. Basic philosophy here.
@VickyC107 4 ай бұрын
Yeah just proves he should of gone to a biology class and maybe gotten a brain
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Evolution is a terrible argument for how things came about because it still doesn’t prove that nothing created something! The universe is not eternal and that is a common fact amongst scholars, therefore something much have created something. Even if I do play into evolution happening (which I don’t), it still doesn’t prove how it all began. Biology class would not help in this circumstance. You would need astrophysics and basic philosophy
@TheRedStig 4 ай бұрын
​​@@spetsnazunit1851 Spacetime has always existed, as has all of the energy within the system, which is a cyclic system itself (Not all scholars agree with the finality of spacetime, that's why the Big Crunch theory was postulated in the first place, and recent JWST findings have theorized that the expansion of the universe is not necessarily accelerating totally) All of the everything that everything is made of has always been. Of the nearly infinite planets that eventually formed within the current expression of the universe, Earth is one such planet that had all of the needed chemical components and conducive environment for complex compounds to eventually form self-replicating life and sentience. You, as a religious person, may not like and vehemently disagree with this, but don't say that we of atheistic proclivities have no answer. We work our minds away to find those answers, it is our purpose. You have your own purpose. Live for your diety, I will live for knowledge.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
Lesson learned: If you are going to lie about slavery in the Bible, keep your lies in your church.
@jonathansmith3129 4 ай бұрын
May we all bask in His Grace!
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Amen. We sure don’t deserve it 🙌🏻😭 Lord have mercy.
@jay-z635 4 ай бұрын
He did endorse slavery. It started with Adam and Eve. God told Adam to till the ground in Eden ; aka dig for gold. When it was too much for Adam, God gave him a helper, Eve !
@Bugsy0333 4 ай бұрын
Bullshit !
@whackly 4 ай бұрын
yo. the law he made about murder was "don't do it". the laws about slavery were like "buy buy and sell your neighbors cuz like, they friends and family still like be around and, like, slaty about it. get me?" so... you know. maybe this particular rationalization is logically broken.
@vanceparrish5251 4 ай бұрын
Yes it does mean he condones it It's very clear he gave rules on how to do it. If he didn't condone it, he would simply say it is wrong. He would have simply put it in the ten commandments thou shall not own slaves. You got it twisted . It's also interesting that there was no mention of rape in the ten commandments either.
@Strawberrygirlstrawberryworld 4 ай бұрын
EXACTLY!! They say God's word is clear and without flaw then they explain away these awful laws of men owning women and laws to own people. Loving God?
@TastyFood726 6 күн бұрын
God speaking against rape is mention in the Bible it even says that if a female is getting rape and she doesn't scream for help then she is guilty or something like that
@TastyFood726 6 күн бұрын
God speaking against rape is mention in the Bible it even says that if a female is getting rape and she doesn't scream for help then she is guilty or something like that
@boccia2409 4 ай бұрын
A product of slavery 😂
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I am the result of colonial slvery. I’m Dominican with allll kinds of mixed ethnicities in my ancestral dna. Given history and my dna, i can very confidently say my existence comes from sl4ves, natives and c0lonizers. Hope that clears that up. What is funny about it?
@boccia2409 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene so you have dna from multiple races like most of us do. Stop playing victim, its not going to get you anywhere expect a echo chamber of liberals leftists marxists. Oh wait , my turkish dna that dosent match my family history must mean i too am a product of the ottoman empire and i took am a result of slavery and colonialism. What a clown world we live in 🤣🤡🌍
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
When did I state I was a victim? It is a fact that if the colonial sl-ve trade weren’t a thing in Hispaniola, I wouldn’t be here. Therefore, my existence is a result of sl-very. The sad truth is, a lot of my family members were graped and mistreated, causing them to conceive a lineage that led to ME. I’m not playing victim, these are simply facts and I think it is beautifully redemptive that I can embrace all cultures and ethnicities now, since I relate to them all to some degree. What point are you trying to make here friend?--> “My Turkish dna that doesn’t match my family history” you don’t know my family history. I am a first generation American, and the effects of c0lonialism track as closely in my family as my great grandfather. That’s not too long ago… the United States attempted to occupy the Dominican Republic in the 20s, and c4ptured and t0rtured my great grandfather for standing up against it. So why are you making a mockery of something you don’t understand yet. Instead it would benefit you to ask questions. You will live a lot more peacefully amongst others if you seek to understand first. Look beneath the surface so you may judge correctly.-John 7:24 go in peace.
@texasrider3891 4 ай бұрын
"A product ofslavery" nah. You're a product of insanity and ignorance
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I sure am the result of colonial slavery. I’m Dominican if that clears things up. How am I insane or ignorant? Please elaborate :)
@AyshKing 4 ай бұрын
The Torah says treat them viciously
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@nickbrasing8786 4 ай бұрын
No it doesn't. The closest it comes is in Lev. where it says, when talking about foreign slaves, that you shall not rule of your fellow Israelite "ruthlessly". Kind of insinuating that you could for foreigners.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
Nothing in the Old Testament points to Jesus. That is just your imagination and wishful thinking.
@sgtsarge2617 4 ай бұрын
Proverbs 30:4 [4]Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, If you know?
@sgtsarge2617 4 ай бұрын
Isaiah 53 is a good read to
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@sgtsarge2617 Neither of those verses point to Jesus.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
It’s everywhere, friend! Some of my favorites are psalm 22 with Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-27; Matthew 27:32-56 in parallel with the Cruc!f!xion of Jesus, and Hebrews 9 with Numbers and Deuteronomy paralleling the Ark of the old covenant, and how that points to Jesus. There are countless others. I pray that God gives you eyes to see and ears to hear.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene Quote one that you can defend. 'I pray that God gives you eyes to see and ears to hear." I hope Santa brings you presents.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
God explicitly commands chattel slavery in Deuteronomy 20: 10-14. "When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee."
@manajaisaturner4542 4 ай бұрын
That’s not what that means and you can see that by reading the whole chapter God is giving instructions on a battle and how it’s gonna go he’s saying these are my people who you’ll come across and they will help you, just because he says “shall serve” it doesn’t mean “must” serve it means “is going to” they are gonna help them even though they are in enemy territory.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@manajaisaturner4542 No, God is giving instructions on what to do AFTER that battle, and that included taking people slaves. As spoil of war.
@manajaisaturner4542 4 ай бұрын
@@cygnusustus no he’s not you can literally read the first line of the verse you posted. “When you come near to a city TO FIGHT against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be fine… it can’t be after the battle before the fight
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Did you miss what I said in the video you just commented on?
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@manajaisaturner4542 Please stop lying. It literally is saying what to do with inhabitants that surrender or are defeated. If you have to lie to defend your beliefs, it is time to get new beliefs.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
Uhm....yes, if you make laws allowing for something, you are condoning it. And in fact, the Bible goes further and actively promotes chattel slavery. Read Leviticus 25:44-46: It explicitly describes and condones chattel slavery. "44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour."
@manajaisaturner4542 4 ай бұрын
What you’re doing is malicious and it’s not honest Just putting up verses without context so that unknowing people that stumble across this may begin to think God is unjust. Yes, God allowed “slavery” but it’s not the same as modern day slavery, so yes God allowed for the purchase of another person, but all commandments and rules are still in place and this is in a time where manual labor is a necessity so if you needed help you had to pay for it they were fed, housed, and paid they weren’t beaten or ill-treated and they could pay to be free and if they had families once they made payment they were free to go with them. It’s a job if not a better version.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@manajaisaturner4542 I'm telling the truth and refuting Christian dishonesty. Explain in what context genocide, slavery, infanticide, and rape are moral, please. "Yes, God allowed “slavery” but it’s not the same as modern day slavery" Incorrect. Under Mosaic law, foreign slaves were chattel slaves. They could be bought, sold, separated from their families, beaten, raped, killed, kept for life, and passed down as inherited property. The treatment of foreign slaves was every bit as bad, or worse, than slavery in the Antebellum south. "God allowed for the purchase of another person, but all commandments and rules are still in place" Nope. Every specific reference to foreign slaves in the Bible is to deny them rights and protections afforded to Hebrew slaves. Learn your Bible. "they were fed, housed, and paid" That is a lie. Slaves were not paid. If you have to lie to defend your beliefs, it is time to get new beliefs.
@manajaisaturner4542 4 ай бұрын
@@cygnusustus Not true, they couldn’t murder or rape and if you have more verses you’d like to bring forth saying the opposite I’d love to see them just bc it occurs does not mean it’s God ordained the point is after the fall people are sinners and do wicked things and we see God is the only one that can cleanse us of those wrongdoings and we watch God redeem us or clean up the mess that we created.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@manajaisaturner4542 "Not true, they couldn’t murder or rape" Wow. You really don't know your Bible very well. Numbers 31: 17-19 "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Genocide, slavery, infanticide, and rape. All supposedly commanded by your God. Deuteronomy 21: 10-13 "When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife." More rape. Zechariah 14:1-2 "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city." More rape. I have more examples, if you need them. Rape was not even a crime in under Mosaic Law. Having sex with a woman who was not your property was a crime, regardless of consent. And it was an offense against the man who owned the woman.
@cygnusustus 4 ай бұрын
@@manajaisaturner4542 "Not true, they couldn’t murder or rape" Wow. You really don't know your Bible very well. Numbers 31: 17-19 "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Genocide, slavery, infanticide, and rape. All supposedly commanded by your God.
@nicolemarie9875 4 ай бұрын
What are you saying? Jesus and God are the same? I’m confused. Why do people use that interchangeably?
@BaptistZoomer 4 ай бұрын
Yes Jesus is God, God is one nature that exist in three persons Jesus/The Son, The Father or the one most people would picture as God, and The Holy Spirit all three of these are God it’s one God that’s in three
@KeithOlson 4 ай бұрын
"What are you saying? Jesus and God are the same? I’m confused. Why do people use that interchangeably?" I have yet to figure out the source of that teaching either. *JESUS* certainly never taught it. There are *dozens* of verses stating the very opposite, but they are ignored for a cherry-picked few that are carefully interpreted to teach that Jesus was actually God cosplaying as a human. #smh
@manajaisaturner4542 4 ай бұрын
@@KeithOlson What verses are you referring to? maybe we can help shed some light on those for you bc I’ve never come across any verses that say what you’re saying
@BaptistZoomer 4 ай бұрын
@@KeithOlson Jesus cleat does many things in The Bible stating he is God not The Father but he is God first he claims to have met Abraham and says that before Abraham that he was meaning Jesus has always existed and only one being has always existed Jesus also says anyone who has seen me has seen The Father as well as anyone who receives him receives The Father he also said to believe that he is in The Father and The Father is in him Jesus also said anyone who welcomes him welcomes The Father Jesus also showed multiple times through acts that he was God like when accepted worship which only God should accept or when he worked on The Sabbath or through the miracles he performed or the fact he told people to pray to him and through him by always using his powerful name when they pray Jesus never directly said stuff like this in The Bible because he was there to die to be the ultimate sacrifice and to be the ultimate sacrifice he had to be fully God and fully Human to be a perfect sacrifice for humans he had to be the perfect human and to be a sacrifice for all that will ever live he had to be God so it could be an eternal sacrifice The entire Bible is about Jesus it all leads to him it was written to be about him since the first page was written that’s why you have to have a personal relationship with him that’s why he’s the only way to heaven that’s why he died for us because he had love for all of us
@KeithOlson 4 ай бұрын
​@@manajaisaturner4542 "What verses are you referring to?" Well, let's start with more well-known ones like John 3:16-17, John 5:36-38, John 6:37-46, and John 14:1-21. In each passage, Jesus both makes a clear distinction between Himself and YHWH *AND* makes it clear that He is _less_ than YHWH and is under His authority. (The word 'Father' occurs more than a hundred times in the book of John alone, and, each time that Jesus uses it, it is crystal clear that he isn't speaking of Himself, but YHWH.) What's more, Jesus is _repeatedly_ reported to have prayed. If He truly was 'God in a man suit', why was He praying to Himself? Why did He _publicly_ pray to Himself? Why did He beg Himself to take away the cup that He had given Himself? That just doesn't make any sense. I don't blame you for believing what people you trusted told you, but you *MUST* establish the truth for yourself; blind faith in the dogmatic wisdom of men will cause you to fall into a ditch. (I, myself, did the same thing at the beginning. I was such a blind fool that it took YHWH, Himself, to set me straight. :sigh: )
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work! You are storing up rewards in Heaven
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@offkilter9364 4 ай бұрын
What did Jesus say about slavery? He must have condemned it right?
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
That’s a great question! Jesus doesn’t explicitly condemn slavery in the Bible. I didn’t mention this in the clip, but it is also important to note that slavery and servitude back then was not the same as the white supremacy-led western slavery we know about in more recent history. In Matthew 22, Jesus emphasizes that the entire law can be summed up in 2 things: Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul. And to love your neighbor as yourself. When you approach any topic in this posture, it is easy to understand that the mistreatment of God, and the mistreatment of man is not right. Slavery was a big part of the world back then, just not in the way we imagine it in the west. It was usually a willing servitude, or a better situation for a prisoner of war (where the only other option would be death) versus a stealing, kidnapping unaliving, oppression we know in colonialism. Unfortunately, we can all too easily make the Bible say what we want it to say. We see this with racists using the Bible to justify racism, prosperity preachers using it to spiritually abuse others and deceive them, and so many other ways. So in modern days, this is why we see and interpret teachings on servitude in the New Testament, as a humble heart-posture towards positions of authority in any aspect. (Work, government, etc.) I hope this helped answer your question! And I’ll leave you with one more passage to quote Jesus: But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20: 25-28
@nickbrasing8786 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene Except there is actual lifelong, generational chattel slavery condoned in the Bible too. Complicated and nuanced subject as it is. Yes God had laws around things like murder and theft and adultery as well, but He also told us they were a sin. Commanded us not to do them. Not so with slavery. Never is a work spoken in condemnation of slavery in the Bible. Not in the OT and not in the NT. That's the difference you're missing. How were the Israelites to know slavery was wrong when all God told them was how to do it correctly, and never that He didn't want them to?
@lightsalt8279 4 ай бұрын
My short answer: God gave humans a free will with its consequences, but most humans did things against His teaching and creating their own evil. Long answer: Since the beginning, God gave humans a free will to eat whatever they want to eat, but still God advised not to eat fruit from one of the trees to avoid "death" [ Genesis 2:16-17 ]. Every action on earth has its consequences whether it is positive or negative consequences, whether it will be impacted on ourselves or other people. Water will be frozen if you put them in the freezer, action will create reaction. That's why God teaches humans to avoid the negative consequences. But still, most humans do different things than God has taught. Created evil, suffer and unhealthy life on themselves and/or other people. So, when people blame God for their own evil and suffer. is like when their parents teach them "don't do drugs", but they used drugs instead, then got the negative consequences. However, they refused to accept the negative consequences, and blamed their own parents who had told them before. This is extremely ridiculous.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Very insightful!
@Zagreus-of-Hades 4 ай бұрын
You aren’t even watching the video, it’s just a photo of you staring into nothingness
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Hahah, the video was edited funky 😂 it is a little weird looking at it again.
@lordpunriq 4 ай бұрын
Or maybe people should stop following the rhetoric of a dead guy and shoving it down peoples throat... just be a decent person... if you need a book for that you are a clearly more flawed than your average human
@yopisxp 4 ай бұрын
@BlasterMaster80 4 ай бұрын
The bible is the claim, not the evidence. Why is that so hard to understand?
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I would say It’s both!
@BlasterMaster80 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene Interesting; So, if someone says the Bhagavad Gita is the evidence Hinduism is the one true religion: does that validate Hinduism?
@spetsnazunit1851 4 ай бұрын
@@BlasterMaster80there is more to it than someone claiming their specific holy book is the answer. We have things we must answer here on this earth in order to find the truthful world view. We must answer: What is our origin? What is our meaning? What is morality and how do we get it? What is our destiny? This common line of questioning is how I come to Christianity as the answer. It answers these is a logical way. We all have faith. We all worship something. There is a “god” in everyone’s life. Is there “god” you are worshipping worthy of praise? Or is it inanimate? Fake? Grounded in ambiguity? I challenge you to answer those questions and see what you find. The evidence is clear. There is an intelligent designer. That designer seeks to speak with us. He has commanded good from evil and he has given us a life purpose.
@BlasterMaster80 4 ай бұрын
@@spetsnazunit1851 I find that Christianity doesn't answer any of those questions, it simply asserts that it does. As an example. What is the origin of the universe? Your answer is God, which explains absolutely nothing. You cannot explain a mystery with another mystery. Saying a God did it, has absolutely zero explanatory power Furthermore, I could say I have no answers to any of these questions. And me not having the answers to these questions, in no way validates your God. And to top it off, plugging your God into the ever receding gaps of our knowledge, is known as an argument from ignorance. It's a common informal logical fallacy.
@Mercer87 4 ай бұрын
I don’t care what the bible says, not about religious leaders, Jesus, morality or anything else. Any good that can be found within the bible can be found without it. I don’t believe in god because I’ve never seen any good reason to believe. I abhor any god who’s name has been used to justify the murder, victimization, and subjugation of innocent people.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I pray that the Lord softens your heart and allows you to see Him for who He truly is. May he give you Grace and peace ❤️🙏
@BlasterMaster80 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene So, rather than addressing their direct criticism, you attack and defame the other persons character, and pretend they're hearts are simply hardened? Like, they have some psychological issue or something. This is why people appose religion, it teaches people to demonize others rather than engaging in honest direct criticism. It teaches people to psychologically abuse others, and tell them they're not healthy if they don't accept you're cure(God). It's exactly what snake oil sales men do.
@Mercer87 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene At the very least, I appreciate the sentiment
@jeremyhodgkins7005 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this content, and don’t worry about the hate and all that, it’s sadly prophecy but we must continue to push in the mighty name of Jesus.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Amen! Thank you. Keyboard warriors are nothing in comparison to actual persecution Christians have, are, and will face. I have more opportunities to pray for people! Thank you for the encouragement ❤️
@ansliedybala797 4 ай бұрын
God may say he is a lot of things, but actions speak much louder than words. Any being who gives children cancer is not worth worshipping.
@homebrew4970 4 ай бұрын
Something something regurgitated bullshit God works in mysterious ways.
@jeremyhodgkins7005 4 ай бұрын
But what are you doing about those children dying of cancer? What are you going to do? If we are the higher power and we can’t do it then who will? I bet you’ll say “it’ll take time to find a cure and fix it”. And you’d be right. Everything takes time. So you can’t ridicule God and insult him for not fixing the problem if we humans can’t fix it ourselves. Without God there is no fixing it period.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I give you my condolences and prayers if you have seen this happen to anyone you love. There are so many hurts and sufferings in this fallen world. Kindly, the argument of suffering loses its value when you place it in light of eternity. Jesus rising from the dead accomplished the barrier of us not understanding or fellowshipping with God. sadly, a lot of people allow their hurt and pride not let them see the FULLNESS of God’s character. With all conviction I will encourage you to seek Him while you allow Him to seek you. Read the New Testament with an open heart and mind, or let blind pride continue leading your life. Either way God is glorified. May God bless you and give you peace!
@williamjames5664 4 ай бұрын
Ahh yes the classic 15 year old teenager understanding of scripture! Classic!😂😂😂
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:1-4 😊
@williamjames5664 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene a child willing to learn vs the rebellious angry teen.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@@williamjames5664 what makes you think I am rebellious or angry?or a teenager? Lol
@williamjames5664 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene your presentation of these tropes and logical fallacies I had when I was 15
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@@williamjames5664 well you could have just said that, instead of beginning by demeaning me. There is a lot more to me than 60 seconds worth of words. I am open to hearing about how my presentation could be better, and the logical fallacies I have stated as well :)
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@vayneglory655 it seems like your comment was flagged or filtered for some reason (maybe the mention of H3LL? lol, censorship) but I will put my response here in case you can’t see it. 1. Leviticus 15:20 - The law was given to Israel under the Old Covenant, but under the New Covenant this is no longer binding on Christians. Jesus fulfilled the law when he died and resurrected. 2. Numbers 31:17 - God has a fundamental right to judge (Psalm 9:8, 50:6), and in He mercifully granted much time for people to repent (Genesis 15:16). 3. 1 Corinthians 11: 3-10 God has established principles of order and authority. Have you ever been in a position of leadership? Has that made you better or worse than your subordinates? being under authority does not equal inferiority. 4. 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35 Paul already assumed womens rights to pray or prophecy publicly in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. He is saying women do not have the right to judge prophecy, something that was assigned to the male leadership of the church. SPECIFICALLY because in the Corinthian church, women were commonly disrupting the meetings with chatter and questions. 5. Deuteronomy 21: 11-14 See #1. 6. Genesis 3:16 This is a consequence to an action. If you keep reading you’ll see consequences were given to more than just the woman. “It is difficult for women in Christian lands to realize the miseries of their hundreds of millions of sisters in pagan lands, where the lot of women is little above that of cattle. Where the gospel has gone, the load has been lifted, and woman in Christ has become the reflection of the redeemed Church, the bride of Christ.” (Barnhouse) Context is vital, my friend. It is a blessing to be put in a position of humility. Jesus Christ (God Himself) came humbly. Humility is a blessing, because it displays Gods sovereignty and allows us to better understand His nature and character. Please don’t take Bible verses at face value, but seek and search while you allow him to seek and search you. Be blessed, and I am praying for your beautiful family. - from a woman who loves her husband. And is loved by him and God!
@vayneglory655 4 ай бұрын
The devil did his best to justify all of his terrible behavior as well. We can agree to disagree, but I think it's sad to waste the goodwill of mankind on this fantasy. There is no after life, no great justice waiting to punish evil doers and reward do gooders. This is it. This is all we've got. We've got this one shot to be good to each other. The church has and will continue to do irreparable harm. Especially to women.
@jeremyhodgkins7005 4 ай бұрын
@@vayneglory655 but how do you know? Have you died?
@vayneglory655 4 ай бұрын
@jeremyhodgkins7005 I don't have to prove a negative, but if you're going to claim something exists, a positive, the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. The Bible isn't proof, it's a book written by men, ancient men at that, and no amount of anecdotal account or pseudoscience has offered anything tangible. So I know, as any thinking person would, because no proof of an afterlife exists. If there was tangible proof there wouldn't be so many religions vying to control your life.
@vayneglory655 4 ай бұрын
I just can't understand how any woman can be a Christian. As a man who actually loves his wife; the Bible and it's followers are abhorrent. Leviticus 15:20 Numbers 31:17 1 Corinthians 11:3-10 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 Deuteronamy 21:11-14 Genesis 3:16 I could go on all night. You will always be subservient under christianity. Hell, most religions. Please respect and love yourself. You're better than what these brainwashing men can offer.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
1. Leviticus 15:20 - The law was given to Israel under the Old Covenant, but under the New Covenant this is no longer binding on Christians. Jesus fulfilled the law when he died and resurrected. 2. Numbers 31:17 - God has a fundamental right to judge (Psalm 9:8, 50:6), and in He mercifully granted much time for people to repent (Genesis 15:16). 3. 1 Corinthians 11: 3-10 God has established principles of order and authority. Have you ever been in a position of leadership? Has that made you better or worse than your subordinates? being under authority does not equal inferiority. 4. 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35 Paul already assumed womens rights to pray or prophecy publicly in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. He is saying women do not have the right to judge prophecy, something that was assigned to the male leadership of the church. SPECIFICALLY because in the Corinthian church, women were commonly disrupting the meetings with chatter and questions. 5. Deuteronomy 21: 11-14 See #1. 6. Genesis 3:16 This is a consequence to an action. If you keep reading you’ll see consequences were given to more than just the woman. “It is difficult for women in Christian lands to realize the miseries of their hundreds of millions of sisters in pagan lands, where the lot of women is little above that of cattle. Where the gospel has gone, the load has been lifted, and woman in Christ has become the reflection of the redeemed Church, the bride of Christ.” (Barnhouse) Context is vital, my friend. It is a blessing to be put in a position of humility. Jesus Christ (God Himself) came humbly. Humility is a blessing, because it displays Gods sovereignty and allows us to better understand His nature and character. Please don’t take Bible verses at face value, but seek and search while you allow him to seek and search you. Be blessed, and I am praying for your beautiful family. - from a woman who loves her husband. And is loved by him and God!
@minplays1235 4 ай бұрын
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Howdy! 🤠
@MrLoveandKindness 4 ай бұрын
I mean, yeah we do a lot of "the answers" depending on the questions you want to ask. For example when Yahweh asks Job "where does the light live? And where dwelleth darkness?" To someone from the bronze age, who didnt know the earth was a planet in a solar system, that is indeed a mystery. But for us today we know what light is, what can cause it, how to create it, reflect it, manipulate it, and turn it into electricity with solar panels. The god of the bible didnt relay any of this information, we learned it through the scientific method and used it to improve our lives. Another example: "have you gone to the springs that fill the sea, have you seen the gates of deepest darkness" And the answer to that is yes. We have dived down in specialized submarines to the bottom of the marianas trench and we know that the ocean is not "filled by springs" at the bottom of it. The ocean rests upon the earths tectonic plates, which shift on top of the mantle in a process called continental drift. So you see? We do have answers. We asked questions, defied the priests and scriptures who told mankind to "know its place", and now you have cars and iphones and vaccines because of it. Yay science!🔭🔬🌱 I understand what you were going for, but this accusatory "gotcha" rhetoric that you're using did not work when the bible was written, and it does not work now. Regardless, i hope you have a lovely day and remember to never stop learning😊
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
I’m afraid you’ve missed the point. Anything we have now in the name of science, is only there because God willed it. Any discovery, manipulation or altering of something we have done is only possible because we have the things that already existed (that the Lord created). Have you considered some of the surrounding verses to the ones you mentioned? Job 38: 4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. 12 “Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? 13 Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth, to bring an end to the night’s wickedness? 1 “Can you direct the movement of the stars- binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion? 32 Can you direct the sequence of the seasons or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens? Thank you, and may God give you Grace and peace!
@MrLoveandKindness 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene What you have done is made an unfalsifiable, post hoc rationalization. Imagine straining to open a pickle jar, and when someone comes along and removes the lid, you say "yeah but I loosened it for you" rather than admitting that someone was stronger than you. You have no basis to prove that they couldn't have opened the pickle jar had you not tried first, just like you have no way to objectively demonstrate that the progress of science required your gods permission. I want to thank you for considering my comments. I like discussing these ideas😊
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@@MrLoveandKindness I get what you are saying, but your philosophical reasoning can go both ways. I can use the same example to disprove your point. You still haven’t addressed the limitations of man listed above. As a clarification, defining realizations in science isn’t the same as creating them. Defining gravity isn’t the same as creating it. We have only used the things that Earth already provided to us. We have not created the elements provided to us. What I am saying is, we cannot take credit for the building blocks of our advancements. So who can?
@MrLoveandKindness 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene We do not know the limitations of man, we only know the limitations of ourselves in this moment in history. But notice that we started with talking about the ability to answer questions, but now we're talking about the ability to create things. Placing God just beyond our current knowledge and ability is a god of the gaps fallacy. Just like a thousand years ago it was thought that only Zeus could create lightning, but now we have tesla coils. Even childrens toys that play with static electricity. I also understand what you're saying, but I think it's a misguided assertion.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@@MrLoveandKindness​​⁠”placing God just beyond our current knowledge and ability is a god of the gaps fallacy” correct me if I’m wrong, but the god of the gaps fallacy is the assumption that a phenomenon must have occurred as a result of divine intervention, either because it is otherwise unexplainable, or because the person doesn’t believe such thing to be the case. I am not denying science by any means. I think God is heavily in science. Do I think there will be things answered by science in the future? Absolutely! What I am saying is…the origin of it all, the consciousness we have to be able to understand and interpret things. The elements that created everything we know and exist in… I’m giving it a name just like you are. “science offers support for premises in philosophical arguments leading to theistic conclusions.” -William Lane Craig As much as I’d love to go back and forth with you forever, I know there is no magical thing either of us could say to instantaneously change eachother’s minds. Mr. Love and Kindness. This has been a very thought provoking conversation! I appreciate how you have represented your username in this conversation, and you have encouraged me to continue learning more about the things you mentioned. I hope that maybe I have done the same? I pray that God reveals His Grace to us more and more, and that we can continue in our hunger for knowledge and truth. Also, that you can glorify Love and Kindness wherever you go! God bless you ❤
@scout360pyroz 4 ай бұрын
Good cannot exist and be understood without evil to contrast it. Dont even need to be religious to figure that out. Furthermore the old jewish creation myth believed that humans started out innocent and devoid of good and evil, and via the fruit they ate from the tree of good and evil gained knowledge and the capacity for both, and were cast out of paradise for it. Its probably in part metaphorical. To be innocent and incapable of evil via ignorance is not good. One can only be good if one also has the capacity to do evil. This is a theme you will see repeated several times throughout abrahamic stuff.
@Jazzmama97 4 ай бұрын
We're friends now. Just a FYI. Love Love Love the highlighting!!!!
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
❤yay!!! Hi friend. Thank you. It helps me focus 😅
@freightshayker 4 ай бұрын
God is not a trinity. Start at the beginning. Full submersion. Man of God who says exactly: I baptize you in the title-name-title of Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sin
@TheMilkyWayGalaxy--he-they-it 4 ай бұрын
I love how put-together and well-researched your argument is, but I don’t really like the argument itself. Totally cool if you’re not looking for discourse, here, but if you’re willing to hear me out I’d also be willing to hear your feedback and have an open conversation. As someone who identifies as agnostic, non-religious, I don’t really think about religion except when I’m forced to. I live in America, which means as a queer person and as someone assigned female at birth my rights are constantly under threat due to (self-proclaimed) christian values. Obviously not all christians agree with these things, and in fact, the most religious person I know, my grandma, believes these lawmakers aren’t real christians at all because Jesus believes in loving your neighbor, your community, as they are, and not forcing your lifestyle onto them. And that’s the thing, I don’t think it’s okay to force a religion onto ANYONE. I think the people who make fun of religions, especially christianity, because of their own negative experiences or because of crooked politicians are being shallow and spiteful. I think anyone who tries to pick apart your faith and tell you not to believe “because science” or because “look at this hypocrisy!” or because “well actually the bible is problematic” is seriously encroaching on your civil liberties. But I don’t think the proper defense is that your religion IS objectively true, or correct, or that they, in fact, are wrong. I think everyone should be allowed to believe what they believe!! And I think the main problem with the “but the bible doesn’t make sense” argument is that it’s immature, and, as you stated in your video, doesn’t seem to come from a place of even having actually read the bible honestly. Basically, in summary, I don’t think it’s very kind to try to get other people to believe in your religion. Religion is a very personal thing and just because your religion is amazing for you doesn’t mean other lifestyles aren’t amazing for other people. I think it’s horrible that people make fun of christians, but I don’t think it’s very nice, either, to clap back with an argument that implies that not being christian in and of itself is the shallow thing. One of the quotes you read asked non-believers if they had all the answers, and I don’t think I do, but I’m very comfortable living with that. In fact, it’s a value I hold very close to my chest, doing my best to not seek comforting narratives for the sake of it. Because I know religious people, though, I know that religion is so much more than a comforting narrative to you, though, and it’s just not, to me. And I don’t think I’m WRONG for that, and I think a lot of non-christians can agree that it feels condescending to ask us if we’ve ever considered that what we believe is wrong, especially in America, because people have been trying to get me to be christian and align with whatever their personal definition of christian values is all my life. I’m very solid in what I believe, and I’ve had to be, making my way in a society that keeps asking me to change. Most non-christians feel the same, and we honestly hate the “ew religion stupid, christianity stupid” crowd. Their arguments aren’t indicative of non-christians not having really considered christianity before, they’re just middle school-level insults. It can. hurt, when you attack someone’s faith or belittle them instead of attacking the arguments themselves, and it can often feel impossible to talk to someone if they see christianity as synonymous with good. Thank you for listening to me :)
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for opening up to me! Your Grandma knows what’s up. There are plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing. God is the judge and Jesus is our savior. But a lot of times we try to represent one without the other. Please hear my heart when I say I am in no way trying to be condescending or forceful when I share the good news. True followers of Christ are encouraged to share and can’t help but proclaim the reason for their spiritual metamorphosis. I wept before God, completely empty when I realized the things I held onto were worthless when it compared to His Grace. When I finally got to the other side of dying to myself, I could see everything clearly again. And I want God to restore that vision for everyone. The truth has hardened my heart and softened it; offended me and freed me at the same time. & it was never a person that did that, it was the Holy Spirit. Although I don’t know you, I believe that God has and is writing a beautiful testimony through your life. I prayed for you and love you dearly only because I was first loved. I pray that you come as you are to Him, wherever you are in your relationship with God…and that Grace abounds in your soul. ❤️🙏!
@TheMilkyWayGalaxy--he-they-it 4 ай бұрын
@@JoyfullyJaelene Okay, so, this is exactly what I’m talking about, my friend. I have already made the choice not to be christian, and even if you say it in a non-aggressive way with kind words and a heart emoji, it IS condescending to tell me that I’ll eventually come around to your religion, and that I don’t know myself enough to know what I want to believe in. I’m an adult, just like you, and I would NEVER tell you that I wish you well on your journey to rejecting the idea of god. It’s not respectful discourse to tell someone to change religions, or imply that they WILL change religions, because it assumes your religion is objectively true, and religion specifically exists in the space of things that facts and objectivity don’t do justice. I’m really glad you had such a good experience with finding your faith, but it doesn’t mean that everyone else’s lives are less full without it.
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@@TheMilkyWayGalaxy--he-they-it the tension we are experiencing in this conversation is based on the Bible declaring absolute truth and morality. If it were true that there is no absolute truth and morality, horrible things would have to be considered good. And since there is absolute truth and morality (Jesus), I can live peacefully and respectfully amongst people that reject truth, But I will still stand for my side. And I actually would prefer you to pick and represent yours too. So if you are peacefully encouraging me to consider what you believe, i respect that all the more. There is a reason we desire to all coexist and it never happens. Good and evil exist. You are right when you say you are rejecting God because you choose to, it is written in Romans 1..Let me clarify. I (jaelene, little human) am not trying to condescend you. Rather, there is a Being beyond our comprehension that DOES condescend us both. That’s what I mean when I say it is the Holy Spirit that exposes and offends us..not people. We humans are made in Gods image, and have the laws of morality written on our hearts and inscribed through our consciousness. So the story God has been telling this whole time, is that we are not God, but a reflection/artwork of God. I’m sure you have heard the gospel, but Jesus Christ actually resurrected from the d3ad, and that’s a big deal! & if you decide you want to get to know what that means for you, Milky Way galaxy friend, I will be rejoicing along with all of heaven. But even if not, I will still rejoice in the sovereignty of the Lord, who knows every human heart. And I will still pray for you, talk with you, and serve you if I had the chance.
@vayneglory655 4 ай бұрын
1 Timothy 2: 11-12
@JoyfullyJaelene 4 ай бұрын
@MikeWinger check him out!!!
@IdahoFallsSnowParkLLC 4 ай бұрын
I mean ggs you won bless